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Everything posted by Na'dou
Black Magic By Na?dou Teller (AKA Jana?) Once upon a time, in a far away land there were two kingdoms. There was the Dark Kingdom and the Good Kingdom. Queen Almita ruled the Good Kingdom, and her evil sister Vilta ruled the Dark Kingdom. In the Good Kingdom, there was a young black cat wizard named Zubla. He was very unskilled in his magic like most young wizards were, but he had powers far greater than theirs. His best friend Meka, a gray fox sorcerer, was a mistress of her magic. She was a royal magician of the queen?s castle because of her skill. Zubla hoped to be just like her. The two of them lived in the Good Kingdom under the rule of Queen Almita. Like all, they were loyal to their good queen and would stop at nothing to protect their home. He often told her, ? I admire your skill. I hope to be a great and royal wizard like you some day.? She would say,? don?t worry my friend; your day will come. One day you will be put to the ultimate challenge like I was, and your magic will be your only way out of danger. I just hope you?ll be ready when that day comes.? ?Oh, you bet I will.? ?That?s great my friend. You?ll be the best wizard ever.? Zubla thought about her words very closely. He wondered if she was right. He wondered if he was right. Was he ready? He pondered over these things over his lunch and his dinner. Little did he know that his day was on the horizon. He would have to use his magic skills a little sooner than he expected. Not too far from the queen?s land was the land of her evil twin sister, Vilta. She was plotting an attack on her sister?s land. She wanted to conquer it and rule both lands proving her amazing power over the good queen. She summoned her most loyal and best wizard, Dubla. ?Go to my sister?s land,? she said,? and show them my power! Order their surrender or they shall all perish. Do this, and you will be a member of my Famous ones forever!? ?As you wish my queen,? he said. ? I will stop at nothing to do your will. I am the Dark Wizard Warrior, and I will destroy their kingdom.? Vilta laughed evilly as the sun went down. The Good Kingdom was in store for an unwanted surprise, and their only hope was going to be the most unexpected hero. A week after Vilta had agreed to her plan, it went into motion while the queen was giving her yearly banquet. The whole kingdom was at the castle for the biggest feast of the year. Zubla, and Meka were sitting at the head of the table with the queen. Zubla watched his friend as she used her powers to prepare and entertain the guest with the food. He hoped for a chance to do something as great as that. She winked at him, and he smiled. Everyone was soon eating the feast that had been prepared. Zubla and Meka ate cheerfully and talked. The queen, Almita, watched the two of them and smiled. Meka noticed and blushed. ?You two seem to get along very well for youngsters,? she said. ?How long have you been friends?? ?Since we were babies,? Zubla replied. ? Our mothers always told us that we would end up together. I?m not sure what they meant, but this is fine with me.? ?Mmm hmm,? she replied smiling at Meka who blushed and continued eating. ? You don?t know what that means?? ?No ma?am,? he replied. ?It means you two are going to be joined in holy matrimony!? ?WHA-?? he queried nearly choking on his food. Meka laughed and tickled him. He looked at her and smiled. ? Well, I guess I?m okay with that. I don?t know if it?s true, but I wouldn?t mind.? ?Oh my child, that day may be closer than you think,? Almita said. ? Why I?.? The queen is interrupted as everyone is suddenly strapped down to his or her chairs. As the queen herself is taken, Zubla and Meka jump out of theirs. They hide down low and await the cause of the chaos. When he is seen through the dust, Meka gasps and lets back. She knows that he is the Dark Wizard Warrior who so many elders had told her of. As he approached the queen, he draws his wand. ?Her greatest wizard, come to me!? He cried. Zubla watched in horror as his friend was lifted into the air and over to the Dark One. He held her by the neck and looked at her. ?My my, aren?t you a young one? You?re pretty too. I might spare you if my request is refused.? ?I?d rather die than end up in your paws,? she growled. He choked her a little harder. ?That can be arranged,? He growled back. ?Queen Almita, I have come to ask for your surrender. Give up, and you shall live. Refuse, and you shall die. Take your pick. Which will it be?? ?I will never surrender this kingdom without a fight,? She replied.? My sister sent you here, didn?t she? I will never give up my kingdom to her!? ? Then you shall perish just like this wretch I hold now,? He said raising his wand. ?Say good bye!? ?Not so fast!? Zubla hopped up zapping him with thundered fire. He drops Meka and is thrown backwards on the table. ? I won?t let you destroy this kingdom. Not a chance of that