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Everything posted by Cecil

  1. I think this is an easy question to answer actually, but I will reasons why to dump and whitch one to choose. Kelly: She's a slut and your ex? Those are qualitiy's I don't exactly like, and she's only going to be their for a week, but if you want to choose her you still have till spring break, no? Megan: Don't know her that well, than get to know her! Other girl: look above. Erin: Honestly if I was you I would pick l. It seems like you like her ^-----------------------------------------------lbetter than the rest. And if you already are good friends with her than this is your best choice. Geese, I wish I had this many girls crawling all over me... *sneaks up behind Cam, knocks him out and takes suit* that's better, lol. just j/k Cam.
  2. I made this quick sketch of link in class today. I think it's pretty good considering it's the only drawing I've ever done with out it sitting in front of my face. I'm going to look though the inctruction booklet, and some mags. and play the game to see what they looked like so I can make it better.
  3. Nice reviews, both of you, but you make me want to get it now! I'm going to start :bawl: like a baby, if I can't get my hands on a cube the day it comes out. I don't know if I should be glad or very mad, but I'm going on a week long cruise of the Canary Islands starting the 20th. :nervous: :worried: :bawl: I hope this trip is going to be as good as it supposed to be.
  4. Hey, don't worry Ginny it's alright. I'm glad for your opinions, and that's great art. I don't mind at all.
  5. Lol, I can pretty much control, the ton of my voice and my facial expression, so that dosn't happen. Hey, Shyguy, maybe you should hide behind you mask, a little longer.
  6. Lol, that would have been a good idea, I might do that later, but I've never drawn Link before, but I finished it, I drew something that I thought matched my personality.
  7. DK, you are a poetic person also. Yeah, I kinda noticed that girls perfer a guy that listens. I usually ignore what they say when they talk and move on, unless they have something important to say. Or if I like there voice... Come to think of it, I'm not really that shy, only around girls. I can get up in front of the class and explain stuff, and I can talk to just about everyone, I just don't talk about my feelings. BTW I don't remember if the original topic was also how you handle relations, but since I'm not sure and GA said it, I will say that I handle relationships pretty well. My opinion sucks since I never been in a relationship :blackeye:;...
  8. Well, thanks for all your help, but like I said these are final copies and their done so I can't fix it. But I will remember what you guys said and try to do it rihgt o my next drawing. Hmm... I think I'll draw Link.
  9. Cecil


    LOL, yes there is a fish boss, you have to fight him in your robot suit thing, he teleports around and he shots balls at you which you hit so you can get coins.
  10. Cecil


    It's been a long time since I've played that one, are you talking about the fish boss? I actually thought that that game was easy, I can beat it in a week end.
  11. Well, the last place I went I think was on a tour to Edinburgh, (capital of Scotland), but during Thanksgiving I'm going on a week long boat cruise to the Canary Islands! Yah :)!
  12. Cecil


    There are few mystical ninja games. You have to be more specific and give me the exact name so I can help you.
  13. I got AIM, but I can never talk to anybody. :bawl: It's so sad no one ever talks to me! j/k. Well, except for the part no one ever talks to me. Anyways my screenname is RN Cecil13. BTW How do you edit your buddy list?
  14. I'm still here but nintendo is as slow as ever, maybe I will make a report on what happens on Nov. 18 (GCN reaslease).
  15. Dew, you confused me, I just said that I was shy. Could you explain better.
  16. I think that actions speak louder than words... *mental note: Learn to play the guitar*. lol :)
  17. :) I just resistered recently, so recently it's saving to my computer at the moment of this post. Anyways, my screen name is *drumroll* RN Cecil13.
  18. I guess I'm half shy. It's weird, I'm not shy around strangers (I'm talking about like new kids at school), and I talk a lot around my friends, all guys, but I don't tell them how I feel. The real problem is around girls. He... I don't know why, I can talk to them, like saying hi and I sould perfectly normal. The hard part is when, people (espically girls) start talking about their feelings. I imiditaly shut up. Which makes me sound like a good listener lol. The only reason is because I don't like talking about my feelings, also I don't talk to much by nature. Yeah, I like someone else (forgot who) think that shy girls are cute. I happen to like shy people, I can talk to them, and not be shy around them. Don't know why.
  19. My lines are sloppy? :bawl: j/k. Well, I don't draw too many guys with swords, this is only my second drawing with a sword. I think they are hard to draw, ecipically thin ones.
  20. Few... I thought I might get flamed or something, you right though, I even looked it up and like I said before, in the dictinary it says fiance, sweetheart. Firist meaning is most used, or just the correct meaning. Hmm.. If I remember right though isn't the national laugauage of Spain Castilin, or something like that? Now back to the topic,.... I got a GB, GBC... wait I already said that.
  21. Hmm... unattractive. Well, I would say If she smokes, is a bi... I won't say it hehe :). Has WAY to much make up on, or smelly perfume. I actually don't like rings anywhere else other than the ears. Other than that there isn't much. The only reason I don't like any girls (for other than looks) is because they don't have the qualitys that I like. I actually don't mind tomboys. I'm just not attracted to them, but I have some good (girl) friends that are not much like girls. It's really funny seeing them talking to more "girly" girls. It kinda looks like this. "girly" girl: *points* Wow, isn't he so cute?! Tomboy:.....*stares* "girly" girl: Ih, you're no fun. Me: Come on, can't you tell she's not interisted in things like that!
  22. I did a drawing of Chrono, from Chrono Trigger (of course). I think it is very good, but I can still do better. I would like to know your opinions about it and tell me where I can do better.
  23. Thanks guys, but I'm looking for critiquing (sp?). Tell me where I could do better, even though this is my final copy. I'm going to include a drawing of Chrono, but I'm going to post it in the nintendo forum too.
  24. I drew a picture of Cloud!His sword isn't straight with his hands and the handles, other than that I think it's ok.
  25. Hmm... I remeber I Wario/ Bomberman game for the GB, the point of the game was to destroy three Warios (or bombermans it depended on who you where) and they could also bomb you You had three lives and if they hit you once you had to fight all three of them all over again.. After like 5 levels you had to fight a boss. Also Kuja, novia/novio is a duel meaning spanish word, it is also boyfriend/girlfriend. Trust me, I'm half mexican and I even looked it up on a Spanish/English dictonairy, and the meaning of novia was fiance, sweetheart. But if you wish to persue this agument later than give me a PM and you can speak to a real Mexican (my mom) :). I hope that didn't sound affending. It wasn't meant to be.
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