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Everything posted by Semjaza

  1. Semjaza

    The Italian Job

    I didn't think it was too bad. The patriot thing is kind of pulling at straws, but eh. I was happy they didn't try to force a love story in it. There were a couple times where I was like "Oh great, this is probably going to turn into some lame sex scene," and it never really happened. I enjoyed it. Of course, I didn't pay... and it was to get out of seeing 2 Fast 2 Furious. So I'm somewhat biased heh.
  2. It doesn't even matter. Strict or otherwise, all you said is one freaking word. This isn't a chat room. If you would have just wrote 2 sentences instead, no one would be saying anything and you wouldn't have to post a couple more times. Saves you the time as well, so I don't see the problem in it. And honestly, isn't basically making a post with really nothing other than saying something is spam, spam as well? lol OH well. Anyway, I think it's pretty good. I don't really like the way the lines pop out to be honest. With some good shading, I think it could turn out really well. You might want to make some of the lines a bit smoother, but still, very nice.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Sem and I would probably sit there all day arguing over music or something. It'd be rather funny to watch. Cause we both know I'm right anyway :p lol. [/B][/QUOTE] I'd let you win just so I could get some of that sweet, sweet lovin'.
  4. Panasafonic... Sorny... Magnetvox. Quality stuff. When I was in Mexico, the local markets had tons of rip off items. More games than I could name, even SNES carts with 8 games built into them. One Gameboy cart had like 45 games (and we're talking good stuff like Super Mario Land 2). I thought the worst one was this one Nike stand... Everything in it had Nike spelled like Nikke.
  5. I've played it twice, and I can't say I've ever wanted to play it again. A really over hyped, poorly translated RPG. It totally killed my remaining interest in the FF games, although I did find FFX to be a step up. The others inbetween just dragged at too many spots and offered me little incentive to keep going.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manic [/i] [B]Are you sure about that last part? The way I remember it, he glanced at his cell phone silently, saw the girl's name or number, and decided not to answer. Whether or not he would've walked out of the movie or stayed in his seat had he decided to answer, is unknown.[/B][/QUOTE] My problem lays mostly with the fact that I don't think random people, let alone little kids, should be running around with the fanciest, most flashy cell phones in existance lol. You are right though, he doesn't talk in it... although all his friends get up and say something instead. As for the talking loudly in public places... no, it doesn't bother me in general that severely. I was exaggerating for the most part heh. However, I'd have to say a vast majority of people speaky REALLY loudly into their cell phones. I swear, everyone I know practically speaks in their loudest outdoor voice into the things. So we're not really talking running around during rush hour on a down town sidewalk, or at some busy amusement park... we're talking close vacinities, restaurants, classrooms, movie theaters and stores (which generally aren't all that loud). It get's really annoying, I'd say... especially considering how often I am downtown, which is a very tight and crowded place when you're inside.
  7. I [i]have[/i] to sleep on my back. I simply won't fall asleep otherwise. I need lights and such turned off. I'll fall asleep with them on, but it's a lot harder to. I also cannot stand ticking noises. I can hear a watch a room over if I'm laying there. I usually have to put them in a drawer or something... it's the main reason why I mostly have digitals. I have a bed, up in a loft... but I use it for storage. I just sleep on the carpeted floor with a blanket and a pillow.
  8. There were two versions leaked... The real version, and a rough unmastered version. I personally grabbed the unmastered one that was floating around, because obviously... you'll not get to hear it otherwise. I'm honestly not a big Radiohead fan. I've not given them a fair chance, I'll admit... but it just feels so whiny. I'll try this out and see. The unmastered version is quite good.
  9. It's okay Piro. You're pretty hot... when I think about you I touch myself (cue the music).
  10. First anime I saw was Robotech. Otherwise, Vampire Hunter D. This was back in the late 80s. Cartoon Network didn't even exist.
  11. If you're good enough, screen lurking doesn't even become an issue. At least in games I've played. It doesn't matter if someone knows or can see where I am or are coming from based on my screen... They could just use the radar anyway, same function really. The only time it can really be an issue is if you're trying to hide. If you're quick enough, you can still get the jump on them though. I guess it's just a mix of watching yourself and everyone else heh.
