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Everything posted by Anna

  1. OKay of course the whole mental state of virginity applies to those who have been raped. Good grief, make me come off as insensitive or something. :p In those cases it's beyond the victim's control, so it definately doesn't count. As you can see in my previous post I was referring more to Harlequin's inquirey of virginity being a physical or mental state. I wasn't pointing fingers at those who have been robbed and abused, since their situation isn't really their choice (
  2. Anna


    Alright this is what you do: First you need to douse yourself with three whole bottles of different kinds of cologne. Then proceed to the hair gel: if you don't use half the tube, you're being too careful. Then go and buy a turtle. Roses are very old-hat, and you always want to present yourself as fresh and new in today's scoiety. When you're all nice and smelly with this turtle under your arm, walk up to her like you see spies do in the movies; hide behind every single obstacle you can find: trees, bushes, lamposts, mailboxes, parked vehicles, etc. This is what will attract her attention. When you finally catch up to her speak with authority and dignity, this will show your confidence. DEMAND she except the turtle, and when she takes it walk away. [i]This[/i] will then cause her to call you back and inquire what in the world it's supposed to mean. And there you have it! You're on your way to candle-lit dinners and hours of deep conversation.
  3. The whole purpose for the term "virginity" is physical. Back in the old days (and I mean really old here) when some dude was looking for a wife, he would make sure she was a virgin. The leaders of the village or whatever would [i]check[/i], and they weren't giving her a CAT scan either.... Virginity is black or white; you either are or you aren't. Period.
  4. [quote][b]I hate to say this, but in my experience, people who bash other people for be more experienced, or less-pure(in this case) are generally jealous or inexperienced themselves, whether they realise it or not. If you haven't been in a real sexual situation, then you aren't experienced or mature enough to understand your own impulses, and thus, you shouldn't whine at others. I don't mean to be condescending or preachy, or anything; I only ask that you know what you are saying, before you say it. -Justin [/b] [/quote] Yes, that happens a lot. Everyone can have their own opinions and I agree that people shouldn't 'look down' on other people because of personal differences. Still, I [i]have[/i] been in rather sexual situations, and since I've lived and learned from smaller ones in the past I know what to avoid and when to back away, control myself or whatever. My stand is aimed to the ones who think immorality is 'cool'- that it's not. That's my own view, and to some it may seem prudish or naive but I couldn't care less since I have a good foundation for it. Anyways, just had to throw two more cents in the pool...
  5. Amen ssj chic. *high five* Self-control is quite necessary in maturity. And if "goody-goody" is not being horny all the time and a little badass then I'll gladly slap "goody-goody" on [i]my[/i] forehead any day....
  6. lol! I'm going to go with the benefit of the doubt on that one.... I think it was sarcasm. I'm glad other people see my point of view in some way though, sometimes I feel like I'm a part of a messageboard that's overrun by hyper-active horny little boys. :rolleyes:
  7. Aww, that's really sad. :( It's always worse when the young die. I'm sorry about your loss.
  8. Tori (aka QA) has the Trigun soundtrack, lotsa techno. It's alright, I don't know any of the titles though so I couldn't list them. Um, lessee...... I like two or three FY songs, they're catchy, Nadesico's opening theme, and.... EVA's music in general, it's good..... *sighs* I can't think of much else right now. -EDiT- Oh yeah, I also like the Kenshin stuff, mostly 'cause I just like the series. :D
  9. You are 73.5% pure. Hmm....... thought I'd get higher. And why the heck are people wishing their 'purity scores' were lower?? That's just stupid. You got what you got, it's not like you're going to be 'cooler' or something if you score a 0. :rolleyes: Kids these days.....
  10. Me "hardcore"? Heck no, especially in the sense it's been used here. I own two manga and have seen about.... I don't know really, I think around 20 (??) series, collectively. I've only seen Fushigi Yugi all the way through. Sorry but I don't spend my money all on anime, I actually have a life beyond it.
  11. Anna


