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Everything posted by Rancid

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]A lot of bands consist of people that dropped out of school. Still... [i]mutant[/i]? How can someone write songs when then don't even know basic words like that? I'm not sure if she even writes her own stuff, but whatever.[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=crimson]She [i]dosn't[/i] write her own music I already stated that.[/COLOR] :p
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B] Anyways, I really, [i]really[/i] want to finish this and Shiva. So wish me the best of luck! :bluesweat [/B][/QUOTE] [color=red]Good luck and I'm looking forward to see the finished product(s).[/color]
  3. Rancid


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char! [/i] [B][b][color=teal][size=1]Regardless, enough people must like him/his music, if he's where he is now. Point made. --Mike[/b][/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=crimson]No he's not here because people like him so much he's here because of Dr.Dre, I mean he carried him on his shoulders to the top. Though I shouldn't even be discussing this since i hate rap with a passion but oh well. And you never see black guys in a car blasting eminem it's always prep's. God I hate those damn prep's. Point made.[/COLOR]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]Yeah.. this topic should really be in music. ::tries to move it there:: Dang.. I was hoping for a quick glitch, lol. As for my actual response to Avril Lavigne.. I don't think it would be all that appropriate. Especially since I'm a mod and have to set a good example ;) lol. I don't knowwhat to say except that I hate her with a raging passion. I'm pretty sure she won't last too long. You can only get so far when you're an eleventh grade drop-out who didn't know what the word "mutate" meant (true story, I read it in an article, one of her "executives" said that). That's really sad considering I'm currently in eleventh, and I've known what "mutate" means since I was 5 years old watching the [i]Teenage [b]Mutant[/b] Ninja Turtles[/i], lol. But yeah, she makes me want to hang myself... which I could do real easily. It's funny cause people think she is so attractive... obviously they've never seen her without make-up. As for the whole "punk trend"... it seems to be kind of dying down. At least here it is anyway. It is about time. I sick of people who think 'punk' is a style.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=crimson]She seriously didn't know what mutant means? Damn that girl needs to be educated. Oh well we'll see if she made the right decision to drop out when this pop punk phase dies totally down.[/COLOR] [color=crimson] This is beginning to be a good discussio, keep posting people I want to hear more peoples opinions. [/color]
  5. [COLOR=crimson]Yeah they're gaining popularity and there beginning to become more mainstream, but with the huge record labels like Epitaph or Hellcat there the ones keeping the actual music alive.[/COLOR]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]I can't stand half of the Japanese music I've heard, but I don't go proclaiming it in every thread. What's the point? I know many different types of people into many different types of punk. Some think these is a certain mentality you have to be into it, most don't. I've liked metal all my life (it was replaced by punk a few years ago because I like that better), and yeah there are the stereotypical idiots that go along with it... but most of them are nothing like that. There is a HUGE difference between 95% of "punk" an average person knows (such as Avril if that's even what she is considered and to a lesser extent Blink and Offspring) and bands that are changing and defining the punk scene now that these same people know nothing about. Anyone that hates crap like Avril, and the dozen other Blink wannabes, and thinks all punk is like that is a moron. Punk isn't dead as a whole, but I sure wish this whole parade of trendy pop punk with no real basis or point would just frickin die already. Honestly, if you go by that mentality nearly all music is dead. Every genre has it's marketing puppets and sellouts. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=crimson]I know the actual music is not dead, there are some good punk bands left (Millencolin,Goldfinger,NOFX, etc.) but the punk scene itself is dead.[/COLOR]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b] [And Piro, you were right. Warped Tour rocked! :D ] [/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=crimson]Warped Tour sucked in Barry, There was like NFG,Green Day, Blink and all that other crap, Next year the line-up better have more bands, though some bands did kick *** there.[/COLOR]
  8. Rancid


