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Everything posted by Semjaza

  1. I think you also have to keep in mind that this is what? The first week that this has been allowed? So there is going to be a rather big influx of these types of RPGs until it is seen as something normal... at which point it will even out.
  2. I believe they're from Canada, much like The Tea Party.
  3. It comes out November 11th. Only problem is that's Canada only. The US and the rest of the world are still unannounced. I'm sure you can find it around, but the price will probably be jacked up. A country as close as Canada and there are still crazy import prices. Weird. OLP is worth the time, I'd say. 4AM and Thief are both good starts.
  4. Yeah... no. Sorry, but threads of this nature are frowned upon here.
  5. Perhaps you should go to a concert with some actual gothic bands before you make that distinction :p
  6. Good post, Dagger. Continuing with that, instead of writing pages more about other things perhaps you can explain the reasoning behind most of that, TheGodlyME? I can pull almost every example of what you've said and apply it to Japanese animation as well. Japan doesn't beat the living hell out of their designs? Decades of anime characters that looked mostly the same with large eyes and soft hair... followed by decades of anime with slightly smaller eyes and extremely spikey hair? Countless anime characters look almost exactly alike and many uses the same style. Obviously there are large exceptions to this and some are better at the craft than others, but US animation is the same way. Batman is a staple in America. He's been around for several decades and has fans of all ages. Yet he and other superheroes should just be ignored and put on the side? I should also add that anyone with a basic grasp of comics and animation would know that Batman has changed dramatically over the years. It's not as if there aren't plenty of other Western cartoons with more original ideas. The whole hero-that-can-never-lose is [i]extremely[/i] prevalent in most Japanese anime series as well. I can name countless ones offhand. Both types of shows show character weakness, although I will admit that anime does it a bit more often. Again, because most of these shows are aimed at a different audience, they have different standards. Japanese animation has become something different too, as in the US cartoons and comics are looked at as something for kids, even if not all of them are. This isn't true in Japan, they're more open minded about it all for whatever reason. That obviously cannot be easily changed here. There was a period in America where it was extremely hard for animation to even allow a character to be killed off, the ratings system wouldn't allow it and neither would most networks -- again because cartoons are thought to be for kids and back then Saturday morning was about the only time you had to see new cartoons. I remember when Dark Water was still new and they killed off a character... there was a bunch of complaints and controversy around it. Things have changed since then obviousy... so using an example like GI Joe cartoon is rather pointless, especially since that was mostly designed to sell toys that were poorly based off the much better, larger originals. Other than that... Teen Titans fits into that category? I don't know where you get that feeling, other than the fact that it takes place there. I can't even think of many cartoons that have done that since WWII, and guess what? Japan had that too. The whole cultural diversity thing is a joke too. What cutural diversity? In Japan people aren't used to black people, and I've found that they generally convey them very stereotypically, even in anime... if there even is a black person in them. What diversity is there? Mostly caucasian-esque people with different hair colors and sexual preferences? I'm sure the Center for Ditzy People with Blue Hair and Purple Eyes really applauds the efforts of Japan. If a Western animated series did this people would say they are just trying to appease the minority. It's a ridiculous double standard, I think. Japan isn't more culturally minded than any other country. They have their prejudices as well. They have their misunderstandings. They still think they're far beyond every other Asian country, despite the fact that that idea and way of business has led them into an economic decline. The basic point here is that I can easily take most everything you've said here, twist it slightly and apply it to anime. It sounds like your problems with Western animation simply stem from its origin, not any real provoking points considering how easily they can be dismissed. It's ironic that anime fans want people to be more open minded towards their choices in animation, yet they don't even attempt to apply this towards understanding US animation standards or anything. That's really what I am getting out of that post, a basic misunderstanding of things that are very similiar in both markets. So what is there to back up with several more pages?
  7. It's something that always happens at times. I tend to be honest enough with people, so when they do something that is annyoing me... I just tell them. I expect the same in return. I try not to talk behind people's backs, at least not in the normal manner where you act fake and pretend you like them to their face, but complain about them at all other times. In situations where other people do it, I generally just listen and leave it at that. Sometimes you have to discuss things about other people when they're not around... but in cases where it's just mean for the sake of being mean, I usually find myself harping upon that person's good points.
