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Everything posted by Semjaza

  1. I don't see why not. There shouldn't be any reason it wouldn't work... assuming the screen or the battery pack don't attach to the bottom of the GC in some way.
  2. I love it to death. It's a prerequisite if you're a Bowie fan really. I know all the songs by heart and all of the little poems in the film, that's how lame I am. They just released a Superbit version of the DVD with remastered picture and sound rather recently. I want to get that.
  3. That's a good point. I don't feel we need one, especially for some of the better writers here... Spell checkers do not pick up on context at all, which is very important on a forum. If you're not going to spend enough time to spell basic words right, then perhaps you just shouldn't post here at all. However, people seem to want one... so what the hell. As long as I can disable it totally, I don't care.
  4. In the last thread I told the horrifying tale of how a ghost blew my napkin off a table outside once. I dare not repeat it because some of you might wet your pants upon reading it. It was definitely the most scary and believable story in the thread though.
  5. I don't get why we can't go with what was mentioned awhile up. Keep post counts, but don't have them displayed on the main pages. Just have them in people's profiles. That's how it is at GAF, and honestly... I don't think anyone runs around checking people's post counts. It's never even considered.
  6. They're both pretty average, if you ask me. FF8 had more realistic characters in an emotional sense, but that didn't really make them any better. Plus, Squall was horrible... even more angsty and moronic girl wise than Cloud could be in his worst nightmares. Storywise, I think they're probably on equal ground. I'd have to give FF7 the nod simply because it's more fun and there actually seemed to be a sense of purpose. A lot of FF8 seemed to just be wandering around hoping for something new. The Materia system was so much better too. Obviously a good successor to the Esper system. Magic stealing in FF8 was a cool idea, but should NOT have replaced the whole magic system completely. It should have been a special ability for another character or something.
  7. [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=25126[/url] There's already a thread on the game, so post there please. You might want to add a bit more of interest to your post other than these poems as well.
  8. Semjaza


    You could just put "I'm a guy" in your sig. Would work for me :D
  9. I think someone that's mature basically knows when they can goof off and when they shouldn't. There's a time and a place for both... and I think truly immature people do not know the difference between those situations. It never seems like immature people remotely realize how they are acting. Even though I just said that... I don't really equate goofing off with immaturity. There are a lot of aspects that make that up... Saying things at the wrong time, selfishness, and so on. I don't know that I fit into either... I think I'm mature, but who really knows. I know when I can get away with things and when I can't. I try to stand up for things when I should and take other things other than my needs into consideration.
  10. The front port is for linking. The booklet says to not hook up multiple GBPs, but I don't know why. Basically, they tell you just to hook other GBAs to it. Like PoisonTongue said... you just slap it in there, and it works. There's some screws in it that go right up into the the GCN and make it secure. Construction seems solid. It's just as well built as the GCN. Games go in it no problem, and there's an eject button on the side that pushes them out easily. You might have a problem getting older games with bigger carts in it, simply because the cartridge slot is right at the bottom of the unit. I've not had a problem yet though. The thing runs in progressive scan, which is awesome. Picture quality is fine. I've mostly played Wario Ware on it, which looks great. There are three different picture settings to choose from: Normal, Soft and Sharp... but the difference is barely noticable even on my TV. Maybe it just depends on the game. Full screen looks pretty decent. I see really no reason to use the normal screen mode. There are like 20 borders... most of which are pretty bleh. I'm hoping future GBA games will have their own borders built in, but I doubt it. The only annoying thing is that the "Z: Options" text is ALWAYS on the border. You can't get rid of it. It doesn't cover any game graphics, so I'm just nitpicking. Anyway, I'm happy with it so far. I think the coolest thing is the case the disc comes in. It's just like the GCN cases in Japan. A small plastic box (with enough room for a disc, booklet and memory card) with a paper slip cover. I kind of wish the US had those instead.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shy [/i] [B] [size=1]Wasp and Captain America have a strange sort of chemistry, and it makes things between her and Giant-Man exciting. The fact that Wasp is a mutant is pretty irrelevant at this point, but Ultimate War goes into more detail about that.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I didn't quite mean that it was a hugely important issue at this point in time... However, there is a point made that Captain America doesn't like mutants and he also doesn't know that Janet Pym is one. Hank basically threatens her over it in #6 as well... like blackmail more or less. So yeah, I do think they'll make something of it. Whether or not it will be anytime soon is another story. As for Banner... I don't know. He just seems like that nerd in class no one talks to heh. I don't really find him annoying, but he does seem very immature and short-sighted despite his supposedly massive intelligence. Part of Captain America's appeal is basically what you said. He's a fish out of water, because really... It's decades later heh. It will be interesting to see how he adjusts to things.
