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Everything posted by Semjaza

  1. Semjaza


    Well, all you really need to do is look for FAQs. They do not have images though, as they are only text... and so easily printed and small in file size. [url]www.gamefaqs.com[/url] is the best site for that. Anything you can possibly imagine is written about there. There's also a site called [url]www.cheatcc.com[/url] that sometimes has a few different things, but generally far less than GameFAQs. Gamespot and IGN also offer FAQs now as well, but nowhere near as many. IGN also has Guides with images and such, but they are generally very poorly written based on my experience. Anyway. I'll be closing this. If you need any help finding something, feel free to PM. I'm sure I can find you a site with what you're looking for.
  2. The way I type kind of conveys that I'm maybe more exact and uptight and whatever else than I really am. I guess it just depends on who I'm talking to. I'm sure some people here that I talk to would tell you I'm not like that, but maybe some others would say I am. Who knows. That said, I don't really think I act much different overall. I'm a lot more of a weird and sarcastic person in real life compared to on OB, but definately not compared to how I am on the rest of the internet. I think this whole "good post quality" thing on OB was beaten into me till the point that I have a hard time not making long, involved posts... something I actually regret at times. Does anyone honestly read all this crap I type? Anyway. I honestly don't give a crap what anyone here really thinks of me overall. I'll never meet 99% of you, if even any. Some of us are closer than others, and I value those friendships (I'm not counting you people in the group I'm indifferent to, so don't send me any pissy IMs lol)... but it's a rather small number compared to how many actually come here. If people hate me, cool. If people like me, well that's a little better I guess, but it doesn't affect how I act on here either way. So no, I don't purposely act different on here than I normally would.
  3. I've only seen cheap GBAs at Flea Markets honestly. My friend got a Japanese Spice one for like $50 almost 6 months ago. Brand new too. You might want to try going after friend's used ones. They tend to let them go for less, because most game stores won't give them much of anything for it. Don't worry about scratches on the screen, because you can replace that for only $4 or so at Nintendo.com's store. Otherwise, I'd really save up for an SP. The light is a lot more useful than you'd ever imagine heh.
  4. Well the link you profided is for a classifeds page... which means it [i]could[/i] be legit, but more than likely is not something this guy obtained legally. Even then, I wouldn't believe it either heh. You just have to watch out. It depends on where you are getting this SP from, as you didn't provide a link to where you are buying from. There are many pyramid scheme sites on the internet where they are like "Buy a PS2 for $20!," when in reality you put up $20 and hope that eventually 15 other people sign up and pay as well. If they don't? No PS2 for you. You also have to watch the fine print sometimes. A lot of places seem to have these great prices, but then you find out they were refurbished and don't include controllers or something like that. Or that they are almost never in stock. So yeah, I can't really help with your situation as I don't really know what you're doing heh. Honestly, I'd rather go the more expensive route and buy from a place I trust. Less headaches.
  5. Reign: The Conqueror is an anime and it's also what they are discussing... so you might as well move it to the right area.
  6. I'm glad to see that Toast is still a main character. I still remember the day you and I were discussin what he should do next, and the KFC/evil drumsticks were born lol.
  7. Here's mine. Winamp3 looks nice, but I refuse to use it... so I stick with the less flashy 2.9.whatever. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=400503[/img]
  8. There's a whole thread on it - [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24072[/url]
  9. The past of T3 is still the future of T2 from what I understand... so I don't know why anyone would return. They could have used Edward Furlong, but why bother? They probably wanted to use someone that looks good lol. Otherwise, I agree with you. I'm sure it will have some great scenes (I like the one where he busts through the toilet stall door like it's glass), but it seems too cheesy and has this been there, done that quality to it.
  10. Wario Ware. It's in stores now. I would have picked it up with the demo disc the other day, but apparently it didn't ship until yesterday.
  11. Well, apparently someone messed up along the line... Because now Fox is saying Ruben really won by 134,000 votes. I wonder how many of these people will even buy his CD heh.
  12. Putting a comedian in a movie such as this makes it nearly impossible to take them seriously during important parts in a movie. Some actors can pull it off, like Robin Williams in One Hour Photo or Insomnia... But, for example, I can't take Jim Carrey seriously in anything. I'm half expecting him to make a stupid face or dance around, even if they were standing over some brutally beaten corpse. Same with Chris Rock. That and he can be horribly annoying to listen to for 2 hours. So, I think it's sometimes in the best interests of people involved to put someone you normally wouldn't expect in these roles anyway. And besides, from the sounds of this, it sounds more like a twisted humor movie than a straight out comedy.
  13. It's better on GC/Xbox than on PS2, and even worse on PC. It doesn't even deserve a 6 from the parts I've played of it.
  14. I've never heard about Hair... but I've heard about Hairspray, which was pretty cool. I think it also took place in the 60s. It was one of those John Waters kind of movies.
  15. Anyone else going to pick this thing up? $10 seems steep... but the PS2 one is only $1 cheaper and has mostly old games on it (other than Silent Hill 3). At least with this one you get a chance to try games that aren't coming for a while yet (other than Splinter Cell heh).
  16. There we go. I knew it was a v. I put a font name instead. I suck lol.
  17. Semjaza


