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Everything posted by Semjaza

  1. Okay, guys. I expect this to go up in the next few days. I have started work on a site that details everything you need to know about this game. On this page, the most important thing currently are the "Rules". Read them because understanding how to go about this game is very important. They detail things I've only touched on previously. [url]http://www.sweethypocrisies/rpgs/torment[/url] Maps, creatures and victims pages will follow shortly. Please post if you have anything you're not clear on within the rules.
  2. [quote name='Wingnut Ninja][color=teal']...and that's why I'd prefer an old British sitcom any day compared to the likes of Along Came Polly. But still, it's good to see that the genre hasn't been neglected.[/color][/quote] Along Came Polly was awful compared to most anything, though. A movie that has to rely on two overly long toilet humor scenes knows it has a problem.
  3. Maybe you can be slightly mature instead and just stop coming here. No one is forcing you to post.
  4. I've been looking forward to this for a few months now. I missed the sneak preview, but I plan on seeing it when it's fully released. I still want to see Napoleon Dynamite too. Good year for stupid comedies heh.
  5. [quote name='Wingnut Ninja][color=teal']Well yeah, but even if Square published or developed a game single handily, Enix will always be there to sweep in some of the credit, and vice versa. Star Ocean 3 is an Enix game, though the publishers are stated as 'Square-Enix', so officially they're together, and technically they aren't, see what I'm saying? That's probably why most people refer to them together.[/color][/quote] Well, I understand that they're one company... but a lot of people seem to have this misconception that they're now one development studio. I can see why, but I have always been a big Enix fan and like to keep them distinctly seperate in development terms heh.
  6. [quote name='Gelgoog Pilot']Ohhh Bouncer yeah that one was....bad to be nice BUT I have an even worse game. And the name of that game is Saga Unlimited....yes that's right square-enix's first attempt at a rpg game togher...failed horribly...ok story line and battle system but...everything else sucked it seems.[/quote] I wanted to quote this because it seems to further the misconception that Square and Enix actually work together on these games. Unlimited Saga was all Square. Enix had nothing to do with it. That game, and pretty much everything else released thus far, was in development before the merger even was final. Despite their partnership, they are still very seperate studios. Enix does its own stuff and Square does its own stuff as well. They've yet to actually collaborate on a project together. That's why comments like this bother me. I remember someone else here basically attributed the crappiness of a certain Square game to the fact that Enix partnered with them and somehow got their hands into Square's games. That hasn't happened at all. It's mostly a financial stability and marketing thing. Enix was more stable and powerful in Japan (believe it or not) and Square was more stable and powerful elsewhere. Nothing related to development of any current or already released games has changed. Something like Chrono Trigger doesn't count because people leave teams for other developers all the time. It had former Enix members, but the opposite has happened as well. It's not the same. ----------- Anyway, I'm wondering if some of you really know what a crappy game is. Blast Corps? Bionic Commando? Ratchet and Clank 2? Virtua Fighter 4? Even if you don't like these games, I don't know how they could be considered [i]so bad[/i] as to make a list like this. There's plenty of games I don't really like, but I'd not include them on here. Perhaps I just think of this topic a bit differently, I guess lol. The inclusion of some of these is honestly making me laugh. I don't think sucking at a game is a decent enough reason to say it's not good. Other people manage to figure them out and enjoy them to a rather large degree. Then there's the complaint about character designs in VF4 when there's games like Tekken out there. Huh? Go play a game like Super Pitfall, Bad Mother Truckers or Deadly Towers lol. You guys haven't even scratched the surface with some of these.
  7. In terms of being friends first... there's differences. A guy can be a friend, but if he's around enough and is never aggressive with his feelings he'll instead become a guy version of a girlfriend. Basically, someone you tell all your problems to but would never think of actually dating. If you cross over that dividing line, you're ******, sorry to say. It's a very fine line, but it's also very hard to get yourself back out of it. That said, I've been friends first with a few girls I've dated and not with a couple others. I'd say the success rate of both is really just fifty fifty. There's too many variables to really say one is better than the other. However, based on my experience, I felt the relationships that were originally friendships were more meaningful. Just make sure you don't become an emotional punching bag instead of a man she'd consider seeing at some point.
