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Everything posted by Semjaza

  1. Shy knows so much more about this sort of stuff than I could ever dream to at this point, but what the hell. I recently got this urge to get into comics. Something I really never cared for, outside of manga. Unfortunately, manga has become incredibly dull for me and I felt like I was reading the same stories ten times over. So here we are. Anyway, I told Shy all this and he told me about the various Ultimates series... Spiderman, X-Men and The Ultimates themselves. Apparently Marvel decided to do basically a reimagining of those comics set in current times. They run alongside the normal series, so they aren't replacements. Anyway, this is about The Ultimates, which is based off The Avengers... a comic series I'm not totally familiar with. -------------------------- Anyway, now that that's out of the way for people as clueless as I was a month ago... time to talk about the actual comics. I bought a couple of things since then... I know own Ultimates Vol. 1, Ultimates #1 and #10, Ultimate X-Men Vol. 1, Ultimate Daredevil and Elektra #1 and Ultimate War #1. I'd have to say out of all those, The Ultimates is just on an entirely different plane of existance. Ultimate X-Men is also excellent, but it's not quite in the same league. Anyway, after reading Ultimate X-Men, I am much more into Millar's writing. In Ultimate X-Men, it seemed every other page had some popculture reference... Ultimates has this as well (there's a whole Depp scene for some reason heh), but it's doesn't feel too much like name dropping. I must say the writing is one of the strongest aspects of this series so far. It's so detailed, but it never feels like someone is just spouting off information. It feels like real conversation a good deal of the time, and is just incredibly well done and interesting. There is a scene between the Pyms that was somewhat strange to read, involving basically what amounts to pretty severe physical abuse. As [b]weird [/b] as it was, it was somehow believable. The art and writing just came together and made something goofy actually seem serious and it [i]worked[/i]. I'm still surprised about that. As for the art... I'm incredibly impressed. I can't even pick out any flaws. Even characters in the distance, which they seem to skimp on in details in other comics like Ultimate X-Men, look good. I have no complaints at all. The art is consistant, solid and just so detailed. I've never seen so many amazing covers in my life. Iron Man amazes me everytime I see him... The issue #10 cover in particular. So anyway, I've exhausted all I can think of at this point. Hopefully, more will respond and have some good conversation about these things. I'd like to make this a pretty long lasting thread, if possible. Go buy The Ultimates!! It's still only on #10, so you can easily catch up. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=420536[/IMG]
  2. Many emotions I get from songs are so complicated and rooted in so many other things that I don't even know how too describe them. Here are some basic ones though... There are many, many songs by Marilyn Manson and NIN that simply get my adenaline pumping and make me wish I was at their shows right then and there. Beck's Sea Change is probably the most depressing album I can think of. Each song alone isn't so bad, but for some reason, the full thing is just a lot to deal with. Nowhere near crying material, but it's incredibly heartfelt. There are a few songs by Ozma on Rock and Roll Part Three that are incredible as well. The people in the band are around my age, some younger. The writers basically just grew up liking the same things about their childhoods that I did, and it's all reflected in the songs. Not to mention the writing and music is just freaking excellent. Conversation Piece by David Bowie is simply one of the best songs I've ever had the pleasure of hearing. I think it's very sad, personally. All of Bowie's songs have a real story to tell, and this is no exception. I think that's what makes him so amazing. And lastly, the Pixies. Particularly the song Head On, which just gets me ready for pretty much anything.
  3. I don't know Japanese. I don't pretend I know Japanese, nor do I have more than a passing interest in a good deal of their culture. So having said that, most of the time I honestly don't care. Watching the subs often means very little, because honestly... if I don't know Japanese, how would I know how good these people are anyway? For all I know, a guy we all think is good is considered one of the worst voice actors in Japan. Even though I just said all that... I do find, on average, that the Japanese people seem to be more into their acting. It often comes across much better. I do prefer it mostly because I don't know how good they are, which basically makes them better than the huge amount of awful dubs there are. I was watching Kenshin a while back, and one of the ladies unexplainably had a southern accent. Why? I have no idea. She's dressed in Japanese clothing, calling everyone -san something or other... and she sounds like she is from South Carolina. It makes no sense. So I guess it all just depends on a lot of things. On average, I think you are better off with subs... Because 1.) nearly all films are better in their original languages, they were made with them in mind and 2.) most dubbing feels like an afterthought. Hopefully that actually made some sense.
