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sailor stardust

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Everything posted by sailor stardust

  1. let's see, I'm an excellent writer, I made the first cut for Power of the Pen! YES! And I paly the flute beautifully, and of course, my new found love of german dance~!!
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B][FONT=arial]it seems a lot of the toys made that were really stupid were made specifically for girls. one time the Barbie company thought it'd be a great idea to sell a barbie doll that was pregnant, and you could take the baby out through the stomach. of course, those aren't around anymore.....I hope....[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] ah,white trash barbie as we used to call it,LOL All little kid toys are stupid, but what tops them all has to be those retarded toys you get out of Happy Meals~!
  3. lol,we're playing the tango in band,I've done a tango before,it isn't that hard. *signs paper* just pray I don't get killed,funny, I just fell off my scooter and scraped both knees, my hand, my chin, and a small scrape right on my hip bone. OUCH!
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Fou Lu [/i] [B]when i first saw an AD about the gamecube i saw pictures of some of the games that were coming out for it , and one of them was a picture of a Meowth playing a Guitar. [/B][/QUOTE] I don't think you saw a Meowth, it was probably a preveiw for Animal Crossing. There's a thing in that game that looks like a meowth.
  5. The site is back up and running,just to let you know. I also haven't gotten a single person wanting to be on the site staff, so if anybody's interested, go there for details. Otakulover.tripod.com Stardust
  6. *sigh* well,since u have no other form of contact,I guess I can't talk to my old buddy lauren,although,me and u used 2 send messages alot
  7. yea,the animation is exactly like school house rock, I realy like robot jones though. Next to my powerpuff girls~!!
  8. oooooooo......sry,gesse,I'm getting left out of everything this week,lol psssssstttttt......ur pm box is full!I was trying 2 send u sumthing
  9. can I still join?U said 3 more,ok...... Real Name: (This is your 'Out of Elemental Name')Lauren (but for the sake,of not bein confused,I could go by "Ren" (duh ) Elemental Name: Stalayla (stah-lay-la) Elemental:Star Brief Dis.Of Regular:5'3,shoulder length light brown hair,sports a pair of jeans and pink t-shirt.Very agressive,stands for what she belives,trusts nobody Brief Dis.Of Elemental:Stalayla doesn't like to lead.She's very shy,but an agile fighter.One of her greatest powers is her speed.When transformed,she's the same height,and wears a dress w/ a short skirt,(kinda looks like a cheerleading outfit),and is very flexible Staff Discription:Staff is very long,it's rainbow of color and encrested w/ glitter and diamond stars,The top of the staff is a star w/ a crown wrapped around the top,and a small heart in the middle ofthe star,looks very mystical when it's activated and lit up. Summon Phrase"Spirit at heart,power by star,i summon the skies from afar" Summon Scene:Holds staff in hand and spins it around her as if it were a baton,many ribbons af light shoot from it and wrap around her,Showing only a large blast of color-changing light in the shape of a star,like at the top of her staff,the light fades and stalayla is there Weapons: Boomerang
  10. we have exchange students from Hong Kong and Egypt at my school, but ya know, I can't talk to them,I only speak english and a bit of german Hallo,mine name ist lauren
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B]......and I suddenly come across directions for learning to waltz..... :p [/B][/QUOTE] I can't thank u enuf for the waltz steps,piromunkie,I actually understand it now~!!See,at class they just threw us w/ partners and told us to follow,and every1's like,":lecture:do your 1-2-3's!Only to the side!" (In our first dance,we get in this big circle and do 1-2-3's around the circle,and then do this really cool over and under peoples arm thing) but just to tell ya,their plans for the waltz didn't go to well,I was actually thrown into a table by this stupid kid who wasn't paying attention,so he fell and I got pushed away into a table~!!IT HURT!But yea,I didn;t get what they meant by 1-2-3 to the side,and everybody was getting ticked at me,so thank you~!!Let's see how I do monday,given we waltz that day Waltzing is alot harder then it looks,my best guyfriend was tryin w/ me one day before I joined and I fell and went flying across the floor (WHOA!Maybe I oughta stop waltzing before I break sumthin....) I'M STILL MAD I CAN'T GO TO GERMANY!I WANT MY DRESS,I WANT TO PREFORM!!:flaming: Oh well,I'll just hang w/ my otaku buddies for those two weeks,:sigh:
  12. geeses,I wish I knew how to waltz,I do not get the 1-2-3 step that goes w/ that though.We also had to dance in gym,and at Mohican we had a hoe-down (yippy skippy y'all!).I love german dance,but I'm mad they won't let me go to Germany cuz I'm a newbie~!!It's not fair,by the time we gom,I'll have been in that class 4 a year,and they're even preforming,WITHOUT ME! *cries*
  13. I can;t wait till the next season,I wanted Ryan to win though,*shrugs* most of the contestants god record deals and modeling contracts and things to that effect though.
