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Everything posted by Semjaza

  1. Yeah, Famitsu confirmed LAN apparently. That wasn't translated until after I wrote this up though. As for the faces... go look at the pictures of SMS. Many showed Mario with eyes as blurry and messed up as in these pictures. When I got the game and saw videos, they never looked remotely that bad. I'm guessing this is the same case.
  2. There's not much to judge in any of these shots really. There are maybe two tracks shown in them, one of which is obviously SMS based. I wouldn't get too worked up over it as of yet. NST still isn't totally confirmed, but I'd have to guess they are the ones doing it anyway. Like I said in my post... There are 6 normal items that everyone can use, and 8 special items that only certain characters can use. So that's one reason to switch around, it adds more of a strategy element. However, the car is also affected by who is actually driving it as well. And Mario Kart is more or less done at this point from my understanding. I don't expect much of a visual difference in the finished product at all. However, like I said earlier... Nintendo takes horrible shots. They've managed to make even Metroid Prime look horrible in pictures. Edit: And where the hell is TOAD?!?!
  3. I've been reading that Holly Valance is getting set to replace the current Buffy. Who knows if that's true, but UPN doesn't want to ditch the show... even if Sarah isn't going into another season. If everyone knows this, I am stupid.
  4. I don't know if you noticed, but this thread has nothing to do with what you just said. Please don't just post random facts because they somewhat relate... Especially since everyone here knows about Sonic Adventure DX, as we've had a thread on it months ago. DX means Deluxe.
  5. Actually, the forum was changed a while back. It allows for discussion of any sort of book/literature/whatever as well, including manga. Either way, I don't think manga belongs in that forum. As it stands, most people seem to still talk about it in Anime Lounge as it is.
  6. Is everyone against color or something? It's hardly blinding, unless you're sitting in a pitch black room and never go outside lol. Besides... what about this image makes anyone think it should be dark and damp? You (Mitch in this instance) are making it seem like it should look like ice in some sort of frozen catacomb or something. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think that's what SpyderDragon is going for at all. Darkening it up and making it like that doesn't seem to be the point at all based on what he's shown. Anyway, I like it best of the ones you've shown. The background fits. It still doesn't seem ice-y though. I think some sort of transparency effects would help, maybe. On the ice itself. The color differences in it are too harsh too... I think the transition needs to be a bit smoother. Still, I like it.
  7. I've not lost any friends. So I don't know how well I can relate. When I was about 9 years old or so, my father died in a motorcycle accident on his way to work. I was never clear on what happened, but he broke his neck and there was nothing more to be done. I found this out on a Saturday. My dad's friends stayed the night, they normally live in Panama. We call the guy Low Rider, I don't know his real name (that's what you get for being in a biker family heh). I woke up, and Low Rider told me that my dad passed away. I didn't know where my mom was. The whole thing was just surreal. At the time, I didn't even believe it. I went in the bathroom and just sat there for hours. I never cried though. Not then, not at the funeral, not at the wake or the reception... nothing. I just [i]couldn't[/i] and til this day I still regret not being able to. It's best to get these things out. You'll be able to sort it out and put it in the past more easily if you deal with it now. Instead of what I did, and make it seem like it never happened. It comes back to get you, and like I said... It still bothers me. I'm sure it hurts like hell right now. Whenever you don't have your mind something else, it will be the first thing it goes back to. It's just how things are, and I guess some cope better than others. It seems to me what you're doing is normal, and really the best thing to do in the end. I'm sorry to hear about your friend, but it's obvious that you only wanted what was best for her. That's all that matters.
