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Everything posted by Na'dou

  1. Nadou:*gasp*: Daemon...I never thought he'd actually come back, well, scratch that yes I did. Youkomon: Yes, but what does he want? Kyubimon: Do you even have to ask? Youkomon: No, not really...we better get moving we just got done fighting... Bliss: No kidding... Chris: He maybe it's a conspiricy to wear us down. Nadou: We better hurry and finish talking you guys, he's all most through emerging...scratch that...He's here! Youkomon: I've got to get you out of here then. Kyubimon: Right there's a rock over there, let's move. Angemon: Right*sheesh they're bossy, I don't belong here...* Chris: Hey Angemon, you okay? Angemon: I'm fine... All six of them take cover behind a rock, just as Daemon starts to look for them, they stay hidden, waiting for him to find them. They knew they were going to need all the strength they could get for this one...
  2. Youkomon: DARK DRAGON WHEEL! Kyubimon: DRAGON WHEEL! Angemon: HAND OF FATE! The three attacks put him at the bitter edge, he had one last hit to go. Nadou: Right, now it's my turn to show him what's what. Nadou grabs a card from the back of her pocket. Nadou: This is for trying to kill me. DIGI MODIFY! RADIANT FORCE ACTIVATE! Youkomon growled as she became packed with power and readied to attack. Chris: DIGI MODIFY! POWER ACTIVATE! Youkomon: DARKNESS INFERNO! Angemon: HAND OF FATE! The two attacks hit Skullsatamon, and he was instantly dispersed into data. Everybody cheered at the outstanding victory. Nadou: All right! We did it you guys! Youkomon: Are you all right? I shouldn't have let him get you... Nadou: I'm fine, it wasn't your fault, it was Skullsatamon who came up with the idea. i'm just glad we're all okay. Bliss: Not for long... Kyubimon: Bliss, what's wrong? Bliss: Something doesn't seem right here...
  3. Nadou: She hasn't changed a bit Bliss: No kidding Everyone then pauses as a great cry goes out. Patamon: digivolve to... Chris: He's digivolving, on his own. Go Patamon! Angemon: Angemon! Hand of Fate! Youkomon: Shall we join the party? Kyubimon: Of course, let's dance! Dragon Wheel! Youkomon: Dark Dragon Wheel! All three attacks make contact sending Skullsatamon down to the ground, but when the dust cleared, he was nowhere to be found. Nadou: Where'd he go? Skullsatamon: Looking for me! Hah, Gotcha'! Everyone looks in horror as Skullsatamon takes to the air with Nadou. Skullsatamon: Who's in charge now weaklings?Hahahaha! Youkomon: Leave her be, come and fight me! Skullsatamon: One on one? Bliss: No, Youkomon, he's too strong. Kyubimon: You'll get hurt, it's all for one and one for all on this one. Skullsatamon: Com'on then, I'd be happy to take you all on, we'll just have to say farewell to her a bit earlier then. HAHAHAHAHA! Good bye human! Skullsatamon rears back and tosses Nadou with all his might. She is sent hurtling towards the dirt with her friends unsure of what to do. Youkomon: Nadou! Hold on I'm coming! Skullsatamon: I don't think so... Youkomon: Huh, Nadou!...
  4. Skullsatamon: Is this it, I was expecting better of you two! Girls: Drop dead Skullsatamon: I'd love to, but I have to destroy you now...Nail Bone! Kyubimon and Youkomon get out of the way as Skullsatamon attacks them with fury. Patamon quickly gets out of the way as he's almost hit as well, but he was still in a dangerous position. Bliss: Chris, you've got to make Patamon digivolve now! Chris: But I don't have a card! Nadou: Here, take this one. Nadou throws the card, but it is suddenly knocked to the side as Skullsatamon causes a great wind. Nadou: Do you smell something? Bliss: Mmmhmm*covers her nose*That was totally gross, let's get that bone bag! Nadou: Chris, you get to some place that's safe! Chris: But... He has no time to say what he wants as the two girls rush off after Skullsatamon on the backs of their partners. He looks around for the card. Patamon: What are you doing? Chris: Looking for that card, I don't want to be left out of the fight, it makes me look useless. Patamon: Yeah, I don't fit in with Youkomon and Kyubimon, I wanna digivolve too so I can kick butt. Chris: Yeah! Chris suddenly spots the card, and he started to go for it, but suddenly he heard a scream behind him. He turned to find Patamon in the clutches of Skullsatamon. Chris: Patamon! Hold on, I'm coming! Bliss: Chris, look out! Chris was suddenly thrown to the side as Skullsatamon slammed him with his boney fist. Skullsatamon: Weak little human, watch as I bring the life of your partner to an end... Chris: No, don't! Patamon! Suddenly, Patamon started to glow...
  5. Nadou: I think I know who that is? Bliss: I know, it's Skullsatamon, and he's not a newly borm ultimate. Nadou: No kidding. We've come across him before, he's really strong! Bliss: We'll have better luck this time, cuz this time you're not alone*looks back at Chris*You in this time? Chris: Uhhh, yeah! Nadou: All righty then, this is going to be a snap. Let's get ready to rumble! RenamonV: Yes!Just like old times, huh Renamon? RenamonY: Yeah... Patamon*thinks*gee I feel sorta left out..oh well.: I'm in! All three wait for the encounter. Skullsatamon came more into vision, and he had a big grin on his face...