  12. I loathe cell phones. I actually have one now, but I use it strictly for emergencies or being locked out of my house or whatever else. In my opinion, most people shouldn't even be allowed to use them. I liked it better several years back when only people with [i]jobs[/i] used the damn things. Now I can't walk 15 feet without running into someone else that thinks their discussion on what's for dinner is so important that everyone else in the general vicinity must hear about it. Honestly, how many of these people have important conversations? Hell, how many are even remotely of value? The problem is that many people have so many minutes that they don't give a crap what they're on there for (and in many cases, the minutes don't roll over - you use them or you don't, giving people even more reason to just use them up). I cannot think of really any useful conversations I've overheard. Sure, they exist... but they sure seem to be in the minority. However, what it all comes down to is some sort of ettiquete. Something NO ONE seems to have. They should force people to take a class on it so I don't have to put up with these people. If they fail, no cell phone for you. For example, I'm shopping at Target. Some lady calls her kid and has a 10 minute conversation with him about what toy he wants. The kid can't even come to get a toy with his mom? And seriously, this isn't a rare occurance. It's like people want to use phones to replace any sort of physical activity that they can avoid. Cell phones add to this excuse even more. I can be with someone, they get a call. Instead of being like "I'm out, I'll call you later," (which most do [i]eventually[/i] you wind up sitting there having to listen to them talk about nothing for at least 5 minutes. These people aren't even HERE and they are the center of attention already. Plus we have all the idiots with the loudest, most obnoxious ringtones there are. The people with lights all over their phones and attenaes so you cannot ignore the fact that they even have one. They [i]need[/i] to let everyone know, it's some sort of insecurity it seems like. Then the people in theaters. My friend was at the screening for The Matrix: Reloaded and he told me about a lady who got a call in the middle of the film. She answered it and sceams out "Hey! I'm watching the Matrix!" and keeps going on and on. They finally just kicked her out, and everyone cheered. I've had this happen to me before as well... and you can't exactly ignore bright blinking lights in a big dark room. The most annoying factor is that kids half my age have the damn things... and so do all of their friends. Parents pay for them for whatever reason, and now they have a phone to call and waste time with. Does anyone remember this really stupid anti-drug commercial? Some kid, I'd say she was 12 or 13, was caught with weed, so she had to stay home while her friends were at the movie. First of all, the girl had [i]her own[/i] phone line in her room (seemed like no one had that luxury when I was like 12 lol). Anyway, she calls her friends at the movie theater and they blow her off because drugs are not cool, I guess. The kid has a cell phone in the movie theater. He's 12. The damn thing is on and he's talking in it. How many of those little films about not using your phone in the theater do they have to play? Owning one is even worse, depending on who calls you. If you don't answer, some people fill your voicemail with messages asking about why you aren't. Some people expect you to suddenly have 30 minutes to talk to them just because they called. Oh, they say, you have tons of minutes, there's no rush. Whatever, ***wipe. You pay my damn bill. I freaking hate the things.
  13. Beck's Loser. I'm a loser, baby... so why don't you kill me.
  14. There's a difference between expecting a band to sound like a specific thing all the time, or to emulate an older CD. A lot of fans that cling on to bands due to popularity are like this. They don't want an evolution. It's another thing entirely to expect a CD to actually be something special. I really don't think this is, in any sense of the word. It's decent, if that. There are bands that have just left Metallica in the dust, and that was years ago. They're simply just digging themselves a deeper hole at this point. This just in! Golden Age of the Grotesque is better than St. Anger, so go buy it! :D
  15. This is basically something that is on the host's end of things. I don't know that much can be done on OB's side. Something we just have to bare with when it happens at this point in time. Anyway... I look to it as a push to really get off the stupid computer and go have some real fun. Go outside, play some games, anything. I think everyone can do without OB in totality for a few hours at a time.
  16. I'd guess the simplest thing is to just tell the truth. I try to most of the time, because really... if you lie once, you're going to have to do it again countless times. You can very rarely just lie about one thing and never have to again. It's always a ball of lies. I can't say I ever feel guilty for lying, because I don't have much of a conscience. However, life is just a lot easier if you are honest from the start in general. You don't have to deal with it later, and while people might not appreciate your honesty at first, they generally come around. At the very least, you at least have some respect. I am not very supportive of people I know aren't being upfront with me. I don't even care if they hate me. I'd rather it was just out there and they were being honest. They'd get my respect at the least. Of course all that totally depends on the situation. There are times when you simply cannot tell the truth or must gloss over something at least. It's a complex thing.
