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Everything posted by Rancid

  1. I had to write a story about the Halifax explosion, I'm not sure if this goes here but here it is....beware, it's 2 and a half pages. Here it is: 021026 Explosion at Halifax I was a 13 year old kid loving in Halifax for as long as I can remember, my parents were raised here and so were their parents. I could make my way around the town blind-folded. I had never really gotten out of town much and loved to play outside. I still remember the day when the war came to Halifax. It was a crisp, bright, and sunny morning and I had just woken up.It was 7:00 a.m. As I peered through my window without a care in the world my mother called me "Joe", she yelled "Are you dressed yet?", I replied no and started getting dressed. I knew this was a great day to play baseball with my friends. As I finished getting dressed my mother asked me if I wanted my breakfast, I replied "No", and whisked out the door as swift as the wind. As I was walking down the street to get my friend Julian, I could see two boats on opposite sides coming in to the harbour. One ship looked much swifter and larger than the other. I could not see the names from where I was standing. They seemed harmfully far from each other and kept on walking. I arrived at Julian's house and walked up the stairs to knock on his door. His mother answered and told me he would be out in a minute. He walked out wearing his lucky hat, and we started walking to our friend's houses to ask them if they wanted to play baseball. We had no real baseball bats back then nor balls. We used broom sticks for bats, and what ever sphere shaped objects we could find. We gathered up our crew and started walking to the baseball diamond. I looked over at the harbour, but I could not see the two ships from where I was standing. Something in my gut was telling me something was going to go horribly wrong today. we set up the teams and eagerly started to play but I could not focus because my mind was still on the two ships, something still didn't feel right. The game finished in less then an hour and we won 5-3. I walked home and was staring at the two ships when I noticed they were heading right toward each other. I walked up my stairs and opened my door, I could hear my brother in the other room, he was in there with his girlfriend. I walked through the kitchen and saw a note on the table, it read: [i]Me and your father are gone on a walk with the Cambell's from next door, I left some breakfast for you on the kitchen table, don't go anywhere else until we get back. Eat your breakfast then take a shower. Love Always: Mother[/i] As I finished up my breakfast I remembered the two ships that were heading toward each other. It was 8:00 a.m. now. Right when I was walking to the window I heard a CRASH! It was the two boats, they had collided. The names of the boat were visable now. The larger ship was called the "Imu", and the other smaller ship was called "Mont Blanc. I saw a fire burning freely as people started gather to watch the fire burn. It looked like nothing more but a mere fire. I wasn't worried at all anymore. I wanted to go down to watch the fire too but my mother had told me not to go anywhere until they came back. 15 minutes past, and I was still watching the fire when suddenly i heard a awful ROAR! and I saw the two ships explode. The anchor exploded in to the sky and landed what had looked like to be 3 kilometres away. Suddenly I felt little glass pieces go in to my eye like a million little daggers. It cut up my face so badly it was bleeding profusely. The explosion was so bad it picked me up and through me against the kitchen wall which was a goode 6 metres away. It was so loud it had felt like it blew my eardrums out of my ears. I couldn't hear anything, and I was so shocked I couldn't think of anything. I was laying there when finally I remember my brother and his girlfriend were in the next room. I crawled through the hallway and in to my brothers room. I felt around to see where my brother and his girlfriend were because I couldn't see, when suddenly I felt a thick liquid dripping from my hands. I wasn't sure if it was my brother or his girlfriend. I felt someone tugging on my arm, I knew it was my brothers girlfriend because of the skinnyness of the arm. I was trying to tell her that we need to get outside to see if there are any survivors but she couldn't hear me. I wrote it down on a piece of paper to the best of my ability's. She understood that and grabbed my arm and took my down the stairs by my arm. My hearing was slightly coming back, but my eyes were still bleeding from the glass pieces. I asked my brother's girlfriend if she could see if anyone was alive, she replied no. She said she couldn't see with all the smog from the explosion. I told her we have to get to the hospital which was only a few blocks from where we were. She agreed and took me by hand and we started walking down the street. I tripped over something and something in my gut told me it was a dead corpse. My brother's girlfriend told me it was and I quickly got up and brushed my self off. We started walking again, and she told me we were there. She explained to me that the building was completely destroyed and that it looked like the people inside were dead as well. I dropped from my feet from severe blood lose. When I had woken up it looked like I was in some sort of a hospital. My brother's girlfriend was by my side and told me my parents were killed in the explosion. She also told me that they didn't find their body's yet and there was the chance that they might have disinegrated from the blast of the the explosion. Tears of fear rolled down my cheek as I started to cry, knowing that I would never see my parents again. She hugged me to comfort me but it didn't work. I moved in with my dad's brother who lived in Newfoundland. The first few months seemed wierd because I hadn't really talked to them in about 3 years. After the 4th month it felt normal, but it could never feel like home. There was something about Halifax that just was different from any other place. Now I'm 58 years old and living in Ottawa, I have 3 kids and a wife. Every year on the day that they died, I visit Halifax and reminisce about my dead parents and everyone who died in the Halifax explosion. The End If you managed to read all of that, you get a prize. Tell me wahat you think.
