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Everything posted by Semjaza

  1. I've seen a couple people in here even give reasons. Most of you have been around long enough to know how this place works... especially given the obvious crackdown on favorites threads in Anime Lounge (just read the sticky). So yeah, the thread is closed.
  2. Danny Elfman is a god. If you like his voice, I suggest you check out Oingo Boingo. It was his band way, way back. They're quite good. Anyway, Nightmare Before Christmas is in my Top 3 Movies Ever list, which actually is only made up of Elfman and Burton films lol. I think there are some people here that could back me up on my love for this film. Once I even watched it three times in one day. Of course, I was sick that day, but still... it never got old. I love every last bit of it to death. I bought the soundtrack, which I think is a mustown. I finally found a great shirt at the store a couple of years ago too. I'm always surprised by how many people stop me and say something about it. Same with the ski cap I have. The DVD is probably my favorite too. It's so clear (at least on HDTV) that you might as well be there. It's just amazing. Plus it includes Burton's earlier works, Frankenweenie and Vincent. If anyone does dislike it, I will curse them and their families.
  3. Anyone that thinks Zombies Ate My Neighbors is bad is insane. Of course, I've only played it on the SNES.
  4. I created one of the bigger threads on this subject in here awhile back. It caused many people to address their signatures. Rather recently, there was another thread on this subject. For some reason people don't think one signature containing text and images taking up your entire screen is a problem. I personally do. There's no reason to have an entire song in your profile with every other word on another line... or a club where every member has their own line. It's ridiculous. I try to keep mine as small as possible, while still including the stuff I'd like to. It's not hard to do. I don't think it is too much to ask either. I'm not even bothered by most... but if you measure some they are over a foot in length. Others could take up an entire 1024x768 pixel screen. That's just insane. I do realize some other boards are worse, but even so. OB isn't other boards lol. I've PMed people in the past asking for them to do something about it, but really that's all I can do. They don't have to listen to me, really. There is no rule about it anywhere, I just think it is common courtesy. I'm hoping it will be addressed finally in v7.
  5. I think we're past the days of demeaning child leashes. Shock collars are where it's at. Kids can be electrocuted and still stay fashionable.
  6. I didn't know they even aired this anymore heh...
  7. I like the background personally... It just needs something like Unsharpening Mask or Smart Blur applied to it. The text does look very out of place though. It seems arbitrarily stuck there, and has this really gross blurry stuff around it. Good otherwise.
  8. I always find it interesting that everyone credits Einstein with nearly every aspect of these weapons, when really, Enrico Fermi is really the main catalyst in all of this.
  9. Semjaza


    Many groups have a song or two that are overplayed... The thing is, they're part of a CD of like 12 tracks or so. Just hating that one for whatever reason doesn't really affect the quality of the other tracks. I never trust the opinion of someone that hates a band based on some single they hard on the radio, personally. Hell, I don't even really like most NIN and Manson singles, and they're two of my favorite bands.
  10. I don't blame her honestly. I think at some point you are entitled to a certain percentage. The show is obviously popular thanks to her and little else. Her merchandise flies off the shelves, her show is insanely popular, people of all ages know who she is. I don't blame her for expecting more, especially because anyone intelligent would know that any other network would jump at the chance to sign her to a show. Stuff happens all the time anyway. It's not as if no other actor or even voice actor has never done this. Most do.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B]Please don't end your sentances with prepositions, it's bad grammar. [/B][/QUOTE] Please spell "sentences" correctly :p Sorry, I had to... heh. I used to play basketball quite a bit. I was never that good, although I seemed to make a lot of shots when I wasn't even trying. It was very aggrivating. And Valick, I love Our Lady Peace. 4 AM and Thief will always be my favorites heh.
