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Everything posted by Na'dou

  1. I'm not against it. I say live and let live. I don't care. As long as it's not me.... I don't really care. I think everyone should marry who they want, but my mom says that that's why Sodum(SP) and Gamora(SP) was destroyed. It was because of all the corruption, but I don't think that this is the same case considering what went on then...
  2. I ate spiders?!O.o *dies* *puts an h in front of ate* I Hate spiders....Ahhh! *calms down* Anyway, I think that the spider thing is very interesting. I can't wait to tell my mother. Now I know something I never knew. It's interesting how scientists come up with these stats. Of course I don't know how they come up with them, but I'm pretty sure it's very scientific :D......
  3. Some parts are easy, but the double time (when you have to do the exercises really fast) is the hard part, but you get breaks in between. That's if you want to take the breaks..
  4. I can easily say that the only time I wouldn't want to be alone is during a thuder storm....That's why when I get off on my own, I'm getting a kitten and a husky puppy. That way, I'll have to be brave for my little darlings... I also hate having to kill bugs...unless there was some bug spray somewhere. If I were upset or mad, that's when I would really want to be left alone. I don't like to be bothered when I'm mad. I'm liable to snap on somebody...
  5. I know spiders aren't bugs, but I still hate them. I mean if they're outside, I have no problem with them, but when they get into your house it's just...Ooooo! And don't get me started on cock roaches...Mosquitoes....I hate all bugs except for Lady bugs, caterpillars, and butterflies. They're okay with me.......
  6. I use to have a crush on Devidramon, Shaun, and somebody else......but I forgot who. Takuya sounds nice too, but they're all too old for me...
  7. I believe that excersise is the best way to lose weight....Why don't you try running, walking, or power walking? I find that power walking is a great way to walk of the pounds. If you don't want that, I suggest Tae Boe. The exercise is easy, hard, and fun. I didn't gain any muscles from doing it........
  8. Wow, that's cool! How'd you do it?
  9. Gee, I never thought of it that way. I always thought that moving out on my own would be the best thing, but I never thought of how it would be in a new area. Hmm.... I get lonely at times. Usually it's when I'm depressed. Right now, though, I really wish I was alone because my sister's pesky pup is really getting on my nerves....
  10. That's great. I hope to read more soon. Keep posting! :)
  11. That's never happened to me because all I have to do it type "o" and then my AOL will finish the rest. Isn't that just handy?...Okay, I love you buh-bye...
  12. Yeah, that's exactly how I feel. Plus, I usually can't go anywhere so you can sorta say I have to get use to it. I also don't understand some people, but if course I wouldn't tell them that. I don't think they understand me either...
  13. Na'dou


    I always get dejavoo, only I don't remember it until it happens. I wish I could remember my dejavoo; one day I may dream about something important like I'm in the middle of a bank robbery. I'd want to remember something like that...
  14. I like to hang with my friends when I'm at school, but I don't see them over the summer time. They're nice to talk to when they start the conversation, but with me I'm usually talking about Digimon or my creations. I'm a real fantasy person instead of a people person. But, like I said, I like to be alone to entertain myself with what I like. I hate being in a room full of noise because somebody doesn't want me to be anti-social. I guess you can say I relate to people who like to talk about games.... Ah, alone. What a way to get your mind off your troubles. It's peaceful and quiet. My room is my favorite place to be because I can do whatever when I'm alone. I like my freedom.
  15. I usually like to be alone when I'm writing or doing something that could get me put into a mental institution, but I mainly like to be alone because I don't think I relate to others well. Trying to proves to be embarrassing, so I figure keeping to myself would be the thing to do. I'm not really like anybody that lives around me because rap music does not impress me. Their conversations are usually about that stuff, plus they like to call themselves thugs, fellas, whatever you can name. I like that song I Can. It points away from stuff like that. Do you understand? I'm not good at explaining how I feel.... [Edit] Sorry if there was already a thread like this, but I didn't see it on the first two pages[/Edit]
  16. I have a lack of confidence. I've succeeded in many things, but I never forget the posibility of what could go wrong. Plus, I think of what could happen to entertain myself. I sorta take the bad thing happening and then I make a little story that goes with it. Like for instance, if I become a hoeboe or a baglady, Angelina Jolie may become friends with me and help me out.....Okay it's official. I'm wierd and I don't make sense......... I get the feeling that nothing I do matters. I feel like I never make an impression and that nothing I do will ever be different. I guess you can say I get my hopes too high for something, and it just doesn't turn out that way. I feel like I'm ignored by most people because I'm not like them, and my talents are nothing because they don't help me at all. I'm not that good at writing, but I am creative...I like to write and draw, and even though I feel as if nothing matters no matter what I do, I know that it's not true......I think... That's why I feel like a nobody. I've never been anybody to anyone except my family. I feel as if I'm boring to my friends...
