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Everything posted by Na'dou

  1. Na'dou

    DIgital Destiny

    [i]Vajramon finds the trio and grins evily, but his grin fades when he sees the three of them glowing.[/i] Vajramon: What's...going on?! Katzemon: Katzemon digivolve to.......Pumamon! Grashmon: Grashmon digivolve to.......Visciomon! Shadowmon: Shadowmon digivolve to......Shacrumon! [i]The three friends blind Vajramon as they had transformed into the eligent creatures they were. All three champions turned to Vajramon, and their necklaces turned to three different staffs with the crest of light on them. Each had a different power.[/i] Pumamon: Vajramon, you shall pay for this trechory! Behold the power of the Thunder Staff!... Visciomon: The Vulca Staff!... Shacrumon: The staff of eternal destruction...Darkness of the heart!
  2. That's a good point...Hmm, I'd like to hear more opinions please....Hehe...*jumps over Niagra Falls*
  3. Do you think we need a recruitment thread in the Battle arena? I'm just asking because for tag team battles, you have to get people together so it can be fare for the other player. I'm thinking mostly on tag teams, so what do you think? I just felt like asking. It seems it would be a good idea so that you won't have alot of things being posted before the spar actually begins...
  4. Na'dou

    DIgital Destiny

    Katzemon: Lightning Bolt! [i]Katzemon summons powerful lightning from the sky and aims it directly at Vajramon. He is hit in the instant, but little damage was caused by the young rookie. Her friends decide to join in.[/i] Grashmon: Flaming Destroyer! Shadowmon: Devesta Sphere! [i]Grashmon swirls his hands into a crushing ball of terrible fire. Shadowmon glows with a dark light and summons a dark globe of energy formed from the darkness of Vajramon's second heart, the one of balanced. His darkness was great.[/i] vajramon: What's going on? This can't be! Katzemon: That was a hard hit, but I don't think it was on our side. Grashmon: What do you... Vajramon: Fools! You cannot defeat me! I shall destroy you all! [i]Vajramon suddenly absorbs energy from the entire area. The trees start to die out, and darkness starts to engulf everything. Vajramon grows from the power he recieves, and his swords transform into devistating cannon blades.[/i] Vajramon: Prepare! Your end is near! Katzemon: Oh boy...We're in deep trouble... Grashmon: No kidding... Shadowmon: True, but you know what? Katzemon: Yeah! We can take him! Grashmon: Right! All three: We're a team, and nothing can beat us! Vajramon: You're wrong, and I shall prove it by Destroying you all! [i]Vajramon gives a heart shaking roar and goes after the three friends.[/i] Katzemon: Watch out! Here he comes, let's move! Vajramon: Omnificent Crusher! [i]Vajramon strikes the ground with his blade causing an earthquake, he immediately follows up with shooting energy into the ground. As the ground beneath the three digimon breaks, the energy seeps up right after them.[/i] Katzemon: Oh no! Get ready! [i]All three of them are hit with an astonishing amount of destructive energy, and all three are sent into the forest. They land near Gatomon and spot her confined in the cage.[/i] Katzemon: Hey! There you are! Grashmon: Katzemon, he's coming! Shadowmon: What are we going to do? Gatomon: Digivolve.... Katzemon: Wha... Gatomon: Yes, digivole. You have the power to. Shadowmon: How... Gatomon: Only you can find the answer to that...I cannot help you...I'm in this cage, but if you defeat Vajramon, it'll vanish. Grashmon: Why? Gatomon: I'll explain later...the bags... there is something that may help you inside... [i]As Vajramon nears closer, they immediately open their backpacks.[/i] Katzemon: What are we looking for? [i]Suddenly, a light shines within each bag, and a necklace with the crest of light comes out for each of the three digimon.[/i] Katzemon: Oh.You sure this'll work. Gatomon: Yes, but everything has to come from you. Grashmon: Well, I guess we better give it a shot huh? Shadowmon: Yeah! Team? All three: Team! [i]They all bring their necklaces to the center and they do the team hand pile. The necklaces instantly glow, and the three of them do as well just as Vajramon finds them...[/i]
  5. [color=darkblue][i]Na'dou continued down the sidewalked and looked to her left. She was right across the street in the residential area. She saw two people walking. One of the looked behind them when the smaller one pointed it out, and the older one looked back and eyed in horror. She started to run with the little boy, but he slipped away from her and ran back. She screamed, but the little boy just smiled. Then horror suddenly came upon his face. In an instant a car flew through the air a hit the little boy as he started to run. The shock caused Na'dou to drop her books and fall back.[/i][/color] [color=darkblue]Na'dou: Oh my gosh! Oh no!Hey![/color] [i][color=darkblue]Na'dou called out to the girl who looked her way, but more horror came over her face. Na'dou, confused, looked to her right to find a car coming at her. She instantly stood up and started to glow[/color][/i] [color=darkblue]Na'dou: Well old girl let's see what you've got. Kara Kick![/color] [i][color=darkblue]Na'dou kicks the car away from her, but because of her inexperience she is knocked back and instantly passes out[/color][/i]
  6. Na'dou

