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sailor stardust

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Everything posted by sailor stardust

  1. How many of you knew about this episode?? I fund it quite curious. Over 1000 Japanese kids got seisures from watching porygon explode (alternating red and blue flashes, induced mental illnesses) weird,it was never dubbed into english. Yet,it'll prolly be edited one day for english release
  2. Japanese Name: Kakureon Number: ??? Type: Colorless Species: Color Change Height: 3'3" Weight: 48.5lbs
  3. :rolleyes: don't ask,just happens sumtime, don't know why, I hate them things
  4. wowzers! Doesn't bein in love feel great?? Then again,I'm just a kid, what do I know about love...*rolls eyes*
  5. NOOOOOOOOO! I'm sick and tired of this stupid video game violence crap. I was reading an article in Parents a few months back telling parents to not let their kids play violent games. You know what they're doing? They're blaming video games for killers! I can't belive it! People who play video games just do not have time to turn into homicidal freaks because they have to finish their game! But seriously, it's gonna be hippie'sville with protests if this guy takes my games:flaming: GGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRR!~!!Lauren needs her video games!
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]Meheheh, and now you've corrupted those innocent children's minds forever. Just imagine what they told there mom when she asked what happened at school today.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] lol, It wasn't my fault! My stupid english teacher dismissed us late.....:blush:
  7. 3 things: 1.)The school preps,they think they're better then everybody! It drives me crazy! 2.)My sister! That little....... 3.)"Lauren and Stefan........" god, I can't be friends with a guy anymore without somebody thinking we're in love with eachother!
  8. this one is BAD! And kinda disgusting...... I was late to gym class one day, and I was wearing this skirt. So, I was running down the ahll from english and my tampon fell out and on to the floor! I was sooo embarressed! I was just lucky only a few little kids were in the hall......
  9. yep,sumtimes when I'm talking to my firends I wanna yell out LOL!I'm serious,done it b4!
  10. I'd donate to a charity,then I'd buy sum video games,and some gum! lol,not much I want
  11. u know why songs get boring? Stupid radio stations overplay them! Usted es consiendo locos!oh well....
  12. The dark forces have returned, and are once sucessful in getting all the dark crystals. It's up to the sailor scouts to locate all teh ctystals and defeat the mega verse before the world is destroyed. On top of that, Sailor Chibi Moon (Rini/Mini Moon) has been kidnapped and taken hostage. She is located in building that's crawling with traps and evil agents. Requirements: Pick the sailor scout you want to be.(*NOTE*--You CAN NOT be Mini Moon,but u can be either of the talking cats*Luna and Artimis*) That's it,but be sure you know a few moves the scouts know. Sailor Scout:Pluto
  13. I would wish there was nothing bad in the world, like terriroism or drugs or gung or knives or any killing, I;m not greedy
  14. not really at my school.......all the preps wear the same brand though, go figure,,,
  15. I love that song!They're great! I like older music from like the 70's though,not to be on newer stuff.:therock:
  16. hmmmm......never saw it, but a friend was tellin me the story, since I wasn't planning to see it. I got lost after the guy dies for the 9th time~!!:therock:
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]It's actually against the rules of this board. Though they're not up at the moment and I cannot back up that statement, make sure you read the rules when they get back up.[/color] [color=deeppink]Yeah, I have 'sum' advice: Maybe he just doesn't like you.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] gesses, these rules keep changing on me..... Yeah, I'm sure he doesn't like me......
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G/S/B Master [/i] [B]Name: Jonathon Age: 16 Main Pokémon: tyranitar Other pokémon: charizard,rapidash,Kingular,Magmar,and dodrio Apperance: Black shirt,red shoes,Jeans,Black and white cap,and Blue gloves. Bio: trained when he was 10. he worked hard and traveled around the world to beat trainers. He beat a lot of trainers and became an experience elite trainer.Intil he stopped his traveling and entered the johto leagues.His training area is the mountain near to volcanos and lakes.His tyranitar is a very accuate hitter making it a very tough pokemon to beat. Pokémon's Level: 90 [/B][/QUOTE] Name:Laurali(4 the sake sum1 not to be mentioned *cough* lauren *cough* took my name) Age:13 Main Pokemon:Houndoom Others:Ampharos,Gengar,Dragonite,Hitmonchan,Lapras Appearence:Blue tank top,jean shorts,White shoes w/ blue stripes Bio:Traing from age of 10,traveling both worlds of the pokemon world,She has become quite skilled.A highly trained houndoom leads off her well rounded team.An elite 4 winner for he third time,she has deticated her specialty to training battle classes,specializing in strenghs and weaknesses.She has learned many things on her journey, and is a practical encyclopedia on pokemon.Her legendary battle skills have left quite a legacy for future pokemon trainers to follow. Pokemon Level:89
  19. I'm never grounded from the net,as a matter of fact, I'm never grounded period
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char-Char,Mander-Char! [/i] [B] What the hell are you talking about? Sorry for the language, but [list=1] [*]I had no spelling/grammar errors in that post [*]I try to avoid spelling/grammar errors [*]I'll be damned if I ever use internet lingo, and [*]What's your sudden problem??? [/list=1] Then, watch, I'll find out later you weren't even talking to me... :whoops: [/B][/QUOTE] he wuz probably talkin 2 me......and it's the internet, I'll use all the internet lingo I want~!!
  21. I don't think so, he said he wouldn't go out w/ anyone, if he likes any1, well, I dunno, he usually don't though.
  22. I think he's just not ready.I found out it's not his parents cuz his younger sis has a b/f,go figure.Anyways,I'm still friends w/ him,he said he wasn't mad at me and wasn't gonna tell any1 bout me askin him.He was in such a hurry 2day though, he didn't wait for me + Stefan at the end of the day, lol, usually we're waiting on him! I talked 2 him at lunch and in gym, so I guess he's not mad at me. I was gonna wait till next year 2 ask him if I still like him, probably will, year's almost over. I'll prolly get his phone # at the end of they year or sumthin and call him in the summer. Then again, he lives relitively close (I.e.-I could just ride my bike down there) But my mom wouldn't let me. She's very overprotective. yea, I want my first kiss to be really special too. In my opinion, if they're into sex and that's all they think about, it's just lust and they don't really "love" the person. U know, it rarely is love, but there's nothing I hate more then the old "you're too young!These emotions you're feeling aren't real!" ok,so they're "fake" emotions??:therock:
  23. geese, hate them chats!! I love message boards (otaku is my absolute fave!!!!!) but it's easy when u can cum bac a day later and see a reply
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee [/i] [B][color=red][size=3]Was his last break up painful? That's why I won't go out with anyone nowadays...just sick of hurting everyone. Either that or everyone else is right and he's gay.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I dunno if he's even had a g/fbefore.....hmmmmm.....HE IS NOT GAY,OK!? yea, I do think it's kinda poitless to "go out" at this age, but I just like them so much sumtimes I trick myself into askin. I wasn't gonna ask him yet.maybe not even at all.....but this other girl seemed like good competition, cuz we went on this field trip 2day, and one of her friends were tellin him 2 ask her out, but he says he only likes her as a friend. Anyway, things like that get me into this mess, not to mention my friends all think he likes me....:blush:
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