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Everything posted by Na'dou

  1. Hmm, well I think I've been quiet enough don't you? I don't know if this is allowed, and sorry for being annoying if it isn't... Who are you? I am a young African-American girl with big hopes of being a famous 13 year old writer...I'm not much of a people person, so I don't get along with everybody. I'm different too, very different...I am so different, it's like well, nobody wants to except me. I'm too different for everybody. Whatever one person likes, I'm usually the opposite. I put myself down alot, and I usually feel lonely when I don;t have anything to do, or no one I like to be with. I'm not good at explaining either. I'm also a very blank person. If someone dies, I don't take it as hard as others. I don't know why, but I don't. I don't usually share my feelings with anybody. I mean come on, who cares about me enough to sit there while I try to struggle and get it out to them. I have no one to talk to when I'm not on the net, that why I hope I never lose the friends I do have. It's so hard for me to be appealing to others where they'd want to be my friend. That's why I write the way I do. It's my vision of what's not here. I always write about friends and I never really have them fight. Once they're friends, they never say goodbye unless they really have to. Take Shystor and Reena for instance, through all of the troubles and changes they've been through, they're still the best of friends and always will be. You probably don't know Shy and Reena, maybe I'll get around to introducing you to them one day. I'm also a very lazy person. You notice, when I get bored, I'm not really bored, I'm just too lazy to finish. I've either found something else, or school has just made it where I can't enjoy it anymore. Sorry if my laziness has evey offended anyone. It's understandable if you're mad. That's why I just feel that I'm meant to be alone sometimes. I'm the only one like me, and I have nothing else in common with this planet or its people. I love life, but I want more out of it than just being friends with people who are 42 and higher... If you want to ignore me, you can...All my other friends do...Sorry for wasting your lives, I just don't really have anyone I can directly talk to...except myself and the Almighty One above...
  2. Well, she said many more, so I'm guessing that I'm one of those...I hope... Ginny=Best friend here (to me) Shaun=Nice, friendly, and so darn likeable Blanko=You're pretty cool, and alot like me Devidramon=You are someone I can talk to if I felt like it... To sum everything up, mostly everyone on my OB buddy list and my AOL buddy list...You know who you are... [EDIT] How did everybody miss me? Am I that annoying?:nervous: Oh well...:flush:
  3. Hey, give him a break already...You have to wait until he types it first...Just be patient, it won't kill you now will it?... :)
  4. Katzemon paced the floor, and her mother did the same. They felt so hopeless. Katzemon was real worried about her old friend. They had started to lose connection over the years, and she feared that they finally had. Was Sprinmon her friend or was she just there? Katzemon: This is really getting on my nerves...Sakuyamon, can't you...? Sakuyamon: Of course, anything, but please sit down and stop pacing. You're making me nervous. Katzemon: Oh, sorry... Grashmon: Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find some way to help, and if we can't contact them, I'm sure they'll contact us* Shadowmon: Yeah, and if they don't, then they obviously don't need our help, and we can go solve any other problems because the digital world has a lot of things that need to be fixed. Katzemon: I guess...Okay! Ophanimon: Sakuyamon, if you please...try to contact Sphrinmon now, I don't know if they are in the real world or here, but somewhere I sense a fierce darkness rising. Sakuyamon: As you wish... Sakuyamon rises her scepter and it start emitting a signal. Katzemon, Grashmon, Shadowmon, and Ophanimon wait hoping for some type of response letting them know that their old friend was all right, and that everything else was all right as well... ----------------------------------------------- *=that's your cue...or you can start including my charas in your post now...There will be times where I'll be inactive here due to homework, so putting my charas along with the others will keep them alive in the story...I'll just have to catch up if I'm gone for a long time...
  5. Ophanimon looked out the window of her home. She had taken the kids in when that strange feeling came over them. They all knew that something was wrong, and possibly it related to an old friend. Katzemon: Mom, somethings not right...I can feel it in my heart. Something must be wrong with Sphrinmon. Grashmon: Sphrin? How can you tell it's her. Katzemon: We've always been close. She may have been on the loner side, but we've always been good friends. Shadowmon: So now something's wrong with her, but how can we find her? And how do we know she wants to be found? Sakuyamon: We don't, we don't know if any of them want to be found. Katzemon knew Sakuyamon was right. She had plenty of friends, but did they want her help this time. She wished David were around, he usually knew things because of his computer. She walked over and stood beside her mother. They both looked out at the sky. How were they going to help if they didn't even know where their friends were?
