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Everything posted by Semjaza
You have a scan of it, so I suppose you could give up the original... That or photocopy it heh. This is quite good. I don't really see any problems. It's a bit strange how big her arm is considering how skinny she is, but that doesn't look bad. I'm also assuming she has her fingers rolled into a fist somewhat, so that looks good too. Despite what people say about her being too long, if you pay attention to the arm placement and everything else... it winds up evening out. Nice job. Scan size is pefect too. Not too big, not too small heh.
Way back there was a bunch of rumors of Nintendo and Apple being involved. That was just because of the PowerPC stuff though, from what I understand. I imagine they could provide the basic OS for a future system, but I doubt it would ever happen. I severely doubt Apple will ever make their own console, but I don't see why they can't get involved with other companies. Nintendo, Sony and MS all are using various parts from various companies for their consoles right now. IBM, Toshiba, Seagate, Mosys, ATI, Nvidia and so on. They're all involved, plus others. The Playstation isn't Sony's first console either. They had one way back that failed miserably. Sony has experience in basically every aspect of electronics there is, and have provided parts for past Nintendo goods... The sound chip in the SNES for example, and that whole SNES CD fiasco, along with Phillips. Panasonic (Matsushita in Japan) is also totally responsible for the production, and apparently the design, of the Q, which is basically a DVD playing GCN. I think it's expected that they will be partnering with Nintendo again for the next system, seeing as though they are the world's biggest electronics maker.
If you read the rules, you would know that threads for the sake of advertising aren't allowed. I suggest you read them. Nice site you have though.
I think most people liked them several years ago when they had a few hits here. Then they kind of just became a running joke for people... like so many other bands that randomly become popular here and are ditched by all the people that like them just to feel cool and up on the trends. They're surprisingly decent though. They're nothing I'd buy personally or spend a good deal of time listening to, but they do what they do pretty well. I find a lot of people actually have a surprising level of respect for them.
I visit Orlando every year for a few weeks at least. I stay with my grandparents and always have a great time. They don't even seem like grandparents, they're cool as hell. It feels like they're 20 something most of the time heh. We never go to Disneyworld though, since my grandpa has lived there so long that he can't stand the place. He seems to have this hate for the corporate side of Disney around there. I've not been there in a long time. Anyway, have fun.
treton_noir is apparently just a big fan of Wesley Willis. I have no real opinion on Björk. That's quite a rare thing heh.
I really do not understand why you guys have been using Flash to draw. It's a program for animation, not Illustration. I think you might want to try Freehand, which is also from Macromedia... And integrates itself into Flash as well. Nice job though. Picture turned out very well.
I do wish the MP3 was higher quality... I'm a freak about such things. Obviously, I have no idea what this song is really about. It really doesn't matter, but I'm not going to give it bonus points because it's Japanese so I can feel "cool". There seems to be enough of that going on in here, and seems to me that wrist cutter picked up on that too heh. I like the song. It reminds me of a particular group I can't think of for some reason. It's pop rock-ish obviously, which kind of seems to be a negative thing on OB to a lot of people for whatever reason, but it seems really well done. I like the sections in the song where he raises the octaves in his voices for some reason. I'll have to search out a better quality MP3 before I could really say a final opinion on it to be honest. I get the same vibe I get from a lot of Japanese songs though... that it sounds like older western style rock almost. Not that that's bad... But are there any Japanese rock groups that are really on the cutting edge sound wise? I get the feeling that most seem to stick to what they know is safe and will work... stuff people can easily like. Even the ones I see people talk about here that are more offbeat seem to stay within those boundaries. I'd like to know some of those bands, as I'm sure there are many. Anyway, I obviously don't know much of what I'm talking about in terms of Japanese music... so I need some help heh. All I really listen to is Hideki Naganuma (and he makes game music, so it probably doesn't even count), The Pillows, some Faye Wong and Guitar Vader.
The story is basically as old as that music, and itself is based on something older. The music was well used and made perfect sense, I thought. The Ray Charles music at the end was very fitting. Better than the blaring techno and cheesy outdated rock I'm used to hearing in these films. I wrote a review for it at theOtaku, if anyone is interested.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][size=1]I would the main hype about anime has settled down, at least here anyway. It has hit its peak and now those who actually enjoyed it stayed with it, and those who were into simeply because it was popular are forgetting it. I do not see as many "otaku-wannabes" anymore, so due to the scene settling down I believe it has gotten better.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] That's just how music works. Bands always wind up being stripped of the people clinging on and are left with those who would have been around no matter what. Anime has always had its following here. I've been watching the stuff on and off for 15 years, and there was always this cult scene surrounding it. Anime kind of just blew up suddenly because of a barrage of so many things at once. I think, in a sense, the market became over-saturated, which is probably why it's leveling off now. Anime is a part of Japanese culture though, and it always will be. As long as there are people around the world interested, there will be some sort of demand. It won't just go away.
