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Everything posted by Semjaza

  1. At this point in time, I think the only people who would think the moon landing was a total hoax would be the same people who would actually thing "Bowling for Columbine" was a completely accurate and objective documentary. Basically people who believe any sort of news they can get which isn't what's generally spoon fed to them.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B]That was one of the best shows ever. "Who's driving? Oh my god bear is driving how can that be" [/B][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://dvdmedia.ign.com/media/reviews/image/feb/clerk3.jpg[/IMG] I think the best part of that episode was all the jabs at anime in it (even if it was Korean lol). There is an episode of Dexter's Laboratory like that as well. I mostly remember this part where the lady spends like two minutes speaking very quickly to explain something. I've seen so much anime do the same thing lol. People here should see it, since anime is so unexplainably popular here. Some more pictures: [IMG]http://dvdmedia.ign.com/media/reviews/image/feb/clerk11.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://dvdmedia.ign.com/media/reviews/image/feb/clerk6.jpg[/IMG] Another favorite scene of mine is in, I think, the Outbreak episode. They go to meet Patrick Swayze, who for some reason runs a pet shop and still dresses like he did in dirty dancing. They didn't even attempt to copy his voice lol. Gilbert Gottfried just used his normal voice, which just makes it so damn funny to me.
  3. DFantasy, you really need to improve your post quality. It's either super short or long with absolutely no punctuation. You should also note that double posting is agaisnt the rules, but I already got rid of the extra one. So check out the rules and we'll all be fine. As for the thread itself... Eh. You guys sure have small problems. I wish my life was this simple lol.
  4. I don't think I'll ever forget the courtroom episode. Every last bit of it is totally classic. The basketball team jurors, Randall and his racist comments, Grant Hill (I think, I forget) getting excited because he was given $5 for breakfast during the trial... and the whole Korean animator thing at the end. Everyone should see this show. One of the best animated series ever created.
  5. Semjaza

    rap sucks

    Congratulations, you've now made everyone that reads this post less intelligent. Please read the rules. This isn't a viable topic.
  6. I own the DVD. It's another example of a simply excellent show being cancelled. I'm surprised it isn't more well known, considering it debuted after the Super Bowl one year. I must have watched each disc like 20 times. The first few times it's a bit eh, and slightly jarring. Once you get used to it's style, it's awesome though. It's like Family Guy in a sense, they don't hold any punches at all. I really wish some channel would get this show and make new episodes. Adult Swim would be a nice fit.
  7. Damn man, use some punctuation. I can barely read your posts. I don't quite understand this. You see [i]one[/i] program that says it was a hoax, and now that's your opinion as well? Perhaps you should study up more on this. People have had this theory for decades. It's nothing new. Considering how long they've been trying to prove it, you think they'd come up with something more substantial by now. "By studying a picture, I've found that two rocks look almost exactly alike!" Give me a break. And the space race was mainly against the Russians, even though they relied on German technology.
  8. It just looks like there are shiny things on her eyes... heh.
  9. I think the game opened very well. I mean, I really liked it at first. The Wild West concept isn't exactly used by games much, and the starting characters were good enough. I liked the dungeon aspects as well.... but then it just got monotonous. I was doing the same crap over and over again with no real reward. I mean, seriously, how many times must I go through a dungeon to get treasure... just to have it taken from me? That's like all the game did to advance the story it seemed. Not to mention the map system was simply horrible. People barely told you how to get anywhere as it is. It didn't help that everything was basically invisible. As for where you're stuck. I cannot remember.
  10. One of my favorite things is when I'm walking home from somewhere and it begins to rain. I love walking around in the rain for whatever reason. Of course, it's not fun on the way to school since I'm stuck in wet clothes all day... but on the way home, it's nice. I prefer cold and rainy weather to any other type.
  11. You guys really have to use spoiler tags. Some of these questions right out give away key points of these films.
  12. She is quitting because she wanted more money and Disney wouldn't pay it, despite all the money they're making off of her. She is already signed up for a new show on another channel, last I heard. It's not that hard to ignore these people. I don't see why there has to be hate against them on this level. Hell, I don't like Linkin Park at all... but I don't make irrational threads where I just go nuts about how they aren't good enough lol.
  13. 2 Fast 2 Furious and Brining Down the House are the last movies I'd cite as something that makes me think. You don't even need your brain for those movies. The only way they could answer your question is to basically make the movie another hour long. Some things don't need to be answered because people can just assume and make their own opinions on what happens. I hate when movies hold your hand and tell you every last thing that happens to everyone, personally.
  14. I don't generally listen to this genre of music. By "rap", I'll just assume you mean all the other styles related to it, because honestly, I don't know the difference in general heh. I do like The Roots, Handsome Boy Modeling School, Akrobatic and N.E.R.D.. That's about all that comes to mind. I tend to not like these horrible rap/rock combos though, unless they actually do a good job at it. Cibo Matto has hip hop elements though, and they're cool. Same with Faith No More.
  15. If you're referring to QA, she has no power in this forum sadly. I'll have to close it instead. There's a member with a birthday here everyday. They don't post threads about it. Especially ones as incoherant as this is.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan Egret [/i] [B]Very, [b]very[/b] unlikely. I happen to be an MGS veteran and I know Hideo Kojima's style enough to recognize unofficial statements by made-up "employees". ;) [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, I figured as much lol. Metal Gear hasn't exactly been my thing for quite a while. I admit the MSX versions are quite good, but that's about all.
  17. The best part of MIDIs are that they are so easy to mess with. They're incredibly versatile and very interchangable. If you ever play on a keyboard/synthesizer, you'll be playing in MIDI. You can hook that up to a PC or who knows what else. I used to mess around with this stuff at our sound room at school, but I've since forgotten most of it. There's a lot of instruments out there for MIDI that sound much better than the common ones most use online.
  18. Yeah. It's in the 60s. I can't say I care much, but I'm far more interested in this than MGS2. I read the other day that you can strap grenades to animals and send them towards the enemies heh. Don't know how true that is.
  19. Semjaza

