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Everything posted by Semjaza

  1. My friend keeps sending me their stuff over AIM. I don't know why, but he does. I gave it a fair chance. I wasn't exactly impressed. He keeps going on and on about the guitars, but it's pretty standard stuff. The vocals and everything else just makes them sound like every other band of their type out there right now. That's my opinion anyway.
  2. The only problem with it that it just seems to play really slowly. It might be because I'm in Mozilla Firebird, but I don't know. That and it seems like it's massive in size, but I never checked. Anyway, very cool otherwise.
  3. A few things... I used to work at Target. If anything Target would have this sale the day after Thanksgiving and that's that. There's no way that only they would be doing this for a solid week, or even forever. It would be in more ads and everyone would know by now. They only print out ads a couple weeks ahead of time, not over a month. There's no way a normal employee would even know about this. The second thing is that my friend cannot find any copy of this ad at his store, even where they store the future ads. And third, there'd be a scan of this by now, like there has been in the past. So yeah, I'm going with total BS on this one... even excluding all the reasons why Sony would never bother to do this.
  4. If someone prefer instrumentals, that's one thing... but music isn't like that for everyone. Someone can't just be wrong because they think vocals are a vital part of music. I don't agree with that. You can look at the voice as nothing but an instrument as it is, depending on the song. I don't buy into that idea whatosever. Music and singing go together, how anyone can attempt to totally seperate them... I have no idea. It has nothing to do with personal interests. You may like just singing, you may like just music... but I still think that's a really odd thing to say. Based on the stuff from Japan I've gotten to listen to, I'm not even sure what the interest in the actual music is anyway... I might as well be listening to 80s hair metal bands most of the time. Poison and White Lion are long gone, I'm afraid. Japan seems to be stuck in the Wayback Machine. That said, like I commented before, some things transcend language. Good foreign music does that. Japanese, Indian, German or otherwise. If I like something I like it... but that's generally because the song adds up well altogether. If the song is about something incredibly stupid and has nothing but a good beat... then fine, but it's not something I'm going to crap myself over. There are reasons that well written songs can get people worked up. They're not all about "nothing" or pointless. Good music brings it all together, in my opinion. It makes a singular thing that meshes many things into one entity. It shouldn't be disjointed to the point that I should have to ignore one part just to enjoy another. I feel that the Pillows manage to do this, despite me not understanding any of it. Just like I feel the same about other random bands that sing in langauges I'll never know. Whateve though. Music is subjective. I'm not going to pretend that I'm more right than someone else about what they personally want to listen to.
  5. I've told that to many people, not many believe it heh. The only Christian band I listen to with any regularity is Plumb. They don't seem to have any official message about it all, but I always see them categorized in that section. I was listing to this ska band called The Supertones the other day too. I have no idea what they officially refer to themselves as, but they sure had a lot of religious overtones in their music. It was all pretty good, actually.
  6. I probably wouldn't change a thing. Everything happens for a reason. Even the **** in my life that I've gone through that so few people know about, I learned from it. If I didn't go through that, I have no idea how I'd be now. Better off? Worse off? How would I know? Let's say I change my father dying... then what? I don't exactly remember lots of happy times with him. In fact, my most vivid memories of him consist of him lying to my face and me finding a mirror with cocaine on it (not that I knew what it was at the time). Yet it didn't change the fact that it hurt when he left, nor did it change the fact that for years as a child I wished he never died and that my mom never remarried. The day my mom and Andy (my now step-dad) told me and my sister they were getting married, my sister and I cried our eyes out. I actually got mad at them and told them "Thanks for ruining my life". I was only ten at the time. Yet now I am 21 years old. And you know what? Andy is more of a dad to me than my biological dad ever was. I don't sit and think about things I cannot control. Nor do I think how they could have worked out differently. I'm too preoccupied by what is at hand and I'm not about to waste my life away on hypothetical situations. I'm not always happy, but I'm not always sad either. At this point, I'm content with things despite not knowing what is coming. I don't obsess on the future, nor do I dwell on the past. Sure, I think about these things... but still. Not to the point where I'd ever let it rule me or make me wish it were different. I'm happy how things are now. Sometimes bad things have to happen for you to get where you are now. Sometimes you have to hurt people, ignore people, get them out of your life. Sometimes you have to do all you can do to keep them around. I wouldn't wish away any harm I've caused anyone. Somtimes it has a beneficial effect, sometimes not. It's just life. I also realize I'm probably taking this idea to extremes... but this has been brought up before, and it always annoys me.
  7. How could you be embarrassed over liking Prince? He rocks. I love Purple Rain heh. Darling Nikki is my favorite song of his, although Apocalypse Hoboken's cover is better, I think.
  8. If you get the rainbow V ranking on everything, you get an option for unlimited VFX. As far as I know, all the secrets are known, if you look around.
  9. Fire Emblem predates Shining Force by two years, so I'd say it's the other way around :p
  10. Semjaza

