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Everything posted by Semjaza

  1. Few companies have ever turned a profit on consoles as it is. Nintendo was the only one that was making a profit since launch. If they even lose any money, it wouldn't be much. They have a stockpile of about 3 million manufactured GCNs as it is. They might as well get them out quickly and make it up with game sales and licensing royalties like they normally do. On top of that, when it drops to $99... there won't be a free game anymore. So basically, you're not getting anything different. $150 with a game or $100 without. Considering that, I doubt it would affect their profit margins much anyway... and since this is a move to up the size of their user base, if it is successful they'd get it all back anyway. I dislike these analysts and these type of reports. They generally aren't very factual as it is, so I have to wonder how expert these experts really are. This is one of the best ones I've seen in awhile, actually. In any case, I don't know why someone wouldn't want a GC for only $99.
  2. My only problem with her is that I have to see her face and soulless eyes stare at me everytime I go to the damn bookstore. I wish they'd move her book somewhere else already. She kind of reminds me of Mom from Mom's Friendly Robot Company. [IMG]http://www.fox.com/futurama/bios/images/mom.jpg[/IMG] Anyway, I obviously have nothing of political value to add to this thread.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]Then, I would probably have to say [b]Semjaza Azazel[/b]. Bah...don't ask me why. He's just fun. I think it would be neat for the two of us to switch places.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Hell yeah it would. I'd have boobs! I guess that only works if you mean totally switch places... like Freaky Friday or some crap. I'm not sure to what extent the question is asking lol. Hmm. I don't know. I kind of like where I am now. I'm already a mod. I'd like to think I'm likable for the most part... lol. I'd probably go with Queen Asuka.
  4. Personally, I kind of just grew out of them. I don't really care for that style of music anymore as it is... and I'm not really interested in angst ridden music like theirs at this point lol.
  5. I always showed my school spirit by not giving a **** and dressing like I did every other day. I don't remember the different days we had, but they were a lot like these ones. It never really interested me. The pep rallies at the end of the week were always great though. We all had a lot of fun at them, especially at the expense of the Freshmen.
  6. KoRn is one of those bands that just are popular to hate now. It happens rather often, since music seems to go in cycles. Once a band starts trailing off and people move onto other things there is this idea of "Eew, you liked them!?" from these people, when you know very well that they most likely were playing Life is Peachy or Follow the Leader years back. Anyway, I like KoRn. I'm not a massive fan. Personally, I liked Issues the most from them... although I find I'm in a very small minority. Maybe it wasn't enough like their past stuff for some people, but I think they kind of hit their stride on that album. Slipknot... MFKR is still awesome. The self-titled is decent. Iowa is awful. How they went from the excellence of MFKR to the wall of annoying noise that is Iowa, I have no idea. Not a huge fan of them either. System of a Down is great. One of the top few nu-metal bands there is, in my opinion. Both their self-titled and Toxicity are simply excellent. A few weeks ago I stumbled upon an unmastered release of theirs. It was a full CD of stuff I've never heard anywhere, and I guess it was set to be printed in 2002. It never was for whatever reason. I finally managed to get ahold of copies of their demo tapes as well. Yay! Marilyn Manson is one of my top three bands (they jump around with Bowie and the Pixies). I don't think I need to say too much about them. I had a thread for Golden Age of Grotesque awhile back, but it didn't seem like many people who posted even heard the album. As far as I know, I am their biggest fan here lol. Static X is fun, but I have no real interest in them. No preference with Nothingface, although I am surprised they got somewhere. I had heard about them quite awhile ago and never knew they caught on. Murderdolls I'm still mixed on. They obviously are trying to be like the Misfits, although they're a hell of a lot more vulgar about it. I'm not sure if I like it or not yet. I find most of their songs rather hard to listen to. NIN is another favorite of mine. We had a decent sized thread on them awhile back. I seem to be the biggest NIN fan here, to my knowledge. Rob Zombie is cool, but he can't compare to the old White Zombie stuff. Hellbilly Deluxe was cool, the follow up sucked and now he has some greatest hits disc coming out. Just make new material already. I'm not a fan of Mudvayne. I bought their last release and I didn't like it at all. I sent it off to treton_noir instead. I've not heard a lot of their older stuff, but from the comments the band make they made it seem like they sounded like old Manson. I don't know what they mean by 'old' though. Spooky Kids old? Portrait Old? ACS old? I don't know. All I know is that I'm not a fan. Metallica has some classics, but I've never really been a big fan of theirs either.
