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Everything posted by Semjaza

  1. If you name it Animerica, you'd probably be the first country to be sued for taking a copyrighted name. Man... all these posts have strengthened my reasoning for never, ever wanting to live there.
  2. They have enough real things to deal with in their own lives... lol. I'm sure they don't want to take care of a country that would have wars break out over whether or not subs are better than dubs or why Funimation chops up some anime. Not to mention that 9 out of 10 people would complain about how ugly they are everytime you see them... which would probably be all the time if everyone lived together. What a depressing place that would be. I'd probably go insane and murder a large group of people at some point. I wouldn't want to be there, I could tell you that. Sometimes I wonder why I'm even here, and this is just a site. No way I'd be in a city/country.
  3. Well, I'm not sure what you are trying to imply... But I go to college, work, date and go out rather regularly lol. I'd like to think I'm "normal", or at least just this side of it. In any case, my point was really that if you enjoy those things there is no reason to compromise them because others would think strangely of it. I love doing all those things, as juvenile as they may be and I'm finding there are a surprising amount of people my age into many of the same things (well movies and cartoons wise, maybe not coloring lol). Oh well, whatever entertains you and doesn't mess up other people's lives works for me. As long as you're mature when it matters, I think you're doing fine. That's more than most people as it is.
  4. There's a thread on this already. Probably didn't notice since it was named LXG. The company putting it out doesn't seem to like the name either as they either refer to it as The League or LXG. Either way, it's based on seriously one of the best comics ever created. Unfortunately they are changing the basics of it quite a large deal. I think it still looks quite good. Anyway, here's the thread [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24617[/url] I have to close this.
  5. I remember the last one you posted here. It looks like you have wax paper over it though... the colors seem so dull. If you took the time to brighten up those flames in particular (at least I assume that's what they are), I think it would look ten times better. The actual pencil work is good. Looks a lot like Smaug actually.
  6. I still watch Arthur and think Pee-wee's Playhouse is one of the greatest shows of all time. My favorite book is The Phantom Tollbooth. My favorite movie is Pee-wee's Big Adventure. 95% of shows I watch are cartoons and I still color in coloring books. Almost all of my shirts have a cartoon character on them (or a band). So yeah, I'm 20... I don't think you have anything to worry about heh. I probably do though.
  7. What scanner did you get? I'm trying to find a new one, because the one we have is horrible. This one seems pretty clear and has good color recognition... heh. Anyway, there are some incredibly good pictures on that site you linked. I particulary liked the animal coming out of the flames, even if it wasn't as complex as some of the others. Really nice work.
  8. I had no idea that the idea of soulmates totally relied on the idea of reincarnation and past lives. News to me. Anyway... Soulmates don't exist in my opinion. You click with someone or you don't. I think that your "perfect" person is mostly perfect for you due to a large amount of coincidence and trial and error really. I don't believe you suddenly meet someone and know you need to spend the rest of your life with them. If that were true, I doubt divorce rates would be so high. I've yet to meet more than two girls in my life that I could honestly stand dating for an extended period of time. I'm definitely not bitter about that (especially since I was the one to end it each time), and I don't think that affects my opinion on the subject honestly. Perhaps it does limit my experience, as I'm sure some people who had something suddenly work out for them would swear the existance of true soul mates up and down. Who knows. Either way, I don't believe in the idea of a soulmate at its core. That's not to say someone won't meet someone that's, in their eyes, perfect for them or that that person might even just fall into their lap unexpectedly... I just don't believe there is some sort of cosmic force leading up to your meeting eachother, nor do I believe there is some sort of fate involved. I might as well believe in the Muses. I need to learn how to write less. Shorter than most, I suppose.
  9. I think you need a few more quotes heh. Other than that... [i]interesting[/i] lol.
  10. It's yet another Gun Survivor game. I've learned to not be that interested, but they're still fun. I remember paying for the import of Resident Evil: Gun Survivor because you could use the Guncon with it. The game had the worst control setup ever heh. I'm under the impression this is on rails, but I have no idea. Either way, HDTVs just don't work with videogame guns. So I'm out of luck...
  11. I think that Kikaider stuff that was shown up there looks awesome. I'm interested in seeing that to be honest.
  12. Well, I don't know where you're shopping in general... but obviously they are just ripping you off. You can get the original Matrix DVD for only $15, and I've seen the Animatrix as low as $16 with the soundtrack packed in. Just look around. Places like Media Play and Coconuts aren't exactly cheap heh. Anyway... I wouldn't say it's completely anime lol. All of the shorts are made by companies known for anime, even the Aeon Flux creator's stuff. I guess I could, but at this point I don't think I want to start another thread :p I forget the number of shorts for some reason. It's something like 10. Really, they all add up to basically the length of a feature film. It's not really a waste.
  13. Honestly, I don't even think removing the censors in general is an issue. It's not something that is hurting anyone. However, I do think it is somewhat of a problem in the Poetry/Writing and Adventure Arena areas because it really can stifle the impact of the writing. I'd like to think that any profanity used in those areas would really be limited to actual stories that needed it on some level... and not something to be abused. I honestly think that most members would be fairly accepting of that as well, but really it's hard to say. Either way, I don't think removing the censor in any other place makes much sense... even though I don't think that was the point of this thread.