  6. Katzemon and her friends walked along the dusty road. Ophanimon flew over head feeling something was not right, but she ignored it so as not to worry Katzemon. Katzemon: So, what have you guys been up to? Grashmon: Well, I've become world famous for the fantastic things I've done for alot of different areas in the digital world, but I still can't match to you. I mostly thought about you also. Shadowmon: Can't argue with that....Hmm, I've been doing what I've always done...Travel here and there, seeing new places. I think I've gone across the whole digital world. I know it by heart. Katzemon: Hmm, Sakuyamon...What have you been doing? Sakuyamon looked at her little cousin who had the friendliest smile on her face. She gave and faint grin. Sakuyamon: I went back home to see Kuzuhamon...She was real happy to see me...I can understand. Katzemon: I know just how she feels... Suddenly, all five digimon since a really dangerous disturbence somewhere. They stopped talking and wondered...Who was causing it?
  7. My name is Jana' (Ja-nay) That's how it's pronounced....Most of my teachers always call me Jana (Jan-na. I don't mind when people call me Jana (Jay-na), but I can't stand it when my teachers call me the other name...I don't know why my mother named me that, and I think my name means sad or something...I'm not sure, but I do know my mom didn't know that...It really fits if you look at it....I like it when my mom calls me Jana' Len (Jay-na Lyn) I'm sure you can guess that that's my middle name...
  8. Katzemon and Ophanimon sat in a resutaunt in the town of the sovereigns relm. She eagerly awaited the arrival of her friends so that her mother often had to hold her to get her to be still. Ophanimon: Look, they'll be here in good time...Now would you stop that. Katzemon: Aww, let me go. I just can't wait till they get here! Ophanimon: I know, but would you at least sit still, bouncing won't bring them here any faster. Katzemon looked at her mother and smiled. Katzemon: All right... A few minutes after Ophanimon got Katzemon to settle down, the three friends came into view and Katzemon flew outside leaving her mother to wonder. Ophanimon: How the heck is she related to me? Katzemon: I heard that. Hey guys! Katzemon ran to meet her friends and her mother just smiled.
  9. It had been five years since Katzemon's last adventure. She and her friends Sakuyamon, Shadowmon, and Grashmon had helped her all through the whole adventure. They helped reunite her with her mother, so she was now living with her. Ophanimon: Hey, come on, we're going out today. Katzemon: Why? Ophanimon: They're coming. Katzemon: You mean? Ophanimon: Mmmhmm Katzemon: All right! Katzemon jumped up and landed in her mother's arms. She hugged her in excitement. After the adventure was over, she and her friends had to make a disappointing split because of where her mother lived, so they couldn't stay together, but now that was going to cease today. Katzemon: I can't wait!
  10. Hmm, may as well... Name of digimon: Katzemon partners: Grashmon, Shadowmon, and Sakuyamon Evos: Katzemon-Pumamon-MetalPumamon-SkullPumamon Shadowmon-Shacrumon-Shathunmon-DarkShathunmon Grashmon-Visciomon-Graembermon-WarGraembermon Renamon-Kyubimon-Taomon-Sakuyamon
  11. If I died, I'd want to be Ursala, then when I died as her, I'd want to be Sally! Take a look at my banner and guess which Sally? You might not know her, heck I don't know....If not those two, I'd want to be a very different Renamon...Yes, I said Renamon...
  12. [b]Who am I in my mind?[/b] This is a dangerous question to ask, but you asked... I am a person who's always thinks she has no place among the people of her generation or any generation for that matter. She likes things most others don't, take the crush on Jack, the liking of drawing cemeteries sometimes. She's usually left out, so she thinks she's semi alone most of the time (you always have one friend you can turn to), and she doesn't know who to call real friends because well, she just thinks so differently. She's very different, and what truly goes on in her head is so secret that even the day she dies no one will know what her true thoughts are. I think I'm just plain meant to be dependent on myself alot like Lara Croft because nobody will except me for who I believe I am...
  13. Shaun, I hate cliff hangers, but then again, digimon has a great cliff hanger right now, since they keep showing re-runs....
  14. Uhh, do we have to have tamers? My character's a loner...
  15. I love it Shaun, keep it up...I'm not in a good mood, but I can still give complements...
  16. Nice Blanko, I hope you have your other part ready...
  17. Yay! Another DaiKari fan! I don't really dislike T.K. but I don't like him either.
  18. Gee, I do the exact same thing Blanko....Maybe we could write a book together one day... I love your story!
  19. Na'dou

