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Everything posted by Semjaza

  1. I'd say that Tormented is quite a bit heavier than Dysfunction, but I don't know if that was being included when they were mentioned originally.
  2. I take the L daily. The L is like Chicago's version of the subway. I can say that people on there just don't like sitting next to people at all. There are people who purposely sit on the outside of a pair of seats, just in the hopes that no one will sit next to them. There are people that move to an empty pair if someone sits next to them. I've found that rarely has anything to do with race. Some people just don't like sitting by anyone. Others just want to stand (I often do because I know I'll fall asleep if I sit). I wasn't there so I don't know how the man acted or anything, but in my experience I haven't found that to be a matter of races. There are plenty of people I know that would probably do that though.
  3. I'll just refer you to this thread: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=30613[/url] It's more or less the same. Eventually, there will most likely be a Console Gaming and a PC section and that is it.
  4. Excellent post. I wish we could have more like that more often from other people at OB lol. Too much to ask, I suppose heh. I only bought two comics last week. Supreme Power #2 - Basically a character introduction issue. They spent so much time with just Hyperion in the last issue that they kind of crammed more of his childhood into this one... along with short intros for a bunch of other characters. Still it looks great and is excellently written. It seemed rather slow to read though. Perhaps it was just a bit too wordy at times. Galactic #1 was the other comic I got. It's basically the story of some kid who is being sought out by a group of aliens. There really aren't any reasons as to why, just yet. I am mixed on this comic. The idea is generic, but the comic manages to pull it off well. My main problem is the art. A lot of the characters are just hideous. There are frames where the main character looks simply terrible... and they don't mesh with other drawings of him that look a slight bit better. I doubt I'll be getting #2. I wanted to get Outsiders #4 today, but I'm broke.
  5. Heh. Twiggy never was really a horrible looking guy, but some of his makeup choices for Marilyn Manson really made him look like an unattractive monster. Oh well, best of luck to him.
  6. I've not listened to these guys for years. They were back in the stage of my life when I was into alternative, radio-friendly pop-ish songs. They were good at what they did, but I never had a huge amount of love for them. I have a copy of A Boy Named Good somewhere. I must admit, I am surprised they're even still together. I remember Rzeznik being a very self-centered, bitchy guy... but I could be confusing him with someone else.
  7. Well, at this point a lot of the chart is totally empty... so whatever you want to enter will make it regardless heh. Would be nice to fill it out a bit more, I think. There's always all those tracks that have no scores at all too lol. Edit -- Otaku T_T... in the post under this one, could you edit the actual track names in? There are a few Sand Ocean tracks, for example... I don't know which you mean lol.
  8. AAAAAA? lol I'm going to put in your OB username so it's less confusing.
  9. He's the one in the middle in that picture. [IMG]http://gallery.mail2fans.com/gallery/zoom/329.jpg[/IMG] He'd be the one on the far left in this picture. Big difference, and that's not even one of his weirder costumes with Marilyn Manson lol.
  10. Paz is simply annoying. Maybe she should stop acting like a spoiled child and pick a damn band to stick with. She's not so amazing that she should have free reign like this. The reason I heard as to why she left Zwan in the first place is that the touring was tiring her out. Eh. I'd really have to say that Twiggy fits APC more on every level, especially the look. Paz always looked like a cheerleader at a goth convention in half of their photos. As for Twiggy... [img]http://www.aperfectcircle.com/photo_gallery/nAz2HYThrEKOA5fG.jpg[/img] Although I think this next picture answers your question a little better. I can't think of many times when Twiggy smiled, let alone dressed like this heh. [img]http://www.aperfectcircle.org/images/wtf_band_x.jpg[/img] Edit - I'll really miss the dresses.
  11. From what Charles has told me, this guy is an actual wrestler too... or something like that. I've thought about bringing back my old "Mr. Spanky's" banner, but this place seems a bit more sensitive now than it used to be. I'm sure Charles remembers that banner, at the least heh.
  12. I don't know. At this point I'm starting to think I was trying to make myself like this CD more than I actually did. I mean, it's APC. It's Maynard. They have Twiggy, who is one of the better bassists around... He was a major selling point for me, since I love Marilyn Manson. Now, though, I'm starting to think this CD is a major disappointment. Coming off Mer de Noms, this just isn't special in any respect. That isn't to say that it's [i]bad[/i], but it's a big let down. Even songs I've liked at first have mediocre and repetitive upon consecutive plays. Generally, if I love a CD and it's done well, I just like it more and more... this isn't a case of me just getting tired of it, it's the case of the buzz of a new CD from a great band wearing off.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]it's also somewhat similar to the book " Brave New World" by Aldous Huxely. Good book. [/B][/QUOTE] This is how you know no one reads anyone else's posts heh :p I don't know what the average age of this place is. All I know is that it's probably close to the age when I was most likely too busy playing videogames and drawing goofy, morbid pictures to be concerned with things like this. Doesn't anyone ever just want to have fun being a kid? I sure as hell miss it.
