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Everything posted by Semjaza

  1. Yeah, I'm not expecting much from N-gage other than a small niche market for people who like to spend $300 on a phone heh. I have high hopes for the PSP, and I hope they meet them. I really do plan on getting one assuming there are some decent launch games and it has good battery life (this is the main thing I'm worried about).
  2. If you sign up on any forum, they know your IP. vB itself will give it up easily to those in charge of the boards. It's not that hard to deal with mass spammers and people that return because of it... Sometimes you just have to figure out if an IP ban is truly worth it though, most of the time it isn't.
  3. Well, I had heard stores had it in stock... went to Best Buy and it wasn't out, but when I asked they knew what I was talking about. They brought me a copy and I wound up leaving with that, the new Jampack with Silent Hill 3 and the new Zeromancer CD. I've not played it yet... but the playable demos are Soul Calibur 2, Billy Hatcher, Sonic Adventure DX, Splinter Cell and Viewtiful Joe. Plus WarioWare and Dr. Mario to try on GBA and a bunch of movies. So if you get a chance, pick it up. Some of these games won't be out for a while yet. I'll give some better impressions later if anyone would like them.
  4. Well I think I'll just post here instead of editing. I'll try to give some impressions on a few games I think are the best on the handheld, since you seem to want a lot of ideas here lol. [b]Advance Wars[/b] - Excellent strategy war game. I hate strategy games on a whole, but I love this game. It's just well executed and very enjoyable. It's turn based and actually has a somewhat interesting story. I really can't think of any faults. The multiplayer modes also rock. Castlevania series - [b]Circle of the Moon[/b] was the first, and while I liked it at the time... It has been so upstaged by Harmony of Dissonance and Aria of Sorrow that I don't even like playing it anymore. [b]Harmony of Dissonance[/b] is a great game, but it suffers from weaker music and way too much backtracking for even a Castlevania game. It's also rather easy, but it has mulitple endings and is quite enjoyable. [b]Aria of Sorrow[/b] is possibly even better gameplay wise. It has more story elements, and every monster has abilities that can be absorbed to give you new powers. Graphically some of it is a slight step down from HoD, but a lot of it looks even better. The music was vastly improved. My main problem with this game is that some of the layouts in the areas are extremely bland, especially any area near the start with lots of water. [b]Made in Wario[/b] - I had the benefit of getting to play this a couple months ago. Don't pay attention to some of the poor reviews you see (although I think only Game Informer rated it low, and they suck... so who cares). The game is insane and just pure fun. In my opinion, this is a must purchase. If you have a GC to GBA link cable, you can download a demo of this from the new GC Demo disc that's out now. [b]Mario Kart: Super Circuit[/b]: Cannot go wrong with this game. Takes the best of the original and the N64 versions and mashes them together into what is the best Mario Kart so far in my opinion. Totally worth getting. The only game that compares to it in this genre is Konami Krazy Racers, which is also good. [b]Wario Land 4[/b]: Great puzzle based platforming game, just like the past few Wario Land games. The game looks great, plays great and sounds great. The only problem is that it's way too short. We're talking 12 levels... plus a final level, which right out sucks. The final boss is fun though, and the gameplay up until that point makes it worth it. I really enjoyed this one. [b]Super Mario Series[/b]: In my opinion, you can right out skip the first Mario Advance game and skip right to the next two: Super Mario World and Yoshi's Island. Both feature a few cosmetic changes, but are basically the same as their SNES counterparts... which means they are excellent. [b]Ninja Five-o[/b]: The name sucks, the boxart sucks... but the game rocks. Think of a cross between Bionic Commando and Ninja Gaiden, and you get this. Great action game. [b]Mega Battle Network 2[/b]: I'm also recommending this. It's hard to explain, but it's almost like a turn based strategy game in the Megaman universe. You might want to wait for 3 though, which should be coming rather soon I'd think. I'll probably stick some more in here later if I think of them. You can't really go wrong with the new Pokemon games either... but if you want something a bit less "kiddy" go with Demikids, which will be out soon. It's the US version of Atlus's Megami Tensei: Devil Children. Looks great. Since these also work, I'll name some of them... For Gameboy Color... I think Super Mario Bros. DX, Tetris DX, Link's Awakening DX, Zelda: Oracle of Ages and Zelda: Oracle of Seasons are all worth getting. The best GBC game in my opinion is Dragon Warrior 3. For Gameboy get Donkey Kong '94.
