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Everything posted by Anna

  1. Bleh.... diet sprite >_< heh, sorry there. Anyway, I've heard tons of tidbits relating to cancer-causing foods. And I've also heard about the whole deal with garlic and orange juice supposedly being an anti-cancer agent for the heart or something. I've heard [i]anything[/i] chargrilled or cooked over a b-b-q has carcinigens (sp???) in it, like hamburgers, steaks, because of the smoke emitted by the coals or something like that. SO there's another thing to nix from your diets! Just live off of tomatoes, garlic, and ornage juice from now on and stay out of the sun. ^_^ Actually you know what I say? Live the best way you can and enjoy yourself. As long as you don't do anything extra destructive if cancer comes it comes. Just live while you can.
  2. Awwwwww!!! Congratulations!! I'm so glad you're happy :D and that picture is adorbale...... I love your hair! ^_^ Be sure to let us know how everything goes at the wedding and whatnot. Again, best wishes!
  3. WELL! Sheesh, that's harsh..... heh, I always preferred Ryoko over the others................................... especially that Ayeka slut. ;) teeheheeheee............. moving on....... Umm.... yeah, .... that reminds me, I was upset with the end of Tenchi Universe, .... until Ryoko came back to Tenchi, 'cause Ryoko deserved Tenchi...... :D
  4. Yeah....... EVA does just seem like a big, long dream........ *is off to make her own anime, with inspiration from her own dreams... like men in green prom dresses running up hilltops....*
  5. :therock: "Watch the smiley"?! Tori, you're a weirdo.... Yeah, I remember that girl last year...... that was towards the end of the year, wasn't it? I remember I was very cold..... that's all I really remember..... but yeah this girl football player was on her homecoming court and got a spot in the runner-ups. What position did she play??? I wanna say she was either a kicker or one of the defensemen....... but my memory is whacked so I could be wrong, and she could really have been an offensive tackle! :drunk:
  6. Anna

    Music Trivia

    OH you big cheat! I know YOU knew the answer to my question! YOU DON'T COUNT! :therock: punk....... I'm going to say 1995, because I got the album in 6th grade and it was already out before then.
  7. Stereotypes are stupid. In highschool they're still there but not nearly as bad as in middle school. I myself play the drums........ how many girls do you know that play the drums? Actually more than you would initially think. That's what stereotypes do, put your mind into a learned way of thinking. There are quite a few girl drummers out there, but I bet none of you knew that, did you? And along that thought, I'm not the stereotype for a girl drummer either (yeah, there's a stereotype for us), I'm not a beefcake on cymbals, thankyouverymuch. I'm also a dancer and am on snare drum my fourth year in a row. ^_^ Sorry, I have a bit of pride there. But my point is to just ignore stereotypes, in fact break as many as you can. Have fun with your activities. ^_^
  8. Oooooh, BabyGirl you helped me remember a bruise story of my own! :D Okay, it was during my freshmen year, football season. School had just let out and the whole marching band was on the field practicing for that night's show, because it was homecoming and we were doing things differently. Well, since the practice was [i]right[/i] after school, I was running late. Someone had taken one of my sticks, and drummers are very notorious for "borrowing" their fellow drummers' equipment. So I was really pissed that I was late [i]and[/i] that I only had one stick to play with, and I just strapped my drum on and walked really fast to the field. Well I had this power-walk thing going on alright until I hit the grass..... the practice field is bumpy and old with pot-holes. Well, the drum major saw me coming, and she called out to me, and right when she did I lost my footing and basically did this somersault/trip over my drum, and the whoooooooooooole friggin band saw me. Being a freshmen, and the only girl on the drumline, I got quite a bit of crap for a while after that. And I had this HUGE rainbow bruise about 3" in diameter right above my knee for weeks.... hideous thing it was, and painful...... but the laughter was worse.
  9. Oi geez....... *ponders squeezing the series of Fushigi Yugi into a one-hour tape* :twitch::drunk: Well I haven't seen many anime, and what I have seen usually left me content at least...... the only ending that brings distraught to my mind is EVA's ending....... but that's because I watched the whole series all the way through once, and EVA is the type of movie you kind of have to go back and study a bit to really grasp it. So anyway, I guess I'm not really contributing much to this conversation, so I'll hush now. :toothy:
  10. Anna


    :bawl: I wanna see more of Trigun....... :( I've only seen the first two volumes and I don't wanna know the ending before I see it..... it seems really good though.
  11. lol..................................... *coughs* quite a bit more embarrasssing than what I've endured ^_^ well, yeah I've had my embarrassing moments..... daily ones, weekly ones, after a while they're just so many and trivial I've forgotten a lot of them..... but one that stands out even today, would have to be the time in Biology, tenth grade.... Me and my friend shared a lab table together, and that was a very bad idea because we [i]constantly[/i] laughed and giggled like 10-year-olds. And this class was held at 7:45 in the morning, so from lack of sleep, our systems over-exerted themselves for consciousness and were all the worse in hyper-activity. Well, this one day in particular, we were very silly. I could NOT stop laughing..... As events would have it, I had to use the restroom. Despite my pleas, my friend did not relent in her torment, and I indeed wet myself there in class. Quite humiliating, although I passed it off that I started my period or something, because I had preferred the situation to come across as nature....... rather than what really happened anyway....... :blush: SO yeah, there you have it! I know you all wanted to know, too. ^_^;;;;
  12. Anna

    Music Trivia

    Oh that's so easy..... Milli Vanilli....(sp??:p) Here's a question (and hat's off to you if you know it): Who wrote the famous piece *big tip-off search clue here* often used in weddings titled "Canon in D"?
  13. -_- Hmm, maybe I'm just psycho... but I understand Nakago... I mean if I hadn't known anything but what his life was like and had to endure what he did I'd be pretty bent of revenge myself. Of course, this is a fictional character, so there's holes to remember here. But anyway I know Nakago is/was ??? evil, but I don't hate him, I pity him. On with the cabbage! Back to boot I am neutral here.... don't ask I don't know. :hippy:
  14. Anna

