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Everything posted by Semjaza

  1. Things like Chair exist in today's art community simply because the artist is smart enough to know that people are pretentious enough to buy it. Things got more and more modern and surreal and things like this and solid red blocks were the result. There's really no other reason. I doubt in a truthful conversation with the "artist" of Chair that he'd give the normal spiel he would give the art patrons this stuff caters to. In fact, I would do something like that just to make fun of these people. Anyone that would buy it would obviously be an incredibly dumb person and subject to ridicule. My artist buddies and I could all laugh at them in our studios, imaging what outlandish stories the buyer would come up with about Chair to tell their friends. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them thought that way heh.
  2. I was about to say "queue 20 people naming themselves", but Mimmi beat me lol. We had this same thread months back. OL is the place for regurgitation. I'd probably be a butterfly. First of all, they can fly. Second of all, I wouldn't have to do any of the boring, systematic crap that normally fills my life. And last, nobody suspects the butterfly.
  3. Semjaza

    Nintendo DS

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]Looks like you both spoke to soon, or rumours are rampant and no one is bothering to confirm. [url=http://megagames.com/news/html/console/nintendodsprice.shtml]MegaGames[/url] ran this story and in another related one they quoted; "Nintendo DS will be marketed separately from the company's existing Nintendo Game Boy Advance portable system and Nintendo GameCube home console." [/B][/QUOTE] I'm not sure what point you're trying to make by that or how it changes what James or Shinmaru said, but nearly every article about the subject has said that since the start (well, I can't remember if Gamespy did, but I don't exactly go there for [i]good[/i] console information). Nintendo has pretty much said that since they first mentioned their "mystery product". Hell, I even said it in my first post. It's a new product, so of course it will be advertised seperately. It would be like Nintendo advertising something like Pokemon Mini in GameCube commercials for no real reason otherwise. It's its own seperate entity and would require it's own marketing push if Nintendo wants it to get anywhere.
  4. Considering the fact that many people were embedding large sound files and forcing them to play without asking the user, I'd say it was a good step. If anything, I'd blame the people that abused it. The official music part on myOtaku works just fine and that all I've ever bothered with.
  5. Well, I can understand that. Maybe Japanese people would be able to tell what he was saying by obvious mouth movements. Seeing as though we only know English, we wouldn't be able to pick up on that. So I can see why it was added, but at the same time it's pretty obvious what's happening in that scene as it is... heh. The only Miyazaki film I actually own is Laputa. I enjoy it. His films have a more playful, Disney-esque quality to them that I like. I'm not too fond of the dub, though. I mean, it's not bad, but I don't think the voices suit the characters well... and I swear Anna Paquin's fake accent goes in and out several times. Other than that, I love Grave of the Fireflies. I know it's not Miyazaki's, but it is a Ghibli film, so I figured I'd say something. I simply am not into Princess Mononoke.
  6. Semjaza

    Text color

    The answer to your question is currently no. I don't think this version of vB has it as an option. Anyway, copied and pasted: There was a thread on this, plus an answer of sorts: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35728[/url] "Wait for v7" is apparently OB's new slogan for this section.
  7. I have a few, I suppose. Disgaea - Hands down best RPG on the system. I'd also say it's my favorite console RPG of this generation -- all that really gives it competition is on the GBA and KotOR lol... and Suikoden III, too. Of course, I think this will change immensely later on this year. Lots of good RPGs coming for all systems. Frequency - I've still not bought Amplitude, although I want to. For a long while, this was my favorite PS2 game. I'd have to say it still is. I love playing it. I love the music. I love unlocking things and getting high scores... plus the online expansion makes it all even better. Only music game that comes close is Gitaroo Man. Screw that DDR crap. Dark Cloud 2 - A massive, massive improvement on the original. I'd say its only flaw is that it simply has too much to do. Not that that's bad, but it can feel overwhelming at times. Rachet and Clank 2 - I thought the original was incredibly dull, but this game rocks in every way possible. It took all the good parts of the first, multiplied their fun by 100 and added even more. Great game with a great sense of humor. I'll think of more eventually. I wouldn't even bother with most of the games in the poll lol.
  8. *I removed it for you, Chibi. I think you are allowed to delete a post by editing it...* As for the thread... I'd make it illegal for people who knew nothing about politics to ever speak about them again. Screw free speech in that case. Also, I think I'd make it mandatory for anyone with a cell phone to take some sort of cell phone etiquette class. People are really damn rude with those things. Obviously, I don't have very high goals lol.
  9. You can learn Magic pretty damn fast if you are shown how to play by someone that knows what they're doing. I think it only took me two games to understand most of it... the are some exceptions, but they're easy to look up or are printed on the cards heh. I've played on and off for like 8 years now, I think. I stopped for a long time, but I randomly got Magic sets for Christmas. I still have no clue why... but I showed my brothers how to play and we had a good time.
  10. Is this that anime where this one guy goes on a journey riding across Japan on his bike? To gain self enlightenment or something... but all that really happens is that all these girls wind up falling for him. It's perverted, but fun. Still, I can't say I'd ever pay for it heh.
  11. Semjaza