  8. Old Madonna = good. New Madonna = bad. I don't know. I liked her back a long time ago. Then she disappeared, and since then has tried something new with every single CD she has put out. And these styles aren't even releated. First it was this almost depressive stuff, then we get this garbage on "Music"... Then the Bond song, which in my opinion was awful. It's very aggrivating. It's obvious she is trying to fit in and cater to the common denominator instead of being how she used to. If any other band did this like she does they'd be labeled as "sell-outs" instantly. When Madonna does it, she is "reinventing herself." That's total BS in my opinion, at least in the last several years. I had respect for Madonna. I still do, mostly because of her past. At this point, her whole act is just getting tired for me. Especially considering how cocky she is. Adding in all the talk over her and Richies (or whatever it's spelled) marriage and movies (and their movie together SUCKED by the way), it gets even more annoying. Plus, I have to add that I personally don't find her the least bit attractive. I could drive a truck between her two front teeth. I wouldn't even bring that up, except for the fact that she obviously plays off her sexual qualities. Anyway, like I said. Old is good. New is bad. However, people can like what they want heh. Obviously, I'm in the minority as it is.
  9. [b]If you could choose only one new BIG feature for OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/b] PLEASE no shadows and all that extra crap. Some new font colors would be nice, but that's about it. The thing I would REALLY like... an option to select all your PMs in that list. You can't do it on any skin other than Industrial, which I refuse to use. [b]If you could only add one new forum to OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/b] Nothing really. I wouldn't mind seeing the game forums just become one big area (besides PC), but that's me. I wouldn't mind the return of the web design forum, but apparently it was dead. [b]Would you like to see a closer link between OtakuBoards and sister site, theOtaku.com?[/b] While I don't really care about this... I think it would be a benefit. It's more to do around here for everyone, and perhaps would entice more people to join. At the present time, the two sites seem barely related honestly... which is a bit odd. [b]Would you like to see OtakuBoards open an affiliation program with other message boards?[/b] Well, I'm sure a lot of people would rather keep this place tight knit and small... But if it brings over more good members who can add to the boards, then it's cool with me. I personally think it could be pretty sweet if done well and people kept up on their promises. [b]Do you feel that theOtaku.com's chat system should be linked to OtakuBoards? [/b] Hmm. All I know is that I sure as hell won't want to mod it. Could be a neat feature though. [b]Are you satisfied with the level of spam control on OtakuBoards?[/b] Spam control seems fine overall... but then there are days when there is tons of it and everyone is scrambling. I'd help, but I'm regulated to Nintendo only and not much goes on there. I must admit, that I'd be far more of a jerk about such things with bad members than what generally goes on here. [b]If you could access OtakuBoards on a handlheld device (PDA, Generation 3 Mobile Phone, etc), would you access it regularly in this way?[/b] I could use my phone, but I doubt I ever would. [b]Is it more important to have a large variety of skins, or smaller (and higher quality) range of skins?[/b] Less, higher quality. Although by less, I mean something like 5 or 6. [b]Would you prefer to have anime/gaming-themed skins or completely original works? [/b] I'd prefer original, unless we were basically guaranteed the anime/game ones would suit the boards just as well. [b]Do you actively engage Moderators and Category Moderators if you are having problems on OB?[/b] I personally have. [b]Are you satisfied with OtakuBoards' child protection policies? [/b] OB blocks all the words it needs to. I don't think we need more word blockers heh.
  10. More was shown about the game today. I don't have the shots... But there are new Pikmin types. Nintendo.com shows two new ones in addition to the originals. One is this freaky white type, with huge red eyes. The other is a fat purple type, with several spikes on the top of its head. Best of all, the game will have NO time limit. Here's some models or something though... look like clay. [IMG]http://www.nintendo.com/e32k3/img/pikmin2_gcn_feat.jpg[/IMG]
