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Everything posted by Na'dou
[i]Shadowmon spoke up to conferm[/i] Shadowmon: Aniox...What do you want here?! Aniox: I have come for you. I created you, you belong to me. Surrender yourselves, and I shall spare your lives. Katzemon: Not on your life! What gives you the right to decide if we live or not? Aniox: Because....I created you too...alll of you are my creations.....I CREATED THE DIGITAL WORLD! And you, though, still defy me...Surrender or be destroyed! Sakuyamon: What makes you think we believe that? [i]Aniox doesn't respond and sends the Shadowfrimon after the four of them. They stare in surprise, and they are instantly blinded by a white light...[/i]
[i]Katzemon looked around the area. It had changed, and she didn't think it was because of the flood that they had had when she had her slumber party.[/i] Katzemon: Hmm, I wonder what happened to everybody after we left? Grashmon: Everybody that wasn't with us in the real world you mean. Shadowmon: Do you think something happened to them? Sakuyamon: Let's hope not.....Hmm... Shadowmon: What is it? Sakuyamon: My scepter is activating. What could it mean? Katzemon: Umm, I think it has something to do with them... [i]Before the four friends stood about ten creatures, and they were black versions of their missing friends.[/i] Grashmon: Hmm, this does not look good...
Clue and Talia looked at the two of them in confusement. Talia: Uhh, did we miss something? Clue: Yeah, I don't have a clue of what's going on... Paige: This is Dou, she's my old best friend. I haven't seen her in years. Doulon: I'm glad we're back together again. It's so good to see you. Talia: This is great and all that you two have both found your best friend, but... Clue: We must go, the storm is starting to flare up. Doulon: All right then...Come on Paige, let's go...
I remember thoughs! They were great! I haven't read the others yet because I've just been inspired by an idea that popped into my head. It may earn me the nickname Morbid from my Teacher Mr. Boyd, but that's just him... (Note: It's not digimon for once.)
[i]After listening to Gatomon's story, the four friends immediately nodded in agreement.[/i] Gatomon: Since Sphrindellmon is off looking for the stones with the others, you can help us out here. Sakuyamon: As you wish. Katzemon: You can count on me Mother. I'd be glad to help you. Grashmon: Me too, after all, you will be my mother-in-law soon... Gatomon: Uhhhh, yeah, riight... Shadowmon: So who do we have to fight? Gatomon: You don't really have to fight, all you need to do is find the four puzzle pieces. once you get them, this world's destruction will stop, and only the real world will have to be worried about. Katzemon: So, when we find everything, which includes the stones that our other friends are finding, what's going to happen? Gatomon: The world decaying will stop and both worlds will be safe, but it won't be safe completely. Unless Aniox is defeated, things will never be completely safe. Sakuyamon: Who is he? Shadowmon: He's a human, and a very destructive one at that. He's the one that causes most of the darkness around here. As a matter of fact, he's probably the one behind all of the recent darkness. Katzemon: How do you know him so well? Shadowmon: Because......He's the one....who created....me. Grashmon: Come again? Shadowmon: I'm serious, he created me, but I was too smart to let the darkness control me. I escaped from him, and I hoped to never have to face him again, but I guess I have to now. I can't let him hurt m friends anymore. We'll find those pieces... Gatomon: Thank you, and please rest when you need to. Katzemon: We will. Sakuyamon: Farewell. [i]The four of them exit through the doors and immediately end up on the beach, where Katzemon's home was.[/i] -------------------------------------------- OOC: I just want to let you know, that I'm on my own right now, so no magically appearing with my team right now. I'll end back up with you guys whenever we face off with the Shadows or Aniox...
Doulon awokened to find the people she was with sleeping. She gave a faint(SP) smile to them and immediately frowned again. She needed to clear her head. Doulon got up and went to the door. She made sure the two people were asleep and then slipped out. She came to find that a storm was starting up, but she didn't care. She took off for the deep forest and didn't look back. What was she looking for? After a bit of running, she came to an old cave. it felt familiar to her. She walked up to it and sniffed around. Then it came to her. Doulon: My home...Look at it...I don't even remember it, but I know this is my home. Mother, Mother where are you? She raced around the area as the heavy wind blew, then reality finally hit her. Doulon: She's really gone...I still can't believe it... Doulon whimpered and laid down in the snow, just as the storm started to get worse...