  14. This is a really, really old site heh. The most amusing thing I remember about it was the quotes. The guy has said some really bizarre things. There's actually an Alex Chiu random quote generator somewhere online. If anyone knows that flash movie "We Drink Ritalin" that I kept showing to people a long time ago, he's the big dancing head guy in it. He's even wearing the bracelets.
  15. I can't stand Blogspot. I guess it does its job, but it wasn't enough. It's amazing how many people use it at this point. Between the bigger free ones, I'd rather go with Live Journal. I've been through most of the bigger weblog tools... Grey Matter, pmachine, Sunlog, Movable Type, B2 and at least 5 others. I finally just settled on Movable Type because it's so simple to use and customize. I'm very happy with it. I'm still struggling with the comment tags though... they instructions for them are very vague. Anyway, the actual blog is a section at my site [url]www.slownerveaction.org[/url] I've not updated the site in a VERY long time though. I simply have too many other projects on my plate right now. Once 1-Up Gaming is up and running, I'll come back to it.
  16. I don't even know what emo entails anymore. I think a vast majority of what qualifies as emo is rather bad. I do however like Thursday quite a bit. I've liked The Ataris for several years, although I do not like the new CD at all. Mostly thanks to the changes, such as Kris Roe's voice. There are other bands that perhaps fit in emo, but I'm not sure. I'm not a big genre person, I just like music that sounds good. Anyway, these bands are Bright Eyes, Deathcab for Cutie and Ozma. If they don't fit, then someone can tell me otherwise heh. ------------------------------------- I do have a huge problem with emo boys though. Has anyone ever wondered why, if they are as great and perfect towards their no-good girlfriends as they claim, why they never seem to be able to keep them for more than a very short period? Why they are constantly dumped according to their songs? I get the impression that they pretend to care when all they really want is some action. Then when it all falls apart in their face, they have more fodder to make them seem sensitive and caring. I've seen many, many girls buy into these guys only to be burned. I know I'm generalizing, but there is one guy in particular that I dislike to a point that he really affects my opinion in every aspect. [img]http://www.slownerveaction.org/images/noemoboysgif.gif[/img]
  17. Even if the Matrix were real, why would I care? Why wouldn't you want to live in it? Look at the alternative. I'd rather live in a pretend world that's actually somewhat enjoyable. It certainly beats living in a torn apart city (where apparently white people don't exist anyway, so I wouldn't be around heh), constantly worrying about sentinels and other weird things attacking me just for existing. Living knowing that even if you actually defeat these robot the world is going to SUCK for generations to come as it is. So really, ignorance is bliss in this case. I'd rather the Matrix made me think cheesecake tasted good than go without it totally. I'd rather the Matrix told me that bands like NIN and Queens of the Stone Age kick unholy amounts of *** than be forced to listen to that stuff they play at the rave scene in Reloaded for the rest of my life (I will never get that image of Keanu/Neo's butt out of my head during that scene). Life sucks as it is for many, many people. Why would I want to make my life even worse by leaving the Matrix? Apparently people who are freed need to wear tons of tight leather/pleather and sun glasses in the Matrix... but when they are out, they wear the same dirty clothes every day. Does Neo even change? And if I just lived my life like I am now, there's no way I'd be contacted by agents or machines or anything else. I'd be living my life the exact same way I'd be living it if there was no such thing as the Matrix. So really... What's the loss? A lack of total consciousness? Meh. Reminds me of Caddyshack honestly. "When I'm on my deathbed, I will receive total consciousness. So I've got that going for me." And anyone that actually thinks that stuff is possibly true has many problems and needs to seperate fantasy from reality heh.
  18. Well, I'll say what I think the problem is. I've gotten this "[i]image not found[/i]" crap before... What I've noticed, at least in my case, is that it only seems to happen with JPGs. I have no idea why, or what the cause is. So perhaps saving it as a GIF would help. I realize that might really lower the color quality of your image, so maybe even PNG would work. I've honestly not tried PNGs on here before. It's worth a shot I suppose.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]Yes, here's the link to the other thread if you want to take a look. It didn't last very long, but oh well. [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?threadid=20615]The Animatrix[/url][/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] :bawl: Tell me about it. I guess back when I posted that, most people didn't even know what the hell The Animatrix was. At least, I was given that impression. Anyway, I'm in agreement with Mnemolth. I personally am one of those people who doesn't think the Matrix is as amazing as most others here (in fact, I don't think most of it even goes beyond Freshman level psychology, but whatever), but it does have many, many good points. The Animatrix capitalizes on almost all of them. There are a few lackluster shorts in it, but it really ties together the whole universe created by the actual films. For me, it really adds to what The Matrix and Reloaded have done so far, and makes them seem much more thought provoking in a sense. There's far more to all of it than I even want to believe, to be honest. I'm in denial lol. Anyway, I was hoping for some sort of real discussion on plots and characters and everything else... but I guess it isn't meant to be.
