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Everything posted by Na'dou
Ginny, I don't know if this will help, but it might make you think. (heck I don't know if you should even listen, I'm young). You have made many friends here, which includes me. I know I have too, or at least I can think that. I think you made this thread because you know you have friends here who you can turn to when you need a hand or a piece of advice. Take it from me, I am after all the one who sent you the "Don't Think I'm Crazy" thing.......(sorry about that). You helped me feel better, and I remember since then that you were a friend who cared truly, and I would never want to hurt you...So just remember, if you ever think of suicide (which is a sin in my book) try to remember your friends and family who care about you and would be really hurt to lose you in such a way as that...I'm sorry this happened to your mom, I hope she tries to talk it out in the future....If I can't help you, go talk to your church leader (or priest to us Catholics). I'm sure he could give some wonderful advice....
I bet my school is full of two-faced people...I've come across others besides my cousin...A girl that was pals with my cousin would talk behind her back whenever my cuz wasn't around...She would talk about how obnoccious (I know that's not spelled correctly), rude and two-faced my cousin was, but just to keep peace I didin't say anything...See when people get mad because of something I say against my cuz, I feel as if the whole entire area would be against me.....I'm weird aren't I?...
My mom mentioned that some guy is trying to sue someone...I forgot what his name was, but my mom said it's partly on the fault of the people as well because they knew what could've happened, but they go to the farthest lengths to get their entertainment....If you ask me, they should've asked they not to use the fire works, it just doesn't make sense to me...
Oh boy...c'mon, lighten up.... Keyblade, just don't try to convence your friend right now...if it's what they enjoy, and they don't want to take your advice, then don't keep giving it to them...They'll eventually find out for themselves... As for Hypocrites, my cousin is the biggest Hypocrite on this planet next to my father James (no, not the Otaku James). She so....Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, it just makes me wanna grab her hair, pull it out, and make her see the light!..... *looks at everyone staring at her* What?...
I thought that stampede was caused because someone yelled "terrorist attack" and made people panic....If you ask me, the terrorist are sitting back and watching how everything gets into our heads, and they only had to do a little bit to make us histerical... Whether the band was good or not, they didn't act very smart using fire in a flammable building....wonder where the automatic water thingy was?
Hmm, I never really raised thoughs first pokemon I caught....ratata, caterpie, weedle...ect... I've always wanted a strong Butterfree though, I never had the patience to stick with leveling up... Lavitar...Hard to find, and sorta hard to catch when you finally find them...If memory serves right, they're so much weaker than you, while you're way stronger....then there's Dratini, swinub, Teddiursa....Togepi and definately Smeargle....
Hey, did you hear about that fire in that nightclub? That sounds horrible, and one of the band members is still missing. I hope they find him or have found him...Where did it happen though?...And do you think they should have done Pyro talents in a flammable building?...They shouldn't have taken that chance, adult should know better....Then again I'm so scary, I wouldn't take a chance on anything...
Oh, okay then...Sorry to be a bother then. I usually don't like doing threads that way because some people might get tired of you doing threads everytime something pops into your thread....Then again, I'm not in here that often....
That's nice to hear that people accept you........you sound sorta like me in a way... and I was on topic (this is really an open conversation thread cuz I hate making threads everytime I have something different to talk about). I found something that I would like to try talking about, if that's okay...if not, I'll forget about it and go back to my first topic....I thought everyone was done with that issue so I went on to another one. I hope I'm not being rude!....
[url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11658]Eulogy[/url] I don't know if this will make you feel batter (depends on how you take it), but don't take it in the wrong way...If you read my earlier post you might understand this...If you didn't, just let me know and I'll explain it....if you want me to...
Well, if you're in middle school (and my Basic Skills teach. said it today) kids will say anything just to be saying it.......I hate it when they talk about something, and they have no idea what it's about! That makes me so mad I feel I'd want to :cussing: .... Hey, did you hear about that fire in that nightclub? That sounds horrible, and one of the band members is still missing. I hope they find him or have found him...Where did it happen though?...And do you think they should have done Pyro talents in a flammable building?...
[i]BlackGatomon had exited the cave and was making her way through the forest. They weren't following her, but she felt someone else was.[/i] BlackGatomon: I guess their going to get left out of the surprise I have at home...Those Demon slunkies may be able to use regular digivolution energy, but they can't do a thing with armor energy....It works just like the internet....dial up with cable your IP number is the same and easier for a hacker to track/digivolution lv. have the same amount of energy that any villan can keep track of...dial up with the phone your IP number changes harder to track/armor evolution lv. energy is random which can never be kept track of...it all fits into place....If we get the energy from the armors, there's no way they could keep track of our energy and use it against us then we'd have the upper hand, but how to get thoughs knuckleheads to know without me having to tell them? ???: That's easy, show them. BlackGatomon: Huh? Who is that? [i]BlackGatomon turns to find a creature that looks alot like Gabumon, but different. She let back a bit for he looked strong, but something also told her to stand her ground because she was stronger. She stood on all fours on her guard wondering if whether she was suppose to fight this guy or if he was on her side.[/i] _________________________ OOC: I hope you don't mind this Solo...I was thinking maybe these two would find their armors first...after they lighten up a bit...just wondering...