  5. Semjaza

    It has life

    Well this is about FF... but since this is Square Enix now, I'm going to talk about Dragon Warrior. I don't know how many of you have played it outside of Monsters or Ginny's escapades with DW7... but the series has many things based on real locations and geography. Especially Dragon Warrior 3. There is an entire continent shaped like Africa, an island like Australia, another island like Great Britain and another continent like America. The funny thing is that the America shaped one is referred to as the "New World" which I found amusing. Great, great game. I'm playing the hell out of the GBC version and loving every minute. I cannot wait for the Gameboy Player.
  6. Well $200 was the extreme end. And I'm not sure what interview you are quoting, but what I read didn't say 10,000,000 at launch... it said they planned on selling 10,000,000 by the end of the fiscal year. Something that could possibly happen if they get enough support. I'm under the impression this thing will be on par with a PSX based on Sony's quotes and that bothers me. 2D ages well, 3D does not. I can't even stomach half of the 3D PSX and Saturn games anymore. I really hope it's able to be a bit more clear, less grainy and have better texture mapping.
  7. Semjaza


    Never been to a dance in my life, other than one where I slow danced with some girl. Most of the time they are horrible dances that play nothing but mixes (Bobby D is one of the guys here, God he sucks). I won't even listen to that for free, I'm certainly not going to pay a cover charge to listen to it.
  8. You can't even swim in Lake Michigan without running into some sort of garbage. I can't remember how many times I'd come out of the lake with a newspaper stuck to me or one of those 6-pack holders. You get water from the tap... it doesn't matter. All water was probably floating past a thousand dead things before it went to a filtration plant. That kid is probably being sucked into some sort of drain, and they can't get him out because of the pressure. It's happened in pools before. Otherwise, I'm not really surprised or amused by any of these things. You hear stuff like this almost daily on the news. They've also been doing that loud music thing to drive people out for a long time now too. The volume they play that stuff at would drive anyone nuts, and you have to remember that they aren't exactly into the same music on a whole thanks to the cultural differences.
  9. Just like they'd have plenty of units for the PS2 launch? There's never been an ample supply of units at launch in the history of any big console/handheld, and I really doubt it will be any different with this. Especially considering they don't even have any tangible specs for the thing at this point. The route they are going, I'm expecting this thing to be like $129 to $200. I'd be surprised if it was less, and by that time GBA SP will most likely be a bargain... Although it really seems like they want different markets.
  10. Nice job posting a dictionary entry... Many things are beautiful. Flowers, sunsets, mountains, forests and all that are things I think can be beautiful at times. People can have beautiful personalities or traits or even physical features. If I ever referred to a girl as beautiful simply in terms of looks, then I think that's beyond merely "hot." However, I rarely use it in that context. To me calling a girl hot is the equivalent of saying "I'd hit it." I've never said either about a girl in my life as far as I know, as weird as that may be.
  11. See, I don't even know where you got this Fear information so I can't really contest it lol. The first time it was mentioned was in Gamepro of all places... and then a German site claimed it was about a kid trying to get over his fears. It was hardly something I'd consider "mature." Something that was denied the next thing I heard, and Geist took its place... because the fact is that Fear and Geist have basically gone hand in hand throughout all these rumors and discussions. So really, there's not much to think about as it is. Perhaps Fear is something else, but perhaps it was just a bunch of crossed wires. The title was never anything more than rumors and speculation as it was, and from what I've heard lately... Fear was the codename of Geist for quite a while now supposedly. And as you mentioned IGN, normally I do also doubt them lol... Especially something out of Matt's mouth. But what they said wasn't some rumor they spouted off, it was about something they actually got to see firsthand. They specfically mention getting to mess around with this game at a time when it was still being called "Fear." I'd have to say that's what has become of it heh. The kid getting over his fears idea is still perplexing, as I'm sure the rumor has to have been based on something. I guess we'll see.
