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Aya Li

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Everything posted by Aya Li

  1. best video game music would have to be FF VII and X both have the most enjoyable music to listen to while fighting a boss. I would have to say cowboy bebop and Weiss Kreuz for anime music. :D But knowing me by this time next week I'll think some other anime's music is the best.:blush: Ja!
  2. hmmmm...I'd have to say I'm most like Kamiya Kaoru from Rurouni Kenshin because I can be a realy nice girl at times then run off and try to tackle one of my guy friends and I care deeply for all my friends even tho I might not show it. I'm also fasinated by swordsmanship.:D And well I guess I'm also kinda like Naruto for the fact that I can be kinda tricky somtimes and just plain anoying. ^.^ Ja! :drunk:
  3. Last summer I got five of my anime lovin friends hooked on Ayashi no Ceres.:D Now they depend on me to buy the rest of the dvds:eek: But befor they all saw it I watched the first dvd with four of my guy friends and they liked it.:eek: Anyway I guss I don't really have difficulty getting my friends and others to like anime.:D But every time I watch anime when my grandpa is visiting he says "what is this crap?" Ja! Watch more anime. Its good for you!
  4. My mom used to hate it when I watched anime.:bawl: When cartoon network started playing Inu Yasha my mom satdown and watched and ep. with me. She loved it and then started liking anime in general. About two weeks ago we went and saw Cowboy Bebop the movie. Now she wants to get the CB boxset.(Lucky me!):D So there is some hope. ja!
  5. :blush: Gotta love Hiei! AHHH! *gets atacked by Hiei* Hiei: :mad:Don't you ever forget about me again stupid ningin!!! I'm sorry Hiei!:bawl: oooo I like Bit (Zoids Zero) too! and Ashitaka!!! and, and, much more lol :blush:
  6. :eek: GASP!!! I forgot Hiei!!!! lol:blush: I cant see anyone not luving him:blush: :therock: :sleep:
  7. lets see, um I luv Tooya (Ceres) Van (Escaflowne) Touya(CCS) Yue(CCS) Yuuhi(Ceres) Aki(Ceres) ok almost every guy from Ceres lol:blush: and Spike!!!! Are Vicious & the 17th agel trying to kill you to?:blush: :bawl:
  8. :D guess what peeps! I got my English teacher into anime! She loves it! I got her the first VHS of orphen for her b-day. she loved it just as much as I did! sweetniss :blush:
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i] [B]:D Well it seems its time for me to give everyone some posstive Reinforcement, don't worry about what other people think and certainly anime fans are not freaks!;) Some of the "coolest" people I know are into anime! So just ignore those close minded people who call you freak when you watch anime! Their just being ignorant!;) [/B][/QUOTE] hey your right Rick! I'll keep that in mind! THANX!!!! *starts singing to the GW opening*
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B] How can ya not? They're just so darn cute! And it's not like just falling in love with a picture or anything. I mean, anime guys have personalities, in the anime, yes, but they're still personalities. And in anime, even the ugliest guys always manage to stay beautiful, thanks to the lovely pens and pencils of the manga artists.....^^ (or anime character designers...^^;; ):toothy: [/B][/QUOTE] True so true :bawl: I just luuuuuuuvvvvvvvvvvvvv Tooya!!! HES TO KAWAII!!!!!!!! ::ahem:: thank you for your time
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Basketcase [/i] [B]I wish that people would keep more of an open mind about anime shows and people that watch them, and not immediately put us in the 'freak' category. [/B][/QUOTE] I feel the same way about that:eek:
  12. :( a few weeks ago I got some odd looks from a few other girls in my 1st period class because I was playing with some of my digimon toys when class was almost over and on asked " you like that show?" so I replied "what? Digimon? yeah. so?" I brought my digivice to school the week befor last and walked up to a comp in my english class and yelled "DIGIPORT OPEN!!" It was at lunch, but I was still funny and one of my friends sead " your a digifreak" and so I answered "yeah, so whats your point?!"
  13. I've got the action chanel! I loved Gunsmith cats! on tuseday I saw the last half hour of Tokyo Babalyon (spelling?) and yesterday I watched a half hour of Macross 2 lovers again:blush:
  14. :therock: personaly. I hate cardcaptors. I prefer CardCaptor Sakura [origenal ***. verion] i have the first 3 subtitled dvds. :blush: so please dont hurt me:blackeye:
  15. :laugh: HAHAHA! I'm lucky(spelling?) everything on cartoonetwork comes on 3 hours early for me! I've got east cost sattlite(spelling?????) i live in da pacific north west! or 2 hours away from Seattle:blush: :therock:
  16. :therock: hey hey! i bet this is totaly of the subject but...the game I'm playing most this month is The Legend Of Zelda! the first one for the NES!!! woooooooot! as I said on friday when I started playing it..."hours if mindless fun" and thats the truth. I started playing around 10:00PM and stoped playing around 1:30AM :bawl: so please dont get mad at me for shareing this bit hof happyniss with you guys!!!:bawl: [color=indigo][size=1]Yes, this is off-topic. [i]Please[/i] don't post off-topic messages, [i]when you know[/i] that they're off-topic... I'm pretty sure that there's an older thread that that post would fit into... But if you do this again, I [i]will[/i] delete it. I know the feeling, though, of having hours and hours of fun with The Legend of Zelda. It's kind of like a drug, almost, even moreso than the others, for some reason. :hippy: - Desbreko[/size][/color]
  17. :blush: I totaly agree with you amiboshi. I love the CB music. I need to go buy the CD. :D :laugh: :blush: :drunk: :mrt:
  18. in the wise words of Sephiroth from earlyer, "I hate her, I hate her....with a vengeance!" nuff said. GO SEPHIROTH! ::ahem:: :mrt: Mr. T sayz "yo! dat lady will die yo!" ::ahem:: anyway. I dont meen to be mean :bawl:
  19. you do know that melin (spelling?) and "Li" are related right? Syaoran Li, Melin Li anyway. im not shure if there gonna show the 2nd "Cardcaptors" series in america. sorry if I seem a bit rude right now. I dont like the american verion of CardCaptor Sakura. I'm stickin to my subtitled DVDs:blush:
  20. dont you "ja ne" to me Mr. dude!! cuz im still here! lol I always sing to cowboy bebop! :blush: :laugh:
  21. I know how ya feel! your not ALONE!!!! ::AHEM:: I found myself singing along to the yu yu hakasho (spelling?) opening and ending thems :babble: and the gundam 0083 opening lol. welp hope to talk to you guys agan:bawl: Jane!:sleep:
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