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Everything posted by Na'dou
Na'dou and her partners run in BlackGuilmon's direction hoping to get to the enemy in time before something really big happened. Na'dou: I hope we don't have an ultimate problem on our hands. Renamon: Same here, but be prepaired, it might just very well be an ultimate problem. BlackGatomon: Hmp! Leave this one to me guys, I'm already halfway there. BlackTerriermon: Yeah right, we're a team you know. BlackGuilmon growls as all five of them come to the clearing to find Bliss and Ryan faced off with a Snimon looking digimon, but he was way bigger. Na'dou: Bliss! BlackGuilmon: Na'dou! BlackGatomon: I guess it's better if he takes this one. Renamon: Right, I agree BlackTerriermon: Here, here! Na'dou: Right! Na'dou rips out a card and chooses BlackGuilmon's status. Na'dou: Digi Modify! Digivolution activate!... BlackGuilmon: BlackGuilmon digivolve to... BlackGrowlmon: BlackGrowlmon!
Na'dou: Well let's go then! My sister might be there. Renamon: Right, more than likely she is. BlackGuilmon and BlackTerriermon instantly fly off into the direction of the enemy digimon. BlackGatomon: Hey! Follow that dinosaur! Na'dou: Right, let's go!...
Na'dou: The sovereigns! But aren't they supose to be protecting you guys and your world?! Renamon: Yes and they were. We all use to live in harmony, in one world, but the sovereigns couldn't get along the way digiworld residents could. They one day had a great arguement, saying they were treated different because of who they were on the outside. Well, as I said, they got into an arguement, and that's when they created a whole other world, for dark based digimon like us. BlackGuilmon: When this happened, we knew this world would get caught up in the middle of everything, so we came as allies to help. BlackGatomon: We also came to become stronger, and to have more of a life than what we have now. BlackTerriermon: Yeah, and with your help, we can make that happen, what do you say? Na'dou looked down to the ground before she answered. Taking on responsibility of more than one world was a big decision, but she didn't want to let her partners down. Na'dou: All right then, if it's up to us kids as tamers to protect this world and yours cuz we can, then I say let's go. All of her partners: Yes! Na'dou: No problem. Renamon walks up to Na'dou. Renamon: Thank you Na'dou. Suddenly, BlackGuilmon starts to grow, and all of Na'dou's other partners become very intense. Na'dou: Hey? Whatls going on? BlackGuilmon: An enemy is aprouching from the west...
Na'dou: Bliss, where are you going so early in the morning? Bliss: We're off, don't worry, I'll be back. We have to do something. Na'dou: Oh okay Renamon: Hurry back soon, it might start to get dangerous here. Bliss: Alright, bye. Na'dou: Bye. Na'dou and Renamon watch as Bliss and her partners walk off. That left just Na'dou and her partners. Na'dou: Renamon, what did you mean when you said that it might start to get dangerous around here? Renamon: Let us move away from the others, and I will explain. Na'dou and her digimon go to a tree that is in Ryan's yard and they start to discuss the "danger" issue. Na'dou: Well, what did you mean Renamon? Renamon: Your world is in danger of being destroyed...that's why I have a feeling that more trouble than Greymon will be coming. Na'dou: Huh?... BlackGuilmon: There's something you need to know about the digital world Na'dou, it's divided. Na'dou: Divided? Why? BlackGatomon: Because, we're darksides. We have a, sorta you could say, digiracial thing going on, and now it's getting out of hand. BlackTerriermon: Yeah, we use to be peaceful, living and interacting with all digimon, then we got mixed up in this digiracial thing. Na'dou: What or who started it? Renamon: The sovereigns...
Bliss: So that's who that was, hey there! Three digimon: Hello Nadou: Why don't you go play, our friends are over there, you can go meet them. All three: okay The three of them walk away and go towards all of the other digimon. Na'dou: Now I know we've got to talk. Wonder why they're here? Bliss: We're ment to save their world, that's just as simple. Ryu: Then why didn't we go there, it would've made more sense. Ryan: Then maybe we're just meant to have them, I mean we're all total digimon fans, it makes sense. Na'dou: Maybe, but what if something's going to happen, maybe that's why they were sent here. Shouldn't we be on guard or something? Bliss: I guess that makes sense Renamon: It makes perfect sense, our world is in danger as well as yours...
