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Everything posted by Semjaza

  1. It depends on who you see. The [i]really[/i] good people know how to put on a show while they are doing the moves. The last kid I saw was doing all sorts of crazy stuff with the rest of his body and arms, as well as doing a lot of the stuff with his back facing the screen and so on. The kid knew how to dance. There was this other guy I've seen that did similiar things, except he also jumped and pressed buttons with his knees sometimes. And of course there are the guys who kind of just walk in place while they press the buttons. I'm not very good at this game, especially at arcades (I don't play it often anywhere)... so I'm sure I look like an idiot heh.
  2. There's not one thing on the site that says they got permission or are awaiting permission. Not even the interview. It just says that they looked into it, and [i]think[/i] they won't ever get in trouble because they aren't making money off of it and are crediting Square. While I don't think Square would (it isn't good for public relations and such), they can certainly go after this group as much as they want. I don't know how anyone would ever expect Square to endorse or even remotely help this project. It's not theirs first of all. It's being done by some US fan team second of all... and Square would gain no money off of it. They won't bother, and neither would any company that remotely cares about its franchises or money. Anyway, the game could be good. It takes place 100s of years before, so I don't really know what they could mess up badly.
  3. Check that you don't have another '[color]' tag in there accidently. That's always what messes me up heh.
  4. I'm not sure what you read, but the posts here certinaly seem to be almost evenly divided between being for and against it. By the way, I hate Phish heh.
  5. I like it, but at the same time is doesn't look [i]cold[/i] like I'd expect it to. I'm not sure how better to explain that.
  6. Semjaza


    I don't really know how to define love. A lot of things that I think make up love, could be stuck into other categories too... like good friendships and such. I guess being able to recognize and actually like the flaws of a person, to be able to do absolutely nothing with them and it's still somehow one of the best things ever just because you're together and feeling better about things just because you know they are around and care for you are all things that make up love more or less. Love is different things for different people. I don't know that anyone could completely define every aspect of it.
  7. I don't see the problem with the name honestly. The name Billy Hatcher makes sense to me since he's hatching eggs, but whatever. Sega isn't likely to change a name anyway lol. Anyway, Nintendo is putting out a demo disc soon (FINALLY)... I'm not clear on how you're supposed to get it, but it's [b]free[/b]. It has a playable demo of this game, Viewtiful Joe, Sonic DX and something else... Soul Calibur 2 is rumored playable as well.
  8. I do things that I know are simply going to hurt me because I know they'll help other people (if even that). I don't exactly know what the reward is for that one. I don't feel I'm [i]that[/i] selfish that everything I do is secretly disguised to get me something out of it.
  9. Well, Pro Action Replay and Gameshark are different things at this point. Datel makes the Pro Action Replay, and that's what it was always called in Europe. They also used to provide their stuff to Interact, who named the basically same device "Gameshark" here. Interact recently went away though... and they sold the Gameshark name. I think to Mad Catz. Datel seperated and brought the Pro Action Replay to America for the first time. So they'll be seperate things on store shelves eventually. You can find that easily. I actually bought one so I could unlock the rare games (Punchout, Zelda and Super Mario Bros) in Animal Crossing. It also lets you play imports no problem. The Gameshark is still being worked on. It's coming, and somewhat soon... but I'm not quite sure when. You can't go wrong with the Pro Action Replay at this point though. It's only $30 at most places.
  10. Well, I went to the theater today... to see "Bringing Down the House." It didn't start to hours later though, and then I saw it... House of 1000 Corpses!! It started in 10 minutes. I convinced my friend to come see it, and off we went. I had NO idea it was even released yet... although according to another friend of mine it's being advertised like crazy. That's what I get for not watching TV I guess. First, I have to state that I've been anticipating this movie for at least three years now. The horror movie that was being made because apparently Rob Zombie thought others at the time were too tame. It sounded too good to be true. I love this sort of crap. So we're in the theater. Just us. No one is there, and no one ever comes in... Other than a guy that worked there for, who apparently just came in to see if anyone was watching it lol. And so it starts... really freaking crazy opening scene. Almost everyone involved is killed, and graphically at that. This movie leaves almost no scene to the imagination, whether it be torture or right out murder. I must say this scene was my least favorite part of the movie though. The credits start... These were pretty freaky even. Everything about the movie was. The music was really effective as well. There was of course the Brick House cover that was mentioned here... plus some other Rob Zombie lyrical songs (I think for a total of 3 the entire movie). The rest were instrumentals, and they were really effective I thought. They made scenes even more tense and disturbing... this one heavy drum track in particular really got to me. It was mostly about four kids (the standard 2 guys and their girlfriends... think Evil Dead). It even takes place in the 70s. They get caught up by an insane family. A lot more is involved than this though. It's like 5 horror stories in one almost lol. So without ruining the movie... what do I think about it? Well, to be blunt, it's ****ed up. Really, really, really, really ****ed up. I've seen very few horror movies in the actual theater (which probably makes it even scarier than watching at home)... but this is the only one I can think of that I've [i]ever[/i] seen that was starting to make me feel sick to my stomach at times. I love that feeling. I'm also sick. :D Anyway, I didn't know how to take the movie a lot of the time. Was it a tribute to B-rated horror films? Was it making fun of the tired ideas other horror films use time and time again? At times it seemed to do both of these. It takes what you are used to in these sorts of films and totally flips it around. Whenever I was expecting something to happen for sure... either something totally different happened, or it had some sort of sick twist to it. The makeup and effects in the movie were top notch for the most part. Usually horror movies seem to mess up random things, and they stand out... blood color and such. I can't think of very many effects in this movie where it was completely and totally obvious they were fake. Everything in this aspect was excellent... [i]especially[/i] the designs of the few creature-type things involved. Of course, they were mostly regulated to the shadows, but you could still tell. So, yeah... should you see this? I don't know. My friend hated it. He wanted to walk out several times... I, however, was enraptured by it. I wanted to see what was happening next, and if each thing could be topped. I was not let down. I suggest anyone into this sort of stuff at least see it once, and try to sit through the entire thing. Some of the ending parts were excellent, especially the one involving a camera angle using a closeup of one girl (you'll know it when you see it). Anyone else... avoid this. This is not a horror movie to start out with. It's not the worst horror movie in these scenes, but it certainly is gory, weird and horrible violent. Edit: I should add that I wouldn't describe this movie as [i]scary[/i]. I can't think of any times in it where I like jumped up or was startled... It's classic horror magnified to an extreme rate really. It does the things it does at a simply relentless pace, and never really lets it up. Edit 2: I've read a review that hated it. The guy felt it took itself and horror cliches too seriously to be of any interest. I don't think it took itself very seriously at all honestly, but what can you do.
  11. Semjaza