  6. Nadou was walking along with her fox partner when her digivice all of a sudden started to activate. Nadou: What's this? A digimon? right behind us? Renamon: Let's go check it out. Nadou: okay. The two of them start to walk back, in hopes of finding what they were looking for. After walking for five minutes, they came up to find a boy and a girl. one with Patamon and one with Renamon. Nadou: Renamon? Bliss suddenly looks over at them... Bliss: Nadou? Nadou: Bliss, no way! What are you doing here? Bliss: I just defeated Makuramon. Nadou: Cool! *looks over at Chris*Who's that? Bliss: That's Chris and that's Patamon. Nadou: Okay, Hi! Chris: Uhh, hi? Nadou: Shy little guy isn't he? Bliss: yeah. Suddenly, a big explosion is heard in front of the group.Bliss and Chris covered their eyes, where as Nadou let her goggles down.They waited to see who it was as a figure started to appear in the smoke...
  7. oh yeah...forgot about this place:bluesweat:
  8. I'll join... Name:Nadou Age:13 Digimon: Renamon(virus) I wonder who'll start?
  9. Blanko, the story was great, but the ending seemed a little, I don't know how to put it, but hey I'm no crtic, so everything's fine...great story...
  10. I'm going to have to read it from my computer, but it sounds great so far...what about mine, did you get to see it?...
  11. This was originally apart of an RPG I tried to start at the realm, but not enough people were there, so this one died...but I did keep my favorite part, which is this...*This is the 4th day of my life with my digimon, after they came to me through the computer* [b]Doumon[/b] "You guys, stop touching and knocking over everything, this place is dirty enough,"I complained. "Let's go outside, noone is around,"said Katzemon." Your noisy neighbors have moved." "Yeah and your parents aren't home," added Reenamon. "But it's hot outside," I argued."We might pass out and then what?" "Oh Jana', stop worrying, nothing's going to happen,"said Guilstemon,"we won't let anything happen, right guys?" "Right,"they chimed. "So can we go?" asked Terrimon,"we promise we'll behave." "Really, like you did three days ago?"I was saying sarcastically. They all stuck their tongues out at me. "Very funny 'Nae," said Katzemon, then she jumped in my arms."Pleeease?" "Oh, all right, fine, but you better behave,"I said. "Yay!"They cheered, and then busted through my door. "Good thing that was open, if it hadn't been I think they would've torn the door down." I heard them call from outside. "Come on Jana', it's not that hot,"they called. "I'm comin', I'm comin',"I stated."Excited little bunch." I made my way through the hallway and into the kitchen. Then I went out the back and shut the door behind me, but only a little bit. "Come on 'Nae, we're gonna play hide'n'seek,"said Reenamon. "Who's counting?"I asked, as if I didn't know. "You,"said Terrimon."Not it!" "Not it!"chored in the others. "Okay I'll count, to five!Ready go!One, Two, three...." "Yikes! Let's jam!"they panicked. "Four, Five! Ready or not, here I come!" I started looking. I was amazed at how they got away that fast, this didn't look like it was going to be easy. I went towards the trees as my first area of surveillance (SP). It was as empty as my stomach was at the moment. So I tried the dirt pile that was there, but nothing. I was starting to get a bit worried, what if they had left somewhere? Suddenly I heard a noise to my left, and I turned and saw a flick of white turn the corner. "I see you Katzemon," and I ran in that direction, but it wasn't Katzemon that I found. I stared in disbelief at a Taomon looking digimon, but was blue instead of yellow. "Doumon? I-I don't believe this, digimon are popping up all over my house." She didn't say anything, just looked at me with those cold blue eyes of hers, I started to get nervous. I really freaked when she started coming towards me. "Uh-oh, umm, guys? Help! Where are you?"I called, I didn't get an answer."Guys, I'm not playing, I need help." I still didn't get an answer, and Doumon was getting closer. I started to step back. "Uhh, nice Doumon, "I said," you don't want to hurt me, I'm not worth it." She didn't say anything, just nodded her head saying,"yes you are,"without talking. I really started to get nervous then, even more when I tripped and fell back on a root. I shut my eyes, because I didn't want to see myself go, but suddenly I heard a shout. "Pyro Flare!!!" "Bunny Beam!!!" "Blazing rain!!!" "Lightning Shooter!!!" A loud echo of explosions were heard in front of me, I opened my eyes to see my partners fighting. "You dare to challenge me, feel the wrath of my Ancient Spells!!!" shouted Doumon."I'm not leaving till I do what I came to do, and you won't stop me!" She was looking at me when she said that, and I gasped. "What do you want with our tamer?!" asked Reenamon." You better give us answers!" "Yeah,"agreed the others. "Or you'll do what?!Hmmm?"queried Doumon."Talisman of Spite!" "Guys look out!" I cried. I felt a bit releaved when they were able to get away, but then Doumon came out of nowhere and grabbed me. "Try and attack me now,"she said, holding me in front of her. "She's got her," muttered Katzemon."You let her go right now!" "Like I would," she replied. "What do you want with her?"asked Guilstemon. "I want to destroy her! Bringing you here has upset the balance. I'm going to destroy all of you, but the child goes first,"she