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Everything posted by Semjaza

  1. Well I'll just name off the random ones I can remember. There is already Skies of Arcadia Legends for GC, which is already one of my favorite RPGs ever. Also, Lost Kingdoms... which is more of an action card RPG. Lost Kingdoms 2 is coming out soon, and should improve greatly on the first. Namco is making a Tales game for GC (I forget the rest of the title). Monolith (known for Xenosaga) is making an exclusive RPG. Skip is making Giftpia, and most likely another after that. Camelot is supposedly doing a GC RPG (I guess based on Golden Sun, but no one really knows yet). Brownie Brown also supposedly has plans to make a GC RPG (they did Magical Vacation, are doing Seiken Densetsu and the members used to be on the Mana team for Square). Natsume is bringing out Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, which looks to be the best in the series so far. There are also heavy rumors about HAL and Nintendo finally making another Earthbound game for GC (as well as fixed up versions of the first two on GBA), but I don't know about that. I'd have to assume that Square will do something else as well, but really no one knows yet. Nintendo is also making a Fire Emblem game for GC, which has a somewhat good chance of coming out here. Those are ones I just got from my memory. I know there are quite a few more. There are plenty of games out and coming for GC, you just have to look for them. Go to IGNCube or Planet Gamecube and just look around and you'll find something that will most likely interest you.
  2. Really, what does that have to do with anything? This isn't a Sony thread, and he didn't say THE best. And apparently no one read, but what Hiachi said simply isn't true. I'd like to see where he heard this from, because nothing that's actually reputable reported anything more than that FF12 rumor which most people quickly dismissed. Square has no other games even remotely confirmed or even hinted at for GC whatsoever. FF: Crystal Chronicles is it.
  3. I tried getting the Hobbes and a few others installed with no luck. OB simply didn't like them and refused to show them as anything other than a red X.
  4. Yu Yu Hakusho is a lot more like DBZ than Ranma 1/2 was or ever will be... so I'm not sure what you have to worry about. I have no real problem with anime being edited for TV. It's just how America is, so people just have to get used to it. People have to start somewhere, and I'd like to think it would be nice to expose people to anime they might normally never watch. If they have to see it in it's edited form so be it. If they truly like it, they'll hunt out the DVDs and see it in its original form anyway.
  5. That's simply not true. There was a rumor of FF12 coming to GC, but I really doubt it. It's 100% unconfirmed though, and I wouldn't believe the rumor as it originated at a rather unreliable Japanese message board. That would just not make sense for Square to do, especially considering it would take them quite a few discs to even put all of FFX on GC. They use too much FMV for it to be any other way. On top of that, they'd split the userbase and it sells way better on PS2 than it would on GC at this point (which has a tiny userbase in comparison). Crystal Chronicles isn't confirmed to be a series, but I'd have to guess that Square will be putting a few other games on the system. Even with the FF12 rumor, I severely doubt it will be anything based on the main FF series. More than likely it will be some sort of collaboration with Brownie Brown on a new Mana game... Nintendo owns Brownie Brown, and they are made up of most of that team when they were with Square. To me, that makes the most sense.
  6. Well, I don't know how far you got... but... [spoiler]Shadow Mario turns out to be Baby Bowser in disguise. He is trying to kidnap Peach because Bowser told him that was his mother. Of course, it's not true... It was just something he made up.[/spoiler] So I'd guess that's what it is referring to.
  7. Semjaza

    R. Kelly!!!!!

    I'll admit he had some good songs in the past. I've not even heard the new album yet. I think quite a few stations around here simply refused to play it. Honestly, this generally isn't my style of music anyway. My sister will probably buy it though... The name Chocolate Factory gives me this really creepy vibe, something like Willy Wonka combined with his pedophilia... It's not good heh. It upsets me that this guy has what he did on tape and people still deny it up and down. He still gets to put stuff out, and it still debuts at number one. Then we have Paul Reubens, aka Pee-wee Herman, who gets arrested for playing around in a theater (and if you read up on it, no one even actually saw anything... it was a raid), whose career is basically destroyed. Yeah, I know he was a kids show performer, but it still annoys me... Especially considering they have this guy doing this on tape in his own damn house (he likes to claim someone digitally altered it - it would take ILM to do something like that. Moron), and still nothing has really happened. Too bad Pee-wee did things almost as bad just recently, so I guess it doesn't even matter anymore.
