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Everything posted by Semjaza

  1. Semjaza


    I didn't find it all that special. Of course I was really amused when they all started singing Bowie's Space Oddity. Best scene in the movie, in my opinion.
  2. Semjaza


    Did you just randomly buy this? Or did you get it since I mentioned it? I am just curious. At first, I didn't like them. I found them overly dull, especially the vocals. I can't get too interested in the song if the vocalist doesn't even sound like he remotely cares about anything he sings about. However, once I got used to this... I realized his singing fit the band, the lyrics were decently written and it actually worked. I had no problem with the music itself from the start. It's really good stuff. I don't think there is any one standout part of it, but its parts make a good, solid whole. It creates a landscape basically. The disc is still like $10 at Best Buy since they're considered one of those "new" artists (despite this CD being rather old by now), so it's worth checking out. That rack is the best rack in Best Buy. I get some nice stuff off of it for cheap prices.
  3. Equip stuff that affects your luck. This, for me, seemed to work the best. I kept getting great weapons off of enemies and the amount of cash recieved increased. Obviously, the starting portions of the game don't really have any luck items, but when you get them, equip them.
  4. Semjaza

    The OC

    I missed it last night. I saw the first five minutes and then had to go do something else. However, I was turned off by the previews to this episode... I knew that guy with the gun would just add an aspect to the show that I just don't think it needs. It doesn't need horrible, life threatening scenes to work. I hope they realize this, but I doubt they will.
  5. "The ironing is delicious." Irony is probably one of my favorite aspects of life. I find it amusing on so many levels, and am just very interested in it. It's up there with sarcasm as one of the best things ever.
  6. Semjaza


    Du Hast means "you hate" in the song. The whole line is "you hate me to say". It was rather funny that this was pegged as "German hate music" by the media after Columbine. I suppose just because they say hate in it. The song, from what I remember, seems mostly about him not loving a girl than anything else.
  7. Piro is playing Deadsy... the tears of joy are welling up in my eyes. He just told me he is getting David Bowie stuff the other day too. I'm so proud :D Anyway... I don't care for most of what is in your poll. I do like NUFAN. Not as much as I used to, but I do like them. I have a hooded sweatshirt of theirs that I wear near constanstly. MxPx... Eh. They kind of personify "mall punk", but since I'm not a genre whore, I don't really care. I find their studio albums to be appalling. They sound dull and the singing just sucks. However, I got their live CD, and it rocks. I don't know what they do different live, but it just sounds so much better and actually has a good deal of intensity. Why they don't normally play like that, I have no clue. Millencolin I love. They deserve the little success they've gotten. Their last release, Home From Home, is among one of the best releases I bought that year. I can't find any fault with it, every song is excellent and played well. Otherwise, I like AH as Piro mentioned. They are my favorite. They're distantly followed by Bad Religion. Then by AFI, I suppose. There are tons of random others, but I'm too tired to think of any for whatever reason.
  8. I wound up developing a cyst in my wrist due to all the books I had to carry between classes in high school. You usually wind up curving your hand and wrist around your books, no matter how many you might be holding at the time. We were only given 5 minutes between classes, and if you were late you got a detention. It could be 5 seconds late, it didn't matter. So you wound up carrying 4 or 5 classes worth of books at times. It's not beneficial, in my opinion.
  9. Semjaza