[i]When Katzemon and her friends woke up, they found themselves in a room. They all looked around in confusion.[/i] Katzemon: Where are we? Grashmon: Are we asleep or something, because this looks like a place I'd only see in my dreams. Shadowmon: True, yet it seems odly familiar... Sakuyamon: It's an area in the realm of the sovereigns. What are we doing here. Gatomon: Because I brought you here. I need just the four of you to do something. There's still trouble going on here, this world and the real world are starting to die. You won't get to see the others for a long time if you do this, are you in? Sakuyamon: If it is to help them, I'm definitely in. Katzemon: Yeah, us too. Gatomon: Great, then listen carefully...
Doulon finished the food she was given then went into a corner and sat. She wasn't very comfortable, yet she decided to make the best of it. The people had been so nice to her, she couldn't help but to. Dellora: Is anything wrong? Doulon: No, I'm just not use to company these days. Dellora: Where's your pack? Doulon: I didn't grow up in one. My mother died before I could get to know her, and my father passed away just recently. The snow did him in, and it would have done me in also. Dellora: Thank goodness someone found you then. Doulon: I guess...I'm not really worth all of the trouble though. Dellora: Oh don't say that. Doulon: Why not? It's the truth in my case, and it'll never change for me. Doulon lays her head down and closes her eyes, wondering what she was doing in a place of care. She just felt as if she weren't worth it.
Doulon walks alone through a forest she didn't know of. She felt very very lonely. Her father had been lost to her. When that snowstorm hit, it was too much for him. She was on her own now. She sniffed the air and smelled other animals in the area. She decided that she would let them find her instead of her finding them... OOC:Sorry for being such a lazy butt on posting. As a matter of fact, I have only posted once, but oh well...
OOC: Oh my gosh! I'm gone for two days, and I end up in Chili.... -------------------------------- Katzemon: I think we're missing something you guys. Shadowmon: Me too, it seems like there's something going on that we're not being told about. Grashmon: I can't believe my brother... Katzemon: Huh? Shadowmon: Oh yeah, Guilmon is you brother isn't he? Grashmon: Yeah, or else he use to be. Sakuyamon: What seems to be the problem? Grashmon: Look at him. I can't even protect him the way I use to. He's become so strong all of a sudden. Heck, I'm his older brother, but it just doesn't seem like it anymore... Katzemon: Oh nonsense, he's just growing up. Sakuyamon: Exactly, and you've grown as well. All of you have, especially you Katzemon. Jumping into the rocks the way you almost did, I was shocked. Shadowmon: Jumping into the what? Katzemon: Let's not talk about that right now, it's a new day! Grashmon: Mmmhmm, whatever. Hey, when are you going to let me take you out? Katzemon: In a million years... Sakuyamon: Oh my goodness, girl you are something else. [i]Katzemon grins widely and winks at Grash. She was hoping to get some time to spend with him, the same way on the night before they left the digital world. Katzemon suddenly hears something in the bushes. Feeling in the mood to be curious, she hopped over to see what was up. She came to find Gatomon who disappeared right when she reached the bushes. The others ran up behind her, and a light shines. They are instantly sucked in and taken to a new area.[/i]
Katzemon: You think that did it? Grashmon: I hope so. Shadowmon: Well your hopes might be broken, look! [i]MetalEtamon rises out of the ground showing that he had completely dodged the attack. Arukenimon was heard laughing from afar.[/i] Arukenimon: Look, he's not like the other MetalEtamon. His strength and defense have been inhanced by the darkness, but don't worry. The darkness will be his downfall; trust me. Shadowmon: Hmm, the darkness huh? Grashmon: Hmm. Katzemon: Hmm...I think we have a solution. Hey Sphrindellmon, Sakuyamon, come here! Sakuyamon: We're a little busy here! Sphrindell: Yeah, what is it? Shadowmon: We have a solution to your problem. Arkenimon says that he's been inhanced with darkness. Sakuyamon: You mean more than he already has? MetalEtamon are always filled with darkness, and he's inhanced with more of it? Arukenimon: The darkness is his downfall. Use this knowledge to your advantage. [i]Arukenimon dissappears from the ear, and the others find that she is nowhere to be seen.[/i] Katzemon: Shadowmon, it's all you. Go help them dark master! Shadowmon: No problem. [i]Shadowmon rushes to Sakuyamon and Sphrindellmon's side, and he readies to attack.[/i] Shadowmon: On mycount, get ready to attack, and I'll add a bit of dark power to your attacks. Sakuyamon: Won't the darkness make him stronger? Shadowmon: Trust me...
