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Everything posted by Semjaza

  1. It's actually in Flash. I watched it the other day, although I had to reload the site several times. Looks pretty cool, but July 2004 is far off...
  2. If you've not seen any US made animation that's better than the worst anime you've ever seen... then you've either never seen any US animation, you're comparing cheap to produce US children's cartoons to high-expense anime or you're simply blind. If someone likes anime more or enjoy the style more, that's one thing. However, to make comments such as that is rather ignorant. Do people realize that Japan has cookie cutter, utter crap animated series as well? It sure doesn't seem like it.
  3. The first switch is behind the throne, as mentioned. The other one is by the skull on the counter in one of the shops. It opens a door in the hallway between the shop area and the throne room... which you can then enter to read the diary.
  4. You spelled Kirby wrong... :( Now I don't know what to think anymore.
  5. I've been avoiding it simply because I've heard the conversions are off. Specfically in terms of interlacing problems... and since I have a HDTV, they'll be about 10 times more obvious. So I'll probably rent it to see how well it runs on here. In the meantime I got that Activision collection for $9.99 :D
  6. People are allowed to say and write what they please in a situation like this. The existance of a site on this means nothing as you have to specifically go there yourself. They're not forcing the URL on you. Sometimes I wonder why these places have all the time in the world to come up with these ideas, but can't even come up with good images. "I know! Let's shrink the vertical size of the US flag and put "GOD" in Arial above it!! We're design geniuses!" Morons.
  7. Semjaza

    Import Games

    Currently, there is only one way... modding your PS2. I've personally not done it, so I cannot offer much help beyond that. You'll have to get a mod chip installed and after that it should be no problem. There are various sites all over the internet that sell and install them at a price.
  8. I know this is an old thread, but this is an amazing game and it should be bumped back up heh. I'll finally be getting my own copy on Christmas. I cannot wait. 1.) The switche is one of two. If you use both, you're able to get into another room to read a journal of sorts. If you visit that area in each chapter, you're supposedly given some sort of item in the final chapter that is rather beneficial. 2.) Transmigrating is very worth it. You'll improve your characters and they'll get stronger faster, as you've mentioned. It's even useful with Laharl himself. 3.) Not sure what you mean heh.
  9. Relax, you two. If you think there is an issue, just click the "Report This Post to a Moderator" link at the bottom of the post. Replying to this doesn't help as you're contributing to the very thread you're trying to condemn. Doesn't make much sense... and it also makes people think that this place isn't very friendly. In any case, Asura, introduction threads are no longer allowed at OtakuBoards. Why is a long story heh. In any case, please check out the Information Center at the top of the forum listing. Enjoy your time here.
  10. DC is responsible for the Green Lantern, not Marvel. I suppose it doesn't affect the point you're making though heh.
  11. Maybe it's just me, but I don't want to watch a movie about a comic book hero that has to deal with racial discrimination (in this case anyway). It can be an okay thing in comics for a short time or randomly, but when you're making a two hour, one-shot movie about a character that's been around as long as the Green Lantern has, I don't want to have to sit and listen to a bunch of PC drivel. While I suppose some of the current Green Lantern's appeal comes from his race, I'd say almost all of it stems from the fact that he has just been given more human-esque depth than the Caucasian ones were. He's just a better developed character. That said, they also have the ability to rely on the original Green Latern's daughter, Jade (Jenny-Lynn Hayden) as well as the current incarnation. There's a lot that could be played around with, I'd imagine.
  12. I found out some rather odd things today. My stepfather listens to mostly classic rock, as I've mentioned. More less talked about bands than the more popular ones... UFO, Deo, Rainbow, etc. Anyway, today was his birthday party. He pulled out Pink's "Let's Get This Party Started". I thought my brain was going to explode, but he likes that song. I always forget about that before I'm subjected to it again. My grandparents in Florida are rather up to date with music for people their age. My grandpa is fond of Red Hot Chili Peppers in particular. I remember him sitting there drinking his Dewers and soda listening to all of One Hot Minute straight through. He's a cool guy.
  13. The problem with the Viera is that the ears are so stiff. I think if they were given more a floppy quality, they'd look nice.
  14. On the plus side, maybe the kids that do have sex thanks to these bracelets will all die from STDs and not corrupt the rest of the gene pool in the future. One can only hope.
