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Everything posted by Na'dou

  1. [quote name='sakurasuka'][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="1"] The picture of Wizardmon is certainly my favorite. I love the shading. A few pointers, the ones where you drew and colored the text (such as the fanfic poster) cause the font to look a bit muddy. Maybe you could use something like Adobe Illustrator to manually edit your hand-drawn fonts (LiveTrace and edit them as vectors, you can still apply gradients and textures). Or use downloaded fonts. Just for clarity's sake. Did you color any of these using a computer program, or did you just scan them in? (Other than the MS Paint one, of course) [/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] Thanks for the pointers. I was trying to make a bat shape with the text in that poster, but it did not come out the way I like it. Heh. As for your question, I believe that the Yorumon card and the Charismamon picture are the only ones up that were done on the computer. Everything else was colored by hand and scanned in. I did do a bit of smudging with a couple of my color pencil drawings (such as Sankitsumai and Bad Sitters), but that's about it. I do not color on the computer like I used to. I have lost some of my patience for doing so. However, I intend to pick back up on it after I finish my fanfiction project. I got myself a Bamboo this year, and I intend to abuse it in Adobe Photoshop. The Poster and the Angry Lilithmon picture were both colored with Copic Markers. For me it is either colored pencils or markers. Thank you all for visiting my humble art thread. I am glad that you really enjoyed my pictures, especially the Wizardmon piece. I was very happy with the results myself. ^^ It may be a while before I update again. I seem to be having scanner troubles, and I am busy writing a fanfiction. Until next time. *slinks off into the shadows*
  2. One is a picture of Lilithmon that I drew from another picture: [url=http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd191/Nadou_Teller/Lilith2.jpg][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Lilithmon[/COLOR][/url] The other is a re-painted card of Renamon, but I call her Yorumon (from now on): [url=http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd191/Nadou_Teller/yoremon2.jpg][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Yorumon[/COLOR][/url] I have others on photobucket, but they are not drawn very well...since they are pictures from like four to five years ago... Here are my oldy goldies (from when I was still learning to draw.) [url=http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd191/Nadou_Teller/badsitters.jpg][COLOR="darkorchid"]Bad Sitters[/COLOR][/url] They are suppose to be babysitting... [url=http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd191/Nadou_Teller/Slide25.jpg][COLOR="darkorchid"]Kikamon[/COLOR][/url] She was my original cross between Renamon and Guilmon during the time Tamers first aired on TV. Of course now I have my hybrids idea. The picture is squashed up, and there's writing on the paper, but I was going through my "I wish I could make my own digimon" phase after watching the series. I did chart descriptions and everything...but that's another story. [url=http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd191/Nadou_Teller/katzemon.jpg][COLOR="darkorchid"]Katzemon[/COLOR][/url] This is Katzemon before I changed her fur color to grey to match the atmosphere of Halloween Town (yes, the same Halloween Town from the NBC). She was my all time favorite, but I don't really fawn over her anymore. I still have to say, though, that I would have never been a writer had I never written about her, so she has a special place in my heart. [url=http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd191/Nadou_Teller/Slide96.jpg][COLOR="darkorchid"]StreGatomon[/COLOR][/url] This picture was originally a joke, but I really love, so StreGatomon is officially a part of my ficmon list. [url=http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd191/Nadou_Teller/Slide79.jpg][COLOR="darkorchid"]A New Look[/COLOR][/url] I basically turned Renamon, Guilmon, and Terriermon into new digimon: Reenamon (named after the character from my Poke'mon/Digimon cross over), Guilstemon (named after Guilster), and Terrimon (also named after the character). The picture of Katzemon was also her design before I changed it; her name was Shystor, and I was constantly changing the way she looked. [url=http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd191/Nadou_Teller/Slide54.jpg][COLOR="darkorchid"]Pumamon[/COLOR][/url] This is Shy's champion form and a quote from her mother before she died. [url=http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd191/Nadou_Teller/Slide45.jpg][COLOR="darkorchid"]Chikarnimon[/COLOR][/url] This was an evo idea, but I didn't like it too much... [url=http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd191/Nadou_Teller/Slide70.jpg][COLOR="darkorchid"]Charismamon[/COLOR][/url] This was another evo idea, and I didn't like this one either. I scanned the picture and painted in MS Paint...but I still didn't like it. Last but not least: [url=http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd191/Nadou_Teller/foxsisterschild.jpg][COLOR="darkorchid"]Sankitsumai[/COLOR][/url] The three fox sisters. I was aiming for that meaning with the name. I hope I got it correct in some way. This picture is older, but it is more recent than the others. They are suppose to be on the deserted plain of the Digital World. This is another fic digimon of mine: [url=http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd191/Nadou_Teller/Kuga2.jpg][COLOR="darkorchid"]Kugamon[/COLOR][/url] These are a few pieces from my art class that I did. [url=http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd191/Nadou_Teller/IMG_7454.jpg][COLOR="darkorchid"]Random Still Life[/COLOR][/url] My teacher always threw these random things together... [url=http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd191/Nadou_Teller/IMG_7578.jpg][COLOR="darkorchid"]Me in the Spotlight[/COLOR][/url] We had to do spotlight drawings with charcoal. [url=http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd191/Nadou_Teller/IMG_7727.jpg][COLOR="darkorchid"]Me in the Spotlight From Below[/COLOR][/url] I go my nose without a doubt. No, I'm not a model girl.... ;D I think that I look evil in this one... [url=http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd191/Nadou_Teller/ADeviantPoster.jpg][COLOR="darkorchid"]A Fanfic Poster[/COLOR][/url] I'm going to redo this one. It's terrible, but the coloring is done nicely. Plus, I've changed the title of this particular fanfic. This is an older picture. I feel like expressing my love for Gardevoir. [url=http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd191/Nadou_Teller/001-3.jpg][COLOR="darkorchid"]Gardevoir[/COLOR][/url] Gardevoir is the coolest...along with Gallade... This picture was a project for my design class. I wanted to share it. We took a picture of something, drew it on illustration board and painted it with magazine paper. I got an A on it. I should probably edit this with photoshop to clean up some of the noise... [url=http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd191/Nadou_Teller/IMG_0127.jpg][COLOR="darkorchid"]A Paper Cat[/COLOR][/url] Angry Lilithmon (uncolored&uninked) [url=http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd191/Nadou_Teller/001-4.jpg][COLOR="darkorchid"]Angry Lilithmon[/COLOR][/url] This is the colored version of Angry Lilithmon. [url=http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd191/Nadou_Teller/002-3.jpg][COLOR="darkorchid"]Colored[/COLOR][/url] I was going for a contrast effect here. It came out okay....although it could probably use some Photoshop editing to smooth out those hatch lines. Because of the way I colored it....I'm thinking of titling it "Turn Off Those D*mn Lights!" It came to my mind as I was looking over it. If I scared myself with the sketch before....I really scared myself with this one, although I left off the syliva dripping from the fangs. [img]http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs30/300W/i/2008/148/5/3/One_Dreamy_Night___by_LilithTheDeviant.jpg[/img] Okay... This picture took me quite a while to do, but I am very satisfied with the results. I realize now that I forgot to put Wizardmon's wand somewhere in the picture....but I guess that I will have to remember that next time. As for the inspiration to do this picture...I'm an old Gato/Wiz fan. Yeah. However, if you take notice I actually used Mikemon instead of Gatomon. That is because this pic is for a fanfiction of mine...where the character is Mikemon instead of Gatomon. (She's a supporting character...but I felt like doing this picture.) This is Ririth and Wyz...sitting together in a tree. [url=http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd191/Nadou_Teller/LilithmonWM.jpg][COLOR="darkorchid"]Lilithmon Witch Mode[/COLOR][/url] Now...for the origin of this design.... While Lilithmon is the Demon Lord of Lust.....I figured that I was using that little fact quite a bit in my fic (with Ririth being somewhat of a pervert regardless of gender and Mona Litha being the good b**** I mean "witch")...and in general with me anyway. Thus, I decided to come up with this design after tossing a couple of story ideas around....and liking this idea. Plus, I can imagine me calling Lilithmon "You old witch....," which also helped to influence this story idea along with my story ideas (which could still change....but are looking pretty good right now). LadyDevimon was called a witch (in the dub at least), so why not Lilithmon? I can hear her cackling now. Hey, and it could still fit. Witches are lustful/bloodlustful (at least in Practical Magic they seemed lustful. lol). I'm not too worried about people calling this unofficial though. It's a fanart after all....and is actually important. Well...I think that will be about all I post for now. I'm also on Deviant Art, although I probably won't be adding anything new for a while. I'm too busy writing. If you'd like to add me to your DA watch list...just click [url=http://liliththedeviant.deviantart.com/][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]here[/COLOR][/url]. I'll probably update my DA account more often than this thread. ^^; I am usually just a lurker after all since most of my old pals are gone. Most of them though not all.