    DIgital Destiny

    OOC: I think they're back in the digital world, see they just fled from Sphrindellmon. I posted saying that they decided to cause trouble for Gatomon, then they left again. So now it's open if someone else wants the Shadows to appear where they are. ----------------------------------------------------------- [i]Gatomon tries to call out to Katzemon again, but the cage keeps her voice in a short range. She fell down to the ground and cried.[/i] Gatomon: Please Katzemon, be careful, you and your friends...Be careful... [i]Katzemon and the others keep running until they get to the cave. Katzemon then realizes that Gatomon is not with them.[/i] Katzemon: Hey where's... [i]Before she can even finish, they see Mihiramon get sent flying out of the cave. Vajramon stampeads out of the cave right after him, but he quickly turns towards Katzemon and her friends.[/i] Vajramon: I shall do away with you as well! Grashmon: Not if we can help it! Shadowmon: We are not easily defeated, even for Rookies. Katzemon: You won't get away with your dirty deeds evil deva. Vajramon: We shall see...DEVA BLADE! [i]Vajramon sends a powerful blast of energy towards the three friends.[/i] Katzemon: Jump now! [i]The three of they jump swiftly into the air.[/i] Katzemon: Nice try, but it's not good enough....
  7. [i][COLOR=darkblue]Jana'dou sat on the steps of the school. School was out, but she didn't want to go home. She wasn't even sure if she could call her house a home. Nothing went right there,everything was all wrong. Worst of all, it wasn't getting any better. This is usually why she never stayed home much, she tried to stay out which wasn't easy for an introvert. She wasn't use to being in others conversations, so she didn't get along with many people anyway. Na'dou looked at her watch and spoke to herself.[/color][/i] [color=darkblue]Na'dou: Well, I better be going...I don't want to be late for Karate class again. I'm glad I can always talk to [i]sensei[/i] about my problems. She's the only one that'll listen to me talk.[/color] [i][color=darkblue]Na'dou picked up her things and headed down the street. She spoke to herself[/color][/i] [color=darkblue]Na'dou: I'm am who I am I guess, a lonely miserable nobody...If you know what I mean...[/color]
  8. I guess I'll give it a try.... Name:Jana'dou Matsukihna(Na'dou for short) Age:14 Height:5'4" Eyes:Brown Hair:Black Distinguishing Features: Black female Casual Clothing:Black T-Shirt, Blue jeans with a matching jean coat. Likes: Anything uncommon;out of the ordinary Dislikes: Trying to stay in the croud;not being herself, snobs...etc. Personality:A very Talkative child, but has a short temper. She likes sounding smart, and hates being told she talks too much. She hates being avoided when she wants attention or someone to talk to;has a tendency to get steamed when unhappy. Zodiac Sign: Dragon Personal Element: Wind Bio: Na'dou is an only child who tends to get depressed and lonely, especially when her friends don't feel like talking. She tends to get depressed often because she has domestic problems at home. When her parents got divorced, she was left to live with her father in Japan. Things haven't been so good for them, so things haven't been good at home for either... Typical character quote: "If you know what I mean?"
  9. [i]The girl walked down the street thinking of her neverending torment, life. She wondered what she was alive for. She couldn't do anything, and she didn't even try to do anything. She didn't want to, not ever since that day...the beginning of the end as it is popularly known. The girl hated her life, she hated her friends. What did they care about her? She wasn't sure if they were to be trusted. They had let her down so many times in the past, and they still were. It didn't seem to her like they were going to stop either. She knew why they treated her the way they did too. She was different. Very different, in fact she was too different for people to handle, so they treated her anyway they wanted to. So many times her mother told her,"Everyone is different..." She was too different for that rule to apply to anybody else. This fact hurt her day in and day out; she wanted her pain to end. She one day thought of a solution, a solution that would change her world forever and forevermore...[/i]
  10. Sure! Anyone's welcom! The RPG has really started. It's a bit long. You don't have to read the beginning part, but be sure to view the most recent add-ons....
  11. Na'dou