  20. Internet quizes are part of a huge list Charles and I made concerning things that are wrong with the internet. I can't stand the things. No offense to anyone that likes them for whatever reason.
  21. There are more in the works last I heard. I don't know what has become of them to be honest... James would, as he's the one that generally designs them. I think a lot of people simply don't realize how much work is involved. There are many, many seperate images involved in a skin. You have to come up with a design, make everything look clear and readable and then actually make it. You have to worry about sizes and what will fit or show up properly, and then you have to have someone set it up so it will even work. So really, these things take a lot of time... and I've found that people in charge here simply have more pressing matters to take care of at the present time. Not that I wouldn't like more skins heh - this is just an explanation as to why there isn't.
  22. I wish my parents were rich. All I got was a push into a college that I have to pay for by myself. Woo!
  23. Meanwhile... The sun was shining while waves from the ocean lapped up on the beach. A small crab scuttled along the shore, hurriedly trying to get away from the young woman who was chasing it. [I]Ahh. Finally, back to relaxing. That last mission was far bigger than I ever imagined... At least Professor Plum is safe, but it's too bad I couldn't save Micheal from being possessed by that demon. I wonder what became of him anyway...? The guy was pretty creepy even before he met that demon... with his beedy black eyes and sharply cut mustache. I'm probably better off not knowing, actually.[/I] The young girl ran over to Bang, showing off the little crab she had finally caught just before it burrowed back into the sand. Her name was Mary, his girlfriend of several years at this point. They had been through a lot together... he even had to save her on his last mission. Mary was saying something, but Bang had stopped paying attention by then. He kept thinking about how similiar this was to his last mission. Relaxing on the beach with Mary, who back then still had a bizarre obsession with crustaceans. His first vacation in god knows how long, and it was ripped apart thanks to his career as a Secret Agent. All that was missing this time was a call from his agency. Bang sat up, half expecting his phone to go off. He stared off into the horizon, but all he could hear was the sound of seagulls squaking and waves quietly rolling over on the shore... That and Mary blabbing on about seashells and crab anatomy, but he had since learned to tune her out when she went on and on about such things. Bang hoped his vacation would go without a hitch for at least a few more days... After all, he was invited to some sort of party and didn't really want to have to run out during the middle of it. He leaned over and dug around in his backpack, pulling out a small, white envelope he had received earlier in the week. It had a peculiar mushroom shaped seal on the back, something he didn't recognize. It had been torn open by Mary before he even had a chance to read it, and it had been sitting in his bag since then. Mary told him it was an invitation to some sort of gathering, and she insisted they should go. Bang felt a bit uneasy about it though, so when Mary ran off to catch another crab he pulled the invitation out and read it. "16-Bit Festival? What the hell is a 16-bit?" Bang, being from the NES days of games that dated the year as 199X, had no idea what to think of it. He had been too busy with his last few missions (and the small bits of his own life he actually got to spend having fun), that he wasn't exactly up with current events. It was too late to question. Mary had already purchased the tickets they needed to get there. He couldn't back out now... otherwise the evil airline company would charge him a large fee that cost even more than both tickets. They were set to board later that night, so Bang just decided to go with the flow. The rest of the day was uneventful. Mary added the 16 crabs she caught during the day to her collection at home, which already took up its own room. She spent a few hours naming all of them too. Luckily, this was the only eccentricity that Mary had. She was a very nice, loyal and brave person otherwise. So, finally, they headed for the airport after packing... Bang refused to show up 2 hours ahead of time like the airline suggested. He thought only suckers fell for that, and he'd much rather be doing something enjoyable... Rather than listening to annoying children cry and old people complain. So with that they boarded their plane and headed towards the Mushroom Kingdom... a wonderful 16 hour flight. At least he had some Ritz Bitz. Bang and Mary took their seats. Bang looked the plane over - he liked to always be prepared for any situation. Mostly nothing out of the ordinary... a bunch of tourists. There were a few little guys that looked like they had mushroom tops on the their heads, which caught his eye. They looked somewhat like the seal on his invitation, so he figured they were Mushroom Kingdom natives. The only other one of interest was a muscular man in white, karate-esque clothes and a red bandana. Bang wasn't sure what to think of him, but decided to keep his eye out just in case. It was part of his job anyway, really.
  24. [img]http://cube.smedia.co.uk/downloads/pictures/smb/princess_toadstool.gif[/img] I forgot how hideous she used to be... And anytime I beat the game I was small Mario and like half her size. She's huge.
  25. I think he sounds like some loser whining into a monaural tape recorder in his basement, but that's me. I can't stand the guy. Friends of mine tell me about his great lyrics, and sure, some are quite good. I also respect the emotion he puts into the songs, but this stuff is not for me. There are many others who do this sort of sound better, and have for years and years. So I really don't see the appeal to be honest. The low production standards are really a turn off for me as well, but it seems that I'm one of two people this actually bothers lol. So to each their own. Glad to see you're passionate about a band at the least.
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