    Nintendo DS

    I don't think it would be a two-screened Game Boy, but I'm failing to see what sort of newfound applications they'll suddenly be able to do with this that couldn't have been done in some form elsewhere. My comments were geared towards the idea of making this thing for multiplayer applications and in that case, I don't see how it would make a difference. Obviously it would be a different case for single player games. Nintendo has had years to do something interesting with the connectivity aspect on the GCN/GBA and for the most part it has been a failure. As of right now, I have no real reason to think this will suddenly be the saving grace of the "connectivity" idea like some are making it sound -- which up until this point has really acted as little more than a colored VMU. As for Four Swords GC, last I read in an interview they were also going to work in a PIP for people without a GBA, which makes more sense in the first place. If that were applied to a portable system, why would it need anything than a couple of linked Game Boys anyway? Forcing you to play underground sections on a GBA and the rest on the GCN is hardly my idea of innovative gameplay. That game interests me just because it looks like a blast, not because of the "connectivity". The only real thing that makes me interested in this is that because of the set up, it would probably be able to pull off far more complex games than the GBA can... especially in terms of the GBA's limited multiplayer scope. Sure, they're going to take advantage of this, but it's not something that has got me all that optimistic so far. This isn't grabbing my attention, especially based on the examples given so far. Unless they magically come up with another game that basically isn't a clone of something else they've tried to do elsewhere, I can't see this taking my money. Of course, I have no final opinion on it. I won't until I actually play the thing.
  12. This just in: Michael Moore is an idiot to begin with. I'm mixed on voting. On one hand, you want people to take control of the system and impact it positively. On the other hand, there's so many people in this city, let alone the entire union, that I wouldn't want making decisions for the country. It's evidenced even in just this one thread. Maybe it's better that they don't vote heh.
  13. Semjaza

    Nintendo DS

    The article doesn't actually mention how many control sets there would be. Honestly, if there's two screens, I'd expect a certain number of buttons to be delegated to each of them... most likely full controls. Really, in the end, it doesn't matter how many new ideas they throw onto this thing if they don't make the games take advantage of it while still being fun. That was the main issue with the Virtual Boy. In addition to the cost and health issues, very few games even took advantage of the 3D display in any new way. So as long as they come up with some good applications for this and not lame things like putting menu selections on the second screen (just press Select or Start, what's the big deal in that?)... I think it could work out. It could result in a lot of fun cooperative game styles. However, at this point I really don't see how this is much different than linking two GBAs together. In fact, I can't see how the thing would even cost less than buying two GBAs for yourself... especially considering the screen amount and size. I'm not too impressed so far, but obviously little has been said. I'll have to see it in action.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]As much as I love the EVO, the pricing in that car is outrageous. The regular Lancer goes for around 15 grand while the EVO goes for around 30 grand.... thats pricy for a turbo engine, AWD, different interior and a $200 spoiler on the back... theres a few more things they added, but nothing that adds another 15 grand onto the base price.[/B][/QUOTE] Well, I've rarely seen it for more than $24,000 around here... But there is an obvious price difference. However, based on my experience they have totally different bodies. I looked at the different models and really only noticed three types at the shops here. The EVO has the look I want, which is where most of my interest lies. I'm not into that whole sedan look heh.
  15. I personally don't believe in online relationships in the sense of boyfriend/girlfriend. In fact, I find the idea almost insulting to those who actually have real, tangible relationships in their everyday lives. Typing doesn't replace anything. That's isn't to say you cannot form an attraction or fondness. I've dated a girl I met online and was friends with only on the computer for about two years. I obviously had an attraction to her. However, nothing was decided until we met and decided we could actually pull off a real, long distance relationship that wasn't based around the computer. That lasted for 7 months or so. In the end, you're still talking to people. In fact, it totally bypasses the whole "appearance" side of it all. If you talk to the person enough, you really can do nothing more than speak and share ideas with eachother. In some ways, I think that aspect is quite beneficial. I personally put a lot more in the intelligence of someone, but with most people you probably won't even get to that stage because of your style or first impressions or who knows what else. The idea of these friendships isn't really all that unhealthy, in my eyes. I genuinely enjoy talking to many people and look forward to seeing them online from time to time. However, what would be unhealthy is letting them take presedence over your life offline... which I'd imagine is a major concern for many people.
  16. I think it's a bit much to ask for Adam to host images and such as well as the whole system everyone is using to post in the first place. Giving 5 MBs to all the users there would result in a pretty big amount of space. You get what you pay for heh. That's all I can say about that sort of stuff. There's actually ways around most of the hotlinking problems those free hosts give you, though. Plus there are several I can think of offhand that allow hotlinking as it is... although most are really slow, or so it seems. I just bought my own space and avoided all of it.
  17. I don't have a favorite car per se, but the next car I plan on buying is a Mistsubishi Lancer Evolution. Hopefully once I am done with school this year.
  18. I wouldn't mind dropping Environmental Science. However, my school requires a science class to finish, so dropping it would be pointless. I'd be stuck taking another dull, boring science class instead. Hardly an improvement.
  19. Semjaza

