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Everything posted by Na'dou

  1. Have you even had the feeling that there was something about you that just plain scare people? Or you feel as if people can't except you for who you are? I do. It always seems like I'm ignored being myself around others (mainly because I'm my own generation) and even my family. It just seems as if I don't fit in and they know it, so they try to get me to do things (like dancing) which is really something I just will not do. I just don't like the dances that they want me to do, and my dances are so different it's like they're weird. I know I'm not a very exciting person (and plenty here may know), but would it hurt just to except me for who I am? I except everyone else, so why don't they do the same? Sorry for being a pest...
  2. I know how you feel about privacy...I live in a small apartment, but my parents want me to keep the door open. I don't want them watching me. That just plain makes me nervous!...I'm not in as bad a situation as you, and I agree with what Piro said about doing the "mirror check" act with you dad...I made up that mirror check thing, I'm sure you knew...
  3. Hmm, if someone got shot near me...I'd scream and run and scream, probably. It's like that old quote: [b]"You know what you are, but you know not what you may be."[/b] You may be a Tai and help out....Then again you may be a T.K. who scream and cry his head off before he ran. You may even end up being a killer, but you don't know and you don't think so...Bye now...
  4. Oh, so that explains the black cat stuff...Pretty good there...The RPG has started just for a reminder...
  5. Since I didn't catch you before you got off, the part of Ch.5 of the story you sent me was great...It was pretty funny too...
  6. [i]BlackGatomon reaches her house to find that everthing is fine, but something still doesn't feel right to her. She shrugs it off and makes her way to her home. All the way she feels as if she's being watched, but ignores it. When inside, she goes over to a computer like device and uploads the data she had absorbed earlier into it. On the outside, a forcefield appears around the back of her house. She smiles.[/i] BlackGatomon: For some reason, I feel as if war is going to break out any day now. Don't know why, but I'm going to be prepared for it. My house will be indestryctable. ???: Soon....Soon... BlackGatomon: Huh? ???: Soon, all worlds will be ours! BlackGatomon: Who the heck is that? Hey! ???: SOON! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! BlackGatomon: If you don't knock it off, I'm coming out there! ???: Do as you wish, but you won't be able to stop me! BlackGatomon: Wha-?! Hey! ???: Soon... [i]The voice fades away leaving BlackGatomon completely freaked out. She stood on all fours ready for an attack, but nothing came and she settled down. She frown, licked her paw, and brushed the top of her head.[/i] BlackGatomon: Psycho...Who does he think he is disturbing me? [i]Suddenly, BlackGatomon hears an explosion off in the distance, and the other digimon instantly come to her mind.[/i] BlackGatomon: Just peachy...can't leave 'em alone for two seconds.
  7. Na'dou

    Digital Life

    Renumon wakes up at the sound of an explosion. She jumps up thinking she's under attack until she sees the smoke off in the distance. She calms down a bit until she realizes it was coming from the town. She immediately worried wheather her friends were okay, but two calls of her name calmed her down. BKT: Renumon! BKG: Hey Renumon! They must've canceled the parade. There was nobody in town except for three digimon and Devimon. But he left in a hurry when they started to beat him. Ren: Devimon? Oh boy...We're gonna have a fight day everyday with him around. Let's go. BKT: Go where? Ren: To stop him you dunce. May as well take him down while I'm in the mood. BKG: Umm, okay! Hey, it might be fun! What if we digivolve? Ren: Then we digivolve. More than likely.... BKT: We'll digivolve. Yay! Let's go! BKG: yeah! Ren: Whatever. The three of them take off into the part of the forest to the right of the oasis. They headed into the direction of Devimon's domain, the dark mountain.
  8. Well, you can start playing now. I've started the RPG...as like always, anybody can join especially in this one...
  9. [i]Just as BlackGatomon and the others are through introducing themselves, they suddenly hear more fighting to their right. Thy turn in time enough to see BladeGabumon just as he digivolves.[/i] BladeGabumon: BladeGabumon digivolve to....Lupedramon! BlackGatomon: Good grief! What is this? Did Fight Day just suddenly appear and nobody told me. Sheese! I'm out of here! I've had enough of this. Kolibrymon: Hey! Wai-... [i]Kolibrymon has no time to stop her as she gets on all fours and runs off deeper into the forest. She felt completely guilty about leaving them there, but she couldn't stay. Something was wrong. She had to get back to her home and make sure it was safe. She ran Swiftly on the forest path. Suddenly, she was run into by a Labramon. They laid on the ground in a daze just as another Labramon, a male, caught up with them.[/i] [color=blue]Labramon: Hey! I remember you! Are you both okay?[/color] [color=pink]Labramon: I'm fine. Are you- Hey wait![/color] [i]BlackGatomon didn't stick around even after being knocked down. She got up and took off for her home. Something was wrong, and she could sense it.[/i]
  10. Na'dou

