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Everything posted by Na'dou
Na'dou:I wonder who our next guest is? Rain: Well open the door and find out silly. Juu: Ditto Na'dou opens the door to find that (first call or whoever post next that's just arrived in the game) had finally made it. Na'dou: Oh! *****, it's so great to see you! *****: Same here. Na'dou: It's been a while since high school. *****: Na' we just graduated last month. Na'dou: Oh, I know, but I've always wanted to say that. Na'dou shuts the door, but immediately another knock is heard at the door.
Na'dou gets the house ready for her big event for the next few days. Her friends were going to throw her a wedding shower that was going to go on till the day before the wedding. All of her girlfriends were coming, and she wanted the house to be in tip top shape. Na'dou: I hope everything's fine, they'll be here pretty soon. I can't believe I'm getting married, and on my birthday! I'm turning 20, finally! The doorbell rings. Na'dou: Ahh, the first guest. Coming!
We need a few more mods for the Otaku Anime Forum.
Na'dou replied to Domon's topic in Help & Feedback
Well, I think the digisection needs a new mod, seeing as in American time, I think D_M is in school or something at that time. We have some new digimon fans, and they're quite nice, but they fail to realize 'opinion.' One of them does that is, don't truly know about the other, but I guess it's nothing to worry about right now. I'm sure these new ones are fast learners. I just felt like adding my opinion.... -
Of course, every lady on the boards is welcome! I'm going to have a house with unlimited space... I was wondering though, is everyone going to go by their OB alias, or are you going to make on up for the RPG? If so, I need to know the name if I'm going to start...I should've said this last night. Well, uhhh, what's your name?...
You all can do what you please to surprise me! This is going to be fun! I'll tell who the guy is, if you want. I'm not going to be playing myself at my regular age. I'm going to put Na'dou in as a 20 year old, seeing as the groom is 19. He can up his age if he wants. (notice: strippers are allowed, but I doubt any will show) I'll start the thread tomorrow, or one of the ladies here could start it if they wanted. It's too late for me to do so...
You saw the title. This is for me people, I'm going to have a wedding too. If the groom will go through with it, but for a heads up, this is an alert. This is the wedding shower. Come on 'ladies,' come to the shower, please...
Na'dou and the Renamon twins are walking along. RenamonY: Bliss has been gone quite long, I'm worried. Na'dou: I know, I'm worried too. I think we should go back and look for her. RenamonV: Good idea, it is getting late, and she's been gone too long. Na'dou: That settles it then, we're going back. They start to go back in the direction where Bliss left from, but then RenamonY starts to glow. Na'dou: What the...What's happening?! RenamonV: What going on? Who are you? LRenamon: This is not important. Follow me to you friend Bliss. Na'dou: You mean you knew where she was the whole time? RenamonV: that's not Renamon Na'dou, that's something inside of her. Na'dou: Oh RenamonV: We'll follow you, whoever you are, but Bliss better be where you take us. LightRenamon nods her head in understandment and turns away from them. They start to follow her as she walks, and the area around them disappears. Na'dou: Wow! Where are we? LRenamon: We are in a spirit zone. Spirits hang here. RenamonV: Really? Very interesting. They walked for ten minutes until they came to a room. They looked inside to find Bliss talking to a kid. Na'dou: Bliss! RenamonV: Who is that? Bliss and the kid look in their direction. Na'dou: Umm, I don't know, but I have a feeling we're about to find out...
Doulon awoken from the feel of a cold chill around her. She then relized that her father was gone. She figured that he was out getting them both something to eat. War, Doulon's father, loved her very much. It was clear that he would do anything for his daughter, just to keep her alive. Doulon had lost her mother, Shilon, when she was just a cub, so her father was a bit of a pacifist with Doulon. Doulon suddenly saw her father returning with an elk dragging the ground. Doulon's mouth watered as her father entered the cave with the large meal. Doulon: Looks tasty. War: Of course, dig in my child. There's going to be a storm sometime soon. Doulon: Okay, I see, we might not get another chance to go hunting for food in the storm... Doulon cuts herself off and springs for a white rabbit she noticed in the snow. It ran in panic, but Doulon caught it anyway. She picked up the rabbit and walked back to her father in the cave. War: Well done my child, you are a swell hunter. Doulon: I get it all from you. Doulon and her father then sit down to eat as a storm started to slowly rise without notice...