  8. Who cares about story, all you do is ride a dragon and attack stuff really... Sometimes on foot. I don't think action RPGs (or whatever), need great stories because that's not what they are about. All the FF's stories are alike if you think about it, and no one complains about that heh. There are no other games in this series, this is the only one. My only problem is that the game reminds me way too much of Panzer Dragoon, other than the on foot areas. The funny thing is that it will probably sell about 5 times as much, since Japan doesn't seem to like Sega games outside of the Sakura series.
  9. If I were in this situation I think I'd probably rather be dead heh. Anyway... I need to do 15. I cannot decide otherwise. If this is too much, let me know and I'll take a few out... 1. tweaker - Happy Child 2. The Toadies - I Will Be With Her Tonight 3. David Bowie - Life on Mars? 4. David Bowie - Space Oddity 5. David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust 6. Queen - Killer Queen 7. Pixies - I've Been Tired 8. Apocalypse Hoboken - Monchichi 9. Nine Inch Nails - Reptile 10. Apocalypse Hoboken - When's Steve Coming Home? 11. The Tea Party - Touch 12. Bad Religion - New America 13. Marilyn Manson - Dope Hat 14. Deadsy - The Winners 15. Sigur Rós - (vaka) I guess that suffices.
  10. Well it [i]was[/i]. Best Buy wants $9.99 for it now... I forgot it was Sunday and the ad changed heh. Not sure about Target, as sometimes they keep the prices the same. Target, and to a lesser extent Best Buy, usually put out debut CDs (in this case, the US debut anyway lol) or a major release by a lesser known band out for that price. I've gotten Queens of the Stoneage's Songs for the Deaf and Rated R, both of System of a Down's CDs and quite a few others at Target for that price. If the band gets big enough they usually raise the price. Sometimes it's a one week only thing, sometimes it's not. Linkin Park's first CD was only $6.99 there at first, and the price went up when they got popular.
  11. I don't know why, considering Serge is so incredibly ugly (his eyes freak me out too) lol. I agree with Piro, but you get some bonus points because it's from Suikoden III :D
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]OH ALSO, I happen to be a big Ranma 1/2 fan. I don't appreciate you sticking it right there next to the worst anime of all time: Dragon Ball Z. -_-[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Queen Asuka is now my personal hero.
  13. I know in a sense you're probably thinking "**** him, he cheated on me... He doesn't deserve to know." At least that would be one of [i]my[/i] thoughts. At the same time though, you'd be just like him in that sense... And I really doubt you want to be. In that case, I think you're better off just telling him (regardless of your current relationship). I'm pretty sure you will anyway. If he wants to listen to you, that's another story.
  14. Hmm... Let's see. I've listened to the full CD now (The S/T one that's out now... I've still not bought it heh), and let's just say it's worth getting. All of the songs are at least 5 minutes long, but somehow manage to say unique and interesting (I suppose the only comparison to that is Tool, since their songs seem to average this length - or more - too... Not that they sound anything like Tool). They are just a really good straight out rock band, and if you like stuff like Queens of the Stoneage or other bands going for that style, you'll most likely love this. The vocals are a bit different than one would expect, but they're still good. Even if they sucked, the music alone makes up for it... There are some great guitar bits on this CD. Musically, it's pretty damn original without using a bunch of weird electronic equipment. If you have $6.99 go grab it (I think Target and Best Buy are both doing this price).
  15. When I wake up I'm too dead to realize where the hell I am, let alone figure out what emotions I'm feeling at the time. Personally, I find the later I stay up, the more empty and alone I wind up feeling. Probably because there is little else to do other than homework and such. I usually feel fine in the morning once I am actually awake heh. I tend to have really bizarre dreams though. None are ever nightmares (I've never actually had one that I know of... Well maybe one, but I don't know what that was really), but they either make absolutely no sense or are the most morbid things I have seen up to that point. It's more interesting and weird than bad though lol.