    Digital Life

    Renumon, BKTerriermon, and BKGuilmon (who joined up with them ten minutes after BKT) ran for their lives as MarineDevimon tried tp pound them out of existence. Renumon: Well, this is just peachy... Diamond twister! BKT: Terrier Helix! BKG: Pyro Destroyer! The three attacks ram right into MarineDevimon, but they make not one dent on him. He laughs evily and counters back. MarineD.: Evil Wind! Ren: Diamon Twister! BKT: Bunny Crusher! BKG: Rock Thrasher! All of the attacks collide causing a great explosion. Renumon and her friends hit the ground to avoid backfire, while Marinedevimon gets caught in the blast and disperses into data. Ren: Who calls? BKT: Me! BKG: Aww nuts! BKT absorbs the left over data and bulks up a tiny bit. He grins over to Renumon. BKT: How's that for losing weight and getting in shape? Ren: :bluesweat Uhhhh... BKG: :rolleyes: Come on, let's go. There's going to be a parade in town today. Wanna come? Ren: Nope, you two go on. I have things that I need to do. BKT: Things? Ren: yeah, things. BKG: Well okay, bye see you later! BKG and BKT head off back into the forest leaving Renumon alone. She sat down on the ground and meditated a bit. That battle had really worn her out. She moved over to a tree and leaned against it, and she decided to take her a long nap.
  11. Na'dou