  14. I think the show has just gotten so moronic that things like that are just stuck in to keep up lol. She's always had an instinct of sorts, but the whole gun thing has always been stupid in my opinion. A lot of people think the show started going downhill after "Who Shot Mister Burns?". I don't agree with that, but I really don't think the episode where Maggie shoots the mobsters really helps defy that opinion.
  15. I think your third paragraph pretty much covered what I'd say. Even though there are many aspects of my life that are a pain... they're what make the good aspects seem so good. If I got to choose everything like that, I think I'd be more like a robot. What would be the point of living if I couldn't actually [i]live[/i]? Reminds me of Appleseed. Of course, I could still do without many of the monotonous, seemingly pointless tasks I have to complete day in and day out.
  16. I have no clue where you are getting these statistics. In every interview with a rap persona or executive I've seen, when the issue of race is brought up, they're quick to point out that a majority of rap is bought by white people (It's between 51 and 60%, or something like that). I severely doubt that anything near 90% of rock purchases are made by white people. The other problem is that there are races outside of black and white. These numbers don't make much sense to me.
  17. If you remotely liked the concept, do yourself a favor and read the comic. This movie doesn't even deserve to be based on it.
  18. Yes, it is worth getting. I think that you in particular would love it, honestly. In terms of how good it is... Well, it just depends. I know some people who think it's one of the best albums ever released. People whose opinions I actually trust and respect. While I think it's a bit much to call it "best ever", it's damn good at what it does. On the other hand, Rolling Stone gave it two out of five stars, supposedly. I can't say I generally respect their reviews as it is though... (Strangely that same year, one of the writers listed it as his CD of the year, followed by Holy Wood... a CD that seemed to disappoint most people). As for Tool, they're on their own schedule and do what they want, when they want pretty much. I have no clue when they might be releasing something new, but I also haven't been keeping up with it. The next part of the tour for APC is going on now, so obviously not much is likely to happen until that's completed.
  19. Sounds like your cache is holding stuff it shouldn't. It's most likely not a OB-specific problem. I'd try emptying out your temporary internet files and going from there.
  20. No, APC is like a side project for Maynard basically. Mer de Noms came out before Lateralus, for example.
  21. I originally saw it online somewhere a few weeks ago. I found the video to be quite dull, personally. It's like five minutes of her basically doing the same thing. It was interesting at first, but just became monotonous lol. I don't know how heavy I'd call this disc. I mean, some of it is up there. It's probably a bit softer than Mer de Noms overall, but I've not heard that in so long... my memory is fuzzy. I've played it through about three times now, and it is growing on me. Good sign, I'd say.
  22. Semjaza


    You could say a bit more about the band if you want to bother making a thread about them lol. As it is, there is an AFI thread here: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=30680[/url] Please post in that instead.
  23. I don't know how many are aware, but some CDs of note came out today... at least for me. The first being David Bowie's Reality, the other being A Perfect Circle's Thirteenth Step. I didn't get Reality since I didn't have the money (in addition to that, they didn't have the limited edition 2 CD set... so screw that). Anyway, I know there are some APC fans here. For those not familiar, it's basically a rock band made up of some random established artists. The main ones being Maynard of Tool on vocals and Billy Howerdel, who composes the songs. The lineup has shifted since Mer de Noms. Josh Freese is on drums. Jeordie White has replaced Paz on bass (Paz went to Zwan, which she recently left. Zwan broke up in the past couple days. Jeordie is also known as Twiggy, formerly of Marilyn Manson. He was replaced by Tim Skold). The other notable edition is James Iha, guitarist for the Smashing Pumpkins when they were still together. [IMG]http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B0000AZJXQ.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg[/IMG] Anyway, I've only played the CD a few times. It's rather mellow, overall... although some tracks do get a bit more intense. To be honest, I think it's going to take me some time to get into it. So far, I'm really loving the track called Pet. The single as of right now is Weak and Powerless, which I'm sure will be on the radio. There's already a video for it on the various music channels as well. Anyway, if you look around, you can find this for about $12 or so... which I don't think is that bad. It's definitely worth the price from what I've heard so far, but it doesn't seem as though it surpasses Mer de Noms just yet.
  24. Yeah. Anything you like. I've not played the game enough to get the AX tracks (I guess there are six of them.... yay), so I didn't list them lol. The snake technique is basically where you cycle between L+left and R+right. You switch to the other direction before you hit the wall. It basically lets you attain speeds higher than any amount of boosting. You can beat some of the Staff Ghosts by more than 10 seconds by doing this (for example, the first track in the game can be done in like 46 seconds). According to Nintendo, it was an intended trick... but I think it cheapens the game, and has no place in any sort of ranking here.
  25. I saw it via fansubs. Pretty much the only anime I watch anymore. Kiddy Grade probably does what it does well. I just wasn't interested in it. It's very well animated from what I remember, I'll say that much.
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