  8. Yes, it is an Enix game from before the two companies even joined together. People here know so little about Enix, it's a shame. Unfortunately, I cannot answer your question for help. I don't remember having a problem, but it was so long ago. I'd consult [url]www.gamefaqs.com[/url] if I were you. In any case, it is an awesome game. The only fault it has is the poor US translation I'd say. I cannot wait for 3 on PS2. Not much longer of a wait :D
  9. This is slightly off the point as it doesn't really answer the original question, but some of you think way too highly about anime. If Teen Titans was an anime, it'd be weak? What do you watch? In America, cartoons are normally aimed at the teen and under group. In Japan, many are aimed at adults and under. So why are cartoons in America made for younger audiences being compared to something like Cowboy Bebop that is obviously aiming at a totally different group? Honestly, there is some REALLY terrible anime out there... but they do it better simply because it's from Japan? Do people even think when they write? Lord knows I was totally provoked by the likes of Miyuki Chan in Wonderland, Sonic X and Tokyo Pig. All three of which are aimed at totally different age groups. Japan has absorbed Western styles and with the increasing popularity of anime and manga, many budding cartoonists are being influenced by and are consequently absorbing Japanese styles. Big freaking deal. Are the Japanese supposed to get incredibly annoyed when Western kids attempt to assimiliate the Japanese culture into their own by pretending they actually know Japanese and buying weird Japanese products? Should they be disgusted by the Tokyopop contests where people who aren't from Japan create so-called "manga"? Or any of the other people here who draw in that style but have never been to Japan in their lives? I find it incredibly amusing that so many people in Japan have a very strong love for Disney (and other) creations, but so many anime fans in the US are so pretentious that they can't give anything else fair chance. P.S., there are plenty of anime and manga that take place in the US and the supposed way of life here. Bean Bandit and Chicago come to mind instantly. That hardly defines [i]anything[/i].
  10. The previews I've seen look moronic, honestly. I'm personally rather annoyed by the fact that it had some sexual innuendo in it too, but I guess everyone would feel differently about that. Once The Amazing Lord Geisel died, I think they should have just left his properties alone entirely. Just keep printing his books and put the old cartoons on DVD... that way I can get my "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" fix and be happy.
  11. Semjaza


    Yeah, I don't know who you are or what your point is at all, honestly. The second part of it just doesn't make sense. I don't know who you're referring to. No offense (yes, with a 's', I'm not British), but after going over your posts... I'm brought to the conclusion that you're annoyed that your threads have been closed and somewhere along the line some mod has probably asked you to improve your posting quality. I think those are pretty fair requests.
  12. [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=28018[/url] There's a sticky right at the top of this section. Look a bit harder next time.
  13. [url]http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=569&ncid=738&e=1&u=/nm/20031105/tc_nm/tech_sony_gaming_dc[/url] A lot of this details my only real problem with the idea of the PSP. It's too much at once. I don't care about almost all of the stuff it is capable of and it really just seems to help ensure the price will be more than I want to pay. They want $300 for some Minidisc players... I can't see this thing being anywhere near GBA price. Although that's obvious, there has always been a limit people were willing to pay for with portables.
  14. Vivendi Universal is MASSIVE. I'm sure at some point you've played a game from a related developer.
  15. "Pressure sensitivity" [i]is[/i] analog, so it's possible some wires just got crossed somewhere along the line. Obviously that probably was referring to analog sticks, but yeah lol In any case, it's just a concept. The button layout is fine, but the placement of them and how they curve off the side seems like it would be very hard to control. I should also add that that image is from a shareholder conference. It was probably made just so they knew what to expect for the future and understood where their money was going. I expect this to change dramatically along the line.
  16. I don't really remember who was the one who stated that. It's possible the whole stick thing came into being because of rumors, as well. I never remember there being any real official information on anything about it... outside of the specs and possible addons.
  17. Well it's not that small, it's just a wrist strap. The GBC and GBA had spaces for them as well, but not many were ever really made it seems.