    Nintendo DS

    If this is what I think it is... It really shouldn't be replacing anything in the future. I wouldn't be concerned about that heh. Nintendo--Iwata specifically--has been talking about this thing for months. The idea that it was a new system, but it wasn't next in the line for anything. It wouldn't take the place of the Game Boy or console line they develop currently. It's kind of like their new iQue system in concept in that sense. It was to be a rather stand-alone system that would bring something new and innovative to the table. This idea, however, apparently required a new set of hardware to create. It would be marketed seperately from the GBA and GCN lines. All of these things were things he has referred to (cryptically lol) in the past... So apparently that's what this is, especially since Iwata planned to show it at E3 and that's where the DS is set to make its first appearance. I can't say I can draw much of an opinion on it so far heh. So far it sounds rather gimmicky and reminds me of a Virtual Boy without a headset lol.
  20. Semjaza

    Kids' Movies

    Am I the only one that doesn't consider Disney animated classics or Pixar films to be "kids' movies"? They're made for everyone. Well, Nerdsy and I are in agreement then lol.
  21. I've seen several of these and to be honest, none really caught my attention. Maybe I need to spend more time with them, but I don't know. Bobobobobobo or whatever it was called is quite fun though. I enjoyed that. Nothing I've seen otherwise even has compared to my enjoyment of Hale Nochi Guu, which is too bad. Yes, that's not really recent, but I still watch it heh.
  22. TN was kidding... it is from the subject of the thread -- which incidentally, makes me want to kill people. In any case, Kurt had so much heroine in his system when he was found that there's no way in hell he'd be able to even move following shooting up... much less putting all his drug items away neatly and shooting himself. What he had in there was many, many times the lethal amount. It's like practically instant death. In the end, it doesn't really matter to me. Nirvana would have probably burned out soon after anyway. Kurt was apparently on the road to recovery, but that can mean little. Look at what happened to the Carpenters, by comparison. Everyone thought she was over her anorexia and then she overdosed on Ipocac. Nirvana has been given pretty much eternal superstar status thanks to that death, as cold as that may sound. As for the music, I was a fan. Not a big fan, but I liked some of their stuff. Since then, however, I can't say I care to listen to them. Kurt's voice is just really grating to me (especially on something like "Jesus Doesn't Want Me for a Sunbeam"). They have some great tracks, but eh, I'd rather listen to the Foo Fighters personally. At least Kurt liked the Pixies, though. I've never been into the whole grunge movement, if you even can call it one. I was rather happy when it pretty much died off thanks to a wave of bands that brought something heavier to the popular music scene. Regardless, I'd play Nirvana over something like Pearl Jam any day of the week. I loathe Pearl Jam.
  23. Semjaza

    Sonic X

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]What I don't understand is Dr. Robotnic called Doctor Eggman? Please tell me![/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Robotnik was the US name for the character. Dr. Eggman was the Japanese name for the character. When Sonic Adventure came out for the Dreamcast, Sega decided to just universalize the name and go with Eggman. It's the same reason Princess Toadstool is now called Princess Peach here.
  24. It's just something new to learn, really. I find PHPbb weird to use personally, as I'm not all that used to it. However, PHPbb is a massive step back from vB in every sense, so one would be smart not to make that change.
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