    Digital Life

    Renumon motioned as the sunlight shone faintly through the tree she was sleeping in. She yawned, stretched, and rubbed her eyes wondering what today was going to bring. She knew she would probably have to fight for some reason. It never failed. She and her friends knew that. She immediately wondered where were her friends; they were usually up by now. Renumon: Well well well, I've lived to see another day. Wonder what's new? She jumped down from the tree and started walking down the forest path. Ren: I might as well check things out in the Virus Oasis. Haven't been there in years. ???: Hey Renumon, who are you talking to? Ren: Well, that's a silly question. Isn't it obvious I'm talking to you? ???: Ummm... Ren: Don't ummm me BlackTerriermon. If you don't believe me, I'll be on my way...talking to myself. BKT: Hey, I didn't mean it like that! Come on. I believe you! Ren: Okay fine. Renumon grins at herself at her cunningness. She had once again fooled her small friend. She chuckled to herself and started to walk off. BKT: Hey, wait for me! Renumon didn't stop walking; she kept going so BKTerriermon had to catch up. He jumped onto her head and started to catch his breath. Renumon just shook her head wondering how anybody who was a friend of hers was so out of shape. Ren: Remind me to take you to the gym in the city sometime in the future. You really need to lay off of those Cherries. BKT: Hey, I get 'em while they're available. Cherrymon don't sleep forever you know, and when I pick 'em I eat 'em. It's not my fault. Ren: Yeah, you wish... BKT: Hmmp... The two of them continue walking, as they make their way to the oasis. Little do they know of who the head-mon of that area, and he does not like visitors...
  12. [i]The first Devidramon flies off into the direction that he had first come from. BlackGatomon and Swishmon concentrated on the other two.[/i] BlackGatomon: I'll take the fathead.... Swishmon: Which one? BlackGatomon: Hmmp, clever...You go right, I'll go left! Swishmon: Right! [i]Swishmon flies off to the right, while BlackGatomon focuses on the Devidramon on the left. He eyes here menacingly, but she just ignores the glare. She leaps at his face.[/i] BlackGatomon: Thunder Twister! Devidramon: Evil Eye! [i]The two attacks collide, but BlackGatomon has the power on her side. Devidramon is knocked back and lands into the ground. BlackGatomon prepares to finsh him off.[/i] BlackGatomon: Lightning Razor! [i]She fires the first attack.[/i] BlackGatomon: Thunder Twister! [i]She instantly turns into a twister of blue lightning and pounds right into Devidramon dispersing him into data. She immediately abosorbs it, and turns to where Swishmon is.[/i] BlackGatomon: Now to help him out. [i]She rushes over to where Swishmon and the last Devidramon are fighting. Swishmon is doing a pretty good job, but yet he's having trouble seeing as he was a rookie.[/i] BlackGatomon: Cat's Eye Shocker! Swishmon: Be careful he's stronger! [i]Swishmon and BlackGatomon are suddenly pounded into the ground.[/i] Devidramon: My turn! [i]Just as Devidramon is ready to attack, Swishmon started to glow...[/i]
  13. [i]BlackGatomon and Swishmon prepared themselves for attack. She eyed Devidramon and glared.[/i] BlackGatomon: Staring at me? Well, stare at this! Cat's Eye Shocker! [i]Electricity formed into the eyes of BlackGatomon and Devidramon instantly became half electricuted. He landed so's not to fall.[/i] BlackGatomon: Lightning Razor! Swishmon: Hey! I'll help! [i]Swishmon adds his own attack in and the two attacks wear Devidramon out. It seemed as if he were already defeated, but in an instant, another Devidramon came out of nowhere. Then another one came, now there were three![/i] BlackGatomon: Oh boy...I'll never come this way again. Devidramon1: We're done playing for today, but my friends are here. You can play with them! They're stronger. BlackGatomon: Just peachy...
  14. Okay then, and I'll ask S@bretooth!
  15. [i]BlackGatomon rushed through the bushes and ran up a tree. She wanted that Labramon to follow her here. If he was like her, he had to prove it before she would talk to him. She waited quietly in the tree knowing he was not far behind, and she smelled his presence in the air. But, there was another presence that resembled his with him. Who was it? She didn't have time to think for a very huge Devidramon went stomping right pass the tree.[/i] BlackGatomon: Uh-oh, I didn't expect him to be here...Though he's very playfull, he's dangerous when he does play, but he doesn't mean any harm. His Evil Eye and Crimson claw attacks are enough to scare even me. I hope he and whoever else is with him knows how to fight. I guess I'll count this as part of the test. [i]Devidramon kept walking and went out of sight leaving BlackGatomon alone with a guilty feeling in her stomach. Labramon was only trying to be friendly, he didn't mean anything.[/i] BlackGatomon:I can't let him hurt them...
  16. This is great! The RPG has already started, but as usally plenty more can join...
  17. You can have tamers if you want in this one. I don't care, as long as you can handle it...
  18. BlackGatomon: Well, isn't obvious? He's all alone out here with no protection of his own. Who am I for him to trust? I am a dark digimon. It was right for him to be frightened of me. What's your excuse for being alone? No friends? Labramon: Wha-? Hey! BlackGatom: See ya later kid...I'm taking off. Labramon: Kid? What do you mean? Hey, I'm talking over here. [i]BlackGatomon ignores his cries and walks off. Who was this guy? How did he know who and what she was? Any digimon could digivolve. Did he since her power? Was he aware of what kind of strength she had?[/i] BlackGatomon: I don't really care what he knows about me, he won't learn a thing more. I'd better go home be-... [i]She hears footsteps behind her. She frowns knowing it was Labramon. What did he want? Was he stalking her or something? She got down on all fours and took off forgeting what direction she was going in.[/i] BlackGatomon: Hmp, try and follow me now...
