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Everything posted by Refugee

  1. Why no fanclubs on this forum? Well, maybe I haven't found them... xD
  2. I love this song, [b]Slay It[/b] - [i]Cryptex [/i] [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lM07iiGKoo[/media]
  3. Right now I'm playing[b] Lucky Dog 1 Blast[/b], a BL game for pc. It also have an manga adaptation so yo can read the video game >_<
  4. My favourite food is pizza, all types of pizza! xD
  5. Hi mina-san~ I'm new here ^^ I like anime/manga, electro music, draw and sleep. Aaah! I like yaoi too. I hope we could be friends x3
  6. Tite, y u so troll?

  7. Recently, I prefer manga but I've started to see [b]Natsume yuujinchou[/b] because of a friend's recommendation. I'm on the three episode and is absolutely interesting but the most important... the protagonist (Natsume) is so nice!! And I'm currently reading [b]Bleach, Katekyo Hitman reborn[/b] (weekly mangas); [b]Ao no exorcist, Bloody Junkie[/b] (monthly mangas)
  8. Haku from Naruto. He totally looks like a girl!(Even Naruto thought he was a girl...) [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/w9jx2d.png[/img]
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