  11. Gamers.com put these screens out. They are basically the online version of EGM... EGM has a big cover story on the game this month, with like 40 pics, most of which aren't in this thread (and are in my opinion even more impressive). So you might want to check out the issue. Anyway, yet another Rogue Squadron from Factor 5. There are some nice new additions though that I think make it worthwhile. It's like the entire trilogy in game form, and not just flying areas that concerned the films in some fashion. It seems like you'll mostly be playing as Luke (unlike the last one), and even Chewie judging from the screens. There were a few points in the article that are worth addressing. 1.) The flight mechanics are apparently mostly the same. They thought about doing a more sim style game, but since it doesn't fit in this series they've done... they decided against it. Controls are basically uniform (as in A always shoots) despite you being in a ship or running around. 2.) Hoth is back again... However you won't be flying in snowspeeders and tow-cabling AT-ATs... You can see in the pics what you do instead heh. 3.) The terrain (according to the article) is 16 times more detailed on Hoth alone texture wise... although shots make it seem a bit more varied in elevation too. Hoth even has volumetric fog on the ground now, which is quite neat. Other areas, such as Endor, are even more impressive... Especially some of the shots in the mag of Endor (Luke using speederbikes, with Ewoks running around AT-STs just like in the movie). There are nearly 3 times as many TIEs on screen at once in some shots (that means 120 TIEs, plus your ships and this huge cruiser), although not all are up close. All the ships and such seem to have a noticable texture and polygon improvement (although it really doesn't look all that different based on the shots I'll post --- again, get the magazine lol). 4.) Like mentioned, there is now land based areas... There seems to be a lot of indoor 3rd person battles now. The magazine says that you get to play as every version of Luke at some point (and they show like 12 models). There seems to be character models of everyone important, and they all look pretty damn good. 5.) The game has multiplayer now. It's 2 for sure, might go to 4. LAN play is still rumored. 6.) ALL of Rogue Leader is included on this game. Even the bonus missions. The catch is that you can only play them as two player co-op. Whether or not you can do them single player somehow, I don't know. Didn't sound likely. They were quick to mention that no missions in 3 are rehased from 2... so no more Death Star runs and such. The visuals are supposedly updated too... but the fact that they are rendering RL TWICE is amazing in itself. So that's about it. It's still obviously rather simliar. More geometry and effects, and apparently even better lighting. Gamers.com is supposed to have video before E3 of next month. I have a PDF of the magazine if anyone wants it. Of course you need Adobe Acrobat to read it. More random points about the game from Bub on GA that I misesd (edited them though): [list] [/list] [list] [*]All vehicles open in vs multiplayer mode [*]2 long one player campaign modes... either Luke (mostly land) or Wedge (mostly air). [*]tons of side missions with playable chewbacca, han solo, leia [*]on hoth, you can travel all the way up into space to fight TIEs, then fly back to the ground at any time to see the ground battle still raging [*]real time day/night with lights and shadowing changing accordingly (the article actually mentions that the sunsets and rises are beautifully done - Sem) [*]Super Star Destoryer level (biggest ship in star wars) [*]2 or 4 player vs. multi to feature ground troop bots you can control, and your very own wingmen. [*]Character models have been created perfectly. Han Solo looks great. You will be able to play as Luke Skywalker in every variation from farm-boy Luke to Jedi (as I mentioned before - Sem). [*]Control an AT-ST through the forest in Endor, shoot the enemy and command your Ewok troops. [*]Just about every scene from the Star Wars classic trilogy, including those famous lightsabre battles. [*]Speederbike missions through forest recreated. You can be on foot and hit the enemy on speederbike with your lightsabre at one point in the game. [*]Landspeeder racing on Tatooine. [*]Near DVD quality footage from the original Star Wars trilogy to intro/outro scenes (perhaps using Factor 5's Divx codec? - Sem). [*]There will be a mission on Geonosis from Episode 2. (You should get the mag and see this shot, it's freaking gorgeous - Sem) [*]Versus multiplayer mode (dogfights), and "capture the base" mode. This will be for at least two, and possibly four players. [/list] [IMG]http://ns3713.ovh.net/~francega/images/galerie/nws-220403234021_7.jpg[/IMG] [img]http://ns3713.ovh.net/~francega/images/galerie/nws-220403234021_3.jpg[/img] [img]http://ns3713.ovh.net/~francega/images/galerie/nws-220403234021_2.jpg[/img] [IMG]http://www.voidyourwarranty.net/images/trilobyte/1357375.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://ns3713.ovh.net/~francega/images/galerie/nws-220403234021_4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://ns3713.ovh.net/~francega/images/galerie/nws-220403234021_6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://ns3713.ovh.net/~francega/images/galerie/nws-220403234021_5.jpg[/IMG] Rogue Leader Co-op: [IMG]http://ns3713.ovh.net/~francega/images/galerie/nws-220403234020_1.jpg[/IMG]