  15. First and only entry I'm going to bother doing. Hopefully it will be well recieved. Edit - Since I'm tired of doing finals I thought I should put some more info in here. I stumbled across that great Totoro picture on the left. It just HAD to be used. The stuff on the right was a different color. Changed that thanks to some comments from the ever-helpful Sara... and added all that snow (the flakes and the stuff on the characters and signs) and stuff myself. I think it turned out well. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&attachmentid=15549[/img]
  16. I read about this several weeks ago. Like the article says, I doubt most of the kids go through with the acts it should supposedly entail. At the younger ages, I'd assume that it would mostly be used as some sort of joke to tease people with. In any case, if someone is that easy that they're going to have sex due to a broken piece of plastic... then all hope is lost for them anyway.
  17. Some new stuff from FF12 and some random scans from GAF. Thanks to them heh. [IMG]http://www.felixmcli.org/ff12/chars-02.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.felixmcli.org/ff12/shots-02.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.felixmcli.org/ff12/shots-01.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://crew.zantiago.com/img/uploaded/FF124.JPG[/IMG] [IMG]http://crew.zantiago.com/img/uploaded/FF122.JPG[/IMG] [IMG]http://server4.uploadit.org/files2/121203-FF4.JPG[/IMG] [IMG]http://server4.uploadit.org/files2/121203-FF3.JPG[/IMG] [IMG]http://server4.uploadit.org/files2/121203-FF2.JPG[/IMG]
  18. I'm currently listening to TV Star by the Butthole Surfers. I'm in love with a TV star She drove me home in her Lexus car Like her dog, but I don?t watch her show Spend my time with the radio Seen her dancing on the Sunset Strip Bellbottomed jeans, and a-curvy hips Seen her sitting there with her boyfriend Good looking fella, but he?s looking kinda thin Christina A la la la la I love you so Remeber that day we played pool? I saw your bedroom and we ate barbeque Bobby came from a trip downtown Fifty up and forty down Love you more than the sun and the sky Gotta kiss and hug you 'fore I die Something else that you ought to know to It?s something wierd Christina A la la la la I love you so I'm in love with a TV star She drove me home in her Lexus car Like her dog, but I don?t watch her show Spend my time with the radio Been watching TV as the years go by I?ve seen 'em born, and I?ve seen 'em die Something else you ought know to I like a girl called Ellen more than you Christina A la la la la I love you so Anyway, that's the song. It's a favorite of mine. It always gave me the impression that he's in love with a fictional woman on TV to the point that he thinks he actually knows her.
  19. Well, reports are coming in from stores claiming that they now have the CD listed in their systems as coming out in Februrary/April. That seems way too early to me, but it's hard to say. There have been recent (very minor, as always) changes to nin.com which usually suggest something will be happening soon. Here's hoping. In the meantime, there is new tweaker material to look forward to heh. Assuming you like Vrenna, anyway.
  20. This news has been out for a few weeks now. There's so little info that I don't know what to talk about though lol... All I can say is that I hope that those song titles are not right. I really, really hope. I cannot begin to explain how lame the title "My Dead Friend" is. Especially because it simply doesn't sound like a NIN title in any respect. The Line Begins to Blur seems acceptable, though. I'm just going to take this with a grain of salt. These magazines usually get false information on track names this far ahead of time. I remember before Manson's Golden Age was released places were claiming it had song titles like "Ghetto Vampire" and "Necrophiliac". Obviously that didn't pan out heh. So yeah, I expect this next year... but I really hope the song titles are wrong. The LP title seems rather likely though, as nothing registered bleedthrough.com (or whatever) awhile back.
  21. "Savont" and "savante" are technically not even words... heh. It's "savant" and it basically means a scholar. I guess wise man would be acceptable. So yeah, since a certain someone feels a need to be this picky about what country is obviously being referred to, I feel I should be picky about this lol.