Na'dou and the digimon arrive on the scene. Na'dou: Bliss, Bliss, are you ok? Bliss didn't answer back. She was unconcious for the moment. David: She'll be fine now that that spirit is out of her. Na'dou: Spirit? David didn't have time to answer, for there was sudenly an explosion. Everyone turned to see what caused it. Doumon: Daemon. Doumon growled at the new enemy...
Hmmm, I guess I'll be an usher if both lady positions are filled...
*looks around* Uhhhhhh.... What...about...me?* rushes out crying*
Na'dou: You know, Bliss has been gone a bit long. Don't you think? RenamonY: You're right, I'm worried. Something just doesn't feel right, we need to find her. RenamonV: Then let's hurry to Wizard Town, we'll need extra help if something is wrong. Ren&Na'dou: Right. All three of them then continue walking. After two minutes they decided to run. They got to Wizard Town in five minutes after that. Taomon(Vaccine): Welcome back, but where is your partner? RenamonY: She left to do something, and we haven't seen her since. RenamonV: We think something is wrong, so we came for reenforcements. Doumon: Right, but if something is up, we can't leave. Na'dou: Oh yeah, someone has to be here to protect the city. What now? Suddenly, a figure comes from behind Doumon. Jack: Here, take this. He hands her a blue card. Jack: We can't help you in battle by fighting, but we can give you the neccesary aids you'll need to battle well. Take good care, and please bring Bliss back safely. TaomonV: Yes, please do, she's such a dear. Na'dou: Don't worry we will, definately. If worse comes to worse, you know what we'll do. Jack: Of course, good luck! Na'dou: No problem! We'll be back with Bliss before you know it. With that, Na'dou and the two digimon leave out of Wizard Town. Na'dou slashes the Blue Card and RenamonV glows brightly and Doumon appears. She grabs Na'dou and RenamonY, then takes off. Na'dou swears to get her best friend back.
Na'dou: That digimon is still here...Whoa! Bliss: What? Na'dou: There's two digimon here! That second one is a bit big I might add. Bliss: Well then let's go! Na'dou and Bliss run off in the direction of the bigger digimon.When they arrived on the scene, Ryan was there with Garurumon battling in the water. Na'dou: Okay, who's up? BKTerriermon: Take me in coach! I'm ready! Na'dou: Right then, Digimodify! Digivolution activate!...
I use to call it a sixth sense when I had dreams and later they happened, but now I call it dejavoo(SP)...I have it all of the time, but I don't relize that this thing happened in a dream until after it happened...
What OtakuBoards member are you? Take the test and find out!
Na'dou replied to Mnemolth's topic in General Discussion
Well, at least I know I'm not alone... -
What OtakuBoards member are you? Take the test and find out!
Na'dou replied to Mnemolth's topic in General Discussion
I was James on that test, oh my... -
C_l, the scariest thing in life to me now is growing up. I'm more afraid of that than death( a little). Death is nothing to fear, because it's going to come for you sooner or later. The samething goes for growing, it's never going to stop, because everythig is growing in its own way. When the time comes for you to grow out of a certain thing, it will. Nobody else is going to be able to change anything you like except you. I loved Pok'emon, but after two years of infatuation, I grew out of being obsessed with it and turned to digimon( which I happened to like at the same time as Pok'emon). People are always going to try to change you in something, that's just apart of life. Don't let it get you down, because you are you. Who gives about anything else another somebody says. Sure, sometimes it's good to listen to others, but it's up to you to decide what you like...Don't be depressed, just because things are changing doesn't mean that it's going to be bad for you in the future. For all you know it could be happening for the best for your future. I believe there's a reason for everything that happens, especially if it's something you like, but I'm just 13 so what do I know...
Name: Doulon Color: (if we can be) blue (if not) White Gender: Female Age: 2 Doulon is a lone wolf. She is use to being by herself. All of her family was taken down by hunters when she was a young age. With the help of her mother, who died sometime after she learned how to hunt, she was able to escape and get out of the hunting zone.