    First of all, go here: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=69[/url] Read that a few times. Secondly, there is already a Good Charlotte thread a few lines down, post in there. I recommend you improve your post quality, because otherwise I doubt anyone would respond to this.
  10. I kind of follow my own set of beliefs, and they do work in the whole angel angle. I don't really believe in all those subsets and such, but I do think there has to be some sort of messengers and so on. I love reading about angels though. Not those lame "an angel saved me!" stories, but the old stories and tales surrounding them. The nephilim, the Watchers and so on. My username is based on such things.
  11. Most of the hardest games were hard because they made no sense. I still have no clue if I even made any progress in the horrible Super Pitfall. Snake Rattle n' Roll's last stage was ridiculous too. The rest of the game was hard, but I could manage. The last level was just one monster and tons of things that could kill you on a very small platform. You had to hit it without stopping for seemingly hours. I always just gave up.
  12. I merged your posts together so they made sense. In the future, use the edit button and fix your original post. Double posting is against the rules. Check out [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=69[/url] if you have any problems.
  13. I wouldn't compare it to DDR, other than the fact that they are both music games. Amplitude and Frequency own DDR in every aspect. I never got around to buying Amplitude because I wasn't big on a lot of the song choices, but it seemed like a nice sequel to Frequency. I should just buy it already.
  14. Finally. Thank you. I have been trying to figure out what the hell the name of this anime was. I saw it at the store and thought it looked really cool... and once I got home, I kept thinking it was called Orange Chocolate or something. I got no results on that. So, now that I know that, I'd also like it know what it is really about, please :)
  15. I kind of like the whole spectrum of human emotion. I think it would be kind of weird to meet someone who was never, ever overly excited or sad or angry or random or whatever else. I like having an evil side and a nice side and all that. However, I guess I'd have to I'd probably get rid of jealousy. I cannot think of one beneficial thing it has ever lead to in my life.
  16. When I eat a bad piece of food that is clearly marked as expired or trip over my own child at a store and break my leg, I'd like the peace of mind that comes with knowing that I'd be able to sue the place I was currently at and make lots of money. It's the American way.
  17. Speaking of the show... is anyone currently reading the actual comic? I think they're either on issue 2 or 3, and I've heard good things about it, surprisingly.
  18. College seemed lighter at first. To the point that I'd put everything off and still finish it with an A. However, somehow everything finally clicked and college suddenly just picked up. It wasn't a gradual thing whatsoever, it went from rather easy to nearly impossible. How a teacher can expect 12 to 16 hours on one assignment within a week, I have no clue. As such, I can't really put off as much as I'd like to... but I still do. I'm really bad about it.
  19. I should note that the film has decent cinematography and a decent atmosphere. Other than that? Total tripe. It was almost worth my $6 (cheaper before 6PM) because I got to see a preview for the Alien: Director's Cut rerelease on Halloween.
  20. It's such a stupid argument as it is. Haven't you ever heard of the NES and SNES? Apparently not. Nintendo had the games before Sony even took the SNES CD design and made their Playstation. FF:CC is an offshoot anyway, it won't affect anything.
  21. The picture is very old. It's not from FF. In fact, from what I remember reading about it, it's not even made by Square. I think the drawing is by Luis Royo, who is a very accomplished fantasy painter who would have nothing to do with this. It was just some thing someone put together to fool people, as usual. Whoever wrote that article just went off on tangents with very little basis as it is. All that is known about this game is that people from Square have professed an interest in making it. They know it has a huge fanbase, and so far have said nothing more then something along the lines of "if we do it, we'll have to wait until we can make it the best it can be". Which really means absolutely nothing. Next thing you know, someone is going to post those fake GBA FF7 port screenshots in here lol. There's no official anything about this anywhere.
  22. I feel like I posted in this thread last week or something. I'm happy with my life. It's not the best, it's not the worst. There are things I know I should have done differently in the past, but who is to say how far reaching their effects on the future were? I really don't know. The same with things that I couldn't have affected at all, such as the death of my father. As such, I don't really live with regrets anymore. What I do is done. It's past. I can't change it, so I don't worry about it. As such, things like this don't really interest me, and I can say, without a doubt, I wouldn't rewind anything.
  23. I won't put ketchup on anything but fries. That is it. I also won't use any ketchup unless it is Heinz. I hate that cheap, overly sweet ketchup most places sell or have. Also, if you call it catsup, you're weird. I like weird though. I hate tomatoes. I LOATHE tomatoes. The smell, the taste, the sight, the texture. Everything. I use some tomato products obviously... but I almost gag at the sight of large pieces of tomatoes. That's about all that is "weird". I don't know anyone that has a hatred towards any food as much as I do with tomatoes. Otherwise, I put mustard on white grapes. Kind of tastes like sweet and sour sauce. Everyone at high school used to mix mayonaise with ketchup and put it all over their fries. It was admittedly very good.
  24. I've still not gotten around to downloading random stuff of their's due to lack of time and abundance of music I buy that I can actually understand lol. Someday though. Someday.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1] And one thing that REALLY bugs me...because my sister falls into this categorey...is what I like to consider the "Hot Topic Goths." They claim they want to be different and that everyone sucks because they dress alike and don't listen to their music, but HEY GUESS WHAT? All of you are trying to be different in the same way and you're just contradicting yourself! It's stupid! It's futile![/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I wanted to respond to this... mostly because it is very true. It's also just ironic. The thing that always got me, is that most people that force themselves into the whole "goth" trend don't really embody anything it represents. You could at least be interested in the music, but generally when I ask someone claiming to be goth what they listen to, I get bands my mom probably heard of. I imagine it can be very frustrating for the people who are just into this stuff because it's part of who they are, rather than just trying to look cool or different to some other select group. Whatever though. I bought this cool German army coat at Hot Topic for $10. I can't lie about that heh. That's really it.
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