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Everything posted by Semjaza

  1. If you followed those LotR games or FF:CC, you'd see that they are very similiar in execution to the Seiken Densetsu series. FF:CC especially. I don't see the problem.
  2. I didn't see a thread for this, so what the hell. I really need to pass on my thoughts on this movie. I should note that I am very hard on movies compared to most. I bet a lot of you will like this. To each their own. Most every week I get dragged to the movies by someone. Sometimes it's a good thing. Most of the time it's a bad thing, as evidenced by such movies as Tomb Raider 2 and this. I hated the original Jeepers Creepers. In my opinion, if a horror movie isn't scary... then it should have some humorous value. Jeepers Creepers has neither of these things, and seemingly goes absolutely nowhere... propelled by devices that further the plot, which really have no thought process behind them whatsoever. I never understood the apparent success of this movie, or what value anyone saw in it. Somehow part two managed to be worse. In fact, the first is almost amazing compared to this one. I knew I was going to hate it when I first heard of it, but I still tried to stay objective and give it a chance. A lot of good that did. Anyway, we walked in and the theater was packed. Oops, I mean, it was basically empty. This is the first movie I've seen in well over a month that wasn't relatively packed on its opening weekend. The opening scenes are fine enough. I'm sure everyone familiar with the movie has seen them. All that cornfield crap. At this point the movie seems to have some hope, as all of this is fairly well done. I don't know that any of this is spoiler-worthy, but what the hell. It doesn't ruin much of anything. [spoiler]Then we get to the rest of the movie. Thank god there is no psychic nut lady like in the first, but instead we're treated to a randomly psychic cryptic girl who just happens to get her "powers" when all this stuff happens. It's far more believable than the crap in the first, so I can't knock the movie for this. The rest of the movie is basically this football team packed into a bus like sardines. Generally, you're probably used to seeing half naked (or totally naked) girls in these films, but this one doesn't have any. Instead you're treated to half naked guys on a constant basis. I guess that can be a benefit to some people, so I figured I'd mention it. It was a change of pace, at the least. I don't really know why they all stand so close and talk while they piss in an open field, but whatever. The monster itself is the same as in the first film. It randomly acts like a human, and randomly acts like some sort of pteranadon. The monster is the only redeeming part of this film. He's not original in any sense. In fact, he reminds me of Freddy on many levels for whatever reason. There is a cool scene were he grows back his body parts. This is possibly the only remotely original part of the film, and that's stretching it. The main problem in this movie is the dialogue. It's either written really badly or delivered very poorly. It's not even cheesy B-Movie level dialogue. It's just bad. The first half of the movie after the corn field really accomplishes nothing. A couple people disappear (I did like the disappearance of the lady with the flares, at least) and they figure out what this thing wants thanks to Psychic Girl. I don't remember any of their names since I don't give a damn. Somehow that's all that is accomplished in well over the first half. I was squirming in my seat the entire time waiting for it to end. The second half is admittedly much better, but that doesn't amount to much. A little bit before the crazy farm guy finds the kids (he's been hunting the monster since the cornfield incident), the movie does pick up and become slightly interesting on a purely brainless level.[/spoiler] And even after writing all that, I can't even come up with enough words to describe the rest of it. It's just bad. It does very little right. It doesn't even do the things it rips off well. At times it seemed like this movie wanted to make some profound statement (with the constant references to teamwork and a few other things), but it constantly just fell on its face. The director is also a known sex offender (I believe against boys), and at times I kind of got the sense that he was sticking that thought process into this movie. It didn't really affect anything though, at least not in a bad way. The monster prefers boys for whatever reason though. Even the music was pretty bad, and a lot of it was just unfitting. Sorry this was so long, but ugh. It has beaten out Tomb Raider 2 as the dumbest movie I've seen so far this year. I give this movie my lowest rating ever: 7 thumbs up.
  3. I must be the only person on this planet that doesn't find this site funny at all, and I'm very easily amused. I've gone through the whole thing and have seen everything everyone here has mentioned. Not for me.
  4. Semjaza


    They haven't released anything since Mutter to even justify touring. I'd imagine they have something coming out rather soon, it has been awhile... I think they do those big Ozzfest styled tours here... the problem is I don't want to spend $80 to see three bands I like and 10 I can't stand. I like Rammstein, but not to an insane extent.
  5. I moved it because you mentioned Link. For obvious reasons, Link isn't even in the PS2 or Xbox versions. He's a Nintendo made character lol. I figured that would be so obvious that you had to have just posted it in the wrong section. PS2 gets Heihachi as their bonus character. Xbox has Spawn.