  12. In addition to Rogue Squadron 3 being shown this week, there's also this... The GC version of Mario Kart. [center][img]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/mario_kart_logo.jpg[/img][/center] Each kart has 2 characters riding on it, and you get to pick 2 from a total of 16 characters in any combination you wish. The second character rides in the back and uses the items. They are: Mario Luigi Peach Daisy Baby Mario Baby Luigi Yoshi Birdo Wario Waluigi Donkey Kong Diddy Kong Bowser Bowser Jr. Koopa Troopa Koopa Paratroopa The point of this is mostly in weapons usage, and there are 6 normal weapons and 8 special ones that only can be used by certain characters... So you might have to switch who is driving and who is using items during a race. LAN play is still rumored, and Nintendo hasn't fully commented on it yet... There is of course multiplayer though. Judging from some screens, the tracks seem to be focused on certain games. The SMS one is obvious... so who knows. The carts are also geared towards each character, which is a nice touch. Once again, Nintendo seems to take rather bad captures of their games... but it still looks good. It seems to have some of the same blurry areas in shots that SMS had (which was odd, because Mario's eyes never looked as bad in the game as shots made it seem). Still, great draw distance, lots of karts on screen and its supposedly locked at 60 FPS. [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/mario_030423_bg5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/mario_030423_bg4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/mario_030423_bg3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/mario_030423_bg2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/mario_030423_bg1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.nintendo.com/e32k3/img/mariokartdd_screens_02.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.nintendo.com/e32k3/img/mariokartdd_screens_03.jpg[/IMG]
  13. Well... the bird points directly to it if I remember correctly. It's kind of in the middle of another island, surrounded by mountains or something... so it's not easy to see. It's like a face carved into the side of one of cliffs on the island. Shouldn't be too hard to find, as there aren't many areas to go to around there otherwise.
  14. I agree with Pikelets (aka Katta, aka Asphy). I think she hit it right there. I've not had much of a problem. I'm a nice guy I'd say... but when you get to a certain point in your life (which could be at any time depending on the person), you know how far you should go. Being too nice, like I said, goes into friend-only territory and you'll have a freaking hard time getting out of it. I seem to benefit from other qualities I have... the main one being that people seem to have an extremely hard time reading any of my emotions (the "mysterious" side I guess), plus I have enough of a dark side that I get by in that sense as well. The key is balance, as with anything else. Karma. -------------- Also, in some sort of response to something else going on here... Justin brought it up I believe. After a while, girls generally find out that the mysterious, rugged ******* type isn't working. Some will always like this type, and sure... why shouldn't they? However, I think for most girls this is a stage. Once they get past this stage, they realize what's really important in their lives... And they want guys they can have something meaningful with. Whether or not it will be a so-called "nice guy" who knows. I find most "nice guys" are nothing more than a shell as it is.
  15. Punk bands are up in the air vocalist wise... Crap that masquerades as punk right now generally has such awful vocals that it doesn't even matter. I can't think of much in the way of female punk singers I am into. That said, I generally prefer female vocalists. Kim Deal of the Pixies and Breeders, Toni Halliday of Curve, Jessicka of Jack Off Jill and Scarling, Claude of 12 Rounds, Liz Enthusiasm of Freezepop, Yuka Honda and Miho Hitori of Cibo Matto, Nina Persson of the Cardigans... And so on. They're wonderful. I'm also in love with Kim Deal and Jessicka (to a lesser extent), since I'm sure everyone wanted to know that. Anyway, who cares. Good music is good music. If you played well, screw everyone else that felt some need to be "funny" about it.