After school, Bliss and Nadou go over to Ryan's house, and they take all of their partners. Ryan: Whoa! What a lineup! Na'dou: Yeah, these are my partners Renamon(virus), BKGuilmon, BKGatomon, and BKTerriermon. Ryan: Wow! These are my partners Terriermon, Veemon, Gabumon, and Wormmon Ryan's digimon: HI! Bliss and Na'dou's digimon: What's up? Terriermon: Gee, I can't wait to play with you guys... BKTerriemon: Me neither, this is going to be fun... Renamon looks off into the other direction as well as BlackGuilmon and BlackGatomon. BKTerriermon: Well, I can't wait at least. Bliss: Why don't you go play now? Na'dou: Yeah, we have to discuss something. All digimon except for Renamon, BKGuilmon, and BKGatomon: Okay! The other three look at Nadou. Na'dou: You go watch 'em okay, do that for me. BK's and Renamon: As you wish. Ryan: What are we going to discuss? Na'dou: Why the're here of course, there has to be a reason. Bliss: Yeah, but what? Ryan: You got me. Na'dou: hmmm... Suddenly, all three's digivices go off...
Na'dou: Whoa! Now that's alot of digimon! Bliss: Eight to be precise. Na'dou: I know how to count Bliss. Suddenly, one of the digimon steps foward and right to Na'dou. She's a fox looking digimon with blue fur. Renamon: Tamer... Bliss: See, I was right... Na'dou: Shut up! You talking to me? Renamon: We need your help. Na'dou: Who is we ? Three other digimon come up behind Renamon. All 3: Us! BlackGuilmon: My name is BlackGuilmon, we all need the help of both of you. Bliss: Huh? Four digimon walk to Bliss as well. BlackGatomon: We need you to help us digivolve, we want to be stronger...
Na'dou: Okay, now I hear something, but not very well... Bliss: You probably would hear better if you took those dumb goggles off.. Na'dou: Hmp! Suddenly, both girls card boxes explodes into a bright white light. They turn around from the noise, just as both boxes dump out their cards and turn into small miniture divices... Bliss: Na! did you see that! Na'dou: Well duh! I'm standing right here! Bliss: Let's go see what it is. Na'dou: okay They walk over to where their card boxes use to be, and both girls pick up their devices. Na'dou picks up an all black one with blue in the middle, and Bliss picks up an all blue one with black in the middle. Na'dou: I wonder what this is for? Bliss: Well duh, it's a digivice. it must mean we're tamers or digidestined or something... Na'dou: hmm, wonder what this button does? Nadou presses a button and an arrow appears on the screen...
Great more joiners! Here's an update, so battles won't be too easy... Two people per sovereign, whenever we get that far...so I guess to people per group in the digiworld...we can have are choice of partner, it's up to you...only two more people can join!
Nadou: So, what was he thinking? Bliss: That's not important now, the important thing is to get out of here. That Chris kid can obviously fend for himself. Nadou: Right, let's move! All four girls get up and walk away from the area, not knowing that they're being watched from a distance by someone. Shadows: Hahaha, yes rest, rest well, for this is only the first rest...your next one will be your last! Mwahahaha! RenamonV thinks she here's something. RenamonV: What was that? Nadou: What? RenamonY: Is something wrong? RenamonV listens again and changes her mind, slightly. RenamonV: Nevermind, I must be paranoid. Bliss: Whatever... Nadou: Yeah, let's visit Gee Wiz town, that should cheer you up. You'll get to see Taomon the vaccine type again... RenamonV: Okay They all continue towards Gee Wiz town, and RenamonV keeps the feeling that someone is watching them...
I model all of my friends(the ones I know of and don't know of(if any)) Blanko: I love ya Blanko, you're a real friend, just like... Shaun: I've got a crush on you, and... Devidramon: You too, I think... Ginny: You're my therapist Ginny! I love you too! Digital_Monster: You're straight with me, I'm straight with you...blah blah blah... Hyper Shadow: Now how could I forget you? Renamon: Friend, friend, where are you? clowmet(kendo clowmet): You're silly, and you make silly threads calumon_luver: I'll never forget about you... did I forget anyone? Oh yeah...and iggy: thanks for the tips on html pal...
Well, you can ban the Jana' Tolliver account, I won't beusing it anymore...just wish I could keep those 52 post under my name...
let me put it this way...my lowest grade was a 92, and my highest grade was a 100...second highest 99...SAT highest: 99 in Language, sec. high: 98 in science...that was sixth grade...I'm in eight now, and I have no idea what my 7th grade SAT scores are...
