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Everything posted by Semjaza

  1. I'd give my pessimism. It's great. As a pessimist, I'm either right or pleasantly surprised. How can you go wrong with that? It leads into all sorts of sarcasm too, which is obviously lots of fun... as anyone that's good at it would know. I guess that's not a remotely good trait for a "perfect" person, but hell, I like it.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue][size=1]I'm not going to tell you who does this song, because it's too embarassing and I don't like this band at all. But this song describes me perfectly, as of age 17 or so. It's just so obvious. I can't think of a better one, but if I do, I'll post it.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] You're [i]really[/i] lucky I can keep a secret :angel:
  3. This is possibly my most anticpated movie of the summer. I believe it's already out on DVD in Europe, and I've heard some really good things. I'm certainly looking forward to it, obviously :D Plus, Trainspotting rocks.
  4. Semjaza


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]When did Buddy Holly come out? I liked that song back in the day. And then it's like Weezer just disappeared for a long time... that song was all they had. Then in the last year or two it seems like they just exploded in popularity. What happened there? [/B][/QUOTE] I don't really know to be honest. I stopped paying attention after the Blue Album hit really, which was in 1994 as I said earlier. Buddy Holly was on that disc. Then Pinkterton came out in 1996 (to the person who thinks all Weezer stuff sounds the same, try that disc out... it's quite different, and I'd say their best in my opinion). So I don't know what caused the popularity all of a sudden a few years back. I think it was a combination of two things... The first being the fact that, as far as I know, they didn't have another LP/EP/whatever until 2001 when the Green Album came out. That's a pretty big gap for a band of their type, and probably caused a lot of anticipation and all that. The second is that that sort of sound was just gaining momentum at the time, and Weezer had already established a name for themselves years prior. Other than those two reasons, I have no idea. lol
  5. Semjaza