  17. I don't know how funny or strange this was... but whatever. It's all really about one class. I hope it's somewhat interesting, because it will probably be very long. This class was my Freshman year at Archbishop Weber High School. It was an all boys Catholic school, which is rather ironic at this point because of my current belief system. I was a rather strong and active Christian at that point. Anyway, I was in honors. All honors classes actually, mostly based on my entrance exam. If a person did well enough on it, they would be asked to join the Veritas Honors program. It basically locked you in all honors classes, made you take Latin for four years and put you in a summer reading program with once a month meetings. Anyway, the weird thing was that the honors class was probably the worst class in the school discipline wise... especially in terms of our Latin/English classes which were blocked together, one right after the other. 90 minutes of one teacher, in one room. Anyway, this guy was Mr. Amberson. He had some sort of degree in Latin or some such nonsense. I don't really know anymore. The guy probably knew more than everyone in this forum put together (well at least the intelligent ones here). He was rather overweight. He had a really strange bowl hair cut that was really, really short. He wore thick coke bottle glasses... always in a suit with dress shoes. Of course, he had to smell like a jock strap. That's almost required by people of his type. His gut usually erased half of the stuff he was writing on the board too. The main problem was that he couldn't teach. He got his points across, but unfortunately the more insane people in our class kind of got their way. The room fell into chaos. People would play dice in the back of class. Poker, whatever. People would bring in Magic cards or whatever else and just play those for 90 minutes. We really didn't pay much attention to the guy. I remember one day I took the waste paper basket and put it up on the edge of the top of the blackboard. Everyone made paper balls and we played basketball. It took Mr. Amberson nearly 15 minutes to notice this for some odd reason. By that time the thing was filled to the brim with nothing but small paper balls. He tried getting it down, but it fell to the floor and they flew literally [i]everywhere[/i]. For the next 20 minutes he ran around picking them up as everyone just threw them at eachother. There was another day that was a massive spitball fight. It got so out of hand that the dean came in and made us all clean it up. It took us about half and hour to get it all off the walls and chairs. The day of my trip to Great America with our band, someone brought in a porno. Apparently he edited out all the story parts and it was nothing but sex. I guess Mr. Amberson had no idea what to do, so he just sat there as everyone watched it. I'm glad I wasn't there that day to be honest. That stuff does nothing for me lol. There is a lot more. Some isn't fit to say honestly. It got so bad that most of the administration held a big meeting with all the kids in that class where everyone aired their problems. I don't really remember the result of it... All I know is that the Dean was suddenly teaching our English class, and the principal was sitting in on the rest of it. They installed the first camera in the school because of that class as well. I guess it's rather odd that the "smartest" class was the worst... but I think a lot of us were just really frustrated and felt like there was a lack of challenge at that school. We lashed out. Excuses though. I regret how I acted at this point, but at the same time... my years at Weber are basically unforgettable now. Anyway, that's one class and one year. There's tons of other stories I could tell. I somehow wound up being the class clown at that school, and everyone knew me... which I still find strange at this point, because I'm usually a very calm and closed off person.
  18. [color=red][b]PERSONAL[/b][/color] [b]Member Name:[/b] Semjaza Azazel... you could have just looked to the left anyway. [b]Former Member Names:[/b] Gr3ymalkin (I feel bad for the people who fell for that Proudclod joke in a chat way back heh). [b]Member Since:[/b] 05-07-2002 as SA. 08-23-2001 as Gr3ymalkin. Been around far longer than most realize. [b]Current Status:[/b] Category Moderator: Otaku Gamer [b]Nicknames:[/b] I guess Sem and Semmy and variations of that. Oh, and Toast. More and more people seem to just be calling me Tony lately. [b]Favorite Forums:[/b] Music, Movies & TV... sometimes. [b]Favorite RPG:[/b] Don't Shoot the Goombas (only one I've ever been in). Don't read any otherwise. [b]Favorite Threads:[/b] wrist cutter's [i]Happy Birthday[/i] comes to mind yet again, because before that point I really didn't know much about it and I was happy to see how passionate he was about the stuff. It was a genuine interest, not just some elitist talk... you cannot imagine the level I respect that at. [b]Favorite Smiley:[/b] They all suck honestly. [b]Most Memorable Moment:[/b] Shift being banned. [b]Quotable Quote:[/b] "I have to pee." - Anonymous [b]Words of Wisdom:[/b] Don't tap on the glass. [b]Wish to be remembered for:[/b] --- [b]Desired Epitaph:[/b] Dead. [b]Favorites:[/b] Favorite whats? Cheesecake? [b]I will....