I was wondering on something...I use to be the annoying Jana' Tolliver on the boards...yeah, I didn't make an impression, but I didn't get banned, so why can't I get in through my other account? It keeps poping up this window that says: You do not have permission to view this page...I was cut off for a long time...anyway, why did this happen? Did I do something wrong? I need info...
(( Well Blanko, it looks like it's just you and me...)) Na'dou: Watch it sis, you better think first or you're gonna lose again. Bliss: Ughhh! No I'm not, ha! Check it out! Black Gatomon digivolves to Lady Devimon. That means I beat you Ms."I'm all out of modify cards ha! Na'dou: Hmmmm... Bliss: Why don't you quit? Save yourself some embarrassment. Na'dou: Not just yet dear sister, ha! Check that out! I have an Ultra digivolve card I was keeping in stock, which makes Kyubimon Taomon, a master against the dark. You lose. Bliss: What! No Way! Aww man! I'll beat you next time. Na'dou: Heard it before... Bliss: What?! You know, you're a pain in the neck little sis Na'dou glares at Bliss for doing the little sister tease. She then shuts her eyes and looks in the other direction. Na'dou: Stop being such a sore loser Bliss, it's imature... Bliss: Gee, I'm sure you would know all about that... Na'dou growls at Bliss, but she doesn't respond back. As they leave, a spark of lightning appears around their card boxes and makes them glow...
Digi profile Renamon(V): She is a very serious fighter, just like her advisary... Digiline: Youkomon, Doumon, and Kuzuhamon BlackGuilmon: More on the serious side than his advisary, but also playful... Digiline:BK Growlmon, BKWargrowlmon, Chaos Gallantmon Blackgatomon: An "I don't care about much" digimon Digiline: LadyDevimon, Ophanivimon BlackTerriermon: He's the same as Terriermon mostly, except for the temper Digiline: BKGalomon, BKRapidmon, BKSaitGalomon come on hurry a join if you're going to, I'll be starting today when ever I get back home...If you don't want four, you don't have to have four...
Name:Na'dou Age: 13 Gender: F Looks: Where's black jeans, a white t-shirt, and a navy blue jacket...short dark brown hair...African American...where's a white head band... Personality: Talkative, but mostly quiet...is mostly paranoid about making desisions Bio: lives in the quiet city of "Annie's Town" Alabama, alot goes on in the westside... Hometown: "Annie's Town" a small city named after a plantation owner's wife, but was later turned into An******(guess) Likes: Anime, writing, drawing, and internet... Dislikes: Being embarrassed...reason why she's always paranoid...crazy people, who are wild and hyper... Anything Extra: Likes dark things, but is very religious...loves angels, and demonistic beast...like dragons and vampires
Main things: Four digimon per tamer one digivolve at a time: We're going to be doing this DW3 style(without the little sattlelite above yur head) You will have a digivice(more than one color if you like) We are dealing with the ultimate enemies here...Malomyotismon...Cerebumon(Kerphymon virus)...and BlackSeraphimon...Hello! Digivice functions: Can only sustain one digivlove per time, so other members of your team will have to wait...Digi modifying will work for the battling partner only... Plot: The digital world has changed great bit since the D-Reaper arc. It has been divided into two worlds: one for darksides(ex. Doumon being Taomon's darkside) and one for Lightsides or good guys, whatever you want to call them...anyway, the darkside world hs been doing great for a while, but the three sovereigns who rule it suddenly lose their minds. They decide it's time for a battle of the fittest. A war is on the path of becoming real. The darkies don't really want this, except servants, so it's up to you as a darkside digi tamer to stop it, by defeating them, but you can't do it alone, because they are EXTREMELY POWERFUL!!! Only excepting the first Six though...Make that five... My name: Na'dou Partners: Renamon(V), Guilmon(V), BlackGatomon, and Terriermon(V) Digivice: Black Majority, Blue around the screen as the circular part. Relations to anyone: Is the sister of Bliss
hmm, that site I gave you should help you with that...I think...
I was just hoping it would help...nothing personal there...I wasn't trying to make it seem that way...
Here, click on the link in my siggy...you'l see it...it says translation as the begining...hope that helps...
Yeah, I guess so, they might've just been making the song for the girls who actually go through that...it's still a big coincidence...
Okay, that was interesting...