  12. Eh. I can spend a long time getting a thread together (look at some of my music or game ones) and be lucky to get 2 or 3 repsonses sometimes. I even put in pictures and everything else. This place isn't busy enough, and people often don't share the same interests. You won't see me adding much in the way of discussion to Linkin Park threads, but everyone else here seems to love them. It works the same way both ways, and I think is rather understandable. Usually there are a couple responses at the least, but you never know. Based on my experiences here, no one honestly does know much about Flash. I personally know Flash and Director, but I honestly never saw your thread, and I'm sure I wouldn't be of much help. If no one else knows the program, then why would they respond? There is little reason to post if you have nothing of value to say, and even less reason for them to put a link up about something they know nothing about. I mean, what would they do? Search in Google and tell you some site looks good? You could do that easily on your own. So this isn't something I'd get worked up over. It happens to everyone here, and you can't really expect any differently. It's a living community and you can't just force it to work in a certain way that it normally wouldn't. If you were some guy on the street and asked me about Flash, and I knew nothing about it... I'd say so. I think that if no one replies to you in a thread, either they simply don't care or they just don't know... and in either of those cases, you don't really need their limited thoughts and opinions anyway. I personally think that there's not much that's more annoying than someone that posts something that's an equivalent of "I don't know."
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kaola Su [/i] [B]I think I am going to download that whole CD. Can you give me the names of the second CD's songs also? KS [/B][/QUOTE] Go buy it.
  14. Fear turned out to be Geist... and I don't know that Miyamoto is [i]working[/i] on it per se. It's being made by N-Space. It's still very early, and the screens convey that. It has some neat ideas though, namely that of possession. Your character can possess a character that knows the keycode to open a door, for example... and so on. It had some neat ideas and some of the stuff that was shown looks interesting... but it still has a long way to go.
  15. Death is interesting. It's a place where many athiests question whether or not they were right, even if they hold true to it in every other aspect of their beliefs. There is always this "what if." However, you have religious people on the other end, many of which I also know question their beliefs when it comes to death. And no, I'm not implying that everyone does it... but a good number do. I'm not Christian, nor am I atheist... so I don't really have a hidden thing to work with here. I could go on forever about what I actually believe in, but it has nothing to do with most of this. No one knows. How could we? As it was said, you won't know until you are dead. If people knew the truth of the afterlife, there'd be no questioning the existance of a god in the first place. We'd simply know and we'd choose to accept it or not. Personally, these are things I [i]like[/i] about life. Not knowing things like this is part of it all. It's what makes it interesting and worth going through. To see whether or not what you sided with was really what is the truth. Death doesn't scare me. If I don't go to Heaven, fine. If I simply just die, decompose in a grave and become a name on some ancestor's family tree school project, I'm fine with that too. Life is more important than the idea of an afterlife in my opinion. While it would be nice to know, I would never let it affect my decisions on what I do. People shouldn't be nice and charitable because they think it will help them get into Heaven (and man, I know a LOT of people like that), and people shouldn't just be a total *** about things because they think Heaven is a pointless hope for people. This could be beaten into the ground forever though. I'm sure back in the Roman days many questioned whether or not their belief system made any sense. And back then people thought Zeus turned into a bull and impregnated people. We've sure come a long way I guess heh.