happening. I challenge you to a magical duel. If I out zap you, you?re out of here.? ?Fool! I am far more experienced than you?ll ever be!? ?Maybe so, but at least I?m not a hotheaded jerk.? ?As you wish. You shall go down in flames like a crashing plain.? ?Bring it on.? The two concentrate their magic, and they?re lifted up into the air. Zubla grins like a chess cat, while Dubla frowns with a serious look on his face. He makes the first move, which was what Zubla wanted. He forms a small wand cannon and absorbs Dubla?s magic. He is shocked as his magic is fired back at him with doubled power. Zubla grins and folds his arms. Dubla growls in anger and uses his wand to throw dark hands out at Zubla. He is constricted and made immobile. Dubla grins and swings him down onto the table. He then throws him into the wall knocking the wind out of him. Zubla looks up as Dubla comes in for the kill. ?You fought well, but you cannot defeat me,? He said standing over Zubla.? Good bye my friend!? ?Ice of blades!? Meka cries out firing blade-like icicles at Dubla. He falls to his knees and turns into fire melting the ice. ?You wretched witch, I will burn you alive!? he cries. Zubla gets up for one last effort as Dubla charges for Meka. He raises his wand cannon, and jumps into the air. He creates an earthquake that stops Dubla in his tracks as he landed on the ground. He focuses his energy and begins to glow. His mother had told him that when you become one with your wand, you would have the ultimate power, and that nothing would stand in his way. Until that day, his time of being a great wizard was far off but closer than he would have ever expected. As he glows, he pulls the trigger on the wand, and the ground begins to shake. ?What?s going on!?? ?I?m what?s going on,? Zubla replies. ?I will not allow you to destroy my home. Tell your queen we said ?No thanks? to her offer.? ?What? You dare to challenge my queen? I will crush you like a bug!? ?Okay, we can do this the hard way. I summon the Dragon of Light! Destroy the evil that plagues thee!? The ground shakes once more as Zubla?s wand shoots up a beam of light. A dragon?s head appears within it, and it shoots down for Dubla. He stands frozen with fear in his tracks as the dragon crashes down on him and explodes into a bright white light. When the dust clears, Dubla is gone, the dragon has vanished, and Zubla is lying down on the ground unconscious. Meka runs over to him and holds him tight. As she cries, her tears awaken him, and he looks up and smiles. Meka blushes and smiles back. The queen gets up and comes over to the two of them. As they stand up, she places her hand on Zubla?s head. ?With the power invested in me, I here by dub thee Sir Dubla of the royal wizards,? She said. ?You may kiss the bride?No, wait. That?s not right?? ?Actually my queen, it?s you may take your wand and raise it in the air in approval,? Meka replied. The queen nods in agreement and orders Zubla to do so. He raises his wand, and the whole kingdom applauses and stands. As he lets it down, Meka gets closer and kisses his cheek. He grins and blushes. ? That?s for being the best friend I could ever ask for.? ?No problem,? He replies smiling down at her. He then kisses her back. ?I couldn?t ask for a better friend than you.? ?Aww, this is just so lovely,? the queen says. ?Kiss her again. You two deserve each other.? The two of them look at each other and wonder if they dare. Meka lets her head down, and Zubla pulls her close. He leans down and kisses her as she looks up, and the crowd cheers. She gazes at her best friend and smiles. The two of them rubbed their heads together and they would live happily ever after. The End
Hello, my name is Jana' (don't forget the accent). I am a very good writer who has the tendency to talk too much when I have something to say. I'm only 14, but I have been told I am very mature for my age. I'd like to participate in this contest because I can really handle active criticism over the net. If you were to be in my face, then I might make a face though.... Anyway, I tend to write adventure stories or RPG stories. I love things that are out of the ordinary yet still down to Earth. I am a nut for digimon, as some of you may or may not know, so I usually do digimon fanfiction. Right now, I'm doing a KH fanfic on the Heartless (you might get to see it over the summer and a few other things). It's coming along great. I must admit that I'm not afraid to write anything whether it be obscene or vulger(SP?) to some. But you won't have to worry about seeing any of it here because I'd get in trouble for that, and I hate getting in trouble. My school grades are usually A's, and I am a person full of surprises (you see I'm signing up) so expect the unexpected from me....Well I've talked enough Oh yeah, if you want to see one of the characters for my KH fic, look down...
No, I meant chain story. Thanks! I just wanted to make sure....That always annoys people....