    The OC

    Man, there are some crappy posts in here. Anyway, I don't see why they wouldn't act like this. Hell I don't even live in a rich area, and people do that sort of crap around here. Just because you aren't part of it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It becomes more obvious when you get older. I got stuck watching this because I wanted to watch TV and nothing else was on. It's surprisingly good. It really kills me to admit that.
  20. I think you're just jealous :p She's popular with kids. Extremely popular. Her show is the number one kids show on cable right now, I believe. That alone explains why she'd get voted for on something like TRL, not that that's known for the best music has to offer as it is. I don't mind her all that much. I don't think she is a bad actor or a bad singer, but she's not great at either. Neither are most other actors her age or singers that sing her style of music. That's mostly thanks to production anyway.
  21. No. In fact, I think mine tastes quite good. That's another story, but I'm sure everyone has tasted it if their finger is bleeding heh. Blood is an amazing thing I think. It's the lifeforce of pretty much any creature... and the color is beautiful, as strange as that sounds lol. I see no reason to be afraid of the sight of it.
  22. You could always just change the channel lol. I've not seen all that much of it, because I find other things to watch. Novel concept. People like celebreties, that's all it amounts too. It's not as if a short special on the California recall would really stop the news from doing the short "four people were killed today" or whatever else blurbs they normally do. The news never spends much time on that sort of stuff anymore unless it involves a huge lawsuit or involves a dozen people. Most dead people are lucky to get a 10 second blurb on the news at all, and that's on a slow news day. It's hardly replaced the standard news as much as is being claimed in here.
  23. That looks pretty sweet... but I've not heard many good things about JLA's writing lately. I don't know if it'd be worth getting or not, but I don't know who the writers are in general, or if they'll be changed by that issue. I'm going to skip 1602 and just get it in paperback. It doesn't seem worth getting each issue of a miniseries at this point in time. I might pick up Teen Titans #2, just to see how it is.
  24. I wouldn't want to meet half of you guys if some of these songs fit your personality lol. Some of you must be overly violent and depressed I guess. I'd probably go with Bad Religion's You've Got a Chance. A lot of it is how I feel about things in general. It's hard to explain, but it's a very uplifting and adrenaline boosting song.
  25. Semjaza


    We don't have middleschool here... but really, high school and grade school aren't as different as people want you to think. The way grade schools are now, they're practically set up like high schools as it is. Classes split up into periods, the various clubs and sports teams and everyone is just as nasty as you're used to. I also should add that I laugh at the title of this thread everytime I see it. Freashmen... lol.
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