  4. Semjaza


    Death isn't something I really think about, let alone worry about. I figure when I go, I go. I have no control over it, so why even concern myself? If I die tomorrow, so be it. If I die in seventy years, that's fine too. Either way, I think I've had a nice run. There's so many things to concern myself over when I'm actually [b]alive[/b]... screw what happens when I'm not. It's not even part of my thought process anymore. I've lost people close to me, such as my dad... But it doesn't really stop the world from spinning and most everyone just gets on with their lives -- for the better or for the worse. Death just [i]is[/i], and I don't have the patience or interest to question it.
  5. I don't know where Turkey gets his from, personally... I do recommend [url]www.playasia.com[/url] though. They aren't the cheapest when compared to some, but unlike the cheaper places they are actually very reliable and send your stuff when they say they will. So many import places have burned me in the past, and I've been happy with this one. They currently have Viewtiful Joe for $59 or so, and you can get it packed with a Freeloader for like $75. Otherwise, you should be able to find a Pro Action Replay for GC very easily. Nearly any place that carries games has it now. Freeloader is built into it.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GunMetal [/i] [B][color=#003399] I [i]love[/i] Turkey's idea for the icons though. If we collapse the console gaming forums (I like this idea as well) it would help greatly. But some people will either skip over icon useage, or mis-mark stuff on purpose, which would be a problem.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] The icon idea is something that I like as well. Whatever we need to do so people will mark these things properly and save everyone confusion. And really, I'll still be around. If people are mismarking things and causing problems in there, I'll just edit the titles and fix it. It's not a big deal. Sooner or later people would get the idea heh. In addition to my reasons for earlier... making one console forum would basically finally allow people to have a place to talk about Sega systems and so forth... something I personally miss. A VJ style would rock, I admit.
  7. I didn't ban either personally. SuperMaxSonic and Pegasis were the same person though, for some odd reason.
  8. Most of the time people talk about specific games too. I rarely come across a thread that's like "The Official Sonic in General Thread" or something like that. People wind up picking specific games... right now all the Sonics so far can be gotten on GC (with some notable exceptions), most Street Fighter games are on PSx/PS2 and so on. There's always a place that it would fit in most.
  9. Apparently the demo level is the first level in the game... with changes. Different box types, and you don't get the Mach Speed until later on. Apparently it is MUCH harder than the demo, even the first stage. I was glad to hear that, as many recent GC games are just too simple.
  10. Colored version is much better. I just can't think of Auron when I see it though heh. Ginny - You and I were talking about this once, long ago... I'm not sure if you're interested any longer. I found a place that has several of those 12" Auron figures in stock here in Chicago heh. I can pick one up if you wanted one any longer.