  8. [quote name='Black Moon']I've live in a very small town in Illinios for all my life, and it's boreing! I would really like to explore the world, but true, I would still always like to be with my "friends"[/quote] A new Illinois person. Awesome. Anyway, I thought it was common knowledge that not all forms of depression have to be spurred by exact instances. A good portion of my life I have had random times where I was really down (never suicidal, mind you) or completely out of motivation. Sure, everyone experiences these things sometimes, but there's a point where it is just happening too much and is affecting too many other things. I got prescribed Zoloft for it actually. It does help. Based on my experience it doesn't magically make you happy or anything, but it really seemed to help me sort out priorities and not worry about trivial things so much. It's nice. It's like a new kind of freedom, as cheesy as that sounds. I'd visit the doctor, although be careful because a lot of them seem quick to prescribe you crap you don't need. If you don't want the drugs, they'll usually refer you to a counselor as well.
  9. Well, for those that do know of the supposed original ending, it's was apparently refilmed. Or that's what is being said. I can't say if the original ending ever really existed in the first place or whether or not it will be the final one either. If you care to read it, it went something like this [spoiler]The "monsters" are construction workers. The people in this village are so isolated and weird that they never realized the world around them had advanced beyond them. The marks on the doors are marks to signal knocking down the houses. People have labelled this as the "Stupid ******* white people" ending lol.[/spoiler] I know I have a few things wrong, but that's the basics of it from my memories. If you read that, it's your own problem. Don't get mad at me.
  10. I've not heard Nintendo say they wouldn't support wireless LAN gaming through a wireless router... In fact, that was one of the first ideas Miyamoto spoke of -- connecting it to routers. They did, however, say they wouldn't be developing anything to allow the DS to go on the internet, which seemed to mean more like browsing and downloading random stuff. I could be reading it wrong, but that's now how I understood it. As for the power of the thing, who knows. The only real comparison is Mario 64 to Mario 64x4. The DS one is obviously pushing more polygons (four characters, all higher counts than Mario 64). But considering how old Mario 64 was and how much the N64 was pushed after that, who can say for sure.
  11. [QUOTE=Ouka][color=darkslateblue][size=1][font=arial]I'm sure you probably don't mind, but, I'd like know before I go and do it. You're fine with people using HTML in their posts, right? 'Cause I'd really like to spice up my own posts with some HTML. ^_^ Oh, and congrats to everyone who got in.[/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] Yeah, definitely. Whatever you want to do in your posts is your own concern, really. I won't tell people what to do either way. I want to be pretty hands off with everything outside of the whole death idea.
  12. Okay, guys. First of all, I want to apoloize for how long all of this has taken. Between class and the amount of babysitting I've been doing, finding time to do this (and have the patience for it) hasn't been easy. Plus I just had a root canal, so I'm not in the best of moods lol. Anyway, I had a really hard time picking between these. I was very surprised by their quality. Every single one of them was good. I wound up having to be somewhat nitpicky to even make a decision on these. A lot of it came down to unique personality quirks and what was brought with. However, everything was taken into account obviously. Anyway, these are the people I have chosen: Delirium Justin Annie Charles anatema Harlequin Shinmaru Imi Piromunkie Ouka Alan Arcadia Seems like I chose a lot of people, but because of the way this is working, it's in the RPG's best interest to have more than half a dozen people. Killing people off would be a problem lol. If for some reason you cannot participate, let me know. I can set up a replacement rather easily. A couple people mentioned they wanted to make suggestions for monsters, but I never heard more from them. I'm still open to it, just PM me or post in here and we can work it out. However, I don't want too many monsters because it would just bog it all down, I think. Too many things to worry about. I'm also under the impression that there's a bit of confusion on how the whole death thing works. It will be better explained when I put the RPG up. There will be instructions on that, a map of the estate and the rest of the monster pages. I expect for this to go up completely within the next few days. Sorry about the delay everyone. If you have questions or comments, just post them in here and I'll respond.