  6. I remembered... Mr. Feeny. That guy is creepy. I think he has a thing for Cory. He lives next door, pops up all the time, watches everything Cory does... And to top that off, he even follows him to college. There's something going on there. Speaking of Saved by the Bell... The College Years episodes always seem to come on when I'm doing nothing, so I wind up watching them for lack of nothing better to do.
  7. Pretty Hate Machine still has an industrial slant to it though. It's important in the sense that it brought that sound to the masses, whereas other bands at the time such as Ministry were still just too offbeat to be popular. Somehow it worked. Pretty Hate Machine recently passed 3 million copies sold. I think last month. Sin is an awesome song. What I like about PHM is the way it kind of builds up into heavier, faster songs and then relaxes into a few slower, more subdued ones. I'd probably go with Something I Could Never Have as my favorite on the disc. If you haven't bought it yet, I still recommend Broken. It's usally found for under $10, since it's considered an EP.
  8. I went to Gamestop the other day and traded in some crap I never play. I wound up getting about $70 for it all, so I got F-Zero GX. I didn't wind up playing it until several hours later. When I first started it, I was amazed by how clear it was. It's just incredibly smooth in pretty much every respect. The texture detail, with some exceptions, is just excellent. It's probably the best looking game on the system, in my opinion... and I decided that before I saw some of the cooler tracks. The things going on in the background, in addition to all the crap onscreen... it's just amazing. I didn't get to do much though. I finished the Jack Cup on Novice, started building my own car, played the first chapter of Story Mode and bought Blood Hawk (who I can't stand, the car is too loose). I plan on playing some more today.
  9. DFantasy, you really have to work on your posts. Everything I've seen today hasn't even been one complete sentence. Would it be so hard to name what you like? I'm not going to bother naming the Simpsons or Futurama. I'd probably pick Futurama in most cases. I'm going with Batman. This is probably one of the best shows I've watched ever, animation or not. I liked it before they switched styles though. It started out rather realistic, and somewhere along the line they changed it. They dumbed down the look of the main characters and made all the villians look very cartoony. I stopped watching it at this point, because I just didn't find it visually pleasing anymore. So basically the stuff around Mask of the Phantasm, in terms of animation. Mask of the Phantasm is still the best Batman movie ever, in my opinion.
  10. I don't see what is so big about them. They fit under OB's size limit. There is no rule on how big something has to be to look good. The text most likely looks off because you saved as a jpg. Generally, unless you tell it otherwise, those programs compress things rather poorly... which leads to lossing, which is the artifacting around the text and on large fields of color.
  11. I did answer the question. Why would I want to be someone else? So I could deal with their problems instead? I have no desire to be anyone else... even if I play along with this, I can't honestly think of one person I'd rather be. Maybe David Bowie, if I had to. I'm not going to name some movie star and come up with some OMG HE IZ KEWL reasoning here lol.
  12. We talk about all this stuff in our own sections and via instant messengers. The mods don't just wander aimlessly about. If people need to improve, they're generally PMed and given some time to do so. Some do, some don't. Of course there are always people who fall through the cracks, and if you see someone you feel is overly poor... you can always report the post and we'll look at it. There are several people around that we're watching. They've been notified on some level. It's a constant process.
  13. From talking to people heavy into strategy RPGs, I've been told this game is rather mediocre... However, these people are like hardcore, so I can't say I'd pay attention to their opinions. It still sounds like a good game to me lol.
  14. From what I have read, this is set to own the previous games in the series 10 times over. I am really looking forward to this to be honest. Another game similiar to this to watch out for would be Demi-Kids from Atlus. Just giving a heads up, since I have a feeling that game will be largely ignored.
  15. Semjaza

    join xbox

    I don't think you can use a plain old ethernet cable. It most likely would require a cross over cable, which is not the same thing. I'd try that or just buy MS's Xbox link cable (which most likely is just a repackaged cross over cable anyway).
  16. There are different models of Harleys. Some faster than others. Most Harleys are made for distance driving, road crusing. They're not for young morons who like to cut people off in traffic and do other annoying things. Obviously there's something going on, because rather recently Japanese manufacturers have tried to emulate the Harley look. Many riders cut their pipes too, especially on Harleys. If someone had a Harley with everything intact, they're generally not that loud in my opinion. I've grown up in a biker family all my life. My dad was a high up member of the Chicago section of ABATE. ABATE is a biker club that does things to help out the community and such. They're part of the factor behind Toys for Tots for example. They always have these crazy parties, so it's hard to imagine them being like this... but most bikers I've met are very nice people. My dad had a few bikes. I don't remember what they were at this point. I do remember he had a rather large chopper though, which was very cool. He wound up dying in a motorcycle accident though. My step dad has a full dressed. He doesn't use it as much as he used to, I assume since he got into a big accident on it. The thing was totally repaired since then. I used to have a sportster, but I never put up the cash to get it fixed... so some one else wound up taking it and fixing it themselves. I've not seen that guy in a while though.