  11. I don't really know what commitment there was. I think a lot of it was just assumed because of the dealings between Nintendo and Namco to show it first... as well as getting Link in there. I can't argue that GC never seemed like the target console, because it did. I have no idea what became of all that heh. They all did come out on the same day in Japan, and will here as well, once they're released anyway. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#884667]I still don't have Dark Cloud 2...and I really wanted to get that.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] If nothing else, buy that! It's one of the best games on the system. Probably [i]the[/i] best, if you ask me :)
  12. A difference in terms of controls? No, not really. I believe the arcade version of SC2 was on a PS2 based arcade board... meaning, theoretically, it should have been the easiest to work with and therefore basically designed with the PS2 in mind. However, the GC version was shown first that one year at Spaceworld (I think), and I think it got everyone confused heh. Edit - In terms of the port, it always has seemed like the GC and Xbox were the leading versions though, probably with GC on top. Everything I've read points to the Xbox and GC versions certainly looking far better than the PS2 one. Both run 480p --progressive scan -- and the Xbox one goes to 1080i if your TV can handle it. Last I heard the PS2 one doesn't do progressive. Apparently the differences are notable either way, but I don't have any personal experience. So, I guess it all depends on your controller preferences in the end (and what extra character you want). I can't see how the GC version would be any more suited than the others... although I would like to try it out with my own button configuration, like I said before. I had no real problem with the way it was set up on the demo, but oh well. I know a lot of people who are going for the Xbox one because the controller is very simliar to the the DC one. This isn't the first I've heard it, and it makes sense to me. Then there are people who are so used to the PS2 one, they won't get it for anything else heh. I guess I don't care lol. I'd rather have the better looking version, because they all play the same otherwise. I don't care about Spawn or Haihachi (or honestly Link even though I'd prefer him to those two; I always play as Voldo and Xianghua anyway). I'm just getting the GC one because I use that system the most currently heh. Plus, I have a PS2 controller adapter for GC anyway... so anyone that complains at my house can use that heh.
  13. I don't really think the DC controller is suited for any types of fighters. It may have a standard diamond layout, but the controller shape and the triggers don't exactly help matters. I'd much rather use something else personally. Not saying that the GC controller is like [i]amazing[/i] for this kind of game, because really it isn't at all lol... Especially if you want to use the d-pad for this game heh. Personally, I use the stick for most 3D fighters, unless I'm on a PS2... because it's analog sticks are awful, in my opinion. As for the six button thing... Soul Calibur is far from the only fighting game on DC, and is one of only a couple that uses only 4 buttons for most things. I do not use those quick button combination programs in the option menus, so I don't need the triggers on GC or DC really. So, yes, I mostly do use the Saturn controller with SC (among many others that are better suited for it), mostly out of habit... because 1.) it feels better, 2.) I cannot stand the DC triggers and 3.) it has a far better d-pad. I figure that when the US version hits the GC, I'll just make A block. Then I can easily reach the other three buttons for combinations if i want to hold the controller normally. That's what I figured they'd do anyway... but guess not heh.
  14. I loved Goemon on N64. The SNES and NES versions were awesome too. I actually preferred it to OoT, as odd as that sounds. I just thought it was more fun. I've always wanted to play the sequel for it, but I never got around to it. I don't know how popular Crystalis was. SNK made it way, way back. All I know is that I own it and love it, and everyone else I know does too. It was remade on the GBC, so it must have been fairly popular. The GBC version was changed too much though, it's not as good as the NES version.
  15. I remember the idea of putting midis in people's profiles. Those usually top out at 20k, if that. MP3s are simply too big for such things. The only real suggestion I have otherwise is making sure there is some sort of signature limit again. I don't care how long it is, as long as people can't make signatures that are 10 inches long.
  16. You said in the other thread that you were getting the Xbox version... I don't quite understand, because its triggers are on hinges like the DC version, which was just as unresponsive for digital button presses from my experience. It was always annoying on DC. Maybe it's just me heh. In any case, I don't get why it matters either way personally, and both L and R are simply block... you can use the B button instead. The controller has 3 block buttons lol. The only real problem this causes is that if you hold the GC controller normally, it's hard to do B+X throws... Which are much easier to do along with the triggers. Otherwise, I think the layout lends itself to the GC face. I don't think the DC controller was remotely good for thos games anyway, so it's layout doesn't matter to me. I use a Saturn controller to play most fighters on it. Most people I know that are any good at any type of fighter use their index and middle fingers to press all the face buttons anyway... so the triggers wouldn't even be used for them, and B+X throws are eas in this position. So you can get used to it a few different ways.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][SIZE=1]*scribbles furiously* ....I don't know, I just thought that was funny. [/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Phew. That was a close one. Now we're both clear.
  18. It was a joke from Seinfeld :D I've not heh, that was Kramer. And yeah, at least for me, almost all of my attention simply goes on the other person rather than myself. I think that if you're being like that, the other person involved will be too... and then all will be well heh. If not, well then you have someone selfish and that can be a problem. In response to earlier... You don't have to be experienced to know what feels good and what doesn't. What's fun and what isn't. And so on. People generally get better, but a lot of it seems to be instinctive almost heh. You could always try eating some mango too.