  3. I miss the old days to sum it all up. I joined back when digimon was just getting out there. I think that it was about at the point where Adventure had ended, 02 was in the process of running, and then Tamers came later as time went on along with Frontier. After that, the digimon specific forums disappeared because the times changed. It seemed like after the digimon forums went I went with them...for the most part. Most of my old buddies on my buddy list seem to be gone or largely inactive also. It's like I've lost a few dear comrades, like Ginny for instance. Sara is on my buddy list too, although I'm not sure if I was ever on hers. There are still a few of the older members that I remember from back in the day, but I have been gone for so long I doubt that many of them remember me. Hehehe. Nowadays, I lurk around the OB...without really posting. I'm more of an active member elsewhere...on a digimon forum. ^^; I usually come here to check my PM Box. Of course, it's usually empty. I suppose that's because I haven't been here in who knows when. The feel of the OB is just so different to me now, especially with many of my old pals gone. I'll probably continue to lurk. Heh. Well, there's my two cents. *vanishes into the shadows*
  4. Pretty cool... Is it meant to be a little scary? I like how vivid the story feels. Are they all linked or not? I'm not sure... You have given me an idea for my website...
  5. This story has been removed. I am rewriting it. If a mod could delete this...I would appreciate it.
  6. I have this movie in the Japanese version on my jump drive, and I can't watch it because I don't have the codec... I can listen to it, but it's in Japanese. I don't speak a lot of Japanese right now.
  7. Well, a kid at school made up the word discabobalated (dis-ca-bob-oh-lated). I love this word, and I love saying abruised instead abused. Lastly, I love to put 'er or 'ing after everythinger....
  8. Thanks! I loved how the picture came out, and the shading is kinda hard to see in the darker areas, but it's better than nothing. I'm going to do one of the fic heartless I made after KZ, and she's called Kit Zina. I've fininshed drawing everything except for her feet. Keep the remarks coming, that is if anyone else has something to say....
  9. This is a picture I drew by hand, scanned, colored with MS Paint, and edited with Photo Shop of Kurt Zisa. He's my favorite Heartless boss. How'd I do?
  10. That's a cool fic. Keep writing! Keep writing!.......
  11. My personal goal in life is to become another Walt Disney....I want my characters to be a rememberable as his is what I mean....When I get older, I'm going to work for Disney animation studios. I'm not being overconfident about the idea, I'm just not being to unsure either. If I'm worthy, then I'll get the job... If I'm lucky, I could start my own cartoon series, and they will be just as good as any old cartoon. I hope they would be at least.......
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]The whole thing, it's like 1 and a half screens long... and I'm on 1024x768, with no miscellaneous toolbars or anything cluttering up the screen. [/B][/QUOTE] Oh, well I'm not sure what you mean. It looks fine to me. Maybe there's a glitch or something. I don't know..... I also get angry when people don't listen closely to what I say before they make a decision. Now I really get p'ed off about that.:flaming: I cry when I get extremely angry, don't laugh...
  13. What? It's just a poem. What part are you talking about?...
  14. I've know the internet since fourth grade, but I never really stayed on it as much then as I do now. Now, I have a cool home on the internet. Right here at the OB...I discovered this place when I was looking for a cool digimon site. I use to be Jana' Len Tolliver, but I've grown since then...
  15. I'm in love with my PS2....... Ahem, but uh say there's a boyfriend and a girlfriend. Would they hang out like regular people, or intertain each other with kissy kissy remarks? If that's the case, no wonder so many girls have so many breakups in one school year. I'm pretty sure in High School, it's going to be worse.....Could someone help? I'm thinking of putting certain love hints into my story...