Na'dou viciously grabbed a pillow, and fire formed in her eyes. Na'dou: Now you're going to get it Bliss! Take that! Bliss: Hey! My hair! That's it you little runt! HAAAA! Bliss and Na'dou tear their room apart as they battle it out with pillows. Their digimon are cheering them on. Renamon: Come on Na'dou! You're the pillow master! Lopmon: Come on Bliss! Show her who's boss! The pillow fight rages on with both girls doing their hardest, until suddenly their door flies open. Joe: What's going on in here! Everybody freezes as Joe makes his way to the center of the room. Joe: What did I say about rough housing? Huh? Na'dou: We're sorry Joe, we'll clean it up... Joe: Don't even try, just, get out! Go outside and play. I don't want to see your faces, just go. Na'dou: We're sorry... Joe doesn't respond he just turns his head away from the two of them. Bliss: Look Joe, we said we'd clean it up, come on... Joe: I said out! Go play with your digimon. Na'dou drops her head, and Bliss responds. Bliss: Fine, come on you guys, let's leave Mr. I'll do everything myself alone. Digimon: All right. Sorry Joe. Everybody then gets up and leaves the bedroom, which leaves Joe to himself to think. As Na'dou, Bliss, and their digimon exit to the outside, both Bliss's and Na'dou's digivices start to beep. Bliss: Great now what? Na'dou: I don't know, but whatever it is neeen't be bothered, it looks small whatever it is... Bliss: Yeah, I guess you're right, but let's keep an eye on it just in case. Na'dou: Right, just in case...
Na'dou giggled at the fact her sister got put outside. Na'dou: That's what you get for leaving me behind. Bliss swore to get revenge on her. After she had left, with both of her male partners, she was left to talk to her other two partners. Na'dou: So, what's it like being a digimon? Renamon: Pretty much okay I guess, what's it like being human? Na'dou: Well, it's okay too, but it's hard when you've been through what we've been through... BlackGatomon: What do you mean? Na'dou: I better not, all of us are sensitive about our parents and the whole thing that we've been through with them, so it may be best to not talk about it. BlackGatomon: Okay, sure fine, whatever. It really doesn't matter with me, I was just wondering. Na'dou: I might clue you in a bit later on, when I'm more settled with you guys. Renamon: More settled? Na'dou: Oh, it's nothing to worry about, I just meant that I'm still trying to actually believe that all of this is happening. I mean, I just played the card game, I never expected to actually become a tamer. It's still so amazing to me. Renamon: Hmm, we are pretty amazing aren't we? BlackGatomon: Of course we are, a blind mon could see that Renamon: I was making a point. BlackGatomon: Some point, I'll see you two later. BKGatomon the gets up and walks out of the room. Renamon: Later, hmp, she's got an atitude, but I'll fix her wagon. Na'dou doesn't respond with words to Renamon, she just shakes her head and waits for her sister to come back inside, because she was going to give her the pillow fight of her life...
Na'dou: Bliss, wait up! Come on you guys! Na'dou rushes after her sister as Dark Fleondramon flew away from the scene. Na'dou: Hey! I said wait! Bliss turns to her sister and grins. Na'dou: Oooo, you are so going to get it when we get home! Bliss laughs as her partners get away. Renamon: Well, she's not going to get away with that! Heads up BlackGuilmon! Na'dou: Whoa! Renamon and BlackGuilmon pick up Na'dou and head in pursuit of Bliss, as they all go back to their homes...
Na'dou: All right BlackGrowlmon, you ready? BKGrowlmon: Ready! Na'dou rips out a card of her own, her key to beating Bliss in every card game they had ever played. Na'dou: Digi Modify! Ultra Digivolution activate! BKGrowlmon: BlackGrowlmon digivolve to... BKWarGrowlmon: BlackWargrowlmon! Atomic Blaster! The extra power added by BlackWarGrowlmon's attack sent Snimon(ultimate)flying, and all the other digimon joined in. Renamon: Diamond Storm! BlackTerriermon: Bunny Blaster! BlackGatomon: Darkness Paw! All the attacks put Snimon(ultimate)on the edge of going to meet the Grim Reaper, but for some reason, he was still able to stand...