    I made an old thread on in Anime Lounge... wasn't sure if it should go here or there. [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=20615[/url] And Square only did one short film for it, named Flight of the Osiris or something like that.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lalaith Ril [/i] [B]But yes I love Marilyn Manson, and Semjaza you've gained my respect. Lol. If that matters heh. [/B][/QUOTE] That took a long time, lol. I wonder what you thought of me before :p The problem with mOBSCENE is that is sounds like something off Holy Wood. If I didn't know any better, I'd think it came out before too. The song doesn't reflect the entire album though, thankfully. Anyway, I'm mostly posting because Golden Age of Grotesque is currently the #1 CD on the Billboard charts for the week... Beating out new Cold and Staind releases (both of which I've heard good things about, even from people who aren't into the bands such as myself). Anyway, it might drop bigtime next week... but I'll enjoy it while it lasts. It was also nice to see Alkaline Trio in the top 20... I don't even think they've been in the Top 200 before. I guess Dashboard Confessional's (YUCK) success has helped bring other bands on Verdana into the spotlight a bit.
  19. I didn't see it tonight... but they just showed Ruben singing something like "You''ll find it in the strangest placesss." It didn't sound good at all in my opinion. The guy is good, but not better than 70,000 other contestants good. I like Ruben, he has a good voice... but at the same time, like I said earlier, he brings nothing new. He doesn't have a distinctive voice. If he was on the radio instead, I'd have no idea who he was. He sounds like so many other R&B male singers I hear, and I honestly personally know guys that have better voices... Still, congratulations to him. As for Clay... He's cheesy, but I liked him. The notes that he hit before really set him apart. I just got the sense that he was more of a musical personality, rather than just a random singer... but it wasn't to be I guess heh. Only 1,300 between the two.
  20. It's some sort of database error or something along those lines. I'm sure it will clear up rather soon.
  21. No one knows. Nothing in terms of it's actual processing capabilities has really been said, other than that it will support nurbs. Most people just assume it will be a bit more powerful than a PSX, but it's all speculation.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1]It's...a lake. You're allowed to swim in it. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Your avatar change took me by surprise. I didn't even realize it was you for a second heh. And yeah, along the lake are things called "beaches." People can swim from there.
  23. Capcom is Viewtiful Joe. Specifically, it should be from R&D4. Billy Hatcher is Sonic Team. Sonic DX is pretty bad. The lighting is apparently improved over the original, but it looks a bit too fake. The textures are improved slightly it seems... But otherwise the graphics are the same, with one big problem: the framerate. The first level in the game with Sonic is really choppy, unlike the basically totally smooth DC version of the level. Same problem with all the characters' levels (you can play one for each character). The sound seems a bit off too, and there are some new sound effects... but they are mostly annoying. I didn't plan on getting this as it was, but it's pretty disappointing. At least this version lets you play like 12 Gamegear games in it, that's the main selling point lol.
  24. Soul Calibur 2 is quite good. Looks quite a bit better than the original, and plays mostly the same with a few differences. The demo lets you play as Nightmare or Cassandra (2 costumes each) against five or so different characters and their backdrops. The load times are basically nonexistant. Billy Hatcher seems like it will be a lot of fun, but they just don't give you enough time with it. The mission goal can be completed in like 8 minutes, so I just ran around most of the time. The game looks pretty nice, but it has a lot of pop-up problems. Mostly with characters and items that suddenly pop into view despite you clearly seeing the area. I've not noticed it this badly since Mario 64 lol, but they have time to fix that. Seems great otherwise. Splinter Cell goes without saying. I'm not really into the game personally. Sonic DX... didn't play yet. And then Viewtiful Joe. Definately the reason to get this disc. The game is a blast and you get to play a pretty decent sized level in the demo. The game looks like a comic, which is 10 times better in person than shots and video convey. Just a really fun game. I can't wait for it. I've already played WarioWare... but the trial version gives a good idea of what to expect. However, it's far more repetitive than the real one. I saw repeats of mostly the same 7 games, but in the full version I think I played it for an hour and got only one repeated game. Lots of fun though. F-Zero video rocks, and the Rogue Leader 3 one looks decent too.
  25. I was referring to the Sony Jampack when I said Silent Hill 3 heh.
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