    Anyone that knows me well enough knows the unexplainable hatred I've had for Weezer for quite some time. I guess it needs some backstory. When Weezer first put out the Blue Album in '94, I actually really liked them. They got somewhat popular off Buddy Holly, but they seemed more like a group that everyone I knew liked to make fun of. I was the only one I knew that actually stuck up for them. Cut to the future, where they suddenly got popular again thanks to the Green Album it seems. This always annoyed me for whatever reason. I had stopped listening to them years prior and basically ignored their existance, which was getting harder and harder to do when every girl I knew liked the group. I think I hated them for two reasons. 1.) Years back, I spent $400+ getting a Weezer autographed Fender electric guitar (my "friend" put it on eBay instead of just selling it to me, and I really had to fight for it). It was for a girl I was dating for a Christmas present, as it was her favorite band. All 4 members had signed it, and drew little pictures on it. She loved it. Let's just say the relationship fell apart a bit after. Weezer from then on had a very bad connotation for me. 2.) Another girl I dated loved the band... held me to some sort of bizarre "Rivers Cuemo Standard", where basically she thought good guys had to act like what he sang. I wound up dumping her, and as a result she went nuts on me and said some pretty awful things. Turned a good deal of her friends and such against me, but most of it has since then been straightened out. So ironically, I hated Weezer because of girlfriends. Anyway, I was digging through some chests of mine and found all my old Weezer CDs, a couple of which I never honestly listened to. I ripped them into MP3s and was slightly surprised that they were good all along. I can't say they're a favorite of mine yet, but they're certainly a great band. Last time I let other people affect my music decisions lol. So anyway, I figure there are fans of this band here... so say something.
  6. I don't know what they are doing with Sonic at all. Apparently the max framerate in the DC version was 30 FPS. I never paid attention. In the GC one, it's sometimes at 60 FPS. I'd say rather often... but the drops are so noticable that it doesn't even matter. I bet it will sell well too, just like SA2:B did. Oh well heh.
  7. Here's a bit of a screen update from IGN. Also included is some new character art along with their names. [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/crystalc_061603_x10.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/crystalc_061603_x12.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/crystalc_061603_x13.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/crystalc_061603_x14.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/cchronscns_061603_x1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/cchronscns_061603_x7.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/cchronscns_061603_x11.jpg[/IMG] Edit - July 31st New movie: [url]http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ngc/gccj/ffcc_vp.mpg[/url]
  8. I really can't add anymore to what was said. However, I am the one that moved your sig thread. You were asking for a banner more or less, and that should go in the Banner Request thread. You'll get some replies there eventually. So all I, or anyone, can ask is that you read the rules and look around the various forums here. You'll be able to see where to put what and how things work around here. Threads of this type are discouraged for obvious reasons. This one is more or less spam, and has no real value. Also, for your other threads, you need to give things some time. You've not been here long. You've posted 5 times. People don't just reply instantly unless a thread really interests them... especially considering the stuff I've seen you make so far most likely won't really get anyone's attention. And TN (I'd think heh) closed it while I was posting :p
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]Semjaza, ..... :worried: For some reason the word WRONG comes to my head when reading your posts. On a side note, the notion of you and Transtic together is rather funny. ^_^ [/B][/QUOTE] It may be wrong, but it feels [i]oh so right[/i]. Okay. I'm done.
  10. Well, I have to close this. OB runs on vB, which has retroactive signatures... Meaning any post you made in the past will contain any signature changes you ever made. The same with the avatars. So basically there is never any need for "test" posts, you can just go back and look at an older one. As was pointed out, yours is just too big. The size limit is 100 pixels high by 500 pixels wide. Resize it and you should be fine.
  11. I don't even remember what concert this was anymore. It may have been the opening act for Voodoo Glow Skulls, but it might have been the 10 Foot Pole show. The singer just whipped his penis out and shook it all around during the song. Who knows why. I don't even think a lot of people even realized it until it had been going on for about 15 seconds already. It was actually pretty funny, and I guess he stopped before he could get in any real trouble with the management.
  12. Ozzfest and Lullapalooza are out of the question sadly. I cannot afford either, and the seats left are crap. Plus, I don't even want to see most of the bands at Ozzfest outside of Manson anyway... they better tour seperately as well, because $79 is NOT worth it. I wish I was in England or whatever it was so I could go to the Reading Festival. That must be amazing. I don't know much about this Summerfest though. I'd have to look into it.
  13. There are a couple things you need to do. First of all, go to your profile. It will bring you to a page that says "Subscribed Threads" and "Subscribed Forums". Remove anything that is in there. Then go to Edit Options within here, and just mark the "Use 'Email Notification' by default?" box as "No". That should do it.
  14. No wonder so many people here seem so depressed or paranoid. Why do you even think about this stuff? lol
  15. I spend most of the time on here trying to convince myself that the internet is actually fun and entertaining. It works sometimes.
  16. "Different" isn't a word I'd use to describe a game that's part of a franchise that's been going on since the NES days. Especially considering that most of what it does was done in the most recent sequels on PSX - the SaGa Frontier games (which you mentioned). They started off the same too, you picked your character and played their supposedly long story (Square was claiming 30 hours [i]per[/i] character, in real life it was 3 to 4 hours each). They were awful. Seriously awful. The second one luckily was a bit better, but mostly because it was just gorgeous... something Unlimited SaGa seems to be going for as well. I've not heard anything good about this game other than the visuals from anyone. Japanese magazines, local magazines, people from forums that just messed around with it. It's below average from the sounds of it. So no, I'm not buying it. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people buy it just because it was made by Square though. I'm almost expecting people to accept it's crappiness for the same reason lol.
  17. I don't know how it's awesome lol. It wakes me up when I'm trying to sleep, which actually just sucks. I have this happen randomly. I wouldn't say often. Most of the time I wake up because my leg or arm bangs into the wall. I never just randomly sit up.