Am I ever not going to be referred to as Drew Carrey?? lol
I had an original GBA, and I still bought a SP. I'll try and explain my reasoning... But I will tell you that it COMPLETELY revitalized my interest in the system to the point that I [I]still[/I] play it on a rather consistent basis. I'll do this on a point by point basis. 1.) Looks. This might not matter much to many people... I think it does matter to far more people than would admit it though. The SP is just far more slicker and looks a lot more designer and professional than a standard GBA, which looks far more like a toy. 2.) Ergonomics. It doesn't look it, and you probably cannot tell at stores since they build the units into the shelf... but the SP is just far more comfortable. I find the layout of the GBA to be rather awkward... and while I never really liked the feel of the Gameboy Pocket (which is basically the same size as the SP), I don't have a problem at all. The button layout is nice (other than Select and Start, which are a bit low), and L and R are vastly improved in placement. 3.) Buttons. They're just better. Instead of having a lot of give like on the GBA, they have a more clicky feel. They feel so much more precise compared to the original GBA... especially the d-pad. 4.) Screen... I don't even think I need to explain this. With the light on, the SP KILLS the GBA. Even compared to any Afterburner installations I've seen, the SP wins out. You could say... buy a Worm Light or a Flood Light... but I'm sorry, they don't even compare. I [I]know[/I] this too, as I've bought all those stupid accessories. No more straining my eyes or my neck to make out graphics. It seriously is so much better, I can't even say enough. 5.) Flip top. The paint on the SP is rather thin, and it gets scratched easily. This is annoying sure, but it covers the thing that matters: the screen. I'm very happy about that. After time, dust can get under the screen cover, but it's easily removed or replaced (screen covers are only like $3 at Nintendo.com). 6.) Battery. At first I was like, "I don't want to recharge this constantly... It's like my cell phone, which dies all the time and I forget about it." The truth is, it's nothing like that. It lasts a good 10 hours, which is quite a long time. Whenever I get home or am not using it, I plug it in. The thing can stand several hundred full recharges before it gets weaker... Plus, Nintendo has plans to sell better batteries in the future with better life. Hell, 3rd parties already have longer lasting batteries at the store. It's not an issue. 7.) Sound. This is mixed. On one hand, it really seems like the SP's speaker sounds better than the GBA's. It's not as tinny and seems a bit more clear... not that either are great. On the other hand, there is no headphone jack on the SP. You can buy adapters for rather cheap, but I must admit it's an annoyance. Once I got an adapter, I had no problems though. ----------- So there you go, if you still don't want an SP or think it's a waste... You either don't have enough money or are in denial. It just is better than the standard GBA in any possible sense.
I just finished my brother's copy of SA the other day. I must admit I found the game to be a total chore. It didn't even feel like Sonic. I just kept at it because I wanted to finish it. I'm very reluctant to even try SA2... I hope it's as good as you claim.
Are you planning on sending these in to James so he can add them to OB? OB is lacking in the free avatar department, although I guess there are plenty of Zelda ones already heh. Nice job on these.
I hadn't seen her or had a phone call from her in days... Randomly, I talked to her a couple days ago when she was online and she told me what was going on. At the time, she had gotten some sort of shot that stopped the contractions and was supposed to stay in bed. I was wondering where she was... Didn't expect this heh. I'm surprised and happy to hear how well the baby is doing. Glad she is okay as well.
It could be all that... or they're just running out of ideas :D Some of these are really good ideas, but we both know they're most likely just a bunch of hope that will never pan out. Too bad, I guess. Nice write up though.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manic [/i] [B]They get away with [i]way[/i] too many nose-bleeds, punched-out teeth, and bloody mouths on "Powerpuff Girls" for Samurai Jack to only be able to fight robots. [/B][/QUOTE] I think even in the opening credits of Powerpuff Girls they punch Him in the face and his teeth and blood fly out. I agree with you. I honestly don't know why they couldn't work something in and tone down the chopping things up a bit. It would help things out I'd imagine, but then again... Samurai Jack isn't exactly deep, so they'll probably never ditch the whole robot idea. It's an easy way to get away with most anything.
Being a mod is all right. I tend to come here nearly daily anyway, and most of my moderator responsibilities are taken care of in a short amount of time. Generally when you close a thread, you don't need to come up with a long explanation anyway. Sometimes there are times when I'm being bombarded with stupid threads and posts... and the most annoying part about that is that [i]they all seem to happen at the same time[/i]. Rarely is it just one stupid guy you can take care of and that's that... There are seriously several at once and you wind up having to deal with a few people instead of just one. I don't know if I miss being a member... I don't think I love being a mod. I guess I like the additional powers you get, but it's not as if you really can abuse them all that much (although I guess that depends). I try to be responsible about what I do. I don't think I wanted to be a mod for the reasons some of the members here are listing. I'm not really around to help people (although that happens), I'm here to weed out the stuff that causes the problems in the first place. I feel I'm rather helpful if people need something, but it's not why I joined in. Like Jenna said, sometimes you meet annoying people, sometimes cool people. Most of the people I talk to are people I enjoy talking to... Some just bombard you with questions and only seem to want to talk to me when they need something. What can you do though? Nothing, really. So anyway, I have no idea where I was going with this heh.