  17. I believe in ghost, but I like to call them Phantoms....I don't think their out to hurt anybody like people make it seem because they haven't done anything to me...yet. Ghost are cool, it's demons that I worry about...Hehehe, okay I've scared myself...... I guess my love for the Nightmare Before Christmas plays a part in my likeness to Phantoms/ghost. Also the Search Ghost and the Phantom from KH sparked my interest even more. Not to mention those old cartoons with ghost in 'em....
  18. I am afraid of everything... 1. I'm afraid that no one likes me. 2. I'm afraid I am a pain. 3. I'm afraid of the dark. (don't laugh. I live next to a cemetary. It's right outside my window) 4. I'm afraid of getting shot for no reason. 5. I'm afraid of getting a disease.... I guess I'm just a freakin' chicken....
  19. I often get that feeling at the thought of me not getting a job with Disney when I get older. What if they don't want me apart of their team? What if I can't draw good enough for them? But my mom says that I have plenty of time to worry about that. I also worry that if I did get a job with them, where would the cheapest place be to live in California. I'd want to live in Burbank, but that may be too expensive...What if I get there and I end up a hoeboe woman?:nervous: Ahhhhh!.....
  20. (Sorry, I forgot to mention that the real story was going to be written in first person) Chapter 1 Busy Bandit The sun beamed down heavily on my face waking me up. Where was I? It wasn?t suppose to be hot in the park. It had too many trees. My eyes opened, and I looked around me. I then realized why it was so hot; I wasn?t home anymore. I was somewhere else, but I didn?t know where I was. That huge orb hadn?t been a dream after all. ?Where am I? I?m not home, that?s for sure. What is this place?? ?Agrabah.? I looked up to my right to find a kid with a big turban on his head. He jumped down and slashed the boxes that were around me. He then kindly helped me up to my feet, and I dusted myself off. Now that he was closer I noticed that his face was all black, and that he had yellow eyes. I also noticed that he had a strange symbol on his chest. He bowed and introduced himself. ?I don?t really have a name, but you can call me Bandit,? he said.? So who might you be yourself?? ? My name?s Aire. So how did I get here?? ? Well, my best bet is your world got taken by the Shadows. They?ve been doing that now that they?re free.? ? But why? As a matter of fact, what the heck are?? ?Stop you! Tell us where the lock is or else you perish!? We turned around to find three black muscular creatures. They had yellow eyes just like Bandit, but they weren?t friendly like him. They came closer to us, and Bandit stepped in front of me. I wanted to tell him about my magic abilities, but I didn?t want him to get jealous like the kids back home did. He was really nice, so I stepped off. The dark creatures leaped at Bandit, but he jumped back and spiraled vertically with his sword knocking them all flat on the ground. ? Aire, come on! We have to get somewhere safe!? ?But who are they?? ?I?ll explain later, come on!? ?O-okay.? I stepped on top of the black creatures and walked over them. They grunted and moaned. While Bandit wasn?t looking, I zapped the three of them with a thunder spell. They became paralyzed and disappeared. I wondered about that and hurried to catch up with Bandit. He lead me to a pole that you had to climb up. Luckily, I was a good climber and didn?t have to use my magic to get up. I wondered how I was going to tell him or anybody else I ran into that I could use advanced magic. When we were safely inside, he offered me a chair, and I sat down. ?We?ll be safe here. They can?t come where the light is, but if they unlock they unlock the key hole, then no place will be safe from their destruction. This world will end up like yours, gone.? ?Wait. I?m in another world?? ?Oh, right. You don?t know about us. I should explain to you like I promised.? ?I guess that would be a start.? ?Well, there?s not much to say. Three days ago, the door to the light was opened. Three days ago, the Shadows plotted revenge. Three days ago, our leaders were sealed away and then hidden by two heroes. Three days ago, we were reborn, and the worlds started to vanish because of the Heartless once more. But this time, guys like me have nothing to do with it.? ?Okay so you?re heartless, my world was destroyed by Heartless, but guys like you had nothing to do with it?? ?Right.? ?I don?t get it. Is there something different?oh wait! Those black creatures didn?t have the same symbols on them like you have. Is there a reason for that?? ?Why of course. I shouldn?t go so fast. I?m an artificial heartless, unlike the ?Shadows? we saw before. Two years ago, all Heartless engaged in the act of taking hearts from others, and from their worlds, but the Key bearer and the Keyblade