    [COLOR=crimson]If I could say the things I wanted to say about Eminem I would be banned. So I'll just condence it and put put a PG-13 stamp on it. [/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]As far as I'm concered Eminem is a little baby that wants attention. Somebody needs to beat the crap out of him so he can realize that he's not such a big-shot just because he sings about kicking Moby's ***.[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]And about Stan, I could care less.[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]That is all for my two cents about the wigger Eminem, give it up your not black.[/COLOR]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Foredaddy [/i] [B]Pogs are out!? :devil: I just bought a new smasher!:flaming: son of a... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=crimson]Please stick to the subject.[/COLOR]
  10. [color=crimosn]The Elite DBZ, I wasn't talking about those pop-punk bands like Blink 182 or Box Car Racer, actually punk bands like Black Flag or The distillers, though I can understand where wrist cutter is coming from, punk wasn't always a fad like when the Ramones were around.It's just now people try to hard to look "badass".Even though like I said before Punk is Dead.[/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Katana [/i] [B][color=blue]Yes, it would be good. It's on about a 6th grade reading level, but it'll hold your interest. And it's not too long. Only 200 some-odd pages, but the type is fairly big. I'd recommend it if you're doing something of the book report degree.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=crimson]Thanks Lady Katana I'll go pick it up and see if my teacher thinks it's big enough.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=crimson]"Punk rock queen"- J14 (Teen Magazine)[/COLOR] [color=crimson] Avril Lavigne is just a packaged product and a leader in the pop-punk movement. It's just a fad like pogs were. pretty soon it's going to die out and I say the sooner the better. [/color] [color=crimson]Punk is dead. Get over it. And like I said before it's becoming just a trend or a fad now, I've been listening to punk since i wasn't big enough to reach the kitchen counter, and now all I'm seeing is packaged products on tv and those pop stars that don't even write their own music or play there own instuments. [/color] [color=crimson] Which brings me to another point, Avril Lavigne gets paid to strum her guitar 3 times during her music videos and sing songs that some guy she met on the street wrote. It's all getting very annoying. I don't know what this world is coming to.[/color] [color=crimson] Also she carries around a 300$ skateboard that she dosn't even ride. Come on Avril give it up.[/color] [color=crimson] Give me you're opinion and I'm hoping Piromunkie sees this thread, I want to see his response.[/color]
  13. Rancid

    Kingdom Hearts

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *-- RagnaroK--* [/i] [B]Wont it be cool if the actual fianl fantasy sephiroth were in it. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=crimson]He is in it. [/COLOR] ;)
  14. [COLOR=crimson]I've been waiting for this thread to let go of my anger about Gran Turismo 3. You bounce off cars, I mean come on. They say it's a realistic game but you can bounce off cars and walls and still go 100 miles per hour. Also I would like to put Body Kits on cars. Oh well, if GT4 comes out and they haven't changed the damage thing I will piss on my GT3.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=crimson]I really could care less about Dragon Ball games, It's all so boring, anyways theres many better games for PSX.[/COLOR]
  16. [SIZE=1]I need a book for my novel study, would this book be good for a grade 8 student? I hope it's not too big.[/SIZE]
  17. [COLOR=crimson]I would buy the game, I have 8,9,10....so I guess 11 would be a must-have for me. I hope they do prevent a lot of cheating.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=crimson]It's a good banner but the dragon ball and gohan are a bit off colored, they seem pale.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=crimson]Its pretty good, I can't really say anything bad about it, but nothing really stands out. Its a ok wallpaper.[/COLOR]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Panny Chan ;) [/i] [B]:nervous: alright people, calm down...let's have a civilized, mature discussion.... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkblue]What Panny said, now all we need is wrist cutter to accept the apology and we'll be on our way.[/COLOR]
  21. [SIZE=1]It's pretty sad. Man what has the world come to when a father and son beat the crap out of a 1st base coach? [/SIZE]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by hot head [/i] [B]Wing Gundam...grow your freaking hair back out...dreads are so tite! try spiking them it looks cool...lol [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=crimson]Alright alright, that's what I wqas planning to do but I have never spiked it up when I had dreads.[/COLOR] :confused: [COLOR=crimson]I didn't even know you could that that.[/COLOR] :laugh:
  23. [URL=http://gamegen.com]www.gamegen.com[/URL] [SIZE=1]Go to characters and go to Akuma, they got a huge selection of pictures that you might want.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Like Seph said, it means big or great.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]And Sjoosh I have no clue whatsoever.[/SIZE]
  24. [COLOR=crimson]I used to have dreads but I cut them, I'm gonna get them again as soon as my hair grows a bit more. damn I loved those dreads. Stupid sister preasured me to cut so I did. Grrrrrrrrrr. [/COLOR]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]Say "Hi"... That's what usually allows you to meet different people.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkblue]Piro you don't know how right you are. Anywho Panny don't try to look too hard, or else you will miss the guys that are right in front of your nose.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]........*Stands in front of Panny Chan*[/COLOR]
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