    School of Rock

    He loses some points for the Lunachicks sticker. It wasn't bad. I got dragged to see it over the weekend. It's not like so funny that you'll cry, but it has some good jokes on it. The molestation one was pretty funny. The cracks about good music were good too. The best part of it was probably the soundtrack. It's almost nothing but 70s and 80s rock like AC/DC, Bowie and so on. If you've seen his other movies, you know what to expect. It's not overly goofy... it's another of those "heart warming" style comedies.
  11. That's actually called Space Oddity. Damn Kazaa and all the people who name songs based on parts in the lyrics... lol
  12. I recently got this and Sleeping Beauty on DVD. Sleeping Beauty is one of my favorites, and they did an excellent job with the DVD. The picture is as great as could be expected, even after the restoration. However, it still pales in comparison to how great The Lion King looks on DVD. It's [i]perfect[/i]... I feel like I'm looking directly at the animation cels. No visible grain, very little - if any - edge enhancement, no jittering... nothing. It just looks amazing. I'm sure me using an HDTV helps, but I've watched it on older, smaller TVs as well... and it still looks awesome. The new sound mix rocks too. Anyone that can take advantage of that "Home Theater Mix" thing Disney advertises on the box definitely should. I've not really bothered with the special features... but I have watched the so-called "Special Edition", claiming to have a new song. I figured this would be along the lines of the one in Beauty and the Beast, which was a pretty substantial addition. In the Lion King, it's not. Zazu does a song called "The Morning Report." It's not really a new scene, it's just fitted in where Zazu flies up to Mufasta and Simba and tells them what's going on. The same scene where he shows Simba how to pounce. So instead of Zazu simply talking, he does this really goofy song that seems out of place. However, it does make Simba's pounce ten times more satisfying, since it shuts Zazu up... but then Simba sings it too, blah. In any case, both DVDs are worth the cash.
  13. I don't know how many people are familiar with Nintendo's new ad campaign, but it apparently exists to increase awareness of the Nintendo brand itself... rather than simply the GBA or GCN. [url]http://www.nintendo.com/whoareyou/[/url] Anyway, Nintendo has released the first theatrical trailer using this Who Are You? idea. I figured it didn't need its own thread, and it is news, afterall. [url]http://www.nintendo.com/whoareyou/school_out_60_qt.mov[/url] Worth downloading for anyone. Probably Nintendo's best commercial in quite some time.
  14. If you want to get technical, the old He-Man stuff was pretty lame in a way as it is. Lame to the point that it was somehow cool and enjoyable. If that makes any sense. I loved that show. I remember the crazy movie with Dolph Lungdren and such. I still have all my toys, vehicles and cars packed away. The new show is decent, but when you look back on the older ones in nostalgia... of course, it's never going to compare. I remember watching Thundercats a couple years back and thinking "I used to LOVE this????". Things change.
  15. I used to have it on DC. I never bothered to go online with it. I had a lot of fun with it for a few weeks, and never touched it again. It was a fun game, but just got too repetitive. I'm sure this would have been corrected by going online or having the multiplayer mode that was added to the GCN version, though. I just don't like the idea of paying for a game and then paying more.
  16. The sad but true story of anyone that's objective, I suppose.
  17. Doo doo doo doo doo dooooo doowah! It doesn't matter what comes, fresh goes better in life, and Mentos is fresh and full of life. Nothing gets to you, staying fresh staying cool! With Mentos, fresh and full of life. Fresh goes better! Mentos freshness! Fresh goes better with Mentos, fresh and full of life! Mentos, the freshmaker! That song is awesome lol. Sure is repetitive once you type it out though. I actually have a MP3 of it... :D