Yeah, don't ask me. That was more geared towards people who like to shop at FYE, Sam Goody and those types of stores. Around here, I've seen it go for around $28.99 quite often. The same with the AATCHB limited set. Best Buy had AATCHB limited for like $22 I think. The Fragile seems to average like $19. Considering how many people seem to shop at those places and are willing to pay $18 for a CD I can get at Best Buy for $11, no wonder many people think CD prices are so horrible. If you don't look around, you're going to get screwed. As for the APC thing I said earlier... Lohner is apparently out. Twiggy is still in. The new member is now James Iha, formerly of the Smashing Pumpkins. Strange heh.
Is this even fact again yet? This always pops up randomly every several months and nothing comes of it. All of the major gaming companies would love to ban imports, as it really doesn't help their market share or public awareness at all. Plus, it generally forces people to mod their system in some way, although I've heard you guys have lots of NTSC compatible TVs now. Sony has tried to get in on this before as well, from what I remember. MS has done similiar things in Australia, but they seemed rather low key. Honestly, I can't imagine that many people are importing that it would really affect these companies that badly. It's their fault that it takes literally months for Europe to get games after the US in general (which some exceptions)... and I understand that a lot of PAL conversions are awful. So until these companies get off their asses and have their European divisions do something about this, they have few people to blame but themselves... That and the PAL standard, since neither the US or Japan use it. However, you have to take into consideration that UK isn't the only place in Europe... and any Euro import I've played has had several different language selections in it, or is available in other languages. These things take time, and that's another big reason. Personally, I think if you have the money, you should be allowed to do what you want with it.
I didn't even know this was a debate anymore. Not one place in Chicago sells remotely realistic toy guns that I've seen. They haven't for at least 8 years now, and it started with places like Toys R Us and Target. I've not even seen brightly colored guns that are shaped like normal ones... It's pretty much goofy looking space/sci-fi guns and that's it. It's impossible for them to look like anything but a toy. I don't know about this lady on TV.... but the main reasoning behind them stopping the sale for them here was the fact that they could be mistaken for [b]real[/b] guns. I shouldn't even have to explain why that would be a problem, especially in a big city like Chicago. It had very little to do with "Oh my god! They'll grow up horrible and violent if they play with these!" although I'm sure that was probably the 2nd most popular reason. I'm only mentioning that since this thread kind of turned into that, instead of how parents and such should teach their kids responsibility. Obviously, the cop should have had a lot more self control, although in those situations I suppose you can't always be completely rational. Many right out shoot anyone that is pointing anything at them without even questioning it. Some lady was shot for holding a black cell phone over here. With little kids, you could teach them all sorts of gun safety... but obviously, to play with the guns they have to point them at eachother. If some younger kid saw a cop and was playing with a toy gun, I'd have to guess that most would want to play along with him. Depends on how old this kid was, I guess. Either way, I don't see how a few parents who normally really contribute nothing to society in general are taking away from homeless programs or other causes and crusades. It's not as if congress is going over this instead of something like the budget or health programs or whatever else. It's just some random people.
The dog guy that rides the other shaggy dog is Sir Didymus, so you're right. The guy peeing in the pond and killing fairies was Hoggle. I bought the soundtrack to this, since I love the movie and David Bowie is one of my favorite musicians... I was really bothered by Magic Dance. It's not the same as in the movie, and it has these weird differences. The main one being that they got rid of Toby's voice in it and replaced it with these stupid goofy baby laugh samples. The kind you hear in every stupid commercial that really don't sound like any baby you've ever heard.
They made most of the enemies robots for a reason. If you saw the hour long premeire, Tartakovsky explains why afterwards. I don't really remember the reasoning at this point, but there is [i]no way in hell[/i] they would be able to get away with some of the levels of violence in the show if the bad guys he sliced in half were actually representatiosn of living creatures. Robots, no one cares about, I guess.
I ask you to pick between two birds, you pick one and ask a person to pick between some colors... Doesn't exactly tell you much about anyone. Anyway, threads like this don't fly, so I'll have to close it. There is no real point, there is no basis discussion and the posts are short and meaningless.
I see that you didn't do any solid white areas on any of the clothes highlights in this one... I think that helps this out immensely. I don't really think any of the clothes look out of place. Once you start addressing shadowing I think you'll be good. Not really normal shadowing, as you seem to have that down... but self shadowing, as in the shadow the character casts on itself. Once you have that going, I really don't think there'd be anything "wrong" (and I use that word loosely, since this stuff is excellent), with any of your work. Nice job.