  12. I'd have to agree most anime at least has a lot of innuendo, if not at least some nudity. I wouldn't say most even begins to approach hentai, but I don't think PloKoonDS's point about it is hard to grasp. Lay off him about it lol. Anyway, I've read that post a few times now, and I still don't see how some of the things I said aren't what you are saying. The only thing you picked out as being incorrect was a portion of the unmarried family thing... for which as I said I understood what you were saying anyway. Honestly, how stuff like " Further more, I mean, what the heck? Lets go out and sekz0rz every guy/girl or what not, and get every possible STD known to man, alright?" and all your other quotes to that effect, wouldn't make me think that basically you equate premarital sex with being loose and wanting to screw something at any opportunity, I have no idea. There is such a thing as being responsible in those situations, and from what I know about the main people posting about it... they aren't exactly the type to be easy and irresponsible. I realize most of this is kidding around, but I'm failing to see these complex messages I'm apparently somehow missing that you feel are hidden in there, especially considering everything you've said isn't exactly that complicated... and many others in here have said the exact same thing with far less words. So opinion is one thing, but acting somehow better than those that don't act as you think is another matter entirely. I feel that your post is totally laced with that, to be honest. To say all those things and basically be like "but do what you want to" doesn't really undo any of the things you've said that basically attack others in there. Whether or not someone is ready for marriage is another story, and I wasn't even trying to get into that. Personally, I don't feel sex is the focal point of anything. I don't think waiting until marriage proves anything more than not waiting. That doesn't mean it's not an important thing that you should be ready for, because it simply is. If other people think differently, that's cool by me... but don't make it seem like [i]everyone[/i] that thinks to the contrary is off having unprotected sex with some loser they've been dating for 5 days. Anyway, if somehow I'm still not getting your points... I'll have to attribute it all the l33t speak stuck in there lol. In any case, I don't really see what's so "askew" about being that against premarital sex. I have friends that have the same mindset really, and I respect it. People can do what they want. Basically all I'm saying is that I personally don't think everyone that doesn't wait for marriage is basically all in the same group. Besides you never know what will happen. At your age, I had the same ideas and mentality about all of that. I guess things just changed, and you have no control over some of them. I had the same problem with people who drink constantly honestly... until recently, when I realized that I don't need to worry about them in most cases, I'm not better than them because I don't do it and I have my own stuff to worry about. Either way, good luck waiting. I sure as hell couldn't do it, obviously. More power to you heh.
  13. I'm not even clear on some of the stuff you're even trying to say. Whether or not someone wants to wait, that's their perrogative and I respect their decision. They have more control that I certainly did. However, you seem to be implying that anyone that has sex has no personal resposibility (especially in terms of that whole child thing you wrote), does it casually with no regard for anything of value and has some need to sleep with anyone they're going out with. I also don't really get the whole marriage/kid angle. Single parents are doomed to not get along and fight for the rest of their lives? What about all the horrible marriages that currently exist and the high divorce rates? I know people who have waited for all that stuff and still gotten in horrible situations. Those two things do not equate for me whatsoever, even though I understand your point... especially in terms of the whole "mistake" thing. I don't think I, or a good deal of the people who have had sex before marriage at this point, think that way whatsoever. I haven't even seen any posts in here really that made me think that either, but I haven't exactly studied every sentence. So I don't know if I'm just reading you wrong or not. I don't think so, I think it's just that we don't really have the same viewpoints lol... Good enough. In any case, at least you have a strong opinion on it all heh.
  14. Yeah. I understand all that. People just want this place to be more "interactive", I guess. Well, there's my side of it heh. I'm on the against side of things. I think the main problem of most of these is the large potential for abuse. While I'd like to think most people here wouldn't give in to that... I honestly do think most people would.
  15. I wasn't referring to the RPG hacks as "judging". I was referring to any sort of rating system where mods or even members have some sort of say in how high a person's rating is. Something that was mentioned before in this thread by others. I thought I differentiated between the two with my wording, but maybe not heh. I'm referring more to any system where people give out points or stars or whatever else... something I think is pretty common elsewhere. Either way, if there is no point... I don't even see why it's even an issue. I certainly don't want all these stupid stats under my name, nor do I want people passing out numbers to me either based on how much they like me. I don't like the idea of either, to be honest. So... eh.
  16. I don't honestly understand the point of all these ratings and RPG systems. Okay, so you have all these stats. Then what? I for one, am not going to base my interest in someone's posts on how many stars they have or if their rating is through the roof. I base it on what I actually read. I honestly don't get the point of any of these systems, especially the one where people rate eachother. Seems like a way to simply judge people and either raise their ego or make them feel unwanted. So eh. Perhaps if someone would tell me some benefit of any of these things, I'd know what they'd even be needed for. Other than this money idea Ginny mentioned, and the whole RPG aspect it could provide... I really don't see the point.