  2. [COLOR=royalblue]Hey all, just finished watching another Osbourne episode and I got the idea for this thread. [/COLOR] [B]In this thread you can:[/B] [B]1.[/B] [COLOR=royalblue]Talk about the show.[/COLOR] [B]2.[/B] [color=royalblue]Discuss the characters[/color] [b]3.[/b] [COLOR=royalblue]What you think about the show.[/COLOR] [B]4.[/B] [COLOR=royalblue]And anything thing else about The Osbournes.[/COLOR]
  3. [color=blue][size=1][FONT=courier new]I'm James *ponders*......I don't think that's right. Edit:Took it again and got Anna.[/FONT][/size][/color]
  4. [b]1. Exactly 2. D'oh 3. Stephen Hawking 4. Jay 5. Bouvier 6. The bottom of the Springfield reservoir 7. Bartholomew[/b]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]People aren't born with an awesome body. [/B][/QUOTE] [B]Are you sure about that?[/B]
  6. [COLOR=darkblue] It's not her fault she was born with an awesome body, if I looked like that i wouldn't be covering up with big baggy sweathshirts and pants. I wouldn't dress [i]that[/i] slutty though. I say if you got it, flaunt it. Mothers decide what their 10 year old kids wear, parents would never let their 10 year old kids dress like that. When they get to age 13+ they see what how slutty the clothes they actually are. Unless of course they're the really sluty type of girl, that's an exception. [/COLOR]
  7. [size=1][COLOR=royalblue]For some reason I always get The Vines, The Hives, The White Stripes, and The Clash all mixed up, they are pretty good garage rock bands. Some people say all of them have great musical talents but their singers ruin it, I personally don't think that. I think all of their singers a quite good actually.[/COLOR][/size]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Wing Gundam [/i] [B]Put a little more thought in your posts please. And Deus Ex....a tear trickled down my face while reading your post. [B]The point of the matter is Christina Aguilera is not [i]telling[/i] little girls to dress like that. She is not their mother, so in no way is she responsible for getting girls to dress like that, unless of course the little girls have no guidance in their life. Now on to "SLUTTTTTTTTTTTY WHORE" issue. TN you should know better than to 2 word post.:lecture: In no way am I sticking up for her but give her some credit. She's getting paid $100,000,000.00 for singing, if she sounded like a dirty crack whore who smoked 6 packs of cigarettes a day she wouldn't be getting paid that much. She must be good at what she does, which is sing,dance, and intice men. Christina Aguilera- "I don't date white guys" ^You decide...[/B] [/B][/QUOTE]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by User Name [/i] [B]. . . You're good . . . [/B][/QUOTE] Put a little more thought in your posts please. And Deus Ex....a tear trickled down my face while reading your post. [B]The point of the matter is Christina Aguilera is not telling little girls to dress like that. She is not their mother, so in no way is she responsible for getting girls to dress like that, unless of course the little girls have no guidance in their life. Now on to "SLUTTTTTTTTTTTY WHORE" issue. TN you should know better than to 2 word post.:lecture: In no way am I sticking up for her but give her some credit. She's getting paid $100,000,000.00 for singing, if she sounded like a dirty crack whore who smoked 6 packs of cigarettes a day she wouldn't be getting paid that much. She must be good at what she does, which is sing,dance, and intice men. Christina Aguilera- "I don't date white guys" ^You decide...[/B]
  10. [size=1][COLOR=royalblue]Damn sorry to hear that. You're never too old for Hollowe'en. I still go around collecting candy, and the night before i go *ahem*(insert vandalism here)*ahem*. If I lived in DC I wouild hunt that skank down and beat his knee caps in with a baseball bat....but that's just me.[/COLOR] [/size]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dark_Apocalyps [/i] [B]They both are dumb. ok? [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=royalblue]Your 5 word post is really informative. I was just watching this video on Muchmusic and they have a warning at the beginning advising that "this video has scenes of sex realted matter" or something like that. What do you think of that?[/COLOR]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vegeta rocker [/i] [B]I am curious also, what genre is he? [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue]He's like Wierd Al except that Wesley Willis is retarded, all he sings about is sucking animal *ahem*parts. Really his songs are so stupid it made me want to gag after hearing the first few seconds of "Suck a Cheetah's *ahem*".[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkblue]Alright I'm sure by now you all have seen Christina's new video, I just wanted to know what you all thought about it. Frankly I thought she just wants to out-do Britney. I'm not one for any pop but damn she looks hot, slutty....yet hot. Tell me what you think.[/COLOR]
  14. Rancid