  16. I don't know how you can expect anything to top those games when it really sounds like you haven't even tried most of what GC has to offer.
  17. I was going to buy the CD weeks ago, as I've been hearing about them for months... But for some reason it was still an import here at the time, and I wasn't about to spend $30 on a CD. I guess they finally released it in the US though, and it's only $6.99 now. I haven't heard much of their stuff (mostly because if you search for The Music you get all this random stuff and nothing on the band), but what I heard was great. Looking forward to finally being able to get it heh.
  18. Dragon Warrior Monsters was really good. I love the Dragon Warrior series, so being able to build up monsters I'd beaten up in the normal series was pretty fun heh. I'm looking forward to the GBA version.
  19. Here. I attached it. That site works in such a way that you need to copy and paste the link to see the image (and it doesn't work in Opera annoyingly, I hate Internet Explorer). Good job. I think the text is little too blurry, but that's the only "complaint" I have for it.
  20. Well, not including the bonus levels, it's 45. Close enough, ask a question.
  21. [url]http://www.winamp.com/nsdn/winamp2x/dev/skins/[/url] That's where I'd get started. I'd stick with Winamp 2 til you get used to it. For one, Winamp 2 is far more popular... And two, Winamp 3 allows so many things (animation, etc) that 2 doesn't, which will probably be overwhelming at first.
  22. People already do that in Otaku Lounge basically. I'm sure you can find something "serious" if you look around, or create your own (within reason). That's basically the place for everything that doesn't fit in the other forums heh.
  23. The answer is 75 missiles. How many levels were there in Zombies Ate My Neighbors?
  24. Well the way it is set up is like this: Gameboy - Seiken Densetu JPN = Final Fantasy Adventure US SNES - Seiken Densetu 2 JPN = Secret of Mana US Seiken Densetu 3 = Not released in US PSX - Legend of Mana, released in both (not sure of Japanese name) ---------------- I've played Seiken Densetu 3, which should have been Mana 2... It was quite good. I didn't really like the character designs personally (they were very simliar to those in Legend of Mana), but it allowed a lot of stuff that Secret of Mana didn't and was a lot more polished. I expect this game to improve on the others, as Brownie Brown knows what it is doing (they are the ones doing this for Square). I would expect great things. The game also makes use of the link cable, but I'm not sure to what extent. Should be damn fun to play this two players though :D
  25. I don't have great views on the Church myself... 1.) Honestly, first thing I think of at this point is commercial organization. 2.) First reason, I believe in god, but not really in the Christian sense. Second, I simply do not support organized religion on a whole for too many other reasons to list. This is mostly from growing up in Catholic schools, as it more or less turned me against the Church, more than strengthened my relationship with it, strangely. 3.) This is only based on my experience personally, for all I know many other Churches are amazing and all of you that go them love them. I'm not going to argue that, or the benefits you feel you get from them. I have no real guidelines to make a Church something I'd love to go to and fully support. I'm just some stupid kid, I have little (more like zero) control over any of that. Based on people I've met and dealt with (let me stress... personally. No offense to anyone here), it's not so much the [i]Church[/i] as it is the [i]people[/i] I know that go. I've never met so many horrible, hypocritcal, selfish and superficial people that for some reason pretend to be something different every Sunday. The most aggrivating part about that was that I tended to know more about the ins and outs of how the religion worked, as well as a lot more about the Bible and its teachings than most of the people I knew that followed it. You cannot imagine how aggrivating this is until you experience first hand, especially when they are the same people who talk down to you for those very reasons. I noticed that, and honestly it just got worse and worse. Especially once I had to go to another high school which was more in a rich neighborhood. At this point I was already cemented in what I believed in, but things I saw and heard sure didn't help. Of course, there are always the few amazing people that believe so much in what they are doing and in what the Church teaches that sometimes I can't help but think maybe I'm wrong about all of it... But I guess that works both ways.
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