    Mest, they're pretty good. I've got Cadillac, Mother's Prayer, and Reason. I want to hear the stuff the had on their first album, 'cause all I've got in stuff on the second album.
  12. What is it with dads and golf?!! I swear just about every dad I know of plays golf, my own included. Horrid game in my opinion, it's so boring. But again that's *my* opinion, so of course disregard it if you like the game yourself, no harm in it. Anyway, my dad got mainly new slacks (dress pants) and .... socks I think, the argyle kind. lol..... I'll curse the day when I've gotten old enough to get arglye socks for my birthday...
  13. Hmmm...... haven't seen that many anime to choose from, but I know of more characters than that off of DBZ... I'd say Misato of NGE, minus the sex and alcohol. Other than that, a lot of things in our personality fit, and we kind of act alike, so why not? I also wouldn't mind being Kaoru (sp?!o.O) from Kenshin, for an obvious reason. ;) I don't act like her really, and I [i]can[/i] cook thankyouverymuch, but having Himura Kenshin living in my house sounds **very** good to me. :love2:
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]Alright, Anna, I really liked your point about Misato. I swear you need to be a psychologist or else. You have a specialty for sizing people up and understanding them. I feel sorry for Misato because of what she went through and everything. But I still LOVE Asuka. And of COURSE she has problems, Anna. She's been through alot, too. Why don't you give her an analysis like you did Misato? [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Asuka, eh? Well, hers is rather obvious.... I guess I could elaborate and use lots of big words though... :toothy: Asuka outwardly demonstrates an extreme behavior of over-confidence. But, as personality analysis often shows, this extreme has a mirrored opposite attached to it. On the inside Asuka is on a shaky foundation which was laid in her early childhood. Family matters are crucial in this issue, as her own unit was entirely unconventional for proper emotional growth and dysfunctional in its prupose. Thus Asuka had to revert to an almost animal mind-set of "survival of the fittest". Any being who threatens her own success in her survival is a rival in a personal sense, and therefore Asuka comes off more cutting. But beneath she's also in an endless battle to conquer her past, always striving to prove she's more than what she was expected to be, so she won't become like her parents and share their fates. She doesn't have very good people skills because she simply doesn't have them, and for obvious reasons. For Asuka to let down her wall a little, an enormous amount of trust would have to first be established, and any progress from there on out would be small and cautious. Overall, even though not many people have the same past as Asuka's, she is relatable by her quest of proving herself and trying to compensate for a dark and painful past.
  15. lol *high-five to Elite* yeah I can't stand it sometimes..... it's like my eyes will just open and I'll lay there for a couple seconds, wondering [i]why[/i] in the world I'm awake.... and then my alarm goes off. It's pretty sad when my body can predict these things.... :drunk: And yeah, I have a kind-of job, I baby-sit from 8:30 AM 'till 4:40 PM for 3 weeks. 1 down, 2 to go. But hey, I'm getting $$$, so I'm not complaining... ^_^
  16. Heh...... I have no problem sleeping, I enjoy it very much actually. Whenever I am up later than usual though, I read, come on here a bit, or maybe watch some anime until I get tired. I've really been trying to get to bed no later than 1 AM, because I have to get up at 8 AM. I remember at the start of summer vacation, it didn't matter what time I went to bed, I automatically woke up before 9:30 AM :drunk:. I guess I'm trying to keep my internal clock close to normal or something.
  17. Mmmmkay..... Alex: I think maybe you're giving this 'crush' a little more credit than it deserves. She's just a girl, and don't get me wrong I'm sure she's a nice individual, but don't chalk it up so much. If this thing's been bothering you this badly, just go talk to her! Suck it up, bucky! ^_^ j/k, but seriously, she [i]is[/i] human, and I'm presuming she [i]does[/i] speak English. SO there ya go, talk to her. Just go and do it, and don't act like it's a big deal. Even if your world is currently revolving around her, act like it isn't, and you're just feeling like being friendly. Be cool-headed about this my friend, or you'll never get anywhere.
  18. Well Amphion, you make a good point there, too. I myself am afraid of committment (heh........ [i]very[/i] afraid ^_^), but I've definately gotten over a lot and would 'commit' if there was someone I was willing to commit with. But not for love, but for....... I guess as Piro would say, 'strong like'. :D I'm saving love, only gonna do it once. Real love is very complex, and I don't need to worry about that when I'm just a flirting/fun loving 17-year-old. Talk about tying someone down! lol..... ^_^;
  19. Heh.............. if your hand gets caught in a blender everybody, don't worry about it. Just ram your hand down it again! I'm j/k. But come on, basically you're asking all those who have been hurt before to go and get hurt again. YES I know that eventually it's all worth it. MY point however, is that it isn't necessary to start a quest right now when you're young. For Pete's sake, have fun, date around. Get to know a whole bunch of different people so when it actually comes time for "looking", you can know what to look for, 'cause you know what you like. It's much less stressful and you build more friendships/relationships that way.
  20. No this'd be the right section. Sadly though, I can't really help you. I've only seen the series all the way through once, subtitled, and I [i]know[/i] I missed some stuff along the way. My questions are basically the same as yours, and I've kinda forgotten anyway, because it's been a good long while since I last saw EVA.
  21. *sighs* But a teenager often lacks the foresight to able to REALISTICALLY see who they'd be waking up in bed with 20 years down the road. Piromunkie is talking about the [i]real[/i] thing, real love........ Love that would compell to people to embark on living together the rest of their lives in a bind, without intention of ever breaking it. And think what you will, but actually living with someone is HARD. You [i]really REALLY[/i] have to love someone to be able to hold out. And you need to understand, love isn't just.... *plop* love, plain and simple on your plate. It's comprised of compassion, longevity, sympathy, PATIENCE, sacrifice, humility, trust, totally and completely unconditional. A lot of these qualities take TIME to develope. Kids haven't really lived long enough for this to happen in the capacity that's necessary. -EDiT- BG, I can totally empathize with you.... *hug*. Somehow we'll make it! I mean there's lots of fish in the sea, right? :whoops: Heh........ anyway, I know how you feel. :)
  22. Ugh,... look, experience is a MAJOR factor in determining what real love is. Most middle school/high school aged teenagers haven't been exposed to half of what would make love last for years on end (and I am referring to real love, not the 'ohmygosh I just can't stop thinking about you, you're always on my mind, I can't live without you!!!!' love). Sorry, but most all kids [i]don't[/i] know about love, not nearly as much as they think they know.
  23. ........... isn't this a rather old thread?? oh well.... I like everything that demonstrates talent and originality, as well has having [i]some[/i] distinct and unique streak that sets them apart. This applies to all genres, classical to rap. No joke.
  24. Bush seems to me like that simple-minded, but good-hearted type of person. He's not a moron just because he isn't an elite intellect (though I admit I certainly wouldn't [i]mind[/i] if one of those was to run our country...). A LOT of people aren't gifted orators. It helps one's position, but it doesn't hurt as long as their actions make up for it.
  25. Whoa whoa now, I can appriciate wrist cutter's comment here. I'm not going to speak for him, but often for a lot of people, love [i]is[/i] ****. Love is one of those double-edged swords, so to speak. On the one hand, it can bring inexpressable joy, but on the other hand there is pain and frustration heavy enough to balance out the good. Don't tell me none of you have ever experienced that one-sided love for someone...... if you haven't then you haven't lived yet. It certainly isn't a walk in the park, and during those times, for example, love definately seems like ...crap. It's his opinion anyway, so back off a tad. :toothy:
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