  22. Well, nothing I listen to is really all that "unknown" in my opinion. At least compared to other boards I go to to talk about music. The only possibility is Menomena, because as far as I know, you can only order that CD from one place... CDBaby. I've never seen it elsewhere. There were actually a few imports in my list as well heh. Anyway, I don't really choose these lesser known bands simply because it makes me feel special. In reality, if I were to list what I consider the best bands, I'm sure that most would be very well known. There's a reason why some bands are as successful as they are. I'm sure 99% of the people here have heard of David Bowie (although I met a 19 year old girl who had no idea who he was... I have no clue how that's possible). It's just a matter of finding stuff that works for you. When I find a band I love, I do everything I can to expose other people to them. I've done it with Apocalypse Hoboken, for example, and actually had some success. Same with Muse, which is relatively unknown in the US compared to Europe where they are apparently rather popular. I don't care about label switches in general. The actual thought of them going on a label and reaching a bigger audience is not an issue. It's something I feel most fans would want, but there are also people who would rather their favorite band had to work at McDonald's forever instead of actually making it somewhere. They like the idea that the band is "their's", so to speak. I find this rather selfish, personally. The main problem with moving to a new label is a change of sound. It's rarely as huge as people want you to think (like these people who use the term "sell out" for EVERYTHING), but it can be substantial. Like you said, Modest Mouse perhaps lost some of it's rawness due to better production. In the CDs I mentioned in that other thread, On the Might of Princes lost that raw quality... but I feel that they got more back through production. It's hit or miss. Labels also have a massive say in what makes it on the CD and what doesn't. This was an issue with the Deftones in the past. They were forced to leave something off one album and stick it on another, which they didn't want to do. Of course, in the face of the label that feeds you, there's not much you can do. However, barring that, I feel that deciding to ignore a band or whatever else simply because of the label they go to is moronic. I have to question what these fans were into the band for in the first place. I've seen this happen many, many times too... so I know it's not that uncommon. Not much can be done though. I just listen to what I want to listen to and leave it at that.
  23. I think the main idea has already been presented. Growing up, my parents listened to mostly 70s rock, because that's where their age fell. That's what they grew up listening to themselves, so that's what they still played when I was young. So I wound up preferring rock music to other things... although it went through classic rock, metal, punk, hard rock and such. All the different sides. My father, for example, rarely looks outside of his box of classic rock. He, unexplainably, has friends his age who listen to Korn, Kid Rock and so forth (how someone in their 30s can relate to the angsty lyrics of a Korn song, I'll have no idea). My dad doesn't like those bands at all, but because of his lack of knowledge on current rock he assumes that these bands are the best the genre currently has to offer, and thus assumes that ALL modern rock is that bad. In that sense, I can't blame him as I don't know why anyone would still keep up with either of those bands (but that's my personal preference). Whereas I have a friend whose parents listened to older smooth, R&B songs (not the stuff that passes for R&B now) and he listens to the same sort of things now, although obviously with modern bands. It's just a logical course of action. Some people bother to break out of this shell, some don't. I don't expect most people do bother. As a young kid, rock was my thing and I had zero interest in hip hop. Over the course of time, I wound up getting tired of the same old stuff and now my tastes are a bit more eclectic, I suppose. I'll listen to pretty much anything if it appeals to me. I know many people who simply say they hate another genre out of ignorance. They don't know what's out there. Of course, they can only base that opinion on what they hear... and if they don't like the stuff that is readily available to them in any sense, they're not about to search out more in that genre. Perception is often more powerful than reality. So I'll listen to Anathema and then go play Cibo Matto or Marillion or Culture Club. None of which sound anything alike, really. Good music is good music, and while I'll admit there are genres that don't appeal to me very much (most techno, for example... and definitely mixes), I don't run around proclaiming that they suck. Well, I try not to, anyway. The insane amount of Linkin Park love on this forum has driven me to write rants a few times... but they're all in fun and humor for me. Some people take them too seriously heh.
  24. Well, first kisses, from what I can tell are rarely exciting... mostly because the two involved have no idea what to do. They just do it. Many boys like to think that any kiss should automatically be a french kiss, so they'll lunge at you like it was some soft-core erotica film. Girls are a mixed bag, it seems heh. I guess few kisses are 'particularly romantic' if you want to be really picky about that, but I've had plenty of good ones... just not with the girl I first mentioned heh. As for the rule-breaking stuff... eh. I'd rather take my time and do things right.
  25. I've personally never been a fan of Elvis, but at least he could be considered an "oldie". Black Sabbath and AC/DC started up in the 70s anyway, and they are what the first post named off... so I don't see the problem. Metallica is another story.
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