brought that to an end. He defeated us and overcame the darkness with the light in his heart, and that brought an end to our existence. The light in his heart helped he and his comrades defeat or creator Ansem, and he locked the door to the light restoring everything back to the way they were suppose to be. All the worlds that had been lost were restored, and everyone returned to their homes. Now, two years later, the door is open, and we?re more intelligent than before. The Shadows want revenge on the Key bearer, and they want to turn everything pure darkness. They brought our leaders back and presented them the offer, but they turned the Shadows down because they knew the fatality of what the Shadows wanted. In anger, the Shadow leader, who now wields the Keyblade that released them, locked our leaders away into the form of locks, and he stole their abilities. But before he could do anything with the locks, they were taken and hidden away by two heroes who had also been locked behind the door. As each one was hidden, they also released one of each of the leader?s followers. We took it upon ourselves to try and find our leaders, then release them to help stop those Shadows, but no one knows where to look. It seems hopeless right now, especially with those Shadows breathing down our backs, but we know that we can?t give up. We have to do this for everybody, including ourselves.? ? Whoa?.That?s incredible. I?d love to have a job like that; I could put my magic to use with a job like that.? ?Magic?? ?Opps. That slipped out.? ?You mean you can use magic? What are you, a wizard?? ?Same difference, but I prefer Sorceress. It?s what I am, and it?s also the reason I don?t have any real friends.? ? So I take it that?s why you didn?t tell me?? ?You guessed it, but now that you know, maybe I could be of some help to you?? ?Well, it would make battling a little easier. That way, we can both look for the Leader of this world without a problem.? ?Ooo, that?s great. When do we start? I?m good at treasure hunts.? ?We can start as soon as my partner gets back. We usually look in shifts because of the danger outside, but now we can all go. Let?s just hope we find the lock before the Shadows do.? ?Okay then, we?ll wait. Although, I do wish I had a wand to use or even a staff. I hate using my hands for my magic, it hurts after a while.? ?Well we can?t have that. We should go find something else for you to cast spells with. If we don?t, it could cost us. It?ll be a while before my pal gets back; he moves slowly.? ?Okay, but what about the Shadows?? ?We?ll deal with any we see. I can go a while before I lose too much energy.? ?Are you sure?? ?I?m positive. It?ll be no problem.?
  21. Here's a little fanfiction for ya. Sorry if it doesn't suit you, but I don't know what you like. It's obvious what I like. Preface The Shadows crept. The door was still shut, but an unknown figure was approaching it. The figure carried an object that resembled a skeleton key, the type that opened any lock. As he approached, the key activated. He pointed it straight at the locked door, and he opened it up with his instrument. In a flash, the Shadows swept out and devoured his heart leaving the destructive key behind. The Shadow leader picked up the key, and it immediately accepted him as its master. The others gathered around as he started to speak. ?Brothers! The Keyblade has released us! But our enemy still walks, and we must destroy him. Sora won?t know what hit him once we?re finished with him. We?ll take every last heart there is. Even his. Once we?re finished, there will be nothing left but darkness. No light shall remain, and nobody?s going to stop us.? The other Shadows cheered and leaped about with joy. The leader formed a smirk as he lead his followers forward with the Keyblade that freed them at hand. A dark portal opened, and the Shadows went through it to start their destruction by releasing their comrades who faced Sora the most, the Artificial Heartless. On the other side, the Shadows came to a room with a large machine. With no hesitation, they swept forward and cut the machine on. The leaders appeared before them, and the Shadow leader produced his plan. ?My brothers, we have been freed by this Keyblade. I have awakened you to pursue my plot of revenge on the Key bearer who locked us all away, you here and us behind the door. Join me, and we will slay these pathetic worlds filled with these creatures that do not deserve to live any longer. Their meaning is useless, the darkness in their hearts destroy them, and it will never fade from them. It is time to put an end to this constant battle between the light and the dark. We will take ever heart, until nothing but darkness is left behind.? The leader, Kurt Zisa, spoke up. ?It would be futile to do such a thing. I have seen the power of the Keyblade. The light is what defeated me, and it will defeat