Katzemon: No problem!*turns to her friends* I must be crazy, Sakuyamon you have to take this for us. Grashmon: We'll have to help from the sidelines. I'm sure these backpacks have plenty to help us, or we could use our staffs. Shadowmon: Good luck! Sakuyamon: Right! [i]Sakuyamon hops into the battle field and lands next to Sphrindellmon. Both begin their attack.[/i] Sakuyamon: Spirit Strike!....
[i]Katzemon takes Sphrindellmon's stone and she and her three friends head off to a prop studio in the east. They sigh from feeling a bit bored and devestated by the whole scene.[/i] Katzemon: This place is a mess! I hope the other areas of the world are not like this. Grashmon: This kind of environment breeds Sickomon. I hope none have decided to come here. Utimates like them get into your head and twist things around to scare you until you fight back. Shadowmon: Attack your friends is what you really need to know. Hey we're almost to that prop studio. Sakuyamon: Be on your guard. [i]The four of them walk up to the prop studio door and start to slow down. The gem doesn't respond.[/i] Sakuyamon: Let's move on to another prop studio then. [i]Just as the four of them start to leave, they are attacked from behind.[/i]
[i]Sakuyamon woke up to find that Katzemon and the others were awake. She smiled as they sat there looking at her.[/i] Katzemon: Have a good sleep? Sakuyamon: Considering my situation, yeah...*looks towards Shadowmon* I'm sure you slept well also. Shadowmon: You could say that. Grashmon: You have that stone don't you? Sakuyamon: Oh, yeah I have it. That's what you came for right? Katzemon: Yeah. You're coming with us when we leave aren't you? Sakuyamon: If they want me to. After the way I treated them, I'm not sure if I should... Grashmon: Nonsense, they're forgive and forget digimon. You've got the stone? Then we can take it to them. Sakuyamon: Yes, we can leave right now if you want. Katzemon: Fine. Shadowmon: Sure. Grashmon: Okay. [i]The four of them agree and start to make their way back to the entrance. Sakuyamon grabbed the stone and followed the three friends. She cleared the way to the entrance and lead them to the outside where their friends were still standing trying to figure out how to get in.[/i]
[i]Katzemon and Sakuyamon walk slowly as everything around them seems to be covered in darkness. Katzemon shivers for it seems cold to her. Sakuyamon keeps walking as if Katzemon were'n there. After walking for a bit, they came to an openning of the shrine. It was high up for you could see everything for miles and miles. Katzemon marvled at the sight and observed everything. Sakuyamon smiled and sat on a nearby rock.[/i] Katzemon: Look at the sunset. It's so pretty. I guess I nevery really get to see much of a sunset back home. Isn't it pretty Sakuyamon? Sakuyamon: .......... Katzemon: Uhhh.....hmmm.....I wish you would say something. Sakuyamon: Something... Katzemon: Very funny Sakuyamon. Sakuyamon: Hmm...... Katzemon: You know, you're right when you said that we know nothing about you. I never did really talk to you....I guess that's why...you hate me so much. Sakuyamon: Hmm? Katzemon: I guess that's why you left huh? Nobody really talked to you, did they? You felt like a statue in a sea of digimon. I guess you left because of me after all. I didn't make you feel any better by not spending time with you did I? Sakuyamon: Hmmm.... Katzemon: I'm sorry Sakuyamon. You wouldn't have left if it wasn't for me. I'm not a very good digimon am I? Sakuyamon: That's not true! Stop blamming yourself. I just didn't belong, that's why I left. You had nothing to do with me leaving. Katzemon: Then why did you leave? Why did you hurt Kuz and I like that? Why did you take our lives away? You were important to us, why did you leave? Sakuyamon: Uhh... Katzemon: It doesn't matter now...things have changed...maybe too much even for you to fix... Sakuyamon: I don't know why I left. I guess I need some time to think. I didn't