  16. I get really angry when people talk about things like dirt before they even get to know about it. If they do it to games and TV shows, then they'll start doing it to people. I just get so mad about that I want to cuss somebody out (Mind you I don't cuss with the exception of the occasional p word). It just boils me to hear someone judge something by looking at something similar. I also get mad when somebody's always picking on someone. I think those type of people should get a life. If they pick on others, it just shows how weak they are. I hate it when somebody gets into your face like they're so bad, and then they wonder why they get into trouble. Last, but definitely not least, I hate it when people lie to get out of trouble. The lie just causes more and more trouble until it grows into a trouble monopoly (okay, that doesn't make sense). If you do something wrong, tell the truth and save yourself some trouble. Getting yelled at isn't so bad because in time, it'll all pass. By the next day, it'll seem like a distant memory, and you're going to wonder "what was so bad about it?" Okay, buh bye now....
  17. Okay, I need to update my list...I officially have a crush on Logan. Okay, bye bye now...
  18. Note (in my case): The keyword there is lucky...
  19. I've seen plenty of cute guys, but they have the nastiest attitudes. I think a person's personality is more important. It's like it's been said: Beauty is Only Skin Deep. Take me for instance, I'm not cute to plenty of people, but I'm one of the nicest they'd ever find. Usually, cute girls (at my school) are always stuck on themselves and trying to get a boyfriend (or keep one for that matter). The nicest gifts are in plain looking packages....Okay, I love you. Buh-bye...
  20. I nominate D_M's siggy. She had AIM moments in hers. It was funny what clowmet did... quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clowmet: Feed me the cat. Kayceles: Sorry? clowmet: Feed me the cat. Kayceles: What are you babbling on about now? clowmet: To see if you would gladly hand me that cat over there so i could eat it? Kayceles: Probably not, I have a cat. clowmet: Feed me that cat. Kayceles: One-track mind eh? clowmet: Yes. Feed me the cat. Kayceles: no clowmet: *Pets the cat...* clowmet: O:-) Kayceles: This is one of those AIM convo moments isn't it? clowmet: Yes, it is, clowmet: *Eats cat* Kayceles: OI! DON'T EAT CHARLIE! clowmet: *Would talk, but mouth is full of charlie* clowmet: *swallows the cat* clowmet: :-D Kayceles: My sister saw that, it's her cat, she is very disturbed and will avenge him. clowmet: *barfs up cat* Kayceles: You're so for it. clowmet: ? Kayceles: in trouble clowmet: *cleans ca* clowmet: *cat clowmet: *Meows* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dan L [/i] [B]Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because they tried to [i]gang-rape[/i] (obviously it doesn't say that, but that's how we'd put it these days) the angels God sent to find out whether they were as bad as they were supposed to be.. not because they were gay. [/B][/QUOTE] I said corruption. My mom said it was because (Don't read this if you do want to get sick) [spoiler]everybody was trying to boomboom with everybody. In the movie, the girls slept with their father because they were afraid they'd never get pregnate. They nabbed the angels, anybody they could.[/spoiler] I never said that it was because of gay marriages alone. Not everybody there was like that. Besides, if gays are so bad, then how come Alexander the Great was so great. I have nothing agaist gay marriages. The government just wants something to complain about, that's all. Like I said, I say live and let live...*laughs* I almost said live and let liver...*coughs* But anyway, I say just leave people alone. Why does the government have to make such a big deal about every little thing? That's why we're so passive now...
  22. I hate going out because there's nothing I ever see that new, uniqe, or different......I just get bored and then I'd want to go home. I'm so bored, I can't wait till school starts again...Then I can come home and really enjoy being alone...:D..........
  23. I just noticed...Nobody said me.....Oh well, I love you all!......*flies away on her Heartles Air Pirate*....
  24. I guess I forgot about those.....v_v; I like the small kind like the ones you use to find on the playground. Those little tiny green ones. Now, I wouldn't touch any caterpillar thats longer and wider than my finger...Gross!
  25. I'm 14, 5'4, and I weigh around 130-136. It goes up and down. I guess it's because I eat every now and then...and sometimes I don't feel like eating at all..... I don't really think dieting works...but then again that's probably because most of the people I've seen that say they're on diets don't stick to them. I'm pretty sure it would help, but dieting alone won't be much help so do both the exercise and the dieting....It's up to you what you want to do. If you want to lose weight, you will. Just make sure you're willing to do what it takes.... [edit]Well, that all depends. Are you muscle big or something else?[/edit]
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