you as well.? ?Yess,? hissed the Stealth Sneak,? I have seen the light myself. It has shown me the truth. Our desires are no longer what yours are. ?It is impossible to destroy the light,? Phantom spoke in.? The balance between the two should not be tampered with. I say we give up this useless fight.? ?Fools!? the Shadow leader argued.? You do not see the truth. We can destroy the light. Our powers have much advanced. Nothing can stop us as we go. We are the supreme beings.? ?Maybe, but what will we get out of it?? asked the Parasite Cage.? Will we get a home, a place to call out own like the others? Are we as supreme as we think? Or do they have the better deal? I agree with them; I don?t think you could pull this off the way you say. You have no clue of what you?re up against. The power of the Keyblade is far too much for you to handle. It will destroy you.? ?We should instead try to survive in whatever place we can,? said Kurt Zisa.? To do anything other will prove useless and fatal. We shall surely parish if we do not compromise. We have the ability to. Can?t you see that?? ?Argh! You dare to defy me!? the leader exclaimed.? I will show you what the powers of darkness can do! It is obvious that you are no longer with us. You want to preserve what has no purpose of being, so you must go down with the ship. Behold the power of the Keyblade! Unlock our true powers and see to it that they do not interfere!? At that command, the Keyblade the leader held reacted, and he jammed it into the ground. Everyone began to glow in a dark purple haze, and the Shadows grew bigger, and stronger. The Artificial Leaders grew smaller, and smaller. They were being drained of their abilities. When it was all over, the Shadows stood high with machine guns for arms, and the leaders had turned into tiny locks. They had been locked out of the way. ?Yes! I feel their power!? the leader boasted.? Gather those locks and we will put them where no one can get them. They can not ever be released.? ?Oh no you don?t! I won?t let you get away with this! You aren?t going to hurt our friends!? cried a voice. ?You two?! Don?t interfere!? ?We must, for the safety of all worlds, we must.? The other partner replied. ?Seize them!? cried the leader. The Shadows flowed towards the two. They leaped away and gathered up the locks. In a flash they were thrown into the air, and they vanished. ?What have you done!? the Leader cried. ?We?ve put them away where you?ll never find them,? They said as they were captured. ?Put them in them in a darkness pool. They either tell us, or lose their hearts. In the mean time, the rest of you proceed with our plan. I want every heart of those worlds out there gone! And I want the search for those locks to begin. They cannot be opened.? The new and improved Shadows created a huge dark blot on the ground, a darkness pool. The two prisoners were place inside, and started to sink extremely slowly. The leader cackled as his brethren proceeded with the plan. They began their mission of taking every heart. Meanwhile?. A young Sorceress strolled down the path of the park. She was a brave sort who was very advanced with magic because she knew more spells than most others. Everyone her age envied her, so she didn?t have many local friends. She did have pen pals, but they knew nothing of her magic capabilities. As she sighs, the sky suddenly becomes dark and a fierce wind blows, but this wind has suction to it. She runs to a nearby tree to hang on and looks up to find an orb of some kind in the sky. She feels a great darkness coming from within it, but she doesn?t have time to think as the ground around her is lifted into the sky. She sees rocks and trees flying past her, and she wonders what should she do? The young girl holds on to her only support for dear life, but the flying debris hit her in the head. She?s knocked out cold as her home vanishes into nothing. She holds no knowledge of what she?s destined to face.
  22. It looks nice...Seems pretty fine to me, but that's just me. I'm more proned to drawing animals...sorta humanoid animals...
  23. I have to say, it's been a while, but I think I outdid myself a bit here. I made the picture, and the background. What do you think? Not bad huh?
  24. I guess you could say on the net, I'm Na'dou. In the real world I'm just Jana'. On the net, I usually am myself, but I show my emotions more. Plus, I have more humor on the net *calling 911....Help, she thinks she's funny!* Anyway, I also communicate better on the net. I might not be able to spell, but I can get my point out better by writing than actually speaking. I hope to be a famous person on the net, but that'll be in 1,000,000,000 years. A million just won't cut it...
  25. I'm the artist of the family though I tend to be the quiet one at family gatherings and in school sometimes...
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