mean for those things to happen. I didn't mean to hurt you...That was definately not what I wanted. I guess I've caused pain for you enough, haven't I? Katzemon: ....Then prove it, show me you care. I won't let the others hurt you if you do. Sakuyamon: Hey! Katzemon no! [i]Katzemon takes a big leap out of the openning and starts to fall for the rocks below. Sakuyamon leaps after her with tears in her eyes. She uses all of her energy and flies for Katzemon. She grabs her, just as they got to the rocks, and takes off for the shrine. When they land, Sakuyamon hugs her cousin to death as she cries.[/i] Sakuyamon: I'm sorry Katzemon...I didn't mean to hurt you. I care about you, I'll never stop. Don't do something like that again okay? I never want to see you pull another stunt like that. Katzemon: All right. Sakuyamon, thanks. [i]Sakuyamon looks at her young cousin as she falls asleep in her arms. She smiles at her and starts back to the other area in the shrine. When she returns, she finds the boys asleep curled into balls. She sits down on the ground with Katzemon. She thinks about things as she too falls asleep as well.[/i]
[i]Sakuyamon turns to leave and orders for the Shield to follow. It picks up and carries Pumamon and her friends after her. When they reach a room in the far back, Sakuyamon then causes a gate to close making it where Pumamon and her friends could not escape. She releases the barrier and the three friends fall out onto the ground. The impact causes them to de-digivolve to their Rookie levels.[/i] Sakuyamon: Hmp, just as I thought, a bunch of weaklings you are. You don't stand a chance against the twelve Guardians. Katzemon: Hmp... Grashmon: Hmm... Shadowmon: ...... Sakuyamon: Why won't you speak? Does the truth hurt you? Katzemon: What truth? I haven't heard anything true come out of you yet. Grashmon: Yeah, so how did you end up here? Shadowmon: MmmHmm, how did you end up as a guard? You seemed way too nice.....a long time ago. Katzemon: What happened to my favorite cousin? [i]Sakuyamon looks down at Katzemon in surprise, but she immediately frowns and turns her head away.[/i] Sakuyamon: She's gone...and she might not come back... Shadowmon: Well there's hope...Right? Grashmon: Of course, we just have to help her out of her darkness. Katzemon: Yeah, we know Sakuyamon. Sakuyamon: You know nothing about me. You never even really liked me...No one did...They still don't...So why should I like them or you? Katzemon: I do like you, Kuzuhamon too! You were all I had when my mother left...Why wouldn't I like you? When you left and never came back, I was worried as well as Kuz. Sakuyamon: Then why didn't you show it? Katzemon: I don't know...*lets her head down* I guess it's true when they say you never appreciate something until you lose it... Grashmon: When you left, it really hurt both of them...Kuzuhamon and Katzemon never could get along after that. They both blammed themselves and blammed each other a bit, so they stopped talking to each other. Everything broke between them. When Katzemon got old enough she moved out, but neither said goodbye to each other. She left and Kuz watched her go... Shadowmon: I really felt bad for them. She was sad for a few days after she moved, but she soon accepted things and became happy. Nonetheless, a piece of her left when you did. You were very important to them...and me... Sakuyamon: Huh? Grashmon: Oh yeah, you liked Saku...Hey! [i]Shadowmon attacks Grashmon and the two begin to fight. Sakuyamon looks at all three of them and walks off.[/i] Katzemon: Where are you going? Sakuyamon: Somewhere...Don't try to leave...I'll kill you if you do. Katzemon: Ooookay...Can I come? [i]Sakuyamon doesn't answer and walks off. Katzemon decides to follow her anyway. The other two notice, but decide to stay behind and continue fighting. Katzemon follows her lonely cousin, and they both dissappear into the shadows...[/i]