    DIgital Destiny

    [i]The four digimon friends traveled through the forest area and noticed a sort of hidden area.[/i] Katzemon: Hey! What's that? Grashmon: What's what? Shadowmon: Over there! It's a cave! Gatomon: Hmm, there seems to be dust flying on the outside. A battle must be taking place. Katzemon: Hmm, then let's go see! Gatomon: No, wait! [i]By the time Gatomon had called, the three young digimon had taken off after Katzemon. Gatomon's ears twitched.[/i] Gatomon: I sense a deva nearby...Oh no...Katzemon! [i]Gatomon started to run and warn her friends, but she was suddenly confronted by the Shadows.[/i] Gallantmon Cha.M.: I'm sorry, but it appears your daughter and her friends must be eliminated... Gallantmon Crim.M.: ...for the sake of the plan. Gatomon: What? No! Katzemon! [i]Gallantmon Chaos mode shines and traps Gatomon inside an invisible cage.[/i] Gallantmon Chaos mode: Heh, you're not going anywhere. Let's go... [i]The two Shadows vanish, leaving Gatomon with a tereible vision: The destruction of her daughter and her friends...[/i]
  12. Na'dou


    Shado: Hmp! [i]Tears start to fall from Shado's eyes.[/i] Wren: Aww, Shado don't cry. Shado: Big jerks! They don't know what to do with themselves. [i]Shado wipes the tears away from his eyes and starts to walk off into the other direction.[/i] Myst: Where are you going? Shado: Walking... Wren: Want some company? Shado: Sure, come on. [i]The three off them imediately take off from the area and head deeper into the forest. Neither one of them has any idea of the adventure that is about to begin...[/i]
  13. Na'dou

    DIgital Destiny

    [i]Gatomon appears before the three of them. She is suprised to find them all lying patiently on the ground.[/i] Gatomon: Oh, so you quit playing? Grashmon: Yeah, we got bored... Katzemon: No, I just got mad. Shadowmon: We said sorry... Katzemon: Hmp... Gatomon: All right, that's enough of that. Now, listen up. We have two different enemies, one enemy a digimon with a brother as bad as he is. The other enemy is human... Katzemon: So, who are we going for? Gatomon: It's best to go for the human because he is a bit more dangerous with his computer. I have kept in close conntact with him because I knew he might be dangerous, but now he's gotten away from me. Katzemon: Are the digimon on his side? Grashmon: Yeah. Gatomon: I'm not sure, he could be their tamer. I mean, it's not truly natural for a digimon to be evil on their own...especially Gallantmons. Shadowmon: So shouldn't we find out? Gatomon: Well... Katzemon: It would make sense to do so. Grashmon: Yeah, we should find the digimon first, and see what we can get out of them. Shadowmon: Sounds good to me. Katzemon: Me too, what about you? Gatomon: Well...it makes sense so...okay, but take these with you in case we get separated. These backpacks are filled with food and communication devices. I think we need to consult with my servants if we're going to carry this plan out. Katzemon: You mean the Devas? Okay... Grashmon: We got where she goes. Shadowmon: Yeah. Gatomon: All right then, let's go. [i]The four of them start to leave the area and they head towards the area of the Shadows. Little do they know that they are in for a battle with one of the dark devas...[/i]
  14. Na'dou

