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sailor stardust

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Everything posted by sailor stardust

  1. well, this is where people get messed up, "going out" in the life of a middle school kid, doesn't really mean u go anywhere, as a matter a fact, no one ever does when they're "going out"
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char-Char,Mander-Char! [/i] [B]You know, notes sometimes break the ice for shy guys better than face to face confrontation. You might wanna try that later. [/B][/QUOTE] that wuz my first plan, but if he really wanted 2 go out w/ me, would that make a difference??
  3. no clue,thanx 4 ur help guys, I guess maybe I can make him tell me, oh well, I always do the wrong thing
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sacred Warrior [/i] [B]He probably has some problem at that time since he said "He cant" you should probably wait a while and ask him again. [/B][/QUOTE] dur,,,I dunno, I remember, now that I thinx about it, at the beginning of the year he said he didn't want a g/f. A couple of my friends think it might b cuz his parents won't let him have a g/f, I mean, could be, he said it wuz a "stupid" reason
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue]He probably has a girlfriend or something...or he's gay. lol But don't push it -- you may find that he comes around eventually. :)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I dunno, he doesn't have a girlfriend, he said he wasn't going to go out w/ anyone. There have been people spreadin a couple rumors he really is gay, but I don't think so, considerin he flirts w/ me so darn much
  6. currently, I have all a's except for math, which I have a B (I DESPISE MATH!:flaming: ) *sigh* grades are not my problem w/ school
  7. [COLOR=teal]Dealing with rejection like I did 2day.......[/COLOR] :bawl:
  8. well, 2day I actually got up the courage to ask this guy out. So, I asked him and he said "I can't", and I asked why? so he said he couldn't tell me because he thinx it's a stupid reason or sumthin,so asked if it wuz cuz he didn't like me and he said that wasn't why. I'm so confused!!!!!Any1 have an idea?:bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl:
  9. I got a kitty,he's 18,man,that thing is old,,,
  10. [COLOR=seagreen]well,not really good at this,just got into a new crush myself... anyways,my personal opinion is the u should flirt w/ him awhile and see if he seems like he likes u.Since he's shy,he probably won't make the first move,shy guys usually don't.But once u feel he likes u,then I think u should tell him ur feelings. GOOD LUCK!!!![/COLOR]
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