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Everything posted by FrankieDFkun

  1. Yo, I'm FrankieDF-kun I'm a inspiring wannabe Mangaka (for those who don't know Mangaka means Manga artist/writer), the reason I say wannabe is becuase I'm just a Highschool freshmen so my skills are still lack luster. I love Anime, and Manga of course. Dispite that I can't remember names for my life (including english ones becuase I don't remember people's names in real life either) so I would quite often forget names of anime, manga, and especially characters so I apoligies if I forget a name in conversation or won't reconize it at first. I only talk about anime/manga, videogames, and internet stuff. So as you can tell, I DON'T GO OUTSIDE! :D ALSO! I'm a terrible speller at times. My favorite Manga series (NOT anime) is BAKUMAN and my favorite Anime series (NOT manga) is Persona 4 the animation (the anime version of my favorite JRPG). Both of those are freaking amazing if you ask me I do have a Youtube account but I don't have any videos on but I will soon so be prepared for that. I have a lot of manga ideas and I would like to share them and I'm trying to work on my own Manga project of Demon Huntress and check that out when I have something out. (also I have one other right now but that is a project that I want to be the best it can possible so I will give out updates of it all the time) Thats all I have to say for now and I will see you guys later! I hope we can be great friends :D
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