  7. I'd assume it is Mer de Noms. That's their only other LP. I guess it could have been one of the singles, but I don't know lol
  8. I'd never, ever take a year off. I took a couple quarters off and that was hard enough. It took me quite awhile to get used to college life again. In retrospect, I think I shouldn't have taken off at all, honestly.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dogfish [/i] [B]I just need to come in here to say, if you are checking out Slipknot. The best stuff is their OLD stuff from Mate.Feed.Kill.Repeat. It's so much better than anything else they've done. Do Nothing/Bitchslap Dogfish Rising Those are my 2 favorites currently. Other than that, most of the good stuff has been mentioned. *walks away* [/B][/QUOTE] Listen to this man. He knows what he is talking about. Slipknot's self-titled is decent. Personally I hated Iowa... but MFKR is just really damn good. It makes me sad to see what they've become compared to what they were. They've almost debased themselves. Back then they had almost a Mr. Bungle quality to them. They'd go from lounge music to just straight out insane metal. What happened to these guys? In any case, I agree with the choice on Do Nothing. Great song. You're not going to be able to buy this CD unless you want a copy or are willing to spend a lot on eBay. It was limited in supply. It's all over P2P programs though.
  10. Sounds like something out of that terrible fashion show in Zoolander... I liked that movie. I must be alone.
  11. Jin-Roh is very cool, if you're willing to give it a chance. The first half is slow, but I thought the second half was simply excellent stuff. I fell asleep on it three seperate times before I decided enough was enough and I should just finish it all. The second half was really worth it. I guess the game could have goofy looking rednecks or something. It's been done before in Redneck Rampage, so it's not out of the question lol . At least they look good heh.
  12. [quote][i]Originally posted by Sara[/i][b][SIZE=1] Tony, 'scuse my blatant ignorance, but what the monkey is that? It looks like some sort of demon-spawn rabbit-spider. Meep.[/SIZE][/b][/quote] He's a character from a movie called Donnie Darko. You should see it, I bet you'd like it quite a bit. I didn't know what to expect from it (in fact, I figured it was just a monster movie from the box), but it was $10 on DVD at Best Buy... so I got it. Love it to death. Check it out.
  13. The reflection thing depends on a lot of factors. First of all, it depends on what you want to go with. I've read random things that say it depends on the vampire clan and so on. Really, the no reflection thing has evolved from old folklore and the idea that reflections in mirrors and water are reflections of the soul and not of the flesh. Traditionally, vampires give up their soul when they take on their new form. They become a demon. I'm sure most people interested are familiar with Anne Rice. He vampires have reflections. Rice's books humanized vampires, and you can't truly be human without a soul in such stories. Lestat is a good example (even if you've not read the book, you have that movie to look back on) as he specifically questions his reflection's existance. He knows that beings who lost their sous to hell supposedly don't have relfections. So this means one of two things. Either Rice gave these characters souls (which would explain a lot of Lestat's comments in the book, which I feel imply that he has one) or she is totally ignoring that idea altogether... which isn't unheard of. In any case, it is safe to say that ANY vampire movie to be made in recent time, or any time in the future, is going to be influenced a lot by Anne Rice's works. Underworld is no exception. As for the UV bullet, I don't know... but I doubt it's something that needs to be explained because this movie is supposed to suspend belief. However, I wondered why they didn't just make some sort of gun that gave off the exact light temperature of sunlight. I'd assume it would do the same thing.
  14. I'd love to be Frank. I see no real reason as to why I can't be Frank. I just have to figure out how to make the mask... and I know enough artists that that shouldn't be a major problem. However, I don't know if it is plausible for you to be him or not. The mask will probably be a problem because I don't think any are actually manufactured. [IMG]http://news.bbc.co.uk/media/images/38374000/jpg/_38374941_darko_150a.jpg[/IMG]
  15. The only recent vampire movie that I've seen that was of any real interest was Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust. Excellent anime, I think. I've always been partial to Near Dark too, although they are never refered to as vampires... and as such, take quite a few liberties.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]Yes, I know about the Freshman 15, but I seriously don't see how. I'm walking constantly, I'm much more stressed out, I eat healthier, and I don't do drugs/drink. Well, I'm starting to work out now, so if I don't lose some of, oh well. I haven't gained 15 yet. Just somewhere between 5-10...*Shudders*[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I lost about 20 pounds because I hated the food. I wasn't even overweight, I just lost that much somehow. I don't know why people gain more weight. I had no money outside of what I used to pay for school, so I was stuck with the terrible cafeteria food. I'd rather eat at home. At least my mom can cook well.
