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Everything posted by Na'dou

  1. I can't wait for my true love, someday someone will apritiate(spelling?) me for who I am. I like love stories, and if true love is better, then I can't wait.
  2. I'm a lady, well, accually I'm 13. If you think I'm too young to be included, tell me so. I once had a case of puppy love, twice accually. The first time I was in Kindergarden, there was a boy I liked, and that was the only time I ever liked him. The second case can be described as a heartbreaker if you want to, I had a crush on a boy and everybody knew. The next year of school he went to another, nobody cared, but when we finally ended up in the same school again, I had grown to ignore him. Everyone then started to tease me saying that I still liked him and it has stayed that way ever since. Isn't that sad? Really, I don't exactly know what true love feels like, but I sure can write about it. If you want to read what I wrote PM me, it might be better than you think. Be a man a dare to. Sorry if that's inapropriate.
  3. I like the poem, better than anything I could do. Although I am good for 13, read my siggy to see what I mean. Look there I go again with the rhymes, I seem to do that all of the time. Oppps....!
  4. That's a great poem Empathy. It expresses so well. I wrote something that I had felt like at a time, but I don't know if it should be considered a poem. I didn't plan for it to be, but it could.
  5. Thanks, I didn't know it was that good. I'm glad you liked it.
  6. Thank you. I might post my third story under here, that way it might be understood better, but I'm not sure.
  7. Let me know what you think of it. It's the one that's in bold blue letters. This litte statement expresses how one of the characters in my story feels after three of them left. Let me know how you like it.
  8. Well that let's you know what he's been watching. Too much of Waiting to Exhale.
  9. I take it that means you liked it.
  10. You captured emotions very well Ginny, keep it up. Impmon: Yeah, keep writing about me.
  11. That's great Ginny, keep it up. Obviously nobody liked mine. Iguess they just like stories that are more like the shows, oh well, I'll e-mail what I write to get rid of sadness to you, later.
  12. That was great Ginny, too bad it'll be a while before you get to read what I write to get rid of the lonelyness I have stored away. I had uh...I'll e-mail you another time what I was going to say, but the feeling never left me. They did me wrong because I was different, they didn't know me. I always stayed to myself dejectedly hoping they'd like me respectively, but they just always rejected me. It passed though, but that feeling has never left me. Sometimes I question whether my friends are really friends to me for real. Are you?
  13. It is. Noone has died in my family, but I just had the word Eulogy on my mind so I wrote a poem about it. Now it can aply to something, that whole blockbuster incident. I hope me speaking of it doesn't hurt anybody. :( (In memory of the four people who lost their lives):angel:
  14. I'd want to have my own Psychic pokemon team, but I would still have two dar types in there: Houndoom Umbreon Lugia Espeon Mewtwo Mew These are my top favorite pokemon.
  15. Really that's interesting calumon_luver. In reallity I don't have pets any more. I don't think I was meant to have a pet, because all of mine either died, got picked up by the pound, or just dissapeared. I miss Singapore.:bawl:
  16. I'm sorry,but for some reason, I enjoy melanchally things like that. Hope I'm not being a stick in the mud, sorry.:D
  17. This is a poem to think about. Eulogy- reminder of a loss reminder of lessons reminder of good and bad times you've had can be your friend or enemy depending on how you feel a heartbreaker or healer
  18. My poems not a true story, just thought it would be funny.
  19. I'm not going to post this under the limerick, because it's a narrative. Be sure to let me know if it's spam or if you like it.:) OLD MAN CREEP There once was an old man Who lived up the street. He was smelly and mean And he had big feet. Then one day he dissapeared. It was on the night of Halloween. Children started missing too, And he was thought to be seen. Soon all the kids were gone, That is except for me. I walked alone on the dreary street Wondering how I would be. I then heard a noise behind me, It sounded low and deep. That's when I saw the old man Oooo, the creep. He invited everyone but me To his party. He laughed in my face and Do you think I like him, hardly. - Jana' Tolliver- I hope this one's not too corny. :D
  20. Thanks, I might change it later, but I did get a good grade on it. I'll post some others later. :)
  21. This may make you smirk, but that's better than nothing. My Pet Dog My pet dog is a scardy cat. He ran from my father's top hat. It was just on the floor By the door, And he fled like he had seen a rat. Ther you go, let me know what you think of it.
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