    DIgital Destiny

    [i]Katzemon looks at everybody around her, but a few friends were missing[/i] Katzemon: Oh no! Sakuyamon! Grash! Shadow! They're all back at the school! I have to go back and find them, before he does! Sphrindell: Who? [i]Sphrindell has no time to answer for Katzemon's heart is in another place. She disappears right before them and ends up in another area, that was neither digital or real.[/i] Katzemon: Where am I? Ophanimon: You are with me. Katzemon: Mom? Where are the others? Ophanimon: Don't worry, they're all right...when you passed out, you disappeared from the others and they became worried. They drew me into wonder and I found out what had happened. Your heart is what lead you back here. Katzemon: What about Sphrindellmon? Ophanimon: She may worry, then again she may know who you're with. Come my child, we must hurry back, you still have a job to do. Katzemon: But what happened to me? Ophanimon: I will explain everything when we get there? Katzemon: Where? Ophanimon: Where the sovereigns live. [i]Ophanimon picked up Katzemon and instantly flew off. Katzemon worried. Things were getting harder, and they weren't going to be over any time soon[/i]
  20. This is great Blanko! I can't wait to read the rest of it...eventhough I have alot to read...
  21. Na'dou

    DIgital Destiny

    Oh Flora, lighten up...How did everybody like the RPG? Was it interesting?
  22. Na'dou

    DIgital Destiny

    [i]When Katzemon and the others wake up, they find themselves in a familiar place[/i] Katzemon: Hey, this is our old school! What are we doing here? Grashmon: Yeah, they closed this building and moved the school away a long time ago.... Sakuyamon: Something's not right... Katzemon: Huh? What the? Voice: Katzemon...Katzemon, hey! [i]Katzemon suddenly opens her eyes and blinks at the surroundings. Where was she?[/i] Katzemon: Where am I? Voice: Where are you? Why, your at home sweety. Are you all right? Katzemon: Huh? But, where's Sakuyamon, and all the others? Why aren't I out there with them saving the world? Voice: Saving the world? Honey, you must've been dreaming. [i]Katzemon looked up to find her mother OPhanimon standing over her.[/i] Katzemon: A dream? It was all a dream! Ophanimon: Yes, you were talking in your sleep so I woke you up. Katzemon: Oh, I remember now. Hey, is Sakuyamon still coming for a visit? Ophanimon: Yes, now, get ready, they'll be here soon [i]Ophanimon left the room and Katzemon sat on her bed thinking about her dream. Why was it so real? Was it a warning to what was to come in the future?[/i] Ophanimon: Katzemon! Katzemon: Coming!....I wonder...maybe it was just a dream, or was it something more?... ? The End
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