  16. I think these are some straight and to the point impressions. They are from Gabe at Penny Arcade, and basically say what ThePikasElbow just said... but go a bit further. [quote]Wow. This game really knocked me out. So just in case you haven?t heard about it yet here is the hook. The world is poisoned so your party has to carry around this magic bucket that creates a protective bubble for you to fight inside of. One person in the group has to carry this bucket around. While carrying the bucket however they cannot attack. This leads to some extremely fun cooperative game play. For example I was entrusted with the bucket the first time I played with Kiko and a couple other guys. It was my responsibility to make sure that everyone was in the bubble and that the bubble was always in the right position for them to attack creatures. This became quite difficult when we encountered the first boss. I had to stay very close to the boss in order to keep the bubble around him but this meant he was beating the **** out of me. They had to keep me healed while fighting the boss. At times I would put the bucket down and attack but a bucket on the ground is dangerous. The Boss will happily kick your bucket and if you?re not ready to move with that bubble you?ll get caught outside and start taking damage. Now it is possible for members of your party to kick the buck small distances to sort of keep it in position. Each character has a magical attack and these attacks can be combined in various ways to perform more powerful attacks. Other spells like cure can also be combined to juice them up a little. The combination of controlling the bucket and trying to coordinate spells had us all yelling at each other in a matter of minutes. You had to announce when you were in position to cast your spell so that the other players could try and get in position. I had picked up a life spell which meant I could bring people back from the dead. This meant that I should not be allowed to die. So they were all constantly watching my health to make sure I stayed alive. You always had to be aware of the bucket and how it related to the monsters around you. The one player who could see the map on their GBA had to make sure you were all moving in the right direction. I could go on and on. Crystal Chronicles was so good I went back the next day and played it again. It was easily my favorite game of the show. [/quote] Anyway, the game is sounding great. At first I was worried about the graphics, but the latest movies I've seen show this game on par with FFX at the least... Then I heard that Nintendo made Square hold the game back because the battle system was flawed, but apparently there was no problem at E3 (many people considered it the best game at Nintendo's booth surprisingly). So I'm stoked for this. The game apparently doesn't [i]require[/i] you to use a GBA even in the multiplayer modes (at least according to IGN, but who knows), but I'd imagine it's very helpful.
  17. What happened to the annoying guy that used to host along with the current annoying guy this year? They were the reason I couldn't stomach watching this show for more than 5 minutes last season. As a team they were so obnoxious that I seriously wanted to punch them both in the face several times. Then I'd go out for a popcicle, and come back and punch them some more. Not as bad this year, thankfully... but some of the staged "jokes" they do are horrible.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final Flash [/i] [B]Sure, it's their only song I've actually heard (aside from a remix of Nine Inch Nail's [i]Closer[/i])[/B][/QUOTE] That's a fan mix, and even then I don't think it's that hot lol. The REAL trance mix of the song off of Further Down the Spiral is ten times better. You'd be surprised how many NIN fan remixes there are. I can think of well over 100 that I've seen, and many are combinations of NIN and another band... even Henry Rollins. Anyway, great banner Ryan. Sin rocks :). First I've heard of this club too heh. Has my support. Anyway, as for Static-X... I think they're a fun band. There's not much else to say about them lol.
  19. I missed it today. Is today the last one? Anyway, Clay is on live right now on our Fox news channel here. He seems like a nice guy and I don't really get anyone's problem with him... he really didn't come off what I'd even consider stereotypically gay when he was talking either. Talk about a bunch of reaching BS lol. Anyway, I saw enough of Clay's singing in their report and what I saw yesterday that I'd pick Clay. I'm agreeing with the fact that Ruben, while very talented, really seems to bring nothing new to the table. His voice isn't distinctive, and really, it sounds like I could be listening to anyone on the planet... so many people sound like him. Whereas Clay... he has a voice you'd never even expect him to have. He has an excellent range and a rather emotional personality as he sings, but it gets a bith cheesy at times... He seems like someone I could see doing music in Disney movies. He made me think of Aladdin for some reason heh. The news reporter told Clay that Simon told her she was betting on him... so we'll see. There's always a chance that people in the final set will be picked up anyway. You don't get to #2 on American Idol and just right out disappear I'd think. Anyway, Clay all the way. That rhymes, so obviously it's right. They just had a poll on the news here and 65% of people voted for Ruben lol.
  20. Most anime right out sucks in my opinion, so I wouldn't miss the vast majority of it. I'd mostly miss Hale Nochi Guu, Nadia, Ranma 1/2 and all of the Ghibli stuff... I'd probably just buy more Western comics and such to fill the very small void that would be made by the removal of manga. I'm not really into the love story type manga, so I'm sure I'd not miss it as much as a lot of people here.
  21. Semjaza


    Well that's what you get for getting what is a rather weak CD and their first on a new label lol. I'd pick up some of the older stuff if you're interested... Personally I like The Art of Drowning.