  13. [quote name='Falkon']from the screenshots it looks like the DS has the exact same graphics as the gameboy ADV. [/quote] What screens have you seen? It's beyond N64 in polygon pushing power. Definitely well beyond the GBA's powers.
  14. I very, very rarely use Photoshop's plain save option for anything that's lossy. Anything I want to compress, I do it in save for web. It's the only way to guarantee nice picture quality and decent file size. Sometimes you don't know what will result just by saving it as a different file extension. Obviously, for anything other than the internet, save for web is crap. It automatically forces 72dpi. Fine for monitors, not fine for prints. If you're saving stuff you want to print or use in some decent way, 150 or 300 dpi should be your starting standards.
  15. [quote name='Turkey']On another point, what do you people think of the Re-Issues? I really like the Generator one, and plan on getting the rest. If only they rereleased Into the Unknown...[/quote] I already own all the stuff they're reissuing... but I'm considering getting them since they're all remastered. Definitely not at the top of my list, though.
  16. Doukeshi03, I apologize for before. Anyway, I had seen the Batmobile weeks and weeks back. You really never get used to it. At least I don't. It looks like they built it out scrap metal from a junkyard. I really don't know why it looks like that, but I'm hoping it's explained. I think a lot of people who have even just seen the previous movies will be like "what the hell?" over that design. The movie sounds pretty cool though. Bale is an awesome, underrated actor and I think he's perfect for this role. I'm very interested in his performance. I've been reading supposed impressions of this film on various sites and they sound impressive so far. Of course, there's the large possiblity that they're entirely fabricated, so who knows yet lol.
  17. [quote name='digitalshadow]Right now I'm at (better put up spoiler tags just in case) [spoiler']that port town after the Ossa Trail. To those past it, is level 11 good enough to go send that letter for that girl Lyla?[/spoiler][/quote] I don't really know what level I was at at that point, but I think you'll be okay. Really, as long as you fight in pretty much every battle you wind up in you'll be fine. I never bothered to escape anything and I've had little beating the crap out of any monster in my way.
  18. [quote name='doukeshi03']Jeez guys she's just an actress, calm down. Maybe someone should switch to decaf hm?[/quote] Thanks for this contribution to the discussion. I find it hard to believe that anyone involved in this was jumping around, flailing their arms about as they posted. It's an opinion about a super hero movie's impact in a thread about super hero movies. Unexpected, I guess.
  19. There's such a thing as tact in the movie industy. Halle doesn't have any. She's been demanding a bigger role in the films since the first did so well. It's the only remotely popular film of hers that doesn't involve her faking orgasms or showing her breasts. Prior to its success she would be in interviews making comments about how she had to be in a "stupid comic book movie". She was bitching about the films [i]before they even released[/i]. I think it's pretty obvious where the 180 came from. She wantsto cash in on something she previously would candidly look down upon. It's even more ironic that the only thing from her of note now is Catwoman -- a film that might as well be called "Another Catwoman: Not Really Related to DC's Creation at All, We Just Took the Name and Designed a Costume That Makes Even Comic Book Fans Cringe" -- a comic book movie. It's even more funny that, yet again, a main role of hers has her jumping around in little amounts of clothing and making sexual comments. Except now she can use "*****" in funny and unique ways! (That is, unless you forget that people have been making similiar "clever" word play jokes for at least several decades with the same damn word. I can watch Faulty Towers on PBS and get that same level of humor.) This is a X-Men film. It's not "Storm Saves the Universe". The trilogy may not be fully written, but obviously the main point of it is Wolverine's story and the purpose of the Pheonix. Giving her as large of a role as she is wanting due to her "status" now would be pointless (from what I've seen she wants to be on the level of Jean Grey even... why?). She already has a big enough role in the film considering how many other characters there are and how many cameos fans would like to see. Listening to her side of the story, I was under the impression she spoke four words in X2 and spent maybe three minutes onscreen. Talk about a drama queen. Even considering that Halle obviously wasn't big on this role in the first place, she took it. To me that means she should do her freaking job and earn her money. Poor acting, stupid facial expressions and an awful accent are not a good job. Especially considering she didn't even attempt to keep the accent in the second film (while a good thing since she was so bad, it still is a weird change). And even more because she's a freaking Oscar winner. If I was an architect contracted to design and lead a building project, would people be accepting of me doing a poor job just because I felt like it and I think I'm worth more than what I am getting? Because, really, that's all Halle has for an excuse right now. It'd not be accepted in other industries and I don't think it should be accepted here either. I'm glad she's out of the next one. Edit - ***** is blocked out... it's another word for a cat incase you're not sure what should be there lol.