These are allowed right? I mean, we can have them in the Fan Fiction area, right? Sorry to be a nag, but I just wanted to be sure. I have an idea for a whole new digimon season and another story idea that I want to have other members participate in. The Digimon Season is only going to star digimon (no people). It's sort of going to be like Digital Destiny S3, but I'm going to change some things. I was hoping I could have it in the event arena, but I doubt it. Well, that's all I wanted to know, sorry to be a nag...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B]*squeaks* 200[b][i]6[/i][/b]?!?? Oy. I believe you actually must have [spoiler]all Damations and lock all keyholes.[/spoiler] I never got the Ultima Weapon, but I still saw the special ending. OOOO, I hope they stay with that kind of animation, it's pretty sweet! Though I doubt they will. Animation like that will easily become obsolete before the year is out. [/B][/QUOTE] You left out one thing right there. [spoiler]You have to do those two things, and you have to beat the Hades Cup Tournament.[/spoiler]. If you don't, you won't see the special secret.
OOC: Hmm, I don't know how I'm going to do this but...... ------------------------------------------------------------ It's been a little while since Nadouka had left Veemon and had Angemon join her afterwards. The two got along decently...sort of. Nadouka: Knock it off Angemon! Stop playing in my hair! Angemon: You had a piece of lint in your hair. Nadouka: That's the 50th piece of lint you've picked at in my hair today. Angemon: Then maybe you should stay out of those dusty areas. You have allergies anyway. Nadouka glares at Angemon, but she instantly forgets being mad when she hears a voice off in the distance. Nadouka: Wonder who that is. Angemon: Let us go see. Nadouka: Fine, and I'll walk...Can't trust you... Angemon: What makes you trust worthy? Nadouka ignores his comment and runs off to find out who the voices belong to. ------------------------------------------------------------ OOC:Well, anybody who post first can pick whether I find you or not...This is all I can do for now.
It doesn't matter to me...
Nadouka: So, what's the status? Vee: Well, there's a big problem somewhere, and you're the only one who can protect us. I'll assist you until a certain point, then I'll heve to let you continue on your way. Will you help us Mythical master? We need your help to protect our kind. Nadouka: Sure, why not, but do me a favor. Vee: Yes? Nadouka: Spread the word not to call me Mythical Master. You guys are my friends, not my servants. in the mean time, we'll move on to Lightning City. There, we will surely get a better heads up on what you said. Vee: Right! Na' Nadouka: Now that's more like it.
[i]BlackGatomon ran swiftly in hot pursuit of BladeGabumon. She needed to talk to him. She knew he was the only one who knew truly how important it was for them to find the armors. If they wanted to live, they would need them for right now. She continued to follow his scent, until she reached a cave[/i] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Sorry for the short post, but I'm about to get off at this moment.
Customer: When will my perscription be ready? Natarica: It'll be ready in a few hours, come back later and we'll have it for you. Customer: Thank you ma'am. Natarica watched as the customer walked away and sighed. If only she knew. Natarica looked at the clock and realized that her shif was over. She took off her uniform and gathered her things. Manager: See you later Natarica. Natarica: Bye. She bid farewell to her boss and exited out onto the sidewalk. She started to walk away in the direction down the street. She had set up shelter in an old but safe building down the street. It was vacant, and not in use. She knew she could go there. On her way, she noticed three people in an alley. She tried not to take notice, but it seemed to her that a fight was about to start...
[i]BlackGatomon stares in amazement at the sight of Anubismon. He was a mega digimon.[/i] BlackGatomon: Interesting...I wonder... Swishmon: What? BlackGatomon: If we're near the Demons, then they can use our energy against us, but I have a feeling that distance isn't on their side. Mudoramon: What do you mean? BlackGatomon: I'm just saying...What if they could only use our energy if they were near us? Blush: Then we could digivolve away from them, and fight them when we saw them, but what if we can't? BlackGatomon: Then that's where the armors come in. I'm not the only one who can.....[i]smells BladeGabumon in the wind and decides to follow[/i] I'll be right back. Swishmon: Now where are you going? BlackGatomon: I have something I need to do, and it's way better than sitting around. Mudoramon: We'll go too. BlackGatomon: I'd rather you didn't. Just stay here and keep an eye on him. Blush: Well, okay. BlackGatomon: Later. [i]She steps away a little bit then immediately takes off into the direction she had been to before. She had to find out who this BladeGabumon was. He was familiar to her, and she needed to know why.[/i]
Nadouka spinned around in the office chair of her room. She was waiting for her computer to log onto the net. She was expecting e-mail from her friends, her digital friends. She had met them one day while surfing the net, and received a mysterious device as well. From then on, they kept referring to her as Mythical master, which she was still trying to keep them from doing. Once on the net, she immediately flew to her mailbox and discovered a letter from Vee. Nadouka: Hey! A letter from Vee! Wonder what's up, it's titled alert. Nadouka opened the letter and read. When she was finished, she immediately clicked on the link of the letter and a bright light illuminatedthroughout her room...