  12. I don't need to read it to know you do what he says in general. Like I said, who cares? I'm not responding to anything else in here. I said nothing bad about you. You're the one calling [i]me[/i] out on this. If you want to complain about it, you know where I am. I mean damn, I said that like over a week ago and it wasn't even serious.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Leh [/i] [B][size=1][b]I'd like to know where you get that I was acting moderator by my comment. OH WAIT! You and Semjaza are perfect, aren't you? Oh, I forgot! Shame on me! ;) Leh[/b][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] What are you talking about? I didn't read your post he was referring to as it is. I'm not perfect, I didn't imply it. Besides you do always act like that. Every last person here knows it. Who cares?
  14. I guess we're all too stupid to see the hilarity... pfft. Even when taken in a sartical light, which I did personally, this is a really dumb point to try to make in any aspect. It would never go over well here. As for me, I thought the things presented in here were worth addressing.... Really, was I supposed to just say "GOOD JOKE MAN LOLOL" and so on? I'm surprised some people were as offended by it as they were (or even at all), but whatever lol. Anyway, I'll close it as per your request, heh.
  15. All she made was an analogy with that statement. The math part was barely of importance. You can't add up two things and come up with something that shouldn't be the result. If you consider calling yourself something you're not rebellion, I find that pretty strange. That's like me calling myself black to go against the "system" and remove the shackles of race. It makes little sense on any level, even if I take this thread as some sort of satire. It barely even fits the vernacular definition. In any case, punk has gone from an idea to an actual, specific sound in the eyes of many people. There are certain things expected from the genre, just like with gothic or industrial music. Sure, they're not strict rules and they can be bent to hell and back... but Avril's music doesn't fit into even the most basics of it. Considering the music aspect is what most people think of when they think "punk", rather than the vernacular or even the punk ideal... and combining that with the other things I've said, I fail to see the relevence. No one is going to get some epiphany and realize the error of their ways thanks to semantics.
  16. Well, in a desperate attempt to save this thread I'll post another site.. This one originally started as a few comments between Charles and I. One day I just showed it to him. He didn't seem to think I'd actually bother to make it, at least not to the degree I had. 1-Up Gaming was the name. It pretty much always looked like its current incarnation, but I did edit quite a bit of it... mostly so it didn't look so Nintendo-centric. I learned a few new things with this site... mostly how damn imporant CSS is. I went back and redid all my other sites in CSS thanks to this page. I also learned some new stuff with PHP, which was nice. Some new Movable Type tricks as well. I think it turned out rather well. It has let to truly launch though. Charles, Rob and Zidargh all provided content, but eventually I think we all just became too busy. What is finished is up though (namely the review and hardware sections), and there are actually a few pages to read. [url]http://www.slownerveaction.org/1up/news.php[/url] You'll need to go there to get the full effect. If you didn't notice, the banner at the top is totally random. I made about 180 of the things heh.
  17. I would think most anyone here that knows the show has mostly seen the last few seasons of it. The first few were quite good, at least when they first aired. I've not had it beaten into me since I don't watch the reruns, which is probably a good thing.
  18. That might be because the Ramones are/were a pop-punk band as it is.
  19. This has been beaten to death in every possible aspect by now. I don't know how any punk audience ever considered Avril [i]anything[/i]. Before signing to that label and doing her whole "punk" thing, she was doing Sarah McLaughlan and country covers. I have no clue where this large punk fanbase who finally had a voice came from. There was no ship jumping once she got popular by any fan of punk I know, especially because they, and I as well, cannot even consider her music even the most poppy form of punk. I don't see anything she does that even fits into the genre, honestly. I have no clue how you came to that conclusion for that situation. If there are honestly people you know that thought of her in this light and then turned on her, I wonder how much they could possibly know about the genre in the first place. Naive and fickle people. I've never turned on a band for getting popular, although I have lost interest if they never evolve or change simply for popularity's sake. I also think you are confusing punk music in general and the punk ideal. There is a rather large difference. There have been groups since punk's inception that have gone against the whole "rebellion" type of aspect, as well as those who have been concerned with their image to a very large amount... despite them being rather respected as punk bands. It seems to me that your posts are intertwining them as one, when it really hasn't worked like that in quite some time in most cases. This is like saying Jethro Tull winning Best Metal Act in 1988 at the Grammys created some sort of rift between metal fans. It isn't even possible because there never was any thing to create a rift in. Jethro Tull's music itself is not metal, simple as that. Same idea here. You can make similiar analogies with hip hop groups, honestly... and no one calls them punk bands, even if many contain part of the punk ideal.