  18. I agree with your idea of him not wanting to be like that as well. It becomes rather obvious a bit later in the song. I've posted this a million times elsewhere, Deadsy - The Winners Let's take the longest way through the hallways of your mind. Upon your knees, the phantom breeze of a shipwreck lost in time. Your envy mirror, the kelly fear adorns the walls in slime. Figure it out, just like you used to. In the absense of proud, that's when you're cursed to prove. And as the perfect wings'll glide, cleansed are men of all the mice. Past the pain, we tend to strive, or that's how it seems to beginners. Accept awards throughout our lives, to make young lovers intertwine. Perhaps the end'll come tonight, so hooray for the Winners. A vast abyss, where lie dismissed ideas of yours and mine. But brought to kneel by the Grecian Seal, we join the family line. Figure it out, just like you used to. In the absense of proud, that's when you're cursed to prove. And as the perfect wings'll glide, cleansed are men of all the mice. Past the pain, we tend to strive, or that's how it seems to beginners. Accept awards throughout our lives, to make young lovers intertwine. Perhaps the end'll come tonight, so hooray for the Winners. You'll never thrill the bold divisions in the sky, of whom predestined you to always be the last in line. Accept awards throughout our lives To make young lovers intertwine Perhaps the end will come tonight Past the pain we tend to strive Because the Winner's young and bright. Let the heavens make it right. A warm and gentle breeze at night. Bereft, you are of plans to gain no misery, you're no surprise we're born to fight, suck the marrow of life The Winners forever preside. ------------------------------ There are quite a few things in this song I simply don't understand. Mostly references the song makes to thinks I'm unfamiliar with. I still have no idea what the kelly fear is. My basic idea is that this is about the people who succeed in many things in life versus those who don't. I also get the impression it doesn't matter if you succeed at these things because you'll always be important somewhere else along the line. Who knows for sure though... great song either way.
  19. [url]http://www.nintendo.com/zeldaclassic/[/url] That shows you how to get the new Zelda disc. I already signed up with [url]http://my.nintendo.com[/url] so I'm set with that. I'll be buying those games too, so I guess I'll get this no problem. Very happy you can get it other ways. It looks like NOA might be starting something similiar to NCL and NOE... where you buy stuff and get free things. I see no other reason why they'd want people to type in PIN numbers for games now.
  20. This is apparently the first concept image of the PSP, directly from one of Sony's PDF files for a conference. Obviously, it will change at some point... but here's the current idea. Milhouse at GAF found the image.
  21. [IMG]http://www.planetnintendo.com/zelda/downloads/buddyicons/Legend_Of_Zelda_-_Link's_Uncle.gif[/IMG] I'm sure Desbreko has a better picture laying around... and I also know he could answer your question far better. However, that's a drawing of his uncle from Link to the Past, so again, it seems as though he's making things up.
  22. Well I had a sister... so there were Barbies. Most of the time I just did very bad things to them. That and those terrible Russ Trolls. They sure melt fast. Anyway, most of my time was spent bending Barbie's backwards into a sled shape. Then I'd have my other toys ride them down the stairs. I remember putting the boots on my fingers and pretending they were walking around too. That's when I felt like being nice, I guess. Barbies were pretty cool, but nothing beats Malibu Stacy.
  23. [url]http://www.1up.com/article2/0,4364,1371419,00.asp[/url] This article basically makes the statement that the next Xbox will make use of IBM chipsets. Most likely a PowerPC chip. Some people might remember that this is the same line that currently powers the GameCube.
  24. The simple idea of a baby is ridiculous in and of itself. Zelda and Link never official get together in any Zelda game, let alone have a child. That's something I don't think Miyamoto really wants to deal with. It's possible your friend read this somewhere though, as I'm sure there's a million fanfics on the subject. Sadly.
  25. It's not so much the thread as it is the fact that this is all over the news in general. Would this race even be discussed here if he wasn't involved? Would the general media even be interested to this level? I doubt it. I've barely watched TV in the past few weeks and even I have heard about it countless times. I'm not saying people in here should talk about the other racers or that he shouldn't be talked about... but the very idea of him being basically above everyone else involved simply because of his infamy annoys me. I'm still trying to figure out what he has contributed to music to deserve this interest anyway, but that's me and a whole other story. Such is the world, but it feels like every news channel is Extra or Entertainment Tonight now.
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