  17. You know. As nice as it would be to be zen and find my "perfect place", it was never going to happen. When I should be getting out, at the most, an hour after the store closes and instead I get out about four hours afterwards instead... no amount of temple rubbing and counting down will help me. There were honestly people so rude that I wanted to punch them in the face right there. Of course, I never did. I stayed friendly and pretended like I actually cared about their predicaments. I can get as annoyed as I want about it, in my opinion. I don't use it as an excuse to mistreat anyone, even the customers. However, personally, when I want something to go away I just write or talk about it a cynical or pessimistic manner. It's humorous to me, and it helps. I'm not really an angry person. I'm rather calm and patient lol. And Mondays do suck. Sunday is the start of the sales paper... and since it is generally the busiest day, you're still making up for it on Monday. Plus people really do return a lot of stuff that day.
  18. Halo isn't officially even online for Xbox. You have to connect it through a PC through a tunnel. It's not really the same experience. Halo 2 is another matter. From what I understand, this game can utilize voice communication, among other things. So it's not really on the short side of the stick.
  19. No. There aren't, from what I remember (I might be wrong -- but if there was anything in it, it was very slight and of no importance). The vampires have parties, but they're debutant balls, more or less. There isn't even really any music involved. They kind of just sit there and drink. Werewolves do their own thing, but none of it approaches a rave or really even a party. I don't even remember any techno in the film. A lot of the music was done by Danny Lohner (and other random bands on the soundtrack). They didn't really use much that was memorable though, and it was generally background music. Queen of the Damned was awful. I'm going to say that this was better than that, but it's not remarkable in any way.
  20. I'd personally watch it just because it has Christopher Walken in it. However, he wasn't enough reason for me to see Gigli... He's not [i]that[/i] cool.
  21. Semjaza


    I know no one has posted in this thread for awhile now. My apologies, but I'm not going to make a new thread when all the fans of this band have already posted in this one. I've gotten a few Misfits CDs now. Famous Monsters, Walk Among Us and Static Age. I love all three of them. They're all excellent, but I really am into Famous Monsters the most. These guys really found their own niche and totally capitalized on it. I can't picture anyone totally disliking this band. Even my girlfriend, who generally listens to totally lame emo, told me that she thought Helena was cool once I sent it to her. Trust me, that's saying a lot lol. From what I've heard, I totally prefer Michale Graves as the vocalist. He just has a far better range than Danzig and he fits the band perfectly. It's too bad he left the band during that one show, although I'm not entirely sure what happened. I'm surprised Only has carried on like he has... I don't know if I should commend him for being so true to his band or just tell him to give it up and do something else. He just recently released a new Misfits CD in the last few weeks. I've yet to hear it.
  22. Saturday night, I got roped into watching some kids. My two brothers (8 and 9) and my three cousins (7, 6 and 3). It went pretty well, and eventually I asked them if they wanted to watch a movie. Of course, TJ, the 7 year old, had seen everything we had. He didn't want to watch it all again. So my youngest brother and I went upstairs to get some DVDs and he grabbed Nightmare Before Christmas. TJ never saw it, which worked out. He knew some of the songs from some Disney CD though. Anyway, all of the kids sat there and watched the entire thing. Only the three year old got up and ran around the room sometimes. Everyone was quiet other than when they asked some questions. Anyway, I was happy that they all liked it so much. I hadn't seen it in a quite awhile (a few months, that's a long time) and it was just great to watch it again. Very few films compare. I always find it relaxing. I'm content when I watch it and I have a few great memories attached to times I've watched it. I hadn't heard the songs in so long either. Jack's Lament (when he is alone in the graveyard) is just an awesome song... and I've always love the part in the beginning where Jack rises out of the fountain and all the other characters are singing "la la la". ****ing great movie.
  23. Self checkout is the best idea ever. I was at Jewel last night (a huge grocery chain over here). After the guy rang us up, the chain poured out of this little machine into a cup. He handed us the bills, but we had to dig the change out ourselves. I thought it was just weird.
  24. I loved band, especially in high school when we had a jazz band... but many of examples are basically obsessive to the point that I couldn't imagine being like this lol.
  25. I played in orchestras, bands, marches, competitions and whatever else for nearly 12 years and, personally, I don't really mesh with most of this lol.
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