  19. I've faked it. Well, you know, if it's enough already and I just want to get some sleep. There are so many ways you can tell if the sex isn't good. A couple of the people I've been with, you'd be surprised how well things went. Much better than expected. You would have never really guessed. Strangely, the girl I dated that was the most sexual of the three was probably the absolute worst heh. I think when you get to the point of "when is this going to end?" you're obviously having bad sex. And sometimes, leading up to all that... you would have had no real idea it could be that bad. It can be a gray area. She was the first person I slept with... and I certainly didn't know. For a period, I was thinking "Why in the world do people make sex seem so great? This is it? It's awful." I thought that through the entire relationship. Luckily, that was proved wrong with the next couple people since then heh.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shy [/i] [B][size=1]PS: I hate the term "coming out," it sounds really stupid IMO.-Shy[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I'm coming out, I want the world to know... got to let it show. It is pretty stupid. You are correct. Either way, guess the news doesn't really affect me in any way in a personal sense... but it's always good when someone realizes that they need to be true to themselves. All I know is that I'll never be making one of these threads... so if I'm on someone's "He might be gay" list, cross me out. :D
  21. Any PSP rumors at the current time are just being pulled out of someone's *** as wishful thinking. I wouldn't even get excited over it at this point. Hell, the only things said about it so far was basically that a bunch of places had plans to port PSX games to it. [i]Exciting.[/i] I don't think Square would be that stupid and put a sequel to probably their biggest RPG in god knows how long on a portable system that has yet to prove itself. Who knows though.
  22. That was a great game. I always wished I bought it, along with Kirby's Dream Course. I had so much fun when I rented both. I have a couple underrated games, both of which are on the NES. The first is Clash at Demonhead, which is my favorite NES game ever. You were basically a secret agent setting out to save the world yet again. It just was so insane. Crazy characters, weird monsters, magic, guns, jetpacks... It had everything. The other is Battle of Olympus, which was basically a Zelda II clone. The funny thing is that it's better than Zelda II in almost every aspect. Great, great game.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo]Another aspect I liked was the cameo with Stan Lee and Lou Ferigno. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I thought that was great. It seemed like I was the only one in the theater who even knew who the hell they were. No one else even made a sound or movement over it heh. Was strange that they only said "hulk" once in the entire movie...
  24. I've seen the commercial. Nintendo is even advertising Rogue Squadron III and F-Zero GX soon... well before they come out. Good idea, I'd say. They actually have the demo at stores right now, so you can play it in the GCN kiosks (along with Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour, PN03 and Ultimate Muscle). Otherwise, you can buy the Preview Disc and try it out... which is worth it for just Viewtiful Joe anyway. The Preview Disc (not sure about the demo) will show Link doing moves and such if you leave it on for awhile. The animation and model are quite nice.
  25. I saw it the other night. I didn't think it was that bad, but I wasn't that impressed either. Going into it, I knew not to expect a basically mindless action movie... and that's what I think most people were expecting. At least from what my friends and people in the theater were saying. The story was fine, and most characters were given plenty of back story... the problem was that they went so slow at the start that they had no way to catch up and end it well. So it was kind of like "Okay. Let's bring up ten new things and not address them. Then we can [spoiler]freeze the Hulk and make everyone confused as to what the hell really happened.[/spoiler]" The comic style cinematography was awesome... especially later on in the movie when it got used a bit more. I'm not sure why they mostly just stuck different camera angles of the same thing in the panels, but whatever. I did not like that stupid zoom out thing they used a couple times in the first half. It made some sort of "woosh" noise while it suddenly zoomed out a little bit. I thought I was at 2 Fast 2 Furious. The modeling was great. Far better than any commercial had lead me to believe. Most of it was very believable, considering he's a giant green guy. Anyway, not the best movie... but it was decent. I'd rent it, and leave it at that.
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