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Everything posted by Semjaza

  1. The VMAs are even worse than the Grammys. I dislike award shows greatly. I've heard Coldplay won a few awards, so there's hope left, I suppose.
  2. They mention sites randomly. I've seen bits where they give exact links to forum threads, so this is not out of the realm of possibility. I've heard it from enough random people that I believe it. It's not like ridiculous, so I don't get why it's worth questioning.
  3. Hellraiser is one of my favorites. The sequels I've seen aren't as good, but they're still fun, disgusting movies. I really love the design of Pinhead and the other cenobites. Seven is awesome. That's another one of my favorites. I consider it more suspense than actual horror, but the scene for Lust is still cringe enducing. There are many others, but I don't feel like writing anymore.
  4. Same deal as with the Charizard thread. Don't want this place to be too spread out over 5 threads.
  5. I think this question has been answered as much as it possibly can be. We have a few other SSBM topics going that deal with different subjects, so check those out if you want to continue talking about the game.
  6. I can't get it just yet. I might get a nice deal of money tomorrow for taking care of this lady's yard... and if I do, it is mine. I cannot wait to play this in progressive scan, volume way up. I simply can't wait :D
  7. Semjaza

    The Reviews

    The section obviously isn't ready to go up. I'm not sure what Adam is doing with it. I, originally, was the person put in charge of review. I did several, but time became too constrained. Adam found some one to replace me, and asked that I stay on as editor... but then the whole Version Next idea started going and he decided not to update it until that was all taken care of. I've not heard anything new about it since then.
  8. To be honest, I find the old Mario Party games so unattractive graphically that I can't even play them. I hardly ever go back to N64 games because they just aged horribly. Mario Party 4 addressed this, obviously. I thought 4 was the best one I've played, honestly. I had quite a good time with it, although I do feel it gets old fast. MP5 is looking good too.
  9. First of all, I'll join your Flaming Lips club. Second of all, are you sure Freewebs allows direct linking? When I go to your site, not one image ever even loads. I tried going directly to your background image, but that doesn't work either.
  10. I should say someone else was banned over posting things that were even less sexual than this. I'm also curious as to how you could go from the stuff you posted to this. The quality difference between the two is a rather big difference. I don't think you are the age you claim to be, in fact, you seem almost like a joke character heh. Whatever though. Closed the thread. Deleted the attachment.
  11. It's in Catfish's Maw, I believe. Which is in the middle of a large body of water.
  12. Why in the world would you call someone who doesn't even listen to grunge a "grunger"? Music-based labels never make any sense to me. Generally the people that form them know nothing about the genre or the individuals that are interested in it. I listen to pretty much any genre honestly. Metal, punk, hip hop, country, classical, etc. I don't know that I could be stuffed into any one category in that sense. I just like music. As for my style of clothing. I just buy what I like. It might be some leather coat or some old army coat, a ski cap or a Bears hat, boots or Vans or Converse All-Stars, dress shirts or band shirts... it goes on and on. I just do, say, listen to and wear what I feel like at the time. Whatever I'm labeled thanks to that at the time, I can't say I really care. I enjoy myself.
  13. I don't see what it affects. Is some judge or lawyer going to walk to the courthouse, see this statue and decide to change their thought process on a case? I severely doubt it. The judge is obviously religious as it is. Removing some statue isn't going to change how he works. People can get as worked up about it as they want. It won't change anything. Instead of worrying about real problems, they take this up as their latest cause.
  14. They're both imporant. There are many situations where I need a combination of the two. Some of the things mentioned so far don't strike me as common sense things whatsoever, honestly. You obviously need common sense to get through many situations though. Especially those where you need to figure something out quickly. Booksmarts are useful in their own ways. While someone can get by with their common sense, I do think that booksmarts are really what helps you actually get anywhere in life. So really a combination of the two. I don't think one is much more important than the other, but I'd say common sense is the better one to have.
  15. I'd go with the Nephilim, honestly. That also ties in the various forms of angels as well, but that depends on what you think is myth and what you don't. Even if you do believe in angels, some of the odd forms spoken of in the Old Testament and lore back then are just really bizarre.
  16. Even if you do go to church, demons and devils are part of nearly any religion's history. Christianity included. I don't know how it could affect you in any way, considering that. In any case, I never liked this anime. It's my least favorite Ghibli release.
  17. The icons were always red for new posts, and not red for old posts. At least from what I remember. I don't remember it ever being the opposite. The Industrial style should have never been installed in my opinion. It had all these options and hacks in it that the technical guy at the time wouldn't even attempt to put into the skins James made (the tech guy did industrial). I hated that skin. It didn't look like OB in any way. It was like his attempt to take over the boards, in my opinion.
  18. James was trying to pick a color for the bar where the forum labels go. Like Gaming or whatever else. I told him to try red, and it fit. I'd imagine he just went from there. I think it works. Red can mean lots of things. In this case it obviously contrasts the black/gray that is used for no new posts.
  19. Someone mentioned the books ending differently from the films. This has to be done, really. There are certain rules to good film making that don't exactly mesh with these books. You don't want to end a film with some of the things the novels end with. It just wouldn't go over well. They have to appeal to more groups than simply Tolkein fans. I see no real problems with the movies. I still need to buy the DVDs though.
  20. Semjaza

    Like Mike

    When I saw the commercials... and realized it had that dorky little blonde kid, [i]in addition to[/i] Little Bow Wow (who I guess wants to be called Bow Wow instead now, that's much more mature afterall) I avoided this completely. This is the first I've heard anyone talk of it since then.
  21. I have the same thing for my PSX. They call it disc swapping, but since you have to do all that other stuff... I didn't consider it that. Disc swapping should be like it is on DC. You put a disc in, run it and then put in your game. That's it. Oh well.
  22. Semjaza

    The OC

    I always laugh when they showed that commercial where she's like "I'm 16!!". Yeah right. You look older than I do, and I look young for my age. Yesterday's was good. Seeing the preview for the next one kind of makes me worried that the show might take a turn for the worse, though.
  23. Strangely we have another thread on this. Rather surprising heh. [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=27887[/url] Check that out, and post in there please. I'd like to keep this place as clutter free as possible. Thanks :)
  24. You make it sound as if you almost consider MyOtaku another message board in a sense. They're seperate entities and they do entirely seperate things. There will be efforts in the future to tie them together more though. I cannot forsee any rivalry or cliques being formed over something like this... if I'm even understanding what you are saying. I'm still not sure what you think could cause this.
  25. I don't really understand why you think MyOtaku itself would cause that. That already goes on here at OB as it is, although it's not as bad as it could be.
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