  22. I'd have to say the million or so copies RE Remake sold and the 800,000 or so of RE Zero are selling pretty well. People seem to forget that sales for the series were going down as it was. To me, Nintendo has always remained the same. Iwata actually addressed this actually, and I agree with him. Sega and Sony are the ones that pressed this image on them. The vast majority of games for GC from Nintendo are something for all ages, not something for little kids. I don't get the whole kiddy idea. Are people afraid they'll be dorks if they play a game with bright colors? Hello? You play videogames and think that kiddy games somehow affect your sexual preference (hence these games being referred to as "gay" so often). You're already a dork. And I think Nintendo is addressing a lot of it. BMX XXX doesn't even matter, but Nintendo didn't even attempt to censor that unlike Sony. Nintendo 64 also had quite a few very violent FPS games and so on. GC already has some 1st/2nd party games that aren't marketed to kids/family, as well as gaining exclusive Capcom games (the newest video of Killer 7 is probably the most bloody/violent game I've seen in a while) MGS:TTS and others. So despite this going on for years already, Nintendo is stuck in this rut. It's not something they can easily get out of, and based on Iwata's comments it seems as though they are trying to appeal to everyone now.... and I think they are on the right track. In a sense I feel that the GC is a transition from the old Nintendo (Yamauchi) and the new Nintendo (Iwata). There have been things that happened under Iwata that never would have happened in a million years with Yamauchi. It's just going to take time to completely shed some of his less desirable influences (basically relying on Nintendo only and ignoring 3rd parties). Anyway, like I said... I personally feel that Nintendo is aimed mostly towards everyone. They can't really do everything at once, and there is TONS of room for improvment... but if things keep up, I think they will be on track for next-generation. Hopefully they won't go with a toy looking console again (as much as I do like the GC design), or at least a better color set. I had just read a few minutes back that Iwata has plans to give the goahead on more 1st/2nd party "mature" titles, basically because over 50% of GC users are over 18... we'll see if anything comes of that.
  23. I'd be afraid people would abuse it. Less work to stick in some images just for the sake of hosting somewhere else... I'm still surprised by how often I see that. At the same time, 99% of my posts are from the Quick Reply box... so it'd be helpful for me heh.
  24. First of all: [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]I love being Semjaza the Second. :)[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Why's that? I imagine it's pretty dull heh. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pbfrontmanvdp [/i] [B]There were only basically a few people i liked talking to on this forum anyway and the only moderator i liked was Tori anyway cause she at least knew what she was talking about the whole time. As for most of the other moderators, you can basically go screw yourselves. [/B][/QUOTE] Gee, thanks. Anyway, I'm ignoring all the other crap going on in here. At the same time, I honestly do not understand what makes Clay less of a [i]good[/i] person than Ruben or Kimberly. It was stated that he helped people out, just like Ruben apparently does... but I didn't hear one "bad" thing said about him otherwise by anyone else in here, other than the fact that people get the impression he is gay. And that he isn't aggressive enough? I don't quite get that one honestly. So yeah, what exactly is the problem with Clay otherwise? The fact that people might think he is fruity, and it would somehow be a bad influence on kids? Despite him being probably a nice, caring guy? I don't understand this, and it's an honest question. I'm not arguing this, I can tell you that... but if you want people to think otherwise, you really should word things a little differently. I really cannot tell what point you are getting across... You're writing one thing and seemingly implying another. I was under the impression this was a singing and performance style competiton. Sure, personality is part of it... but that's hardly something I could claim as a fault in Clay's case based on what I saw today. This isn't a Miss USA Pageant or something.
  25. I know a lot of people are expecting a draw... and in a sense I think it will be, in the fact that you know neither of them will truly be defeated. If this does decently, they'll make 3 more sequels. It's the lifeblood of these movies lol. However, in terms of who will basically come on top... I think Freddy. Mainly because Freddy has (had) been New Line Cinema's foremost character. The movie helped put them where they are today. Whereas, Friday the 13th was like Universal's unwanted step-child. They did everything they could to seperate themsevles from the the success of those movies... until the property was given to New Line, where it has since been somewhat removed of its former stature in my opinion. So I really do think New Line would go with Freddy out of the two, although neither will truly [i]win/[i]. And even if one did, they'd come up with something insane to bring them back to life. I think Freddy was brought back by dog piss in one of those movies... Whatever lol.
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