[/b] ...leave my CD collection to treton_noir, as he's probably the main person who would appreciate them. It's approaching a few hundred I'd guess. Probably far more. Whee. ...leave my HDTV Wega to Charles so he can see what he is missing and get a chance to rub it into everyone else's face like I do to him, or used to anyway. ...leave my love of the Pixies to whoever wants it. Seemingly very few heh. ...appoint anyone with a name like Goku242352 or Goku242352-B something better. You guys need some imagination :D ...leave my broadband internet to Mitch, because god knows he needs it. ...leave my ferret Kit to whoever wants her. I think Jenna is the only one that ever brings her up sometimes, so maybe you want her? heh I guess most of these are assuming I'm dying. Too bad. [color=red][b]MOST AND BEST[/b][/color] [b]Most likely to succeed:[/b] Charles, Piro, Shy, James, Sara, Lady A, Jenna and I hope Ryan, because it would be cool to be like "Hey. I kind of now that guy! Not really, really... but yeah!" if you ever got famous for yout music heh. [b]Most likely to secede:[/b] Probably myself at this current rate. [b]Worst spelling:[/b] The people who can't spell seem to be on an even suckiness level. No one stands out. [b]Best poster:[/b] Sara, Charles, Shy, James, Mitch, Babygirl, Lady A, Piro, Cyke [b]Cutest couple:[/b] Dancing Hitler and I. Otherwise, based off some things said to me by each... I'd say Tori and Ryan in real life. [b]Best writer:[/b] Lady A, Mitch, Charles, Shy [b]Best artist:[/b] Ginny, Weh (for comics) [b]Best graphics guys:[/b] Syk3 (mostly because he does his stuff well and is actually able to apply it to exact instructions, something many people don't do well)... there is another one here that's amazingly good but I cannot remember their screen names. [b]Best...spar-er?:[/b] I don't go into that place. [b]Craziest:[/b] Weh, I suppose. [b]Funniest / wittiest:[/b] Sara, Charles [b]Interesting-er-ist:[/b] Sara, Jenna, Charles, Piro, James, Shy, Queen Asuka, wrist cutter [b]Random award: [/b]If you feel the urgent need to award someone a title not listed here.. [b]A Winner is...[/b] Me for putting up with all of you freaks. [b]A Winner is...[/b] You for putting up with me at all. I'm also glad that many seem to think I'm unapproachable, since it seems to result in far less crazy IMs. Yay. [b]The Ultimate Confusion Award[/b]: To anyone that actually had me listed as funny or witty... and to a lesser extent, interesting. Where have you been? [b]People I'm glad I actually got to know better (well, I know you at varying levels)[/b]: Charles, James, Desbreko, Jenna, Lady A, Lady K, Zidane, Shy, Mitch, Syk3, Piro, Ken, Ryan, Sara, Tori, Kevin, Weh and probably tons I'm forgetting. You guys are basically the only reason I'm here anymore. I'm sorry I've actually lost touch with a few of you or not gotten to know some of you as well as I would have liked... but hell, there's plenty of time I suppose. [color=red][b]SIGNATURES[/b][/color] James - You're obviously the only reason I originally came here. We don't seem to get to talk as much anymore, but I value our conversations. They're a lot deeper than I get with a lot of people on those subjects. It's always good working with you on sites and whatever else too. Thanks for your support in general, especially with my artwork and designs. Charles - I remember when I came back under my second name and I said to James, "That *** is a mod??" Since then I've found you're obviously a good mod, but still very much an ***. But that's why you rock, and you know it heh. One of the top few people I've ever met online. I'm still winning though. Jenna - You have basically disappeared totally. Where the hell are you? lol Anyway, thanks for the help with the photography and things in general. You're one of the more level headed people I've gotten to meet, which has helped put a different spin on this place. Something I appreciate heh. Too bad we don't get to talk as much as we used to, but I'm glad things are going so well for you. Shy - I made your fanclub, that should say enough. I wish we got to talk more often, but when we actually have time to spend getting into things you are a great person to talk to. I hope your college years and everything work out, but I'm sure they will. Plus, anyone that knows as much about cartoons as you is automatically my hero. Piro - You're one of the only people I think I could get any decent band conversations with for a long, long time here. Luckily, the interest interest in non-sucky bands seems to randomly shift... so it's not so bad heh. Still, you're good to talk to on really any level, not a common thing heh. Ken - We seem to go in and out of talking, but there have obviously been good times. The less hectic chats with you around (thatI bother to talk in) have been some of the better AIM conversations I've had since ever heh. I think I'm still the only one you've yet to kill :D Ryan - I don't even know what the hell to say lol. Been quite a different place since you've arrived, that's for sure. Looking forward to hearing your stuff, and I appreciate the random fan club you made lol. Mitch - I think you're on vacation or something. Who knows when you'll read this. I still remember those music contests we'd have heh. Sometimes I don't what you are trying to say :p, but you're a great guy and I'm glad you bothered to IM me in the first place. Good luck with your writing. Desbreko - Another guy I barely talk to anymore. Always a good talk about various games... I still have no idea how you can even remember all that Zelda stuff. It's insane lol. Lady K - Where did you goooo? Defintitely one of the most genuinely nice people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. I hope someday you get your own computer heh. If I get rich, I'll send you one... the first thing I do. Asphy - I don't even remember how we started talking anymore. Do you? Either way, you're a highlight of this board. And even if you weren't super smart and interesting and whatever else, the fact that you like Jack Off Jill and Rasputina makes you great anyway. Thanks for the stories too :) Tori - We've not been talking all that long really. You're so personable though, it makes it seem like we've known eachother well for quite a while lol. It's been great, and I like your enthusiasm over the SNA Forums... I just hope they can come back heh. Sara - I definitely don't talk to you as much as I'd like, I know that heh. The few times we actually got to talk for a bit were good experiences though. You're just one of those people who could probably survive on her wits alone, which makes everything you do here pretty entertaining at the least. To everyone else that mentioned me... I didn't forget you. You all rock, and I'm sure you know that I like and appreciate you. Or at least I hope so. Plus, there are some people I didn't mention in here that I would have liked to... But I'm sick today, and more or less dead. You probably know who you are. If you expected me to mention you, you're one of them heh.