  19. [i]BlackGatomon walked through the forest wondering about herself. She knew who she was, but she didn't know what she was. She didn't try to ask for help from anyone. She preferred to work alone like the stray alley cat she was, but she knew when to help when help was needed. She never let herself be known though so as to keep safe. She wasn't like other digimon who digivolved. She was stronger. Alot stronger than the others. She was a monster to them, and her evolutions just made them feel worse, but she didn't care about them. She knew who she was deep inside. She was nicer than most like herself, but it didn't matter. Only she cared.[/i] BlackGatomon: If I'm the only one who cares, why should I care about anybody else? They don't care about me... [i]She immediately noticed a young digimon a bit close to her who was being taunted and teased my a Monochromon. She tried to ignore them, but her heart wouldn't let her.[/i] BlackGatomon: I don't know why I care, but nonetheless I do, and I can't ignore that now can I? BlackGatomon digivolve to....LadyDevimon! LadyD.: Okay rock head, let's see what you've got. [i]LadyDevimon took off from where she stood and charged after the Monochromon. She tackled him and easily knocked him over. This battle was already won, or so she thought. The Monochromon got to its feet and glowed[/i] Monochromon: My turn...Monochromon digivolve to...Triceramon! Tricera: Now, let's see what you've got! Volcanic Crusher! LadyD.: Darkness Wave! [i]The two attacks collide blowing LadyD. back a bit, but she stood her ground when she glanced to the young digimon. The smoke cleared and Triceramon had been slightly dazed. LadyDevimon finished him off.[/i] LadyDevimon: Dark infushion! [i]LadyDevimon's Five red claws glowed a bright red, and a wave of energy flew from her hand as she slashed it in the direction of Triceramon. He screamed in terror before he completely disappered. LadyDevimon absorbed his data and decided to make good use of it. When she was done, she looked at the young digimon who sat frozen with fear. She chukled and headed back from where she had come from. When she had made it far enough away, she de-digivolved into BlackGatomon.[/i] BlackGatomon: Another day, another fool...Who will it be next?
  20. I wonder if I can call myself the digiqueen? nahh, no one would vote for me... Anyway, this digi-RPG does not deal with saving the world, yet it deals on the life of a digimon. So just pick your chara and have fun... No real info required except for: Name Domain (where your digi resides) Level Attacks (so no one forgets) evos (if they can digivolve) Profile (let's know a bit about your digi) Mine Name: Renumon Domain: The Virus forest Level: Rookie Attacks: Diamond twister, Power Paw, Beam Hypnosis Evos: Youkomon (champion), Doumon (ultimate), Kuzuhamon (mega) Profile: A sneaky a clever digimon, though she refrains from viscious pranks because of her height and inability to get away without being seen. She's much of a lone wolf type character, so she's usually alone, but she does have friends (BlackTerriermon and BlackGuilmon).
  21. This idea just came to me a while ago, so here goes nothin' Plot: In the digital world, everything has been peaceful for at least a decade or two, but now trouble has started to rise once again, and it's up to a few special heros to stop it. The Digi-Rebels have plotted an evil plan to become an almighty triumvarate of the real world, the digiworld, and any others out there! It's up to the special digimon who have the ability to digivolve and the extra power that is needed to bring an end to this havoc. Can they do it? Once again, this is another long term digi-project...I'm allowing any number to join, because if I do put other worlds in here, There will need to be more digimon to protect them. I really do not want human partners this time. Though it's exciting, it's a bit old. No complaints please, just join if you want. You can have any digimon (fic or real)so let loose and heave fun. I will need the following: Digimon Name Level Attacks Evos Personality My chara will be Digimon Name: BlackGatomon Level: Champion Attacks: Lightning Razor, Thunder Twister, and Cat's Eye Shocker Evos: Impalamon(rookie), LadyDevimon(ultimate), DarkOphanimon(mega) Personality: A very nonshalaunt digimon who usually cares only about herself, but she has a good heart and knows when to help regardless of who she is.
  22. Thanks Shy!...I didn't know this and that were considered the same...
  23. Sorry, I didn't know...I don't usually make threads here...Oh well, can a mod combine these two threads please? i hate to be a bother, maybe i should just stick to the Adventure Arena...
  24. I live in Alabama, the state with alot of bad counts: tax, diabeties, obeastity(SP), violenceetc... I live in one of its most dull cities...I love school, but I can't stand this year because we don't get to do anything. I love to get with my two best friends at school, but nobody lives around me...
  25. You definately sound like a person who gets along with people...I tend to argue sometimes...(I guess the digipeeps can call me a gogglehead)...I have a bad temper problem too, but I don't blow up here because I have no reason to...
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