  17. I don't know how easy the first couple issues will be to find anymore. I got lucky and found #1 for $4, which I've been told was a good price. You are probably better off paying the $15 or so for the paperback. It contains the first six issues with no ads. Favorite character... That's hard. I like Bruce Banner, but I am very unfamiliar with his character in general. He seems far more reserved than I expected, but there is an obvious personality problem in addition to his whole Hulk thing. I was surprised by how callous Betty is towards him. Giant Man and Wasp I am still unsure about. However, the fact that Wasp is a mutant seems like it will be a large point later on... especially for Captain America. Iron Man is awesome. I love his design, and I like the whole reasoning behind him and his purposes for joining The Ultimates. Thor is cool as well. I know very, very little about the guy's original backstory... but all the Vahalla stuff is entertaining. His personality is quite a bit different than I expected, and it just makes me think of some vegan hippie who can kick *** heh. I found it amusing how he wound up even getting involved with The Ultimates. I think my favorite is Captain America though. I am not like "Yes! He's so patriotic! Cool!", but he's an excellent character. The scenes between him and his old friends when he came back were very well done, and made him seem a lot more personable than I expected. I also like his sense of duty, although he seems to cross the line to get things done at times. So, yeah, Captain America it is. -------------- [img]http://comics.toonzone.net/solicitations/2002-12/marvel/ultimates09.jpg[/img] That's more or less what #10 looks like, with some color differences. The black was changed to more of an orange/red. Looks much nicer on the issue. I'd kill for posters of these covers. Here's a site with a few: [url]http://www.hillcity-comics.com/poster_misc/poster_marvel.htm[/url]
  18. When I got my SP, the first thing I played was Circle of the Moon. It was [i]finally[/i] playable. Before, I basically had to sit on the sun to see it. The GBP should help it out even more. The only thing that annoys me is that, yet again, the Super Gameboy is ignored. I figured they could at least make the GBP recognize Super Gameboy color palettes, but nope. I still don't know why the GBA ignored them as well.
  19. I don't even have one yet, but I'm surprised someone else didn't start a thread on this. It came out last Tuesday (even earlier since stores broke the street date). So anyway, I'll stick some impressions up here tomorrow or something (assuming I get it tonight like I plan on). Has anyone else gotten one or plan to?
  20. Caddyshack is probably my favorite. It might not be the funniest right away... but it has a nice combination of ridiculous crap, sarcasm and jokes you don't get until way after the fact.
  21. You're probably confusing KMFDM and MDFMK... the names are just reversed lol. They're basically the same band. Skold is the guy's last name, by the way... not some goofy nickname haha. If I somehow magically win tickets I'll go. It's just so expensive. Same with Lullapalooza. I want to go see Queens of the Stone Age and Jane's Addiction... but not for $75 field seating.
  22. Capcom is held afloat by many other franchises, some small, some big.. I don't think PN03 was ever expected to do amazingly well, but it was certainly below expectations. Viewtiful Joe sold about 70% of its stock in one day, which was only about 30,000 units. Still, not bad at all for a day. From what I understand, the guy just wasn't getting what he wanted... which winds up happening quite often. I think he was actually the head of Flagship. Flagship did the Orcale Zelda and did the storywork for the RE games... They are actually pretty close with Nintendo as well, so I imagine Okamoto will be as well. I think he did a lot of arcade games way back too... like the 1940 shooters. Was a good guy, and hopefully he'll do some better stuff in the future. And isn't the Gamers' Republic magazine gone now?
  23. Twiggy was replaced by Skold... who used to be in KMFDM. Last I saw, other than Manson, they had all bleached their hair though. Skold always had the weirdest fashion sense though heh. Twiggy was really a showman too. He's come up with all these crazy ways to hold the guitar, while whipping his hands around it... still somehow playing everything flawlessly. That and the the guy seemed to be able to do every style I can think of. Is Skold great on stage? Either way, I know Twiggy is going to kick *** in A Perfect Circle... new CD is coming in September :D Manson's show was supposed to have all this crazy stuff involved. I don't know how much he actually wound up doing, or actually could do... but it was supposed to be like a big production with painted elephants, a freak show and all sorts of stuff. Glad you had fun. Where town was it in anyway? lol
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Logan [/i] [B]-sighs- Looking at the songs you guys chose makes me look like a sissy It never ends, does it? [/B][/QUOTE] I don't know. Phil Collins (and Genesis, when they're going) does kick large amounts of ***. I love the guy. My best friend listens to him all the time. If it wasn't for me, I don't think he'd even listen to anything else. I wound up getting him into NIN... for awhile, he was more into them then I was heh.
  25. Not sure if this should be here, or in Music... I'll let someone else decide :D Not going to Ozzfest this year. I have no interest in any of these bands outside of Manson, Cradle of Filth and Killswitch Engage. I simply grew out of KoRn, and most of the others I never gave a crap about. Manson better have their own tour seperate from Ozzfest. I'm not paying $79 to see all that other crap. The last tour would have rocked... especially since Down was in the lineup. That said, I wouldn't judge the CD based on mOBSCENE at all. It's really not reflective of the entire album whatsoever. Depends what else they played though, I guess. There are a few songs off Golden Age of Grotesque that I'm not really into at all. Also, Amplitude rocks. Everyone should buy it; only $17 something at Target right now, if they have any left. Frequency is still better though heh.
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