Thanks for the complement. *glares at him/her* Oh well...
[i]BlackGatomon paid attention to the other digimon as she moved away from them to think. Who was Blush? She obviously know BlackGatomon's sister Cece, but why had she come here? Her sister was the one who had the partner, and BlackGatomon didn't. She and her sisters were twins, but they weren't that identical where a digimon would get them mixd up or were they? Seeing as her sister was gone (she left in persuit of the one who stole her partner) BlackGatomon decided to act along and keep an eye on this Blush.[/i] Tallamon: What are we going to do now? Blush: We can't defeat them by digivolving, and i couldn't do it anyhow... Blackagumon: We'll find a way. Swishmon: But how? BlackGatomon: I know how, but I'm not gonna say. Swishmon: Why not? Labramon: C'mon! Blush: What are you hiding? BlackGatomon: Ah, but the real question is what are you hiding? Hehe, see you later! [i]BlackGatomon swiftly jets down the cave leaving the others behind. She knew they probably would follow her, but she wasn't sure. She knew this cave, so even if they did she wouldn't have to worry. All she had to do was corner this Blush and get everything she wanted out of her.[/i]
Here goes nothin' Ballad of the Warriors The Red Warrior I am the Red Warrior. I cherish blood more Than the water at my door. My heart is pure and free and as kind as it wants to be, but truly I have a darkside. It is as bad as bad just as my good is good. It's the true me hidden under the hood, but it is hidden good. Is this who I am? The Blue Warrior I am the Blue Warrior. I am as pure as the water you drink, which might not be as clean as you think; but I am also as clean as the air, which is clean enough to share. I am as soothing as the rain, but eventually it goes down the drain. I am as calm as a pond, but I am the serpent that rest in its depts. My rage is as dangerous as an ocean storm, just as dangerous as the sun is warm. Is this who I am? The Green Warrior I am the Green Warrior I love nature as much as I love my mother. I like them both like none other. I am as wild as a bobcat, but this nature is under my hat. I am as viscious as a tiger, and as territorial as a lion, but none of this is what you should be buyin'. In truth, I am as shy as a mouse who runs to hide in his house. I am as gentle as a lamb, and I am as friendly as the dog. Is this who I am? The Yellow Warrior I am the Yellow Warrior. I am as bright as the Sun, But I am as dangerous as a gun. I am as calm as a hot spring, And gentle with a few things. I am as kind as a yearling In the spring, But I too have a dark side. My temper burns like the Sun; It makes me as dangerous as the gun. I am a tiger that is cunning and sly; You?ll never see me when I come by. I have a burning ambition like the lion. Is this who I am? The Black Warrior I am the Black Warrior. I am stronger than all except God himself. I am three feet tall, Yet I am not that small. My heart is grand and mighty; It is great. It is even greater than infinite times eight. My soul is the purest of all warriors, But even I have a dark side. Is this who I am? The White Warrior I am the White Warrior. I am one you wouldn?t expect to have a dark side. Ah, but darkness is what I thrive. There is little a chance you see the light in me, But I don?t care my soul is free; There is nothing any one can do to me. Even so, when my light does shine All darkness in me declines, But it last no time. I have a good heart, but I don?t know how to use it. Is this who I am?
Everything on your profile is fine trainer..."y'all" can start posting any time you like :D
Renumon and the other two continue on their way towards the area belonging to Devimon. Renumon thinks she senses something, but forgets about it as BKT starts messing around. BKT: So Renumon, wanna play wanna play!? BKG: You better stop dude... BKT: Aww, you two are such party poopers. Party Poo! Party Poo! Ren: Hmm... BKG: Dude, I mean it, she's going to snap on you... BKT: No one can beat me! I'm the invincible supermon! Ren: Grrr... BKG: Uh oh... BKT: What's wrong pal!? Feeling down in the dumps?! Ren: Grrr..... BKT: I can fix that! Bunny Woggles! Ren: :mad: BKG: :bluesweat BKT: I'm the invincible......Ahhhhhhhhh! BKT takes off as Renumon loses her temper and charges after him. He ran faster than he had ever run before. The two ran around in circles through the forest, and eventually headed in the direction of Devimon's castle. BKT: Hey! C'mon! Can't you take a joke! Ren: Bad joke! Now you're gonna get it! The two keep running towards his castle with BKG close behind, little do they know of who's coming...
