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Everything posted by dennis

  1. weii,to tell you the truth Gohan is not a great fighter after all,well he relys only on his rage power,or else he is weak.Gohan might have defeated Vegeta,Frieza(3rd form),Cell(3rd and 4th form),Super Buu(2nd form) only because he is angry thus giving him the rage power.fyi,it was not Gohan who defeated Cell's final form it was Vegeta.because Vegeta was the one who found Cell's weakness.(in his head).thus blasting it and Cell was killed.
  2. who defeated Cell? Gohan or Vegeta? what is your opinion?
  3. dennis

    buu forms

    Majin Buu has plenty of forms: 1.Fat Buu-Buu's first form.obeys Babidi's orders,has the ability to turn people to candy.he later turns good after making friends with Mr.Satan. 2.Evil Buu-this is the result of Fat Buu's anger. 3.Super Buu-after eaten Fat Buu,he became Super Buu 4.Super Buu(2nd form)-Buu transforms after been defeated by Gotenks 5.Piccolo Buu-Buu's form after absorbing Piccolo. 6.Gotenks Buu-Buu's form after absorbing Gotenks 7.Gohan Buu-Buu's form after absorbing Gohan 8.Crazy Buu-Buu loses control of himself after being defeated by Vegetto. 9.Immortal Buu-Buu becames immortal by absorbing Vegetto 10.Kid Buu-Buu's final form.this is the most dangerous Majin Buu form.He was defeated by Son Goku by giving him the Genki-Dama
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