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Everything posted by Kazuwa

  1. I just finished the series [b]Durarara!![/b], maybe two minutes ago. It was a really addicting and well-paced story, though by the end I was a little too attached to the characters-- the characters are all so well-established and lovable, that it really is difficult to see them go. Not to mention, that there's 15-20 people moving the story along, so the final episode really can't give large segments to each character for a good amount of closure. But that's not to say the final episode wasn't good. Durarara!! was an amazing series; I'll leave it at that. Also finished [b]Eden of the East[/b] the other day. I have to say, its story was unbelievably smart & enthralling. Heck, I haven't seen a television series that well-written in a very long time. Not sure what to start now. I'm out of a job currently and have way too much time on my hands. I'm thinking about buying some episodes of Soul Eater-- a few of my friends are really hyping it up in everyday conversation, and well, it sparked my curiosity. The first four episodes made me laugh out loud quite a bit. Usually, I'm into very story-driven series, but for a typical shonen series, it seems quite enjoyable. Hopefully I won't be disappointed.
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