  18. James and I talked about this, I think when we first met heh. I don't even remember how it came up anymore, but we both agreed that Engel was the best track on Sehnsucht (there is also an english version). I think most people liked Du Hast because of its simplicity, but there was nothing special about it. It was amusing when the news tried to cite Rammstein as a "German hate music" band after Columbine for this song. I think it's about him not wanting to marry some girl or something heh. Either way, Mutter is a vastly superior album, in my opinion. for some reason they dropped out of the spotlight after Sehnsucht, which I guess is somewhat expected. I'd have to say a few of the previous ones even beat out Sehnsucht. I don't know how unique they are in terms of sound, as there are bands in other areas that have been doing the same thing for just as long, or longer... However, they've polished their style to a point that it just sounds basically flawless, something I can't say most comparable bands have done. Everything is played with perfect precision. Same with their live shows, if you ever get to see them.
  19. Well, I do think it's important to remember the first two Metal Gear Games. Not so much the second, as the first. It started off in the jungle (both the NES and MSX versions), and got into many other things. There were plenty of bases and camps and everything else. A good deal of indoor areas that actually took up a substantial part of the game. You never really know where they could go with it. Afterall, Snake has to be in the jungle for a reason. I doubt he's going to just be hiding in trees and bushes the whole game, or at least I hope not. I guess we'll see. It's similiar to First Blood (Rambo), which I think is kind of interesting heh.
  20. You know, I just find this laughable. Is anyone remotely surprised by any of the people who are actually complaining in here? I'm certainly not. I'm not even talking about Mnemolth or anyone else who actually comes up with reasons (no matter what they may be)... I'm talking about certain other people who are peppered in here. I'm not saying you don't have a right to voice this opinion... but it seems like most of the people here complaining have been here for basically no time at all and have a poor post history. Still others have left here, only to return to basically stick a complaint post in here. Please, I implore most of you to even read the stuff some people consider things the mods where being strict about. It's ridiculous in most cases; perhaps not all, but a vast majority. I don't know, but the people like this are the only reason why this place even seems/is strict at all. I don't know about any of you, but I don't want to be on a forum that functions like a chat room... regardless of anyone's opinions on who is a jerk and who isn't. There are plenty of crappy EZBoards around for that. To add to that, no this isn't hypocritical. I'm not saying "Oh, say what you want... but anyone with a complaint, STFU!" Lord knows I've complained here in the past and still do. We all do for the most part. It's expected. However, you really need to question credibility in most of these instances. Am I going to listen to the guy with a good post that's been here for a while (regardless of him loving or hating this place), or the guy with 5 posts that is complaining about how a mod said his post that said nothing but "Man, they r kewl!" was insufficient? It's a bit ironic that most of the posts on the bad side seem to fit in the second category. Perhaps it's because the older members feel they have something to lose by complaining. It's possible. I certainly have no idea. However, considering how many times I've seen members themselves, rather than mods, jump on some guy acting like an *** and breaking the rules here, I'd have to say most people like the way things are right now, at least to a tolerable extent. In the end, no one is forcing you to come here. You have your own free will, and are able to choose between this board and the thousands of others out there. Edit for below - No lol. No worries.
  21. Buildings are boring compared to the jungle :D I hated MGS2 to be honest. I did like the original MSX Metal Gear games and the first Metal Gear Solid, but 2 did nothing for me. I'm glad that they are more or less taking the game back to its MSX roots for MGS3. I think after you see the trailer and the stuff they have Snake doing in the game, you'll have little to worry about. I'm not a big Metal Gear fan whatsoever, but I was pretty impressed by a lot of the new gameplay situations that seemed to come up.
  22. I honestly do not understand why this is a big deal each time. People have failed to see that the original two threads did result in conversation. This thread basically encourages people to check out or simply discuss the bands in question. That's how I see it and I believe that's how he means to present this. Why this is any different than the multitude of threads that basically say "I love _____! What do you think?" I have no idea, especially considering there is more going on here if you want to look for it. And honestly, even in V3 of this Endymion and myself both added stuff that was worth discussing to these threads. They just keep getting torn down by semantics. I will say this is ironically the least well balanced of the three as you kind of just seem to randomly mention things without getting into it much. However, that wasn't even a problem in the last one and the same thing happened. So what do I know? ------------------------ As for the genres, I'm not one to bother with it. I push everything into basic genres and leave them there, because that's all most boil down to anyway. I'm not a genre whore, for lack of a better term. I always find it odd when people argue whether something is one sub-sub division of metal or another. Whatever. And I know Molotov. They aren't something I'd personally be into anymore. Metal bands have to be incredibly inventive for me to even care anymore. I basically just grew out of the sound. Assorted Jelly Beans are fun too. I forget which disc I have, but it's the one with the monster in a hooded sweatshirt. They remind me somewhat of the Beastie Boys when they don't rap (there are lots of tracks by the Beastie Boys that have a punk sound - they even started out as a punk band lol). I always found it weird that the Vandals thought AJB were some sort of second coming though... comparing them basically to Operation Ivy, when I don't feel there is much of a comparison. Strangely, neither of the two bands even seem to be in people's minds anymore for the most part heh.
  23. Semjaza

    Local Bands?

    Zwan was more or less local before the CD hit as well, as I don't think they played anything other than the Metro here in Chicago at the time. Apocalypse Hoboken was a local band until they broke up. Local H is still more or less local, despite doing rather well in the past. Same with The Vindicators I think. Veroscene was a pretty good rap/metal band that friends of mine from high school headed up. I wound up getting their CD out of state, and I've heard nothing of them since. Local for me is Chicago. I'm sure there are tons of others, but I've not looked into it.
  24. The only time I ever zone out is when I am sitting on the computer working on some aspect of a site I am doing. I just get lost in what I'm typing or drawing, along with getting lost in the music I'm playing... So I'm totally oblivious to anything else going on.
  25. I had a thread on the demo disc a while back. Only one guy seemed interested I guess. If you hold down A and press Start, you'll get a remix of the level that I think is a lot more entertaining. There is a bit more to do and it's a bit more challenging. I've been told the levels at E3 were far better, so I'm not sure why they kept this so short.
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