Pumamon: I'm telling my cousin! Everyone: ??? Sakuyamon: Ahh, Katzemon, so nice to see you again. Too bad it'll be the last time I see you. Pumamon: The name's Pumamon...Shorty... Sakuyamon: Hey, just cuz you're bigger than me doesn't mean you can defeat me! But then again I might be wrong, so show me..,Amethyst Wind! [i]Sakuyamon fires a storm of flower petals at Pumamon knocking her into her two friends. They became a bit powerless and laid there. The others turned to Sakuyamon.[/i] Pantheramon: Hey! You can't do that to our friends! Sakuyamon: And who might you be?... Pantheramon: I am Pantheramon, and you are the enemy as I can plainly see. Sakuyamon: Hmmp, then show me what you bunch of logs can can do. Chilmon: Fine! Voice: No! Get out of there! Pumamon: Huh? Mom? Gatomon: You're in no shape to battle! You need to learn to rest when you need to. If you don't you'll end up sleeping forever, if you understand what that means. Pumamon: But... Gatomon: No buts! Now get out of there! Sakuyamon is more rested than you guys! Sakuyamon: Awww...I was just about to play! [i]Sakuyamon puts a shield around Pumamon and her friends. She smiles evily. She then powers up and attacks.[/i] Sakuyamon: Spirit Strike! [i]Sakuyamon glows and summons four fox spirit elements that look like Renamon, and it carries everybody else out of the cave.[/i] Sakuyamon: You're not a challenge to me as weak as you are, so I won't even bother. Come back when you're stronger!
[i]Pumamon reacted. She and her friends charged into battle. Their staffs began to glow.[/i] Pumamon: Lightning Ray! Visciomon: Rock Crusher! Shacrumon: Dark Pummel! [i]The three attacks combined to form a Trinity Crusher, but they were far from over.[/i] Pumamon: Puma Blaster! Visciomon: Flame Thrasher! Shacrumon: Spirit Within! [i]They attacked again creating a swirl of dust. Everyone waits for the dust to clear.[/i]
[i]As soon as the three of them put their staffs towards the portal, they are instantly sucked in and Ophanimon follows, but dedigivoles to Gatomon first.[/i] Pumamon: Huh? [i]Everything becomes bright and Pumamon& crew lose sight of the forest that was around them. They soon find them selves falling. Before they realize anythin, they immediately crash onto someone.[/i] ???: Ow hey! Why don't you...huh? Katzemon? Pumamon: I use to be but now I'm Pumamon...Sphrin? Is that you? Sphrindell: Actually it's Sphrindellmon. These are my Tamers. Jake and Kyle, we're on our way to do something very important. Visciomon: Uhh, need company? We're here to help in every way we can. Sphrindell: Can you fight? If not then you need to stay here. Shacrumon: We can fight, as long as we don't have to...cause someone pain by doing so...I mean upset anybody clse to the one we have to fight... Pumamon: Yeah... [i]Gatomon spys them from a nearby tree and lets her head down wishing she could comfort her daughter's soul.[/i]
[I][COLOR=darkblue]When Na'dou finally woke up, Eseian was standing over her. She looked releaved when Na'dou saw her, that's when Na'dou remembered.[/COLOR] [/I] [COLOR=darkblue]Na'dou: Hey! Are you all right?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Eseian: I should be asking you that question. Are you all right?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Na'dou: Oh sure, just a little bruse here and there, happens all of the time. Are you going to be all right? I saw what happened to your...um...Anyway, I'm sorry you had to go through that...[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Eseian: Yeah, well, at least you didn't end up the same way as well....I have to go now....Bye...[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Na'dou: Hey wait! Here, take this. It's a gift. Take it.[/COLOR] [I][COLOR=darkblue]Na'dou hands a small item to Eseian and let's her go on her way. As she leaves, Na'dou hears something behind her. She turns and sees all of the dust over the park.[/COLOR] [/I] [COLOR=darkblue]Na'dou: Whoa! What's going on over there? I guess Karate class will have to wait today.[/COLOR] [I][COLOR=darkblue]Na'dou grabs her scattered things and dumps them into her yard as she ran past it and right for the park. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a necklace. It had a pink and blue star on it.[/COLOR] [/I] [COLOR=darkblue]Na'dou: Well old buddy, let's see what you and I can do again huh?[/COLOR] [I][COLOR=darkblue]Na'dou puts the necklace on and it glows. She smiles and continues on her way to the park.[/COLOR] [/I]