    DIgital Destiny

    [i]Gatomon grabs a device and a few other things. She puts them into a backpack, and she decides to take three more.[/i] Gatomon: If they get lost, they'll need a few things... [i]She grabs the last few things she needed, then pressed a button that caused a glow. She instantly dissappeared from the room she was in, not realizing that she was being watched...[/i]
  15. Na'dou

    DIgital Destiny

    Katzemon: Hey Grash, stop! Go away! Grashmon: What's the matter, are you a bit ticklish? Shadowmon: She's very ticklish. Let me help! Katzemon: What! Oh no, stop please, hahahah! [i]The two of them continue to tickle Katzemon until she couldn't take it anymore. Ophanimon hits her head.[/i] Ophanimon: I wonder if I'm expecting too much out of them? Hmm, I guess it doesn't matter now. Ahh, they've stopped, but that Grashmon seems to show more interest than he use to in Katzemon. I hope he can control himself. Grashmon: So girl, what made you think that you knew Ophanimon, huh? Katzemon: Stay out of my hair! Anyway, she seemed to remind me of my mother. There was something about her that sparked "mother" in my mind. Shadowmon: What if she is your mother? I mean you don't know what happened to her, all you know is she dissappeared. That's when Ophanimon came. You are alot like her, I wouldn't be surprised. Grashmon: Why don't you ask her? Katzemon: I couldn't do that, she'd deny it even if we were right. Shadowmon: No kidding, i bet it is true. Katzemon: Yeah, maybe...but...GRASH! LEAVE MY HAIR ALONE! [i]Katzemon forgets her statement as Grash starts to annoy her again. Shadowmon laughs at them both.[/i] Ophanimon: Oh my...I think I better keep close to these three...I wish I could tell Katzemon the truth... [i]Ophanimon de-digivolves to the well known Gatomon.[/i] Katzemon: Grashmon, stop! *Gatomon: Oh boy, I better get there and supervise. I hope Katzemon won't reconize me...
  16. Na'dou


    Shado: Hmp, you always know how to cheer me up, alot like the way my sister did... [i]Shado lets his head down. He loved his sister, but a few days after his 8th birthday she went for a walk and never came back. Ever since then, he's searched his soul for happy memories, but he could only remember fights that he and she always had. She did cheer him up, but she'd always leave him after he was happy. So all and all, he never really spent time with her, and he wished he had.[/i] Myst: What did I tell you? Shado: Sorry, it slipped...hehe...I really miss her...and so do my parents. Myst: I know you still miss your sis, but you can't always let her disappearance get to you. Stay possitive, she could be alive somewhere watching over you. Just don't think of the negative things. Shado: Yeah, I guess you're right, thanks for reminding me. Myst: Oh course, what are friends for? [i]Shado smiles at his friends words and perks up immediately. He again starts to wonder where his friend Wren was with the Cargo Partics.[/i]
  17. Na'dou

    DIgital Destiny

    [i]Ophanimon begins the story.[/i] Ophanimon: As you know, I use to be a very powerful sovereign. My rule reigned throughout the digital world, and everything was beautiful. As the days went on, I started to feel things change, and I went to discover what. I came to find that our world had many problems that would destroy our home if they weren't fixed. Seeing the problem we'd face if nothing was done, I set out to find a solution, but I was stopped in the process. The enemies didn't want me to fix the problem. I was robbed of my powers and made a regular powered digimon. This left the digital world in a spot. Without me there, anything could happen, and that's exactly what's going on. Both enemies know this, and both are taking advantage of this. If no one stops them, then our world will completely vanish from existance. That's why I chose you three, I have watched over you all of your lives. I watched you grow up, and I know that you have the power to help defeat the enemies. Grashmon: Why us though? Shadowmon: Are we special? Ophanimon: Yes, as well as your friends. It seems all of you understand reality a bit more than the rest of the digiworld residents. You take things seriously. Katzemon: I know you from somewhere. Ophanimon: Huh? Katzemon: I know it's crazy, but I feel like I know you directly from somewhere... Ophanimon: You must be mistaken. Anyway, I will transport you to a new area. I think it's best if I keep you out of the open. If I don't, then you will surely be put into danger. Katzemon: Umm, okay. [i]Ophanimon waves her staff in the air, and Grashmon, Katzemon, and Shadowmon are immediately transfered to a different area. Ophanimon wipes her head in relief.[/i] Ophanimon: That was close, I thought she was going to relize me. I miss being with her, but I can't tell her that I am her... [i]Ophanimon is cut off by the sound of playful screams.[/i] Ophanimon: What the heck is going on?
  18. Na'dou