  19. It doesn't matter to me. I can smoke now. Whoa! I could have smoked 10 years prior honestly. I have no desire to do that within my lifetime. I can vote. What a freaking hassle that can be... especially the local elections, where I have to vote for so many people I don't even know what's going on. They're all pretty much wretched people as it is. I was stuck in Selective Service. I'm sure nothing will come of this, and sometimes I wonder if I'd even mind it if I was pulled into the service. Who knows. Could go both ways. I can get stuff pierced without parental permission (at least here in Chicago). This is a slight benefit I guess heh. I get called for jury duty. The last time I was called it wasn't even real jury duty. It was standy. I got to sit in a room for 16 hours while they decided if they even needed me in a trial. Of course, they never did. So really, it's nothing special in my opinion. Nineteen was a useless birthday. Twenty was only good because I was no longer a teenager... And 21 would be enjoyable if I even had any desire to drink. I'm against all those sorts of things though. Apparently a dying breed if I go by all the people I know. So eh. Same old crap. Stuff you have been able to do for years is just suddenly easier to do (not to mention legal). Everything else feels like more of a hassle than anything else. I'd rather be 17 again at this point.
  20. House of 1,000 Corpses is an okay choice heh. Two girl friends of mine came with the second time I saw it and they both enjoyed it to some extent... thought it was more funny than anything, but it's a decent movie heh. Last few weeks haven't really brought any movies out I'd go see with someone I was dating. 2 Fast 2 Furious? No. Matrix? No. I'd probably go see X-Men 2 or Identity, but neither are all that new. Finding Nemo was pretty kickass though. That could be fun heh.
  21. [img]http://www.ag.wakwak.com/~lay/img-box/img20030608102137.jpg[/img] DrForester posted this on GAF. I figured it was of interest. This is just concept art. I am not familiar with Evangelion, but Shy has made it sound pretty great in the past. If they pull this off it could be amazing... the only problem is that you can't really fit all of what has happened into 2 hours. I doubt everyone will be happy with it.
  22. I think the point of putting it in all of them was to make it easier to play another person. You can connect any of those SMA games and play Mario Bros. mulitplayer (the mulitpak version is a lot more fun than the single pak lol). If you had to have the same exact game, I guess it would be more of a pain.
  23. I don't know that I've made any embarassing ones. I do type sex instead of sec quite often though... same with kik instead of lol. That Terminator one was pretty bad though heh.
  24. There are quite a bit of remakes... At the same time, I do think it's nice to play some of my favorite classics on the road. I also think the whole ports being all the GBA has to offer is blown way out of proportion. I'm glad some of the Nintendo made ones at least have some additions... otherwise I'd probably be a lot more annoyed having to pay $30 for a 10 year old game. DKC has always been one of those games that relied on its aesthetic qualities. The gameplay is horrible. It's a really mediocre platforming game. With stuff like Zelda, you at least get Four Swords. The extra Mario Bros. game with all the Super Mario Advance titles is a bit lame though. There are some little changes in the games (especially the first in this series), but hardly anything I get excited about. Then there are ports of stuff like Aero the Acrobat and Earthworm Jim and Contra Advance that are just badly done on the GBA. I don't really think most companies have ported much stuff that isn't worth the time on average though... but then you see games like The Three Stooges and get confused lol. So I don't know. I guess it's just a mixed bag.
  25. The problem is that Mina isn't even supposed to [i]be[/i] a vampire. It's so aggrivating heh. Oh well.
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