    It depends. I find a lot of people (mostly those younger) think that basically two people being attracted to eachother on the internet and taking it beyond something you'd expect makes them "boyfriend and girlfriend" and this just bothers me. I have no problem with friends online, or attractions and such online... But to claim that anything you have with someone online is anything close to the real thing really bothers me. Especially those who gush about it claiming they are basically in love. I almost find this insulting to those of us who have actually gone through loving relationships in the real world. That's strictly for online stuff though, with basically no chance of ever meeting. I've met people through the internet in real life, and if that goes somewhere cool. I don't mind attractions and heavy interest... but the comparisons between that and something somewhat tangible get to me. I should add that I've met some amazing people online. Some of which are better than most anyone I've met in real life. So perhaps this sort of thing isn't as "wrong" or impossible as I'd like to believe it is... so hopefully no one will jump on me for that opinion
  12. Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow (to a lesser extent) are both completely washed up musically in my opinion anyway. Why they continue to sell records as their songs get progressively worse and all wind up sounding similiar, I have no idea. Some country is good... Notably stuff by Will Oldham.
  13. Now Nintendo is making it sound like this cheap budget GC Pokemon game they are releasing soon in Japan (May), is simply some sort of database thing that holds thousands of your pokemon... Certainly not the stuff they've referred to in the past, so who knows what is going on now (or if that is all this budget game is doing even). Edit: Yeah, this is what was originally mentioned in this thread... It's the first thing Nintendo announced Pokemon-wise for GC (and is seperate from the other games being made). It comes with a link cable and a memory card as well. It's basically just a program to organize and save your Pokemon to a GC memory card. Thanks to neo2046 for the exact info and a link to the picture. [IMG]http://www.zdnet.co.jp/games/gsnews/0304/15/images/poke02.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.zdnet.co.jp/games/gsnews/0304/15/images/poke03.jpg[/IMG]
  14. Of course Square has nothing to do with this... At all. In fact, Square could probably sue them and shut the site down easily if they really wanted to. It makes use of story, characters and exact graphics... I'd assume sound and everything else as well. Sounds a lot like a romhack, even though it's not. Another team did something simliar to this with an excellent remake of Castlevania II. Smaller fan groups do this stuff rather often... although it's usually with PC games like King's Quest. The team that did that did stuff that even rivaled the Sierra remakes... with video and voice and everything I'm still awaiting the fan remake of Quest for Glory 2 by them.
  15. Well I don't read your blog honestly. I feel uncomfortable reading those things. However, from talking to you... I think Zach was your last boyfriend correct? The one who cheated on you, lied to you and made you miserable right? Well I think the choice is rather obvious. You seem much happier with the current guy you're more or less dating (last I saw heh), so why mess that up? It already seems to have more of a chance than the last guy anyway. Otherwise, life and people in general will always suck. It's what they do best.
  16. Billy is in a chicken suit for some reason I can't explain just yet heh. Seems like more of a puzzle orientated platformer, which should be interesting. The shots look crazy enough, so I'm expecting something good.
  17. I'm sure everyone knows Sonic Team by now. They're probably the most famous developers in SEGA overall... Sonic, Nights, PSO and so on. They just announced a new game for GameCube, which should be fully shown off at E3 this May. It's called Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg, and is some sort of platformer... where Bill makes use of creatures he hatches from eggs to help him out. That's about all that's known at this point heh. I'm posting this because of two main points of interest (other than the game looking pretty cool in my opinion): 1.) This is Sonic Team's first fully original character creation in quite a long time. 2.) It lends evidence that makes it seem as though the recently leaked Sega of Europe E3 list was true... Which basically means Sonic Hero and quite a few other games will be shown off this year. Thanks to GAF for the mag scan. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=381833[/IMG] By the way, I'd ignore the MGS4 thing at the end for right now (even though they say that and go in a totally different direction in their actual rumor lol). The supposed name of the GC MGS game is Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes. Nothing else is really known about it, so anything else is complete speculation. Might be an all new game, might not. I severely doubt it's another version of MGS2 considering Miyamoto's interest and involvment.
  18. Bosko is better than all anime put together x 5. Nice banner. I see you decded to make all of it black and white heh. The ShyGuy Fan Club appreciates the honor and recognition you give it.
  19. Semjaza

