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waiting for wings

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Everything posted by waiting for wings

  1. DS: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, i'm just trying to get the secret ending, then i'm going to move onto Crono Trigger
  2. I've got a question about the avatar sector in the kingdom hearts re:coded game. I'm not in an area with a lot of ds users, in fact i don't know ANYONE with a ds yet alone this game, but i want to be able to play, if only for the bonus boss. What do i do? Is there some way to play it without having to play against others? EDIT: I don't own any more than 1 DS and I don't own a Wii
  3. ? When i click on the link it says it was deleted. Did you detete it?
  4. RPG's mostly. I've played a few of the other genres but they just donĂ¢??t appeal to me as much.
  5. I'm really not sure why but on the O When i'm using the chat, after a litle while, it just cuts off It says "Disconnected" Is it meant to do that, is there a time limit or something? I haven't done anythign this wrong, so i'm not sure why it's doing that...
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