  17. I went to Catholic schools since the 5th grade. My gradeschool was co-ed, but my two high schools were not. I can't say that I loved them all that much. Ironically they're what turned me away from religion in the first place.
  18. Darkness Falls is terrible. I was told it was quite good, so I watched it with a friend. I can't think of anything that was that special about it, whatsoever. Afterwards, we watched this Making Of thing on the DVD extra features list. The people involved kept saying how original and sophisticated it was. I guess I saw a different movie than they made. Darkness Falls was nothing like that. However, I'm not really into the current idea of what horror is. I don't like crappy mostly teen-aimed nonsense like the remake of Ghost Ship or Jeepers Creepers, or whatever else there is right now. While Darkness Falls doesn't totally fit into that, I don't think it does much better, honestly. I prefer rather morbid, violent horror films, not movies that could basically just be called thrillers or suspense instead of horror.
  19. I'm still trying to figure out Fiasco's post. Vocals are important to any band. As if I wouldn't know this...? lol Hoboken is the town. Not Apocalypse Hoboken heh. I told you that since you said someone thought it was Japanese techno, but whatever. I just meant Hoboken lol. I remember telling Piro about this band way, way back. He downloaded a couple songs because of a post I made about them, but that seemed to be the end of it. I hosted Microstars much, much later and I guess he just fell in love with it. They truly are an excellent band. And like you said, once you read the lyrics, you like them that much more. They're like Marilyn Manson in that sense (although I guess that depends on if you can stand him)... Where you can just listen to it and enjoy it a good deal, or you could read what they are truly saying and figure out what it means. Apocalypse Hoboken is far deeper at times than even I expect. There's of course tons of just goofy, fun songs too.
  20. Long story........... When I was much younger, there was this department store around here known as Venture. They've since gone out of business. Most of their locations were replaced with K-Marts, which ironically are going out of business as well. One day I was with my mother and my brother, who was a baby at the time, there. I found this game for the PC and I knew I'd never be able to buy it, even though I wanted it rather badly. I put it in my cart, pushed it over to an aisle that didn't have those black cameras pointed at it and took it. I got home with no problems. Except there was a problem. I had some need to do it again. The next time, I trudged over there through the snow. It's about a mile from my house, I'd guess. I wound up taking something else, another PC game. I walked home, and my mom and my aunt asked where I was. I didn't say anything, I just ran upstairs. By the next time I went to Venture, I wasn't stealing because I wanted the stuff I was stealing. I was stealing because I enjoyed it. It gave me some sort of adrenaline rush, but it wasn't the same as the kind you'd get during a fight. It was different, and I admit, I really liked it. This went on a couple more times, I belive. The last time I just had a whole pocketful of game cases. I don't even remember what they were. Just a bunch of crap I didn't even have interest in. I got to the front door and I zipped up my coat and put my hat on. It was still winter at this time. The automatic doors opened and as I took my first step through them, a hand landed on my shoulder. I thought "Oh ****." Really, what else would I think? I was finally caught, when I really never thought I would be. It was this gigantic black man, who I'd never honestly seen before. He took me to this back room where there was this rather skinny white guy. They asked me a bunch of questions. By this time I was so rattled that I couldn't possibly lie. They knew I was there before, so I told them about the other stuff. They then asked who would be more upset, my mom or my dad. I didn't think to lie about this either, and I stupidly told them my dad would be. They called my house and asked for him, and thank god, he wasn't there. My mom wound up coming with the other stuff I took. In the meantime, I just sat there while they talked about random nonsense and showed me pictures of the most wanted shoplifters at the time. I didn't get anything on record for it or anything like that. You know your mom is really upset when she doesn't say anything. At least with my mom, she yells all the time... but when she sits there and talks to you rather calmly and looks incredibly disappointed with you... I think that's probably the worst. Anyway, I got this paper in the mail from Venture. I was required to pay back for what I stole, and also some fee for "damages", whatever the hell that could have been. It was well over $300. I paid it out of my savings account. I've not even attempted to steal anything since then. I don't have the desire to, and I didn't want to disappoint my mom. It's not really worth it.
  21. I'm not scared of them. I don't know why anyone would be. There are ants with more dangerous bites than spiders. I always wanted a pet tarantula. Now that my scorpion, Pinchy, is gone... I guess I can get one.
  22. Yeah, I know it wasn't all that complex. It was still rather unexpected lol.
  23. I honestly thought it was hilarious. Reminds me of those goofy DBZ fights. I was surprised you bothered to make his mouth move when he spoke.
  24. Some people said they specifically joined because of the mention of theotaku.com on AS. What more proof do you need? You guys are so weird lol.
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