    Music Trivia

    Providing the perfect background music for playing golf! :D lol....... heck if I know.....
  15. It isn't necessary to threaten playfully or otherwise that you're going to shoot someone just because you get pissed off. Mentally, it's equivalent to a five-year-old throwing a tantrum in the supermarket because Mommy won't get the toy airplane they wanted. You're upset, so you don't bother with self-control but just let it all out without thought of consequence. If you want your opinions to be taken seriously, don't act like a five-year-old. If someone disagrees with you, go boohoo in a corner for a bit and then come back out as an adult and accept differences.
  16. Anna


    lol..... I remember Dinosaurs.... MAN time flies! :bawl:
  17. Anna


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]Since I'm around Seph's age, I'm in the same boat. When I was in first grade, Alf was my favorite show. [/B][/QUOTE] Wait, how old are you??? I thought you were closer to like, 16 rather than 20-something.... oh nevermind me... anyways does anyone know how long the show lasted?? Like how many seasons it aired? I was thinking about that the other day, like if it was being showed [i]before[/i] my kindergarten year and I'm getting older than I realize :worried: or something....
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B]wait a sec, isn't it men and mice? lol, anyway, Yes I agree, as I said. They should only be punished if they are dangerous to the world/a country...etc. If they're harmless, leave em alone! why should the harmless be punished for being born that way? now if they're dangerous, yes, not sure, keep them isolated from groups of people. [/B][/QUOTE] No, the title is "Of Mice and Men"; I read the darn thing I would know. Anyway they wouldn't be harmless if they've been brought before a court for committing an action which caused harm now would they? We're not talking about the general mentally impaired public, we're talking about inmates who could recieve the death penalty. No one's talking about persecuting someone for being born a certain way.
  19. I think the decision of punishment should rest upon the point of whether or not the defendant's capacity of conscience is sufficient, mentally disabled or not. I know a mentally retarded person, but she is [i]very[/i] clever, and definately knows when she has done something wrong or not because she'll try and hide her misdeeds. Has anyone here read [u]Of Mice and Men[/u]?? That would certainly add more color to this subject. I'm not going to go into that book right now though, I'll let someone else have the fun. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that all mentally retarded convicts shouldn't be excluded from proper punishment just for the fact that they are mentally retarded. For example one who has commited murder that is mentally retarded could still have the same capacity for knowing between right and wrong that my own mentally retarded friend has. Therefore, excluding that one who has commited murder would unduely let them off from the vices of the law for committing felonous crimes. [i]That[/i] will not solve anything. The judicial system doesn't need to get lazy and make the prosecutions quicker by simply writing off a group of people. Each case still needs individual weighing and careful thought, as each case will forever be slightly different from the last.
  20. Anna


    Butter, or cooking oil, either will do. And I'm not joking.
  21. Oh for the love of Pete, some people are so frickin gullible. Who's to say those skeleton/bare foot photos weren't fake themselves? The setting of the moon is really easy to recreate I bet..... grey and black.... and oh, what's this? A skeleton? Ooh, how about we get a giant sandbox, get some poor-quality film and make footprints with our bare feet and say that the US government has been lying to their public for all these years because HEY those pictures are really from the moon! Psh...... please, I [i]highly[/i] doubt all that Chinese gibberish is true..... And on the topic of recreating scenes on the moon, I think it's [i]possible[/i] that the tape was fake. I in no way doubt that astronauts have been to the moon, though. I dinno, maybe they actually did make a tape up there but it got messed up, so they made a new one. ^_^ I don't know, I don't really care either. I say we've been to the moon because there's more evidence than just tape footage. It's not like it's impossible or anything. But hey, if you're the type to eat up whatever bizarre thing you hear that raises up a ruckus, be my guest... look like a fool....
  22. Anna


    The series is probably older than I am! I remember seeing that when I was in kindergarten, and I'm 17 (and I know it was kindergarten because I remember watching it while doing my kindergarten homework...... my kindergarten homework was special, it was different and so I remember it, because kindergarten was fun, I liked kindergarten....... has the word kindergarten gotten redundant yet? Kindergarten...). Anyway, so yeah Alf is no new thing, trust me. I remember laughing at it when I watched it (back in kindergarten) but I was 6 years old when I was in kindergarten, and who knows why 6-year-olds laugh at the things they do....... when they're in kindergarten. :D *walks out of the room* *comes back* .......................kindergarten! *runs away*
  23. Um, just ask them straight out what the heck their problem is. Tell them to either tell you or deal and don't speak to you. Simple. Tell them how you feel and then ask what's going on with them. If y'all are too immature for that then don't worry about them anymore. Find some new friends.
  24. Anna


    Uhhhh...... dude are you asking everyone's a/s/l??? I kinda had to read your post three times to decifer what you were asking... Not that it matters 17/f/GA. What, are you trying to determine everyone's credibility? :smirk: heheheh......
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]You can't prevent accidents, otherwise they wouldn't be called accidents, lol.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Exactly. They way I see it, you're mature enough to do sexual acts if you [i]know[/i] what could happen afterwards and are wholly welcoming to the consequences. If not, then why bother with the worry?? But if it's worth it to someone then it's their choice and risks, and I hope they're aware of the risks. You can't shove moral views down people's throats, being accepting and just caring about their well-being is more important. I guess that's why I'm more admanent(sp?) against pre-marital sexual relations than most; I'm just tired of seeing people get hurt.
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