OOC: FLORA! Don't quit! I was planning on following Sphrindellmon. I noticed from the way you posted that you wanted some company. Just wait. I wasn't on last night so I didn't get to post my part. Let's keep this together people., this is far too much fun to quit now. ---------------------------------------- [i]Through all of the camotion that was going on, Pumamon, Shacrumon, and Visciomon slipped away from the others. They wished that Vajramon didn't have to go that way, but they were glad that he was coming back. Though, they still felt it was best for them to leave.[/i] Pumamon: Well, we better get going now. We have a long road ahead of us. Shacrumon: Why don't we go find Sprinmon. I'm sure we could use her help, and she could use ours. Visciomon: Fine. I guess you're right. But how are we gonna.... [i]Before Visciomon could finish his question, Pumamon smelled her friends presence in the air. Pretty soon the others did too.[/i] Shacrumon: Hey, she's been around here, but where? Visciomon: Look, over there! There's an open portal over there. Pumamon: Actually it's closed, but I'm sure Sprin went through it. So if she can we can. Shacrumon: Yeah. Should we tell your... Pumamon: I--think it's best if we didn't, she's probably still needed here... Visciomon: You sure? Pumamon: Yeah, I'm sure... Visciomon: Cheer up girl, don't feel bad. Pumamon: Hmm? Oh I'm fine! Now, let's find Sphrinmon! I'm sure we can use our staffs. Other two: Right! We've got the backpacks! Pumamon: This let's move! [i]The three of them hold their staffs towards the glow of the closed portal, and it started to open. Little did they know that Sphrinmon was Sphrindellmon, and also that Ophanimon was not far behimd....[/i]
[i]Pumamon charged at Vajramon. Her staff glowed intensely, and she readied to use it. The others did the same. Vajramon noticed them and grinned evily.[/i] Vajramon: SO, you've come back to play? This should be fun. Pumamon: Playtime is over! There is no time for games! Puma Gleam! [i]Pumamon fires energy from her eyes and blast Vajramon stopping him in his place. He panics as his body become disabled.[/i] Visciomon: Warrior Flame THRASHER! Shacrumon: Spirit Within! [i]Visciomon's staff transforms into two flame swords, and he tears after Vajramon like a twister. Shadowmon glows with a bright light and send meteors of Light Spirits right for Vajramon. Then energy of the two attack combine and cause a great explosion.[/i]
[i]The two megas joined the three younger ones and faced Vajramon.[/i] Pumamon: Surrender you and lets make this easy on everybody. Vajramon: Never! I will never surrender! Canon Crusher! [i]Vajramon lifts both Canon Blades in the air and fires upward. He sends powerful blast of energy into the air that rains down and thrashes all five digimon. He laughs evily.[/i] Vajramon: Don't you see? The darkness gives me unbeatable strength...I will never surrender to the light! [i]Vajramon turns away from them and starts to trash everything in sight. The five digimon stand up in a weak state and watch in horror. Pumamon, Shacrumon, and Visciomon glared in fury; Ophanimon and Seraphimon stare in disbelief.[/i] Pumamon: Mother... [i]Ohpanimon turns to Pumamon in surprise. Did she and her friends know?[/i] Ophanimon: Huh? Pumamon: I'm sorry...Come on guys! [i]The three friends take off leaving Mahiramon, Ohphanimon, and Seraphimon behind.[/i] Mahiramon: Vajramon has to be destroyed...if he's not then he will destroy the future for the unborn Devas...