  14. Anybody here take a dance class?I started German Dance a couple weeks ago,omg,u people don't know pain until u've been spun across the floor cuz ur idiotic partner doesn't know what they're doing!UHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!Anyways,I was just wondering what kind of dance you people take.Peace out!
  15. I used to have an online journal,but I've just been keepin the plain old book one,it's must more personal,it takes l;onger to write though
  16. Every time it seems it's too short,but then I end up loving it! (Funny,my guyfriend always knows what to do w/ my hair.....) anyways,yep,but this kid came in today w/ his hair completely bald cept for the sides of his head!And he's goin around saying,"LOOK!I got a mullet!" So wrong......
  17. What a coinkidink~!!My teacher made us do this worksheet about fate/destiny.And it's because we'll be reading the Monkey's Paw~!!Anyways,I do belive in destiny.I belive every single little thing in your life is meant to happen.There's a REASON it happened.I've always felt that way.Why?Don't know....
  18. ampharos:Lightning Lapras:sailor Squirtle:bubbles Charizard:Flamethrower Flareon:Fireworks Articuno:Icicle Hundoom:Stardust
  19. I have a friend like that,I can fix this first of all,is that what you call a friend? Somebody who insults you and makes you feel bad?? Friends are supposed to cheer you up and have fun with you.from what I've read,it doesn't seem worth it. Find some other friends,unless you really have your heart set on them, if you do,u'll probably have to give in to them. P.S.-I bet they only make fun of you because they're jealous of you.I have a friend like that who has a problem with the whole world cause she thinks she's trash.Actually,she's jealous I'm friends with this boy who now hates her, so she told me he said he didn't go out w/ me because I was ugly.But it never happened!Good luck to you!
  20. wow,while we're on the subject of freaky things,I jusdt got a 5 minute message on my pagoo (it's an internet answering machine),it's nothing but static,or running water,and then some dialing......?What the..........AHHHHHHHH! ...and aol always has the porno pop-ups.They just add a shortcut to your desktop.I don't have aol,but my friend has a ton of problems w/ it.
  21. DUDE! I posted a pic of kecleon,click on it!
  22. laurens nightly scedule, I stay up every night! !.)Email every1 until they go crazy! 2.)Come here and post 3.)Play neopets 4.)Play video games until I get drowsy (puts me to sleep everytime)
  23. Here's the story It's a year since Link's last journey. He's finally back home in Hyrule staying at the castle with Princess Zelda. Everything is find until and evil power takes over the land, and an evil Wizard curses Zelda with the Spell of Eternal Night. To break the curse, Link,Zelda, and his gang of heroes must find the Starlight Crystal and cure Zelda. The crystal is in the highest room at the tallest tower of a castle in the middle of a desert.The curse must be broken before sunset on the night of Sakura's Festival, which is in 4 days. To recap, Link and his gang have 4 days time to fight the evil and get the Starlight Crystal to save Zelda, or she will be enclosed in a bubble of darkness forever. Here's what you need:(make up names) Name:Zelda Weapons:Magical Boomerang, Full moon sceptre, Sword
  24. yep,zelda games always are long with tons of twists! Seasons is the best I've played so far though! I love this game!
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] And the reason it wasn't aired anywhere else is because they didn't want more people to have seizures... So I really doubt it'll ever be aired in the US or anywhere else...[/QUOTE] I said, it might be EDITED so that scene would no longer cause seisures,and dubbed into english. But I read that the girl that does the voice 4 misty, jigglypuff, and many other characters swore she'd never dub the episode
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