Natarica walked along the sidewalk with her mudbrown shoes. They were the only pare she had now, since living at home had become too much for her. She took to living in the streets to get away from her homely troubles. She had a job, and she went to school. But she didn't have a home anymore, nor did she have any friends who cared. She was so left out at home,they didn't care where she was. She hated being at home. As she walked, she noticed someone interesting walking across the street. She looked friendly, but she knew better than to automatically asume so. She looked away as the person looked her way, and Natarica continued down the sidewalk into the Pharmacy where she worked...
Oh, okay. I'll start with Veemon then. Yay! Sorry about that...
No one answered my question...If I can't find a low leveled mythical digi, I'll just come later in the RPG...Someone can just tell me when I could finally show up...
[i]A safe distance from Warx, Blush, and Cerberumon, BlackGatomon and the others listened to the conversation. They were all ears at everything that was being said. How did this guy know everything? Who was he?[/i] BlackGatomon: So that's why we can digvolve, but how does he know? Tallamon: He knows too much for me. Swishmon: I wonder if he can do the same which is why he knows so much? BlackGatomon: Let's hope not. If he can, then those guys are in a pickle spot...
I'm wondering, is it possible for me to have a low leveled mythical digi? According to that list I can't...It doesn't seem that way...
Aww crud....I was hoping for the darky.....Oh well....Man she gets to use Lilithmon...Hmmm, can there be two? Well... I'll do Mythical seeing as I love Ophanimon....... Master of Mythical Digimon Name: Nadoka Aisika Gender: Female Age:14 Apearrance: Meidum sized 5'4" female. Wild hair that looks very intimidating. Purple eyes. Big nose and ver big ears. She has a mutation of overgrown canines. Appears to have fangs. Seems quiet and content. Bio: Lives in Tokyo with her mother and sister. She and her sister don't get along as well as they should, but she's good at getting along. She's lived with her sister and mother for the majority of her life. She has had a good heart, but is usually looked at in the wrong way because of her outside. Her mother fears this will effect her, but little does she know, there's not a thing wrong.
Well, I guess I'm going to take my sisters advice on trying something new by making this RPG...It might not make it, but oh well. This is sorta going to be a new type of RPG. It won't have a thing to do with monsters (because then you would sorta have limitations). In this, it's going to be more street based than anything yet it will be the street the way you imagine it based on what you here about it and the pictures that come to your mind from the info. For example, if you were to look at [i]Gangster Rap[/i] it's words and music are more street based. To me, this is how the street is because i don't hang in the street, so I really don't know what it's like. Anyway, now that that's settled, let's get down to the basic idea of how this will go. You'll need the basics: Name: Age: Place of interest on the street: Background: Homeless/Introvert/Why your chara stays in the street: (optional) Seeing as the title is lonewolf...That's how this game will be played. You will be alone for a majority of the time, but our charas will cross each others paths and will eventually learn to look out for one another. I really wish for many members to join this RPG because everyone won't be able to be all over the place. Say, if one of us were to get into trouble and needed help we'd need for someone to be availible at the least possible moment. If not then, The town will be a small one where anyone that was your friend could hear you. Well, here goes Name:Natarica Lune Age:16 Place of interest on the street:Anywhere Background: Natarica is a young girl who has internal problems at home. She usually stays out of her home because of this and usually gets into trouble. She has a problem with asking for help when she needs it. As a matter of fact, she is mostly dependent on herself, but all she really needs is a good friend like anybody else without them. Eventually, her problems bacame too much for her, so she now lives in the streets of her town. She goes to school hoping for a good education which might not come if she continues to stay alone. Well, there you go, if there are any questions be sure to ask...
[i]BlackGatomon watched from afar. Who was this Warx guy? He was weird looking not to mention intimidating. She hated having to sit and watch, she couldn't stand it.[/i] BlackGatomon: This is very annoying...I hate watching when I could be helping...Then again, I may as well sit back and take advantage of this opportunity because i know I won't get another chance to. Not like I use to... Tallamon: Don't worry, when we fix things here, we'll go and look for your sister. We promise, but until then, what do we do now? BlackGatomon: Like I said, sit back, relax, and watch. We won't go in unless they need us to. Swishmon: Well, okay...I guess so.
Uhh, hey Gin, I'm not sure if this is true but if you were to say that to Devi I'm not sure if he would go along with the saying they go together because they're hope and light.....There was a thread about that or something like that was mentioned a loooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago....And there's another thing I'd like to argue on, but this isn't the place..................Hey Shaun, you take your time...We can wait for you, right?...
Just recently, I heard that the band members are cooperating a whole lot better than the club owners...Uh oh...The club owners haven't answered any questions asked, but the band did....Something tells me these owners are hiding something, and now their afraid it's going to be found out...