    Shado: Yes you are! Myst: Who was suppose to bring the parts? [i]Both look at Wren.[/i] Wren: Ooo...I thought I forgot something. Shado & Myst: YOU NUMSKULL! Wren: Oh boy...I'll go get them now... [i]Wren takes off and leaves Shado and Myst with free time.[/i] Shado: I hope he will be able to get the cargo partics, they're a bit expensive. If he can't, we'll have to walk... Myst: Hey, you're the one who wants to be lazy and not walk. Shado: I'm not lazy! I hope he won't be able to get them! That way, I'll show you who's not lazy! Myst: Fine! [i]Both turn to the opposite direction and sit back to back. They often got into arguments like this. They sat quietly not speaking to each other waiting for their friend to return with the equipment.[/i]
  19. Na'dou

    DIgital Destiny

    [i]Grashmon, Shadowmon, and Katzemon step onto the foot of Ponder Peak, and a bright light glows beneath them. They are magically transported to a strange new place with a huge screen thet showed different items.[/i] Voice: Your destiny begins here. Katzemon: All right, but who are you? Grashmon: Yeah, you promised to answer all of our questions. Voice: As you wish, I am Ophanimon. Shadowmon: Huh? The legendary Ophnimon who mysteriously disappeared long ago? Ophanimon: Yes, but I'm not as strong as I use to be...That's why I need your help. Katzemon: Huh? How can we help? Ophanimon: I have a request of you. Will you help protect the Digital World? Grashmon: Protect? Why us? What about the others? Ophanimon: The others destinies have been set, but you were left without one. You Shall be useful in the upcoming battles, so I aproached you directly. Katzemon: What's different about the others? Grashmon: Yeah. Ophanimon: They have human partners, they will be in the upcoming battles more than likely. Observe... [i]The screen starts to activate, and different images appear before the four of them. They see all of their friends with humans. They're amazed that all of them have partners, except for a few.[/i] Shadowmon: Whoa, even Sphrinmon has a partner. So, I take it we aren't getting human partners. Ophanimon: Not likely, your friendship is too strong. It would be a bit impossible for you three to get different human partners, you just care too much about each other. Grashmon: Oh. Shadowmon: Interesting... Katzemon: Hmm, so what do you want from us? Ophanimon: Sit down, and I'll tell you a story. [i]The three friends take seats and prepare to hear the most important story of their lives.[/i]
  20. Na'dou

    DIgital Destiny

    [i]Grashmon was in the lead as the three friends raced, but Shadowmon and Katzemon were right behind him.[/i] Grashmon: I'm gonna beat you two! Katzemon: No way! Shadowmon: Yeah! Both: Double Stomp! [i]They use a duo stomp and cause an earthquake that makes Grashmon fall flat on his face.[/i] Grashmon: Hey! No Fair! Katzemon: Sorry... Shadowmon: Yeah, too bad... Grashmon: So, it's a tie? Shadowmon: Like always. Katzemon: Great. Gee, how long have we been friends? Grashmon: Since school. We were always a trio. Shadowmon: Yeah, I hope our destinies are tied. Katzemon: Me too... [i]The three friends continue on their way to Ponder Peak. They still don't notice that they are being followed. Grashmon and Katzemon make glances back and forth, while Shadowmon sighs at them. After walking for a few more hours, about 3, the three of them finally come to Ponder Peak.[/i] Grashmon: Well, here we... Voice: There's no turning back... Katzemon: Huh? No, not you... Shadowmon: No turning back, why? Voice: Your destiny lies before you. Come, step foward my children onto the peak that you seek. Grashmon: Who are you? Voice: Step forward, and I shall tell you all you want to know. Will you accept your destiny? [i]The three of them stand right at the beginning of the destination. Did they want to accept destiny? At the sudden instant, the three of them nodded and stepped forward...[/i]
  21. Okay, I got ya. I had started, but it died, so I'm gonna wait till I come up with a better idea. When I remake the RPG, try to remind me of who joined, but I'll probably remember...
  22. Na'dou