    punk bands

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Devon [/i] [B]wing, why do you have to be soooo cocky? its just like your a sliver in my pinkey toe. and what youve been posting is off the subject. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkblue]I think you've mistaken cockyness with self-confidence...get those two right before you try to insult me again please. Back to the topic, punk is a big part of my life...[/COLOR]
  15. Rancid

    punk bands

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OlgaTheDwarf [/i] [B]Wing Gundam, that was probably the most ignorant remark I've ever heard regarding music. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkblue]Glad to hear it...[/COLOR]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GoldScorpion78 [/i] [B]I've attempted suicide no less than 100 times. 120 to be more exact. And I've smoked and drank, and yes i know im only 13. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkblue]This is what's wrong with our youth today. All they want is attention. It's not "cool" to take your own life, sort through it don't just give up, if everyone killed themselves after having a few rough periods in their lives we would have a extreme population drop.....sorry for getting so off topic.[/COLOR]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]I like it when it rains. It's an excuse to go to my girlfriends house and stay inside with her all day. ;)[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkblue]Mine is quite the opposite. It gives my *ahem* girl that is a friend to come to my house and chill with me. Ahhh, that is why rain is my friend.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=blue]So that's who was screaming underneath my armpit, I thought it was just air escaping from my fat rolls... I'm sorry I couldn't resist....I guess that shows you that we need to get fit, instead of being overwieght couch-potato slobs.[/COLOR]
  19. Rancid

    punk bands

    :sick: [COLOR=blue]Christian rock.[/COLOR] [B]'Nuff said.[/B]
  20. [B]1.)[/B] [COLOR=blue]I have a strange attraction to stripe socks.[/COLOR] [B]2.)[/B] [COLOR=blue]I eat too much Kraft Dinner.[/COLOR] [B]3.)[/B] [COLOR=blue]Girls intimidate me.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]But now that I told you, they're not really secrets are they?[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=blue]I know English. I've been doing French for 4 years but I still can't even say "May I go to the washroom?".[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=blue]I haven't seen it but all the teacher in my school were talking about it. They said it was really good, I still have to check it out. No money=no movies.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=blue]Last year I got 79% average. Which was ok since I hardly did any work. The year before that we had a substitute for half the year because our real teacher got pregnent, I got 87% or something like that. This year we haven't gotten our report cards yet so I can't tell you if I'm doing good or not.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=blue]"I knew I was an unwanted child when my parent stold me strangers have the best candy" "There is no I in team but there is a Me" "So what if you crash?" "Oi"- My way of saying hello. "I don't need a music scene to tell me who I am" I guess that's all, 2 of them aren't mine but I like saying them.[/COLOR]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Panny Chan ;) [/i] [B]Aw, you and Gojay are the only people that appreciate me!!! :bluesweat That makes me worried... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue]Awwww, don't worry you get triple respect from me.[/COLOR] :D
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