  16. I'm not sure what in this press release, or anything Capcom has said concerning this, makes you think it's targetting GC releases... Especially considering the differences between sales on the PS2 versions compared to what they wanted is even bigger. Onimusha 2 did rather badly here by comparison. Certainly dropped in price fast. As it is, RE is a slowly dying franchise sales wise as it is. It's dipped down since RE3 in general. RE4 is the second most anticpated title in Famitsu's Readers Poll right now (behind DQ8), so I am not so worried about how the first[i]real[/i] sequel will do. People are getting tired of RE (especially considering the supposedly "lesser" Silent Hill is doing so well)... And RE4 might rejuvenise that. If not, I think it won't do well anywhere really. I don't know how they ever expected Clock Tower 3 or PN 03 to do so hot as it is... Especially considering these two haven't even been out all that long by comparison to the other games the article mentions. I really doubt putting RE on everything will do much. I'm not convinced RE Zero would have sold super well on PS2 either. It would have sold more due to the bigger userbase, but I doubt it would be much higher ratio wise (plus, they have to be getting some sort of kickbacks from Nintendo in addition to that - I don't buy this happy lovey "we love eachothers philosophies so lets make games!" Mikami and Miyamoto stuff 100%). Anyway, Capcom cancelled like 18 titles due to this and is still currently making 80 more. Most of the cancelled titles were on GBA, where they are making the most sales (and profit apparently) as it is, so go figure. Plus, most companies aren't making their quotas as it is. The economy isn't exactly wonderful in Japan right now.
  17. This place is so uniformally depressive sometimes. This isn't something I've ever thought about, and I don't know why anyone ever would. Asking why people might not care is one thing, but saying this is something else entirely. My life isn't perfect. My family has a million and one problems, and I myself do as well... stuff no one here remotely knows about. Yet I'm not like this. I guess I just don't understand. There's always something else you can do or somewhere else you can go in your life. People care that you probably never even think of when you are sitting there coming up with these morbid or depressing ideas. Your life is what you make it. If everyone likes being like [i]this[/i] be my guest. In the end, you're usually getting what you want anyway.
  18. The effects look different if you enable certain settings (in XP anyway), but look pretty crappy otherwise, in my opinion. I'd mostly be afraid that they'd be overused... If you start giving too many options, people abuse them. For example, Gamespot's boards allowed ANY font size or color. You can imagine how bad that was. I don't know if they do any longer, but last I was there some guy was posting with size 30 font. Now obviously, this isn't quite the same, but more than a few people using those styles in normal posts would be annoying. Perhaps regulating them to sigs is an alternative, if it's even possible.
  19. I get to go to school all year round. Lucky you.
  20. Has [i]anyone[/i] other than myself, Break and Desbreko read the site or interview? lol Like I said 5 posts up, they don't have the permission. It's been repeated twice since then. Go read the site and see for yourself. One post above even: "There's not one thing on the site that says they got permission or are awaiting permission. Not even the interview. It just says that they looked into it, and think they won't ever get in trouble because they aren't making money off of it and are crediting Square." That's all there is to know. Anyway, I wonder how long it would take to get this thing out. I'm interested in trying it, although I doubt I'll finish it... not big on console games on a PC.
  21. If that were true class clowns and such would be chick magnets, and I've yet to see that happen. Being able to make someone laugh is one thing, anyone can do that. I think many guys take that idea too far and wind up being incredibly obnoxious, but whatever.
  22. Another band that somehow crawled past all the other bands that do it better. I hate the music industry. Anyway, glad you like them. Just not for me heh.
  23. Eh. It wasn't like a war song or politcal song or anything. Really you could replace "Americans" with anything in the song. The video was great mostly because it had Bowie walking down streets with Trent basically stalking him. I liked the part where Trent fills a car fulls of holes with this imaginary gun. It's enjoyable heh. NIN has always had this vague "anarchy" idealism, but I don't feel that it ever got to the point where his lyrics directly attacked set political systems... I can't think of one song honestly, but who knows how he really meant any of the songs when he wrote them. Certinaly, in all my years reading interviews and such, nothing like that has ever come up.
  24. Eh. I'm sure the NIN thread won't get so far lol. So no big deal. I'll wait until they actually put something new out (or are at least close, which is what I'm doing with the Manson CD despite it being leaked). Perfect Drug was kind of heartbreaking, much in the way the song Deep was... Everyone wants something new, so we cling onto what we get. In that case, it was just one song. The most annoying thing is that the original Perfect Drug isn't even on the goddamn Perfect Drug Remixes Halo. And the Bowie song was I'm Afraid of Americans. Good song, great video. I love Bowie almost as much as NIN heh.
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