said," now hold still you human while I end your life." "What!" I exclaimed." Oh my gosh, can't we talk about this?" "That's not going to happen, not as long as I can help it!"cried Katzemon. She charged at the two of us, then suddenly I was pushed down and stepped on. I looked up and saw Doumon preparing to attack the charging Katzemon. "Talisman of Spite!"attacked Doumon. "Katzemon look out,"I cried as the attack hit her." Noo! Katzemon!!!" Suddenly as I had just cried her name out, a light started to fill the whole area, and my P-Scan started to glow. "What is this?!"cried Doumon, who's voice had a guys tone to it when she did. "Katzemon digivolve to..." A bright light gathered around her forming a data bubble, then it exploded revealing a bigger stronger looking version of Katzemon. "Pumamon! Puma Blast!!!" she cried, firing a shining blast of energy shaped like a rocket from her mouth. The blast hit Doumon sending her off of my back, putting me out of danger. "Jana', are you all right?" asked Pumamon. I was too overwhelmed to say anything, but I nodded my head as a reply. "Go over there with the others, I'll take care of her,"she said. "Okay," I squeaked softly. I got up as Pumamon stepped towards a dazed angry looking Doumon. "Had enough?"she asked."Why don't you beat it, you can't do anything anymore." "That's what you think," said Doumon, with a voice that sounded like it was trying to stay disguised."Ancient Spells!!!" Pumamon took flight and dodged out of the way. "Is that all you got? Hah! Lightning Ray!!!" Pumamon shot a strong beam of light out of her mouth, right towards the stunned Doumon. She screamed in pain as it hit her, and showed signs of weakness as she sat in the dirt. "You may have won this round," said a voice that was not hers, but a guys."I must take my leave, but I'll be back for my revenge. Don't sleep without worry!" With that Doumon, or whoever that was vanished into thin air, leaving us all alone. "You know, I don't think we should be in the open like this with you Pumamon,"I said." Let's go to the trees where noone can see you, and wait till you de-digivolve." "Okay," they all said, and we headed to the trees. As we ran, I wondered what was going on with Doumon. That definitely didn't sound like the voice she was suppose to have. I couldn't figure it out then, but something told me, I was going to later.
  12. Oh, okay, nevermind then...I wanted a Doumon smile to post in my siggy, but that's okay, since we can't have request...I don't know about making one for the smile selection though...I don't think many people wolud pay attention to it, and it might be annoying to some who like Taomon...
  13. Wow! that was an interesting poem...I'm better at stories...
  14. well, I see it just fine from where I'm from...I think I might post that pic of Jolie up tonight...*rushes to get it*
  15. I'm on mine tonight, but I had to get a new access number for AOL...I didn't know screen size mattered for pictures, or is that what you're talking about...If I learn in good order, I might be making a website of my own...but we'll have to see...If I have to pay I might not be able to...
  16. Those are great Ginny, I love the last one, the second one's good, and the first one is cute... I seem to like kitsunes for some reason...I guess I like animals with more than one tail...I drew a pic of Angelina Jolie I might post, but then again it would probanly be a waste of time...
  17. Anyone think they have ties? The song [I]The Story of Beauty[/I] by Destiny's Child sounds alot like it's based on the girl in the movie[I]The Color Purple[/I]from what I've learned about the movie. Has anyone else seen this? Do you know where I could buy the book? If you don't know what I'm talking about PM me since I don't know if anyone's seen it or even heard of it...
  18. Those are great Ginny really...You do excellent work with your pictures...
  19. I told you she'd come didn't I... I really like that one better it sort of makes the whole thing stand out... I made the background on my banner too, but nobody replies to my new ones!:bawl: Why do I get ignored? Are you ignoring me? or Am I paranoid?
  20. Oh, okay...I see... When I said, if you look around I'm sure you'll find her, I was refering to your question, Does anyone like Auron?If you look above, you'll see a good candidate for that question...Great banner... I still like it... the text is way better...
  21. If you look a while for someone, I'm pretty sure you'll see her... I like that banner, doggonit! Why does everyone find better backgrounds than me, what websites do you all go too!!!
  22. I wanna learn about Japan too...My digiobsession has made it where I want to learn the language Japanese, but sadly...there's no one to teach it...:bawl:
  23. That's a great pic Ginny, I'm getting better in my art. I've started to use circles to outline my characters body before I draw their true features. I found that I liked doing this when it had first started out as an experiment... EDIT- Sorry...I'm talking about myself again... I didn't mean to do that, but I just thought that I might be acting rude...talking too much...
  24. Can you post a picture of a person like that. I don't see Asian eyes very often so a pic might help...if not I'll do the best I can.
  25. That's outstanding, I can tell you really worked hard on it.
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