  18. I didn't know what else to name this thread. Nothing else seemed to fit. "Embarrassed" doesn't seem like the right word, but whatever. Basically, I'm asking for bands or songs that you like for some odd reason... even though you normally wouldn't. Like someone really into punk liking some N'Sync song. I have a couple. I've always liked The Call by the Backstreet Boys. I don't know why, but I just think it's a really solid song... aside from the annoying girl going "Hello??" and "Where are you??". I want to hit her... Hard. Anyway, the other one is that solo CD by Nick Carter. Now or Never, I believe. One of my friend's really likes it, so I wind up hearing it far more than I would have liked to. It wound up getting stuck in my head though, and I have to admit that it's a really, really solid pop rock album. There's a few crappy songs on it, but most are well above average. Nothing mind blowing, but good stuff. Normally I listen to random punk, metal, industrial and hard rock... so these are somewhat out of the ordinary for me. There was a time when I wouldn't have admitted it (years back), but I don't see the problem now lol. Anyone else?
  19. You must be pretty stressed considering you cannot spell the word correctly heh. As it is, I doubt anyone can really tell you what will work. It's different for everyone. Some people like to walk. Some go work out. Some read. Some draw. Some play video games. I tend to mix all that up. Sometimes I just sleep. Just find what you like, something that makes you concent... and do it.
  20. I'm not a fan of the DOA series whatsoever, but outside of SC2... it's probably the best one on the system.
  21. Honestly, it doesn't even matter. If you're not willing to get up at 7 or 8 AM to get to class... why would you be willing to get up at 9 AM? I know I wouldn't be any happier with either of them. I get up at 6:30 and take the L for an hour to get to my morning classes. I have some afternoon classes randomly, which are more of a pain because of rush hour.
  22. I don't even think about this really. I have no traditions or interests that stem from any foreign country thanks to my heritage. I'm mostly German, followed by Italian. I wear this one German army coat I have all the time, but that's about as far as my ethic pride goes.
  23. Semjaza

    Dixie Chicks

    Since they're famous, people will actually pay attention to their stupid, self-involved, unthought-out opinions (to make myself more clear, I'm not referring to their specific opinion, but just that idea in general). That's all it comes down to, and I'm sure they know it. I've met a million people proclaiming things like this, some even just weirdos on street corners, and I don't even give them a second thought. I feel no differently about these three... but that's mostly because I don't really care what they, or most people in their shoes, feel about such things. They've never done anything to make me think I should actually value their opinions on the matter.
  24. I don't think there is much more to add to this... However, I know someone will come up and say "Shadow is a female!!!" because of some text later in the game. The supposed official reason behind this was because that originally Shadow simply wasn't meant to survive that long in the game. I guess they had the text in place for Relm, and once they changed their mind about Shadow it was never adjusted. Makes sense to me. A lot of RPGs back then didn't change text like that based on decisions for some reason. I can think of several offhand. There is also a slightly different ending if you get to see all of Shadow's dreams (which you randomly get by sleeping in towns). Personally, I've never done this... so I don't know if it adds anything to your opinions on this. Seems viable to me, though.
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