  20. The putting sounds even worse than in Hot Shots Golf 3. Putting is an outright ***** in that game, although I do think most of it can be attributed to skill. The wind, the level, the grass it all is taken into account. Once I got used to it, I did get substantially better though. I really don't think I'm going to bother with this game. It just doesn't seem worth it at this point.
  21. I think it's more that the thread has run it's course and no one has much left to say. At least in my case, even though I agree with a few of your points in there. As for this thread, I don't feel I made any comments that would apply to where this is currently going. I just guessed on what mix the school was and nothing more... So continuing that, I have nothing more to really add to that or where this has gone.
  22. You know, I honestly don't think many series should get movies. It just seems like in most cases, they don't create a longer, grander episode... They just summarize the TV show into a two hour film. I never understood that. I wouldn't mind a Lone Wolf and Cub anime, unless that already exists... then again, that's a manga.
  23. My college is very heavily mixed. I couldn't even guess at what the percentages were, even if I wanted to. My first high school... whites were the minority. It never seemed to matter. It was a small school and we all just had fun. I loved the place. It was mostly black and hispanic. I can only think of about two asian kids in the entire place. My dad was in the Navy way back... He worked on air craft carriers and such. I have some cool photos of him fueling the Blue Angels. My grandpas were mostly all in wars. My Grandpa Roti (my grandma remarried to him) was a POW in WWII. I never got to ask him about it, he died from some sort of disease. My Grandpa Quigley was also in WWII. Apparently mostly in Japan. I have tons of really great photos he took... most of the carnage overseas. Some really striking, disturbing photos. He also brought back a big Japanese flag that I assume he took after a battle. It has Japanese writing all over it and it full of gunshot holes. It's a great momento. My third one is my Grandpa Wetendorf. He was also in WWII. He was actually in the ship right next to the one that was bombed at Pearl Harbor. Good thing he was, or I wouldn't be here lol.
  24. Which did I like better? I don't know. I'm a Junior, technically. I have no clue (other than those who posted) how far anyone else is in. It's been pretty much the same the entire time. My first year, I went away for college. It was still in Illinois, but about 7 hours south. Really close to St. Louis... in Carbondale. SIUC was the name. I hated it there. It was a party school, and I'm not one of those people who gets wasted. That's about all anyone did. All the decent friends I made there were in the next town over, Marion. I had a couple friends in Carbondale, but most people there just were obnoxious and fake. I've never seen so many posers in my life, and I hate that word. I rarely use it. It's about all that can be applied. I had my own room at the dorm though, so that rocked. I got it because I knew I'd get some kid who hated my music. I hated the school otherwise. I'd think of excuses as to why to not go to class. "It's raining." I wouldn't go, etc. I wound up leaving and have been at this school in downtown Chicago. It has its ups and downs... but downtown is just so great. I would be down there all day long if I could. So now, I do like college. I don't think anything will ever top my Junior year in High School though... It was one of the best years of my life. I have more freedoms now... More real responsibility. College itself isn't really much different in terms of the actual schooling though. I guess I'd pick college overall.
  25. I don't know why so many people think Japan is a dream place to live thanks to the videogames and anime. This isn't a fantasy world. You're a gaijin. You aren't going to get any creative sort of job there, especially working for established companies like Square. It's near impossible. In the entire century long history of Nintendo, they've had only like two non-Japanese people work in their homeland headquarters. You could find teaching jobs or PR jobs or travel/hotel jobs or something else in that field... but Japanese culture is never going to just assimiliate you into itself. You can't just be shipped there and expect to just fit in and make it. I'm not saying you should give up on such dreams, but I am saying that I agree with your dad. You can do what you want when the time comes, but it's more of a dream than a plausible future. I bet anything you will change your job hopes when the time comes anyway, and many Western videogame companies are becoming bigger and bigger.
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