    Anger Management

    The movie has bad character development, poor writing, very few good laughs (apparently). It does, from the sounds of it, basically only one thing decently... and it still gets a 7? lol Almost anything could be a lot worse, I don't know that that makes anything better in the long run. I'm supposed to go to the movies tonight. From the sounds of it... I don't think this will be worth seeing. So hopefully, no one else will want to see it either lol.
  20. You need to be more particular when you ask your question in the first place... not add all these random requirements to it later lol. Anyway, Ginny you probably should post a new question soon. I don't think anyone knows it. I only know the names of like three personally.
  21. I know lots of random and useless things. I like the song, so I know who wrote it. I actually think you've mentioned the song to me in the past as well.
  22. Are you referring to the song from that really old cartoon? I think it was of the same name. Oscar Levant and Irving Caesar did that song in the 30s. I don't know if there are other versions since then, but that's the one I know. Anyway... I'm not going to bother with this. Lord knows I could post 100 songs in here. I just don't see a point. I've seen how these threads work and generally people post 3,000,000 songs and not one person bothers to check any of them out. No thanks. Edit: I'm going to download some of these, but honestly... I wouldn't even touch most of these songs with a ten foot pole, no offense lol.
  23. I assume you are referring to the Patriot Act TN? That thing is a mess, and it's possibly the worst thing to be put into effect in a long time. It makes many of your basic rights forfeit. Thankfully, most of the horrible aspects of it end soon. Apparently, no one up there contested it at the risk of being "unpatriotic" or some nonsense. Anyway, if you look around the country... Areas with the highest amount of gun control have the most gun related deaths. Areas with the least amount of gun control have the least amount of gun realated deaths. I guess that doesn't mean much when you are comparing Washington, D.C. to like some random town in Virginia (or whatever it was). Anyway, I'm not really into guns. My father has a lot of weapons in our house, but he is more of a collector and a hunter type person. He keeps everything locked up, everything unloaded. Everything is registered and so on. He's surprisingly responsible for it, and it leads me to think that most people with this amount of weaponry are like this as well. Not to say I've not seen worse. I've gone out to the country with my dad and his friend and shot at targets... My dad's friend had several different types of assault rifles and such, that basically destroyed any target the other guns were simply spinning around. I don't know why he has that stuff, but he doesn't use it for anything more than leisurely things in the middle of nowhere.
  24. Semjaza


    Oh, that's interesting. I was suspecting something like that, but considering I don't remotely know any language that uses other characters... well yeah. I wouldn't be familiar with such things heh. Thanks.
  25. Semjaza


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]I decided to finally change my wallpaper, it's been the same for too long. This one's for you Transtic :P [/B][/QUOTE] What is that little bar you have above the Start bar in your shot? Says Ascii and all that.
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