  20. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]People who hold strong opinions about things they know nothing about[/b']: They open their mouths about a subject and all that comes out is stupidity. Or just one veiw on a subject and the veiw has been badly researched. Like my paternal grandmother who thinks that all Muslims think they need to kill people to get to heaven and that gay people can be reprogramed because she saw it on TBN. And the saddest part when she says this is that she's serious .[/color][/quote] That's like 95% of the people on this planet and probably even higher for the internet.
  21. Continuing the FFVI deaths... This one was actually optional. Depending on your performance, you could affect if this person lived or died. [spoiler]Cid in the World of Ruin, obviously. I already liked Cid because of his actions earlier in the game. Celes was also very likable at that point as well. His death is pretty sad considering he sat and nursed her back to health before becoming sick himself. Of course, it's all averted if you get him some good fish to raise his health back up, but if not, I think it's one of the sadder deaths in the game.[/spoiler]
  22. [QUOTE=Charles]You guys should compare better games instead of touting this as some important comparison. These are only two "okay" titles we're talking about here. Games like Viewtiful Joe owned Halo as an action game, and games like Wind Waker owned Metroid as an action game. Deal with that. When it comes to this comparison--"whoever wins--we lose."[/QUOTE] This is possibly the most ridiculous thing I've ever read from you lol. To not really enjoy either game is one thing. MP isn't your thing and I've realized that about twenty times over. Wind Waker is good and I enjoyed it. Especially the somewhat new angles on the story and the humanization of previously statuesque characters. However, to call those titles flawed and then bring up a game with basically unchanged gameplay, a shortage of dungeons, incredibly easy battles and the freaking Triforce hunt as "owning" them is lame. Especially complaints about movement compared to a game that literally has you sailing in one direction for ten minutes or more at times. That game is easily just as flawed. A matter of preference as debatable as that is definitely not something that can be presented as a matter of fact as you did just there. To complain about the characterization of Samus and 1.) never apparently even finishing half the game and 2.) apparently never reading a good portion of the information the game does give you (you seemed entirely unaware of even the most basic things I've told you about that the game speaks of in logs and lore) seem really odd to me. I'm definitely not saying that there's some sort of massive scene in the game where we're amazed by the deepness that is Samus's plight, but there's definitely more to it than you're wanting to see. However, knowing you, I wouldn't be surprised if you worded a lot of that in a way to just get people riled up lol.
  23. I aree with your post, but I just wanted to single this one out... [quote name='Shoryuken']...the graphics look really sweet exept for the this one part of the game that has a cheesey explosion...[/quote] Seriously. What is with this? It's not really a big deal in the scheme of things because the [spoiler]demolition of human ranches[/spoiler] really doesn't happen all that often... but it seriously looks like a pseudo 3D render I'd see in Donkey Kong Country on the SNES. Dithered and everything. Totally out of place. Could look so much better.
  24. I don't know about that because, really, bosses can be stuck into anything pretty much effortlessly. Sure, they're more instrinsic to the set-up of MP, but there's reallly no logical reason why there couldn't be some larger, boss aliens. Boss, to me, doesn't necessarily have to mean the guy in charge. Boss has come to mean pretty much any large scale fight beyond the normal stuff you do. Halo could have these easily... like let's say the smaller guys let out some massive alien from containment in a last ditch effort to dispose of Master Chief or whatever else. That's still a "boss' by game standards and it fits just fine. I think Halo would benefit from such things more than be hurt.
  25. My favorite is definitely that last one you posted. I'm not very fond of the jagged cut of the main images, but I absolutely love the little flying heart design you have there. It's a creative idea.
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