    DIgital Destiny

    OOC: Whatever you want, if you want human partners, that's fine. It's your choice. I'm sticking with Digimon on my team.
  23. Na'dou

    DIgital Destiny

    [i]Grashmon and Katzemon stroll down the beach. They can't help thinking about what that strange voice and their friend Shadowmon had said. Was everything linked into one puzzle?[/i] Grashmon: So Katzemon, do you like me? Katzemon: Of course. Grashmon: No, I mean do you like me like me. Katzemon: Oh, well umm...I...uhh, guess so. You are pretty nice to the extent where that could work out. Grashmon: Really? Katzemon: Yeah, I really care about you as a good friend Grash. Grashmon: So do you think our destinies are linked together? Katzemon: Maybe, it's possible... Shadowmon: I think so, just look at you two. Katzemon: Hey Shadowmon, I thought you weren't coming. Shadowmon: I changed my mind, decided I would stay in between you two. Grashmon: For what reason? Shadowmon: To seperate you two love birds. I know you two are gonna get married one day. Grashmon: I hope so. [i]Katzemon glares at Grashmon.[/i] Shadowmon: Come on you two, I'll race you. Katzemon: You're on! Grashmon: Yeah! [i]The three of them count and immediately run off at the same pace. Neither of them noticed that the keeper of the voice was watching them.[/i] ---------------------- OOC: (Notice) Now would be a good time for you to pick a one or two partners to pair up with(you could make your own, but only if you end up without a partner). Since we have so many members (and many more can join) we have to make things a bit challanging. At some point in the game, we're going to get separated and sent to different areas to find our Destiny. Our partners will be the only ones with us. That way, fights won't be won so easily, and battles made so hard for alot of digimon that it's ridiculus. We can do the separation thing anytime you guys feel ready.
  24. Na'dou

    DIgital Destiny

    Katzemon: Huh? Destiny? No, I didn't hear it. Grashmon: You must be hearing things little Bro. Guilmon: But I could've sworn I heard something... Grashmon: Finish eating and then go back to sleep, your mind was just playing tricks on you. Guilmon: All right. [i]Guilmon goes back to eating, and Grashmon wipes his head.[/i] Grashmon: That was close. Katzemon: No kidding. Grashmon: I think I might go, I need to clear my head. Katzemon: Then I'll go with you, you're not going out there on your own. I think Ponder Peak would be a good place to go, just look at its name. Grashmon: Yeah, all right. Hey Bro, we'll be back later sometime, okay? Guilmon: But where are you going? Grashmon: Don't worry about that, just tell the others we said we'd be back. Guilmon: Umm, well...okay, bye. Grashmon: See ya kid. [i]Grashmon and Katzemon wave off to Guilmon and start to head North to Ponder Peak. It was in the North where all the Mountains were. It's understandable why it's so cold there. While walking, Katzemon and Grashmon come across an old friend of theirs.[/i] Shadowmon: Hey you two lovebirds, where are you off to so late to night? Katzemon: We're going to Ponder Peak, wanna join our Possy? Shadowmon: Naah, but good luck. I've heard that strange things have been happening up there. Grashmon: Thanks for the warning, bye. Shadowmon: Bye. [i]The two of them continue on their way thinking of Shadowmon's words. Nonetheless, they both decided to keep going hoping that their friends would not worry too much about them.[/i]
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