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Everything posted by RunawayTerdWagon

  1. Hope I didn't miss the bus on this one, I'm a big fan of SMT. [b]Name:[/b] Daihiro Yoshida [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Arcana:[/b] Strength [b]Appearance:[/b] Daihiro is 5'10" and weighs in at roughly 180 lbs with his athletic build. His hair is a very dark brown and he wears it short and messy. His sideburns are grown out to slightly below his earlobe and he doesn't shave as often as he should, leaving him with a light stubble most of the time. His large black eyes sparkle with mischief and intelligence, only narrowing when he's deep in thought. Wears a short sleeved button down under his sport coat for full range of motion with his job. Has had the same cheap digital sport watch since 7th grade and wears it proudly, giving him a severe tan line on his wrist. [b]Personality:[/b] A borderline adrenaline junkie, Daihiro rides his motorcycle to work as many days out of the year he can, and had big plans to travel around the world until recently. He's an analytical thinker, but has a one track mind and is somewhat scatterbrained. He tends to devote his full attention to a task until it is completed. Lately has been spending any time he gets alone tinkering. Is friendly with others, but not very outgoing. Tends to avoid crowds as they make him nervous. [b]Bio:[/b] Daihiro is the oldest son of 3, born to a machinist and owner of a small antique store. His family members have always been loving and devoted to each other. He grew up locally, and went to Yokuboshi University. He currently works as a mechanical engineer at a car parts manufacturer in the city and has been successful enough to buy his own place. His father was a great family man, knowing exactly what to say and do to keep his family in good spirits and health. Since their father's death to cancer last year though, his younger brother of 22 has fallen in with the wrong crowd and his sister of 18 has been suffering from a dark depression. He tries his best to help support them financially, but his mother is too proud to accept money from him outright. This forces Daihiro to lend assistance in other ways, with home repair, buying groceries, and emotional support. He finds he is unable to be the lynchpin that holds the family together in the way his father was though, and considers this a great shortcoming on his own part.
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