This is all true, and I think some of the others are starting to understand me ( a bit) so they're more friendly and giving more complements...I just noticed it today when everybody wanted to read a poem I wrote titled "Ballad of the Warriors" Some wanted the short version, and some wanted the long version.....I wonder if they like me, or it's just my poem they like....It doesn't matter I guess, either way I feel better.... When I scare people, it's usually when I'm hyper and I'm silly. I'll say anything and everything. I get weird looks sometimes, but I'm usually not noticed unless I'm being loud....Surprising to me, no one can hear me when I talk...
[i]BlackGatomon slowed down as she neared the clearing where the others were which allowed the two Labramon to catch up with her. She ignored their presence and eyed the two in the clearing.[/i] Tallamon: Swishmon, calm down! Swishmon: It's coming! Somethings coming! Tallamon: This is what I get for hanging around black cats...now I have bad luck. BlackGatomon: I'll show her how bad her luck is...:grumble: Superstitious little twit. [COLOR=blue]Labramon: Hey, chill...We all have our differences...[/COLOR] [i]BlackGatomon glares at him.[/i] [COLOR=deeppink]Labrmon: I don't think she agrees.[/COLOR] [i]BlackGatomon frowns at the two of them and waits for the danger to come. It was stronger now. It would be coming soon. She noticed a BlackAgumon to her right, but she paid no attention to him.[/i] BlackGatomon: Be on your guard...it's close...I can smell it now. [COLOR=blue]Labramon*sniffing*: Whoa! No kidding! Boy does it smell like a dump truck.[/COLOR] BlackGatomon: You would know the smell of trash wouldn't you. [COLOR=blue]Labramon: Hey!:eek: You-[/COLOR] :eek: [i]In front of them, a mighty crash is heard and they turn to find some very combative oponents....Devimon, Ice Devimon, and NeoDevimon. They all prepared themselves for battle and rushed to the aid of the other two digimon...[/i]
I'm sorry to hear that you lost your brother....I haven't lost anyone like a sister or brother, but I did lose my grandfather when I was 7,8,9? Somewhere around there.... I loved him, but I'm not sad he died because he taught me alot, and I still remember his teachings. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be as diciplined(SP) as I am now. He was a great grandfather and I loved him, but I didn't cry when he died...and I didn't feel sorry for him because I knew he had not left any of us. If we remember our family and friends, and we remember the things they've taught us then they're never really gone. They're always with you! They pointed it out on Kingdom Hearts! And Celiean Dion's song "My heart will go on" Is also good to listen to. If you really listened, she's telling you exactly what I'm telling you right now. And like everyone said, he's in a better place. I know I may seem naieve(SP) but it's a true fact. As long as you remember the ones you love, then their hearts will go on...
Yay! Someone in my shoes! I'm sure eventually, we'll both learn...Hmm, the qualities of a good conversation are: 1.intelligence 2.a talent of some kind 3.a good voice 4.a good looking voice 5.and a neat looking pair of shoes.... Okay, that was a bad joke....I can easily get the gutts enough to say hi to others on the net (I usually know them), but when it comes to meeting someone face to face I'm a little shy about doing that which reminds me... In elementary school, that was usually the reason no one knew me for who I was. That's why the other kids usually got to the new students first and told them I had a disease (which I didn't it's a skin rash called eczema). That usually caused me to end up alone and having people call me "fish scales"....But I won't go there....
[i]Gatomon took off down the forest path into the direction of where that noise had come from. She was hoping that she made it there before that psycho did.[/i] BlackGatomon: You can't leave them alone for one minute and then they get attacked. What? Do they wait till I leave to get into trouble? [i]She sees the two Labramon ahead of her and speeds up. When she reached them she flew right by causing a small wind. That caught their attention, and they followed. She grinned. Who ever this nut was, he wasn't going to stand a chance against them.[/i] BlackGatomon: I can't believe it, I actually have confedience in these blockheads. Oh well, I just hope I'm right. [color=blue]Labramon: Hey, wait up![/color] BlackGatomon: Hmm, or maybe I'm wrong and we're all doomed...
The stereotype at my school is basically the Adv. class and the Reg. class...regular classes are always saying R-E-G and for advance classes it's A-D-V....They look at us like we are smarter than everyone else, when we're no smarter than them, we just apply ourselves better... I can't really give a stereotype for being black because where I live we really don't have that problem. Wal-Mart on the other hand has a stereotype with women I heard. They said on the news that the women were not getting paid the same as men....
Yeah, I guess that's true...i'll learn eventually, but until then, how do